"BRAINWASH" Yourself Into Manifesting Anything You Want! Real Law Of Attraction Secrets

"BRAINWASH" Yourself Into Manifesting Anything You Want! Real Law Of Attraction Secrets

Dr. David Snyder

11 месяцев назад

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Musing Wizard
Musing Wizard - 05.10.2023 02:39

1) create supportive identity
2) tap into neurology
3) feel your feelings
4) remove unconscious beliefs
5) take action willingly

found "use body for manifestation" important, watched twice; reminded of neville goddard's "the feeling is the secret"

plantman studios
plantman studios - 02.10.2023 12:06

The reason why what he teaches works is because we are energy beings. If you think negative thoughts you attract negative energy. The feedback loop can confuse you because you will meet people who attack you when you have a high vibrational state because they can see you are happy and they are jealous. You have to share your joyous energy and then they will receive it in a positive way. The happier you are and the more you share it the more people will respond positively to you. Rare is the person who doesnt want to feel good. I have recently discovered all this so I am currently in the analysis phase. You MUST like where you are, if you dont then you MUST relocate to where you are happy. Trust me on this one. Your environment needs to charge you up, not drain you down.

Wrist Brah
Wrist Brah - 21.09.2023 02:46

Stewart Pollard2020
Stewart Pollard2020 - 18.09.2023 09:54

Top bannana golden bannana David your a brilliant man my god I’ve taught you do well now bit more confidence please David

Mishal raza
Mishal raza - 15.09.2023 15:49

to be very honest, i have been into manifestation for more than 3 years. I have been doing a lot of reprogramming etc. But nothing worked out. Here I am still helpless. Not waiting for the circumstances to be changed but changing my thought patterns. And guess what? After many years of firm belief, healing, manifesting and reprogramming, I want to share my experience, and that is: NOTHING WORKS! IF MANIFESTATION WORKS FOR YOU IT MEANS YOU ARE LUCKY. AND YOUR FATE HAS A GOOD SCRIPT IN IT.
I really didn't want to say this but that is the reality I have faced.

Isis1111 - 14.09.2023 20:13

White screen is invisible, overexposed :O

Mike - 13.09.2023 06:48

neville goddard teaches different on action part. The action will automatically happen when you impress the subconscious

Dani Lopez
Dani Lopez - 11.09.2023 03:54

todos los dias, en todos los sentidos, estoy mejor y mejor.---por que soy un puto spartano...

Divine Blessings
Divine Blessings - 08.09.2023 21:45

three words....belief and faith and visualization...I leave rhe chat. I am going to watch the full video. Hope I.will get some tips.

Younica - 05.09.2023 15:06

I learn hypnosis since l was a child. Only understood of the power of it at 33 y.o. The moment you understand the subconcious programs of the mind, you reprogram them for the soul to lead you… And boom, manifestate anything you want. Still need to do action 😁
Ego wishes are the mind game and sometimes you wont manifest it for not to destroy yourself.

Tomaz Stopar
Tomaz Stopar - 04.09.2023 00:30

Could you provide what is written on the board, I can't see anything

Himanshu Sharma
Himanshu Sharma - 31.08.2023 23:32

I am very good in manifesting every wish that I have. Thanks universe.

Mary, Maria Pavic
Mary, Maria Pavic - 31.08.2023 23:28

That manifesting thing is a really strange and complicated one. I'm still trying to figure out how to do it better. I know you have to remove negative emotions that are clogging the system. Many years ago I wanted to learn how to manifest things out of thin air. So I read this book supposedly written by Saint Germain. I really wanted to, but nothing happened. Then, after I had forgotten ALLL about it! three months later while entertaining two people for a before-Christmas party, I ran out of beer and I wanted another one. I was excluded out of the conversation between my girlfriend and the guy, but I realized she needs help and he seemed to be helping her somehow, so I consciously didn't interrupt or try to interfere with any comments, and it was kind of dull and boring, but I was only thinking of my friends best interest. In the meantime, I was joyful and sitting there saying I wish I had another beer. Then when I got up to go to the fridge to get a soda pop because I knew that was the only thing left in the fridge, I opened the door and there were two beers in the fridge, one on the top shelf (to me) and the other under, on the second shelf. They were both covered in precipitation. I was shocked! I stood there staring at it wondering what I should do when my girlfriend said what are you standing there for, get the beer. And when I told them, but I didn't have any beer, that these two had just manifested into my fridge, she laughed saying, you probably had them in there and forgot about them. Haha. Yea right. They were right on the very edge in front, in my face. You couldn't have overlooked them. So now that I took them out, there were no more beer in the fridge, only pop. So I opened one and tasted it, just in case, I didn't want to be responsible for poisoning my girlfriend if it turned out to be a bad joke. It tasted just like good ole beer, so I opened hers and gave it to her. A short while later, I was still sitting there all by myself and now without a beer, and again I was wishing I had another beer, because I was far from even tipsy, whereas my girlfriend was already that. I went to the fridge and there were two more beer in almost the exact same spot but about a centimetre further. And the one on the bottom rack was tilted into the rack, which was probably my Higher Self telling me that my girlfriend is already tipsy. So, I took out the beer again, this time without saying anything, and I gave her a beer and drank mine as I tried to figure out how all this happened. I realized that it was because I was feeling joyful, and cared about my girlfriends health, and therefore stayed out of the conversation if it made her feel better, but I was also noticing that I could float outside of my body about a half inch from my physical form, like when we were children we could do that, look from outside of our body while being in our body, and that's how it felt, and then wishing and constantly wishing for a beer. Then because she was too tipsy, I called them a cab and they left, and I sat there thinking about what just happened, trying to figure it out so that I could start practicing to be able to do it regularly. But it is so freaking difficult. And another thing, I think there are alien interference when a person starts doing things like this which makes it even more difficult. They try to keep you on a negative emotional ride, and you have to have so much will to pull yourself out of their negative emotional traps.

You're a great teacher. I'm listening to this video a few times because you're correct. You know what you're talking about. Hey, ever hear Christ Thomas? He too says we have to get rid of the negative emotional rubbish in our bodies from the time of birth onwards, so that we can make space for our Higher Self to come back into our body, for the Human Plan to be completed, which means to get all our abilities back into our own use in our bodies so that we can be like we were in Atlantis before they attacked us, and to be also even better because life is an expanding and a developing, always.

Oh and p.s. (I know I write a lot, but I also have a lot to share), there is an excellent book which I had been looking for all my life because I was also interested in knowing about the Father/Original/Creator, since I had been first interested in finding out why the being named Lucifer was thrown out of heaven from our bible reading, and I didn't understand what the heck was that all about, so I delved into it to find out for myself, and when I found all I could and nothing more, I started looking for to find out about our Original Creator, and that's when I came across Theresa Talea's book "Eternal Humans And The Finite gods" (3rd edition) and it made sense. It finally filled in so many pieces of the puzzle that I had been looking to comprehend, and now I comprehend. Also another exquisite work of art for writing about the truth, is Thomas Troward's "Edinburgh Lectures," and "Dore Lectures." They can be found in PDF form on the internet. Exceptional intelligence that man. Other works that teach us we need to remove negative emotions are Carlos Castaneda's books, where Don Juan tells us we have a "Foreign Installation" put in us from some alien species that came out of the depths of the universe (Milky Way galaxy), and Gurdjieff who also tells us the same thing, that we need to remove the negative thoughts and feelings, and that we need to recognize how we dissipate our energy so that we could save it up instead, since, in our present state, we need all the energy we can get in order to reach our Higher Self to come back together again...since, those aliens, and even Michael Tsarion has found evidence in ancient texts, that tell us they split our 'mind' so that we would be trying to find our other half, and most people think it's some soul-mate but it isn't, it is in fact our own self, our Higher Self, which Theresa Talea describes in her book how when they attacked our planet, their death science technology being used which is artificial technology, had split our world into three pieces and they all run on different speeds, so that our Higher Self is in a higher level and that is why it is so difficult to reach them since they are as though cut off from one another. You could read about it in her book. The book Nag Hammadi Library with the "Paraphrase of Shem" is another helpful codex to realize what is going on in our world.

Benny Shomang
Benny Shomang - 31.08.2023 04:53

Being very lucky, I found this and applied it and boom! Miracle happened. Thank you so much David🙏🏽

Javeria Siddiqui
Javeria Siddiqui - 29.08.2023 20:59

big fan from Pakistan

paula - 29.08.2023 20:49

Ha! The every day exercise had me dancing around the room like a goddess coming up with all these words. That was fun!

Anna Anne
Anna Anne - 29.08.2023 12:00

Doctor please, i wanna attract money and job how can i use this affirmation? I mean how can i fill the blank? 🙏🏻
Every day in every way im getting better and better because…?

Stephanie Moore
Stephanie Moore - 29.08.2023 01:48

I am now earning $100,000 a year because I'm lucky and I deserve it

Stephanie Moore
Stephanie Moore - 29.08.2023 01:47

I am now earning 100,000 a year because I know what to do and how it works

Angelica Ramirez
Angelica Ramirez - 28.08.2023 06:51

TurntSteppinJoe - 28.08.2023 04:52


Cue Your Mom
Cue Your Mom - 28.08.2023 02:57

omg the sound

Becky - 28.08.2023 01:40

Confidence is an end state. It's something that arises from a history. I have a long history of winning. 😊

moonchild - 27.08.2023 20:20

This video means a lot!!! Thank you so much🥂❤️
You are the bestt

NickH - 27.08.2023 01:16

These are the principles that were missing from my study of Neville Goddard.

Prince Peter Stevenson XVII
Prince Peter Stevenson XVII - 26.08.2023 18:29

The best advice Dr D.S. has given or can give is Control Your State.

So simple yet so difficult thing to do. Hopefully I can take one of your seminars one day Dr D. . Sadly I live in a 3rd world country so it will be quite a financial challenge to get there ❤

Arghya Banerjee
Arghya Banerjee - 26.08.2023 17:17

I am an simple graduate and 35 years old insecure class. Can I learn and adapt this program for manifestation my dream career?

Yoko So
Yoko So - 26.08.2023 11:28

Law of attraction:

1. self identified as lucky, that generates a feeling and a set of filters

reticular activating system is directly impacted by body feelings, chabge your body feelings, change reticular activating system ( shifting conciousness )

good state first/powerful state before you do manifestation work ( a state of playful )

autonomic nervous system doesn't speak verbal language but it communicate to the other level and it uses sensation, visual, audigory, kinestic, gustatory, olfactory, gestalt's hierical images

The most powerful is whatever your autononic nervous system create, your autonomic nervious accept, if neurology creates it neurology accept

2. action

3. relentless determination

after you sent your manifestation and everything rely on your action steps

The universal persuasuion protocol:

1. knowing what you want
2. controlling your state
3. using your language
4. mananging the state of person or people that you are interacting with
5. bonding to their values, and bonding it to what you offer

Dezian Nicole Ry klawir
Dezian Nicole Ry klawir - 26.08.2023 05:08

A.H ❤ love her.

the pink COWW!!
the pink COWW!! - 26.08.2023 00:28

Hello. Thank you for sharing this. Something you said stuck with me. Bonding with a value. I stopped focusing on what I wanted because it had zero spiritual value or benefit to anyone. Now exploring spiritual and physical as one journey, it’s so much easier to understand the purpose of focusing on something to manifest. It starts with spiritual exploration of the topic. Why? What for???

Viper Vapors
Viper Vapors - 24.08.2023 19:36

I can't see his screen/whiteboard...anyone else have this issue?

Maven Braun
Maven Braun - 24.08.2023 17:57

We want Trudeau and his moles kicked to the curb for their forced dictatorship

Stratovation - 24.08.2023 14:32

A lot here!

Terri - 24.08.2023 13:12


Jonas C.
Jonas C. - 24.08.2023 09:43

Want to say thank you David for everything, you helped me out so much. ❤

The Red Cat
The Red Cat - 23.08.2023 19:17

Dr. Snyder, thank you for your wisdom. Could you share that meditation with us, or is it a part of your programs?

FlyHigh - 23.08.2023 19:05

I stumbled on this video. Just what I needed!! Rewatched and notes taken. Thank you so much Dr. Snyder.

Edenic Ananya
Edenic Ananya - 23.08.2023 15:41

Every day every way my life is getting better and better because life is full of fun and abundance, all i feel is limitless and blessed

Quanta Vastitude
Quanta Vastitude - 23.08.2023 02:19

They brainwashing them into brainwashing themselves

Nuray - 22.08.2023 19:08

Mine is a mindset issue. How can I overcome it?

Wendy McGough
Wendy McGough - 22.08.2023 14:48

Wow your content is so amazing thank you so much 🤗🤗👏🙌💃🕺🎉 getting ready to binge watch your channel 😀

PinkFurryHat - 22.08.2023 04:19

This guy kinda reminds me of RDJ. I like it

1111Purple Light Warrior c
1111Purple Light Warrior c - 21.08.2023 21:40

You gotta love this MSN. Great teacher

Gambilluminated - 21.08.2023 19:58

Everyday in every way, I‘m getting better and better, because I am taking care of my vibration! 🎉❤

G Gen
G Gen - 21.08.2023 17:11

I love this!!I have been following Neville for 3 years now and I've manifested the craziest things. THANK YOU!!!

Darkz_Beatz - 21.08.2023 14:25

Just discovered him today i love his techniques
