SAGE Memory and Thinking Test | Ohio State Medical Center

SAGE Memory and Thinking Test | Ohio State Medical Center

Ohio State Wexner Medical Center

10 лет назад

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@johnlanger7288 - 14.01.2014 06:20

I think that this a great addition to what is now available. I am 71 years of age and currently in the beginning stages of this problem. I have many concerns. My Doctor has tried to approach my problem with multiple efforts and not much success. I hope advances like this will resolve this issue for the next generation.

@johnryan2193 - 23.03.2020 07:42

Why not give the test for free on you tube !money

@robertuceda5121 - 17.06.2020 10:04

it's incredible the idiots who gave this neurologist a thumbs down 3 times. Just because he is a Caucasian guy who does not look exciting or whatever dumb biased reason. Losers!

@rachelcho9307 - 12.09.2020 03:52

The link no longer works. Is there anywhere else I could find the test?
