This is the best focal length

This is the best focal length

DPReview TV

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@jaimevallejos8097 - 01.02.2025 07:16


@Mahatma618 - 17.01.2025 16:08

Maybe 55mm is the perfect🤔🤡

@eugenej4511 - 17.01.2025 12:11

I’m definitely with Chris on this—28mm and 50mm make the best combination. The 35mm feels a bit odd to me because it’s close to a natural eye view but with a slight crop, which makes it feel like my perspective is being squeezed.
On the other hand, 28mm feels much more natural, and 50mm is great for capturing details with a nice, slightly zoomed-in effect. Plus, 50mm provides a comfortable distance for photographing people—not too close, not too far.

@adamg3o - 09.01.2025 02:13

[smash cut to 40mm doing a Jim Halpern face-to-camera]

@Festvangelist - 31.12.2024 01:37

The 35 is by far better than 85 which is so limiting except fr portraits. The 28 is good as well. But the 80 is heavy and also had a 50 and the wider 35 or 28 is . I took a 24-120 zoom for vacation in the mountains and villages liked it but too heavy for everyday

@moyenaak - 29.12.2024 12:57

Nifty 50 is the best in my opinion

@RajReviewsDualSportPhotoGadget - 29.11.2024 18:15


@tacionaja - 20.11.2024 16:41

Great video guys! :)

@georgelpons - 14.11.2024 18:03


@houghwhite411 - 05.11.2024 09:35

35 with 70+ in my pocket

@ciprianadrian21 - 26.09.2024 18:20

40mm is the perfect focal lenght

@JikoMuskato - 12.09.2024 00:02

I had a lot of fun. I have to admit I'm on the 85mm side - or even around the 100-105mm. But they are rather close so the difference isn't that huge. And yeah... 35mm doesn't really work for me either. I tried it but I just don't feel comfortable with it. It really feels either too close if I want a wide shot or too far away for portraits. 50mm is okay.

@kevingoza - 28.08.2024 05:49

Hilarious, wonderful…and I am more conflicted than ever!?!

@petereverett780 - 19.08.2024 06:24

You're both wrong. OR. You're both right. Over almost 50 years of photography, I've changed systems 4 times. I ALWAYS begin with body + 35mm + 85mm. You need both. But you really don't need any more. I think of them as the two extremes of normal.

@K7.2023 - 29.07.2024 07:31

i agree with the fat guy!😂

@paradesos - 22.07.2024 12:59

for me i love the 85mm and i try to use it as much as i can . but if i have to choose only one lens on my camera (for a wedding photography for example, or a trip) i will choose the 35mm because i can use it in many more situations.

@urdr_urdr - 10.07.2024 06:23

It's actually 16mm

@Erengulacar23 - 09.07.2024 22:55

bro I love you guys lol

@DanielLasia01 - 01.07.2024 06:46

50mm is extremely versatile and certainly not a boring focal length; it trains you to get better at photographic composition. And oftentimes,a 50mm ff focal length is a cheap and buget friendly option for daily photography.

@DanielLasia01 - 01.07.2024 06:15

50mm and 85mm are two of the focal lengths I love the best.

@DanielLasia01 - 01.07.2024 06:14

I have always loved and frantically enjoyed to use my ef 50mm f1.8 with my Canon 6D for 10 years and that focal length is extremely versatile and produces extremely charming and memorable results. All the lovely photos I have taken fall within the focal lengths of 50 to 150 mm, thus, I partially agree with Chris' opinion. And sometimes, a 35mm focal length would include too many distractions into the frame and you got to deal with so many unnecessary elements in a 35mm focal length. The only primes you need when traveling are 50mm and 85mm with a full-frame camera.

@workdesu - 28.06.2024 09:54

i'm here like trying to figure out best route i should take to get from Colorado to Texas and ending up on Pluto sharing chips with a weird slime on a forklift 🤣🤣

@duncandrake2580 - 18.06.2024 00:35

Whichever focal length you choose please make sure to center your scene properly! This is set with Chris way too much to the left, half of his seat is cut. A little person in my mind tried to move the camera to set it right for the whole video!

@21Zymon - 16.06.2024 04:10


@Narsuitus - 13.06.2024 17:51

Thanks for the video. However, you are both wrong.

The best focal length is equal to the diagonal of the image formed when the lens is focused on infinity.

The diagonal of a 24x36mm full-frame image is 43.267mm.
The diagonal of an APS-C image is 28.3mm.
The diagonal of a micro 4/3 image is 21.6mm.
The diagonal of a 6x6cm medium format image is 79.2mm.
The diagonal of a 4x5 inch large format image is 162.6mm.

@giulas - 09.06.2024 07:17

So i guess the best lens when it comes to focal lenght is a Zoom...

@wtfkurtis - 02.06.2024 00:51

The 50mm, ladies.

@empGaming_Music_Movies - 12.05.2024 16:04

best lens own eyes = mm for you (hybride) ?

@toorandomenvi - 07.05.2024 22:53

middle ground.... 50mm and 135mm I dont need anything else

@SKgeostrat - 01.05.2024 13:42

Hey Chris, I'm a huge fan and look for advice. I've sold all my Nikon pro housings and lenses and would like to buy one camera, mainly for stills and a 24-70 f4 for travel, family, portraits photography. Eye AF a must. Any recommendation?

@the13thhour64 - 27.04.2024 01:46

I like both focal lengths

@the13thhour64 - 27.04.2024 01:46


@MasonPollock - 09.04.2024 20:55

This is the hill dying episode I have been looking for. 28mm and 50mm are the only focal lengths someone needs for telling human stories until you get to sports and wild life. because being better at photography involves not making a subject acting artificially for the camera, if you walk into story with guns blazing and a massive lens and professional body with an intimate and sensitive story you will ruin it for everyone and yourself.

@hubert12125 - 04.04.2024 03:59

I do like 24mm and 85mm.Glad I am not in studio with them

@s_t_r_a_y_e_d - 03.04.2024 03:35

the best focal length is a fixed F1.4 18-105 zoom (which doesnt exist afaik)

@jamesconradtucker - 27.03.2024 05:00

"Highly saught after"?, "experts"? I simply clicked on this video because the thumbnail showed you both preparing to do bodily harm to one another. Lol. Nice try, guys! We're still putting up with you. ; )

@jerclarkedotorg - 15.03.2024 22:19

Omg epic!

@coolbluesky4078 - 14.03.2024 20:26

best to worst: ( used mft and ff)
- 24
- 28
- 35
- 70
- 21
- 40
- 50

@ml.2770 - 08.03.2024 08:38

Why are you even having this discussion? You're both losers. The answer is 42.0 mm.

Hold it in, okay exhale.

@andreaszierer7235 - 03.03.2024 04:05

In my view, the best focal Lenth would be 20mm, for Vlogging, Travel, Architecture, Astro,...

@photobatya - 28.02.2024 22:50

This is the most stupid discussion ever. As stupid as photos by Chris and videos by another fat guy. The main thing is WHAT you are shooting, the subject inside of scene with light. The rest is not a target, but a way.

@ProbablyAnAmateur - 21.02.2024 20:07

what is this, try not to laugh for photographers?

@justinklemish7894 - 20.02.2024 14:17

this was such an enjoyable 8 and a half minutes of chaotic goofery. pure gold lol

@cnkaufmann - 19.02.2024 18:49

You two may be better than even Abbott & Costello. I’ve decided to buy both an 85mm and a 35mm lens. Thanks guys for the no-holds-barred review.

@billieguitar - 17.02.2024 14:36

No single f is the best! But one is the worst. 28mm equiv. Disgusting uncanny valley of a focal length.

@Image1Nation - 05.01.2024 10:05

85mm is the best focal length and my reason for the love of photography! I thought you’d go with 50 but when you said 85mm is the best focal length, I started fist pumping the air.

@rainlesure4690 - 02.01.2024 18:47

Although I do love 35s and 80s I hate 28 though For me, it’s a spot where it’s not quite zoomed in enough, but it’s not quite wide enough

@rainlesure4690 - 02.01.2024 18:45

Ima say wide is like 24mm and tight 100 mm

@djice1804 - 31.12.2023 12:57

I got clicked baited where is the punch…Did I miss it? 🤠
You both right. The art & science behind these focal lengths, love them all.
(Y’all such great actors)

@jmo2321 - 13.12.2023 20:04

24 or 28mm with a 50mm is my favorite small prime combo with a MFT body...I've tried and tried to get used to 35mm and can't. I find even using a zoom in this range the majority of my shots fall around the 24 or 50mm range. When I need portraits 85mm is definitely a favorite. Even cheap 85mm's are generally sharp and the length is long enough to get great subject separation but not so long that I need to stand super far away if I need to get the full body in frame. Have to agree with Chris on this one!
