Why is Laravel NOT used in Big Development Projects?

Why is Laravel NOT used in Big Development Projects?

Stefan Mischook

1 год назад

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PabloIT - 11.10.2023 16:30


pastpapers kenya
pastpapers kenya - 21.09.2023 20:49

you are biased and a sadist

PlayStreams - 08.09.2023 15:50

Codeigniter is an awesome light PHP framework (at least before 4.0), now it's looking more like Laravel with this composer install libraries.

renegadosPL - 23.08.2023 15:43

I work in a fairly large e-commerce company. We mostly use PHP, but none of our ~150 services in our ecosystem use Laravel. All of them, if written in PHP, use Symfony, and I think using Symfony instead of Laravel was a good decision. Maybe it's my preference, but I think Symfony is great, but it has worse marketing. And I think it's easier to decouple the business logic from the framework when using Symfony.

ali zolfaghari
ali zolfaghari - 22.08.2023 20:49

Which PHP framework is for large projects?

cyrusol - 18.08.2023 02:38

"Heavier framework like Symfony", rofl - someone got 2008 knowledge right there.

Symfony changed a lot. In the direction of becoming a bunch of libraries that can work independently of each other.

Someone just including symfony/console doesn't "use the heavier framework". Someone just including symfony/forms doesn't either. Could go on.

The fact is that these days Symfony components are more reusable, and thus more easily usable within whatever project you already have. Laravel simply isn't that flexible. No matter how "popular".

That has consequences: it makes successful companies go with symfony overall rather than Laravel.

Matt Wilding
Matt Wilding - 14.08.2023 10:42

“With the exception of Ruby…”. I can fully concur.

Nathan - 07.08.2023 12:22

Clickbait title

Galleon - 29.07.2023 18:31

I love and still use PHP, but Laravel has issues, especially when integrating with databases, I haven’t used it in almost 2 years but has concentrated on WordPress; I hope it’s been resolved.

Winston Wolf
Winston Wolf - 29.07.2023 16:54

laravel is used for big projects. we were deceived, we can disperse

R V - 27.07.2023 10:10

PHP sucks straight up

nisemono - 25.07.2023 20:37

Even after moving to Javascript and becoming a mostly front-end dev after using Laravel for almost 10 years, I often consider returning to using it as my primary application framework over something like say NextJS. It just has so much functionality out of the box, and I don't have to obsess about how to structure my app.

The improvements to integration with front-end frameworks like React also make it very appealing. Using NextJS, I still feel like there's so much that I have to think about, though it definitely has its own benefits of course. Laravel has really given PHP a new lease on life. Symfony is great but it can feel far less straight-forward due to the focus on versatility.

3rd Twirl
3rd Twirl - 24.07.2023 08:35

How about pricing out to build

Alejandro Barrera Aponte
Alejandro Barrera Aponte - 22.07.2023 14:46

This is a strange and frankly uninformed take. Laravel is being used in large companies in many countries.

We criticize devs from other ecosystem when they say that PHP is dead and then we turn around and say that Laravel is not used in Large projects. Both statements are equally false.

Robert Gill
Robert Gill - 20.07.2023 22:29

time to write a new php engine.
I am thinking in c.

Hatakey Kakashi
Hatakey Kakashi - 17.07.2023 12:28

I am a Java Backend developer, and Just Used Laravel for fun , i was very familiar with php before so it was easy for me and i am shocked after using Laravel,,, speed is insanely fast ,, i feel Laravel as Extremely fast may be because I'm a java developer 😅

The BATMAN - 17.07.2023 04:13

Lol 😂😂😂

Bool False
Bool False - 14.07.2023 06:52

nice content !!

NotMarkKnopfler - 09.07.2023 23:52

PHP is the framework. The morons just don't get it.

Dan *
Dan * - 01.07.2023 13:53

I always create my own framework and the latest one i have made is lightweight and auto syncs the db with the schema defined within each class, and uses classes for urls using a handler with a default system class

Jan Słomian
Jan Słomian - 24.06.2023 23:16

Laravel may be more popular in the US, in europe it's pretty much a dead framework. Was at PHPers Summit in Poland. Everyone was talking about symfony. There were some international companies there and in their stack they usually had written either symfony or symfony and laravel, next to some ecommerce frameworks also built for symfony. I don't know why but it's just ignored here, which is a shame considering how much information there is in english for laravel.

Dennis Matsson
Dennis Matsson - 21.06.2023 16:39

unlike what feels like every webdeveloper ever, I am a proud PHP user.

delboy1978uk - 20.06.2023 15:33

Laravel scheduled MAJOR releases every 6 months. BREAKING changes EVERY 6 months? it's insane

Cbb Cbb
Cbb Cbb - 17.06.2023 14:45

I do not like Python for treating tabs, spaces, carriage returns, line feeds, and so on, as invisible reserved word. I don't like curly braces either.
Legacy means, among other things, it works.

RealParadox85 - 11.06.2023 08:07

Bruh looks like Vladimir Putin

epic gamer yt
epic gamer yt - 03.06.2023 01:49

Define 'big'? There are companies with $50.000.000 in funding that use Laravel, companies with over a billion dollars in revenue that utilize Laravel? There are countless hospital systems building on Laravel. You can use whatever framework you want, but as with anything, if you don't understand the core principles behind it, the framework is simply not the one to blame.

meniman98 - 31.05.2023 17:33

lol this dude is clueless

Crowley - 30.05.2023 14:21

My favorite lightweight framework is Slim

Moog Daroat
Moog Daroat - 27.05.2023 23:14

Some of my seniors said that php is not perfect for I/O intensive projects, and most of today's systems and startups turn to sync language, and php isn't one of those

backup - 25.05.2023 14:49

because its heavy asf xD and its not friendly at hosting too..

Pedro Zurita
Pedro Zurita - 03.05.2023 23:58

I love the consistent nature of Laravel. Always constant.

Web Master
Web Master - 11.04.2023 03:33

It is interesting how the old PHP was so bad, yet the biggest companies where build on them ie facebook!

BBQ Engineer
BBQ Engineer - 07.04.2023 17:34

Why you no likey Ruby? 🤣

Philip Neves
Philip Neves - 01.04.2023 00:58

I have a question for you. I've seen some of your videos. And this video was very interesting on your take of Laravel. I've been building a really large project with Laravel for several years now. Some of the issues I've run into it is the changes from one version to another has created quite a bit of breakage of my platform. My platform has over 2000 routes and going through and fixing them all has been time consuming. The changes to the framework have been rather large and resulted in lost time. This has been my experience with it. However, there has been some pluses as well. So my question to you is what sort of challenges have you run into using Laravel in your projects?

One of the things that I would say to a beginner in choosing Laravel is the learning curve. For the most part the best resource is Laracast which has probably the best tutorials for Laravel. However, those tutorials for the most part are paid tutorials. When learning Laravel the documentation on the website didn't really help as much as I would have liked.

Naimul Sayed
Naimul Sayed - 14.03.2023 18:56

Symhony was great years ago, still very good but feels heavy. Laravel is awesome. All depends what you need.
I even used Phalcon for light weight projects because of it's speed. If used to with any of these framework, other ones are not very difficult to learn. If the site is light weight and doesn't need endless features Phalcon will do the job and it's super fast. Because its written in C and comes as a php extension.

Maximus McCullough
Maximus McCullough - 25.02.2023 04:12

I totally agree. There is no inherent reason why Laravel cannot be used in big development projects. In fact, Laravel is a powerful and popular PHP framework that is used by many developers and companies to build robust web applications, including large-scale projects. However, there are a few reasons why some companies may choose not to use Laravel for their big development projects:

Legacy Systems: Some companies may already have a legacy system built on a different technology stack, and it may not be feasible to switch to Laravel due to the high cost and risk involved in a complete system overhaul.

Complexity: Big development projects can be complex, with many moving parts and intricate workflows. Some developers may feel that Laravel, while powerful, is not as well-suited to handle this complexity as other frameworks or technologies.

Scalability: While Laravel is scalable, some companies may feel more comfortable using other frameworks that they perceive as being more scalable, especially if they anticipate rapid growth and expansion.

Expertise: If a company lacks developers with experience using Laravel, they may choose to use a different technology stack that they are more comfortable with, rather than investing time and resources in training their team on a new framework.

Ultimately, the decision to use Laravel or any other technology stack for big development projects will depend on a variety of factors, including the project's scope, the company's technical expertise, and the specific needs and requirements of the project.

Richard A
Richard A - 22.02.2023 04:10

Does Laravel maintain backward compatibility?
One of the reasons why I code in Vanila PHP is because of backward compatibility. The PHP people really work hard on making sure your old code still works in a new major PHP release.

Yes, it takes longer to develop in plain PHP. But it takes less time to upgrade your code and run it on the latest PHP also.

If your framework dies, so does your code. An example is Kohana framework.

Programming with NIT
Programming with NIT - 18.02.2023 06:28

Thank you

Akou Bam
Akou Bam - 17.02.2023 18:22

Short answer : 'cause Symfony is better...

10 minutes of ASMR Vacation
10 minutes of ASMR Vacation - 17.02.2023 00:56

we moved from Laravel to php and saved 30% server recourses with 1M per mo uniq page views.

Khan Khan
Khan Khan - 09.02.2023 22:54

what is used in big projects?

Roy Black
Roy Black - 12.01.2023 18:43

Well imho, i think php is going to eventually die out. But before the hate comes, allow me to explain why I atleast think it is. It was basicly explained by one sentence in the video "young nerdlings dont like it" and guess what they represent the future of the industry. I am not a php developer by any means and have my roots in python and node with some weird trips into other languages here and there, and have been asked by my company to look into php/laravel, which i admit atleast in laravel makes for a good developer experience. But everytime whenever i see php developers raving about this great new feature in php 8 for example that i know have been supported for years already in other programming languages, it makes me just feel like php has been on lifesupport for way to long. Its seems to be lagging behind so much and others have come that just do things better and more efficiënt. People seem to have emotionally attached themselves to php and cant wait to see what its future holds and what great features it will get next, but the truth is even the big players that use php in its core(name a wordpress) are being overtaken left and right. Now i do think php deserves its name to be in the industry defining hall of fame next to other greats like say a Haskell, a Cobol, or a Pascal. But just as it once was time to let go of them in favor of newer languages, i think php should be allowed to be respectfully let go off aswell, it put up a hell of a fight but right now its being kept alive by the older side of the developercommunity and thats not going to last.

Luis Serrano
Luis Serrano - 02.01.2023 05:10

I think that PHP syntax it's beautiful 😍

Alex Chen
Alex Chen - 27.12.2022 05:09

Thanks for sharing, Stefan! Do you use Vue with Laravel on Studioweb?

JamesAutoDude - 14.11.2022 11:30

They don't cuz their idiots. Simple lol. As for PHP in general, even Facebook still uses that lol

Kord Taylor
Kord Taylor - 01.11.2022 06:17

Wow! Great channel. And your commentary shows so much experience. I need to tell a friend now. Great point about the legacy situation.

THE CULTURE LENS - 28.10.2022 12:47

Please I need help in understanding if Laravel is ideal for developing a Livestreaming platforms

dr0nerino FPV
dr0nerino FPV - 27.10.2022 22:19

The PHP is the porn of the programming languages line was pure Gold and so true.

Felicia Betancourt
Felicia Betancourt - 27.10.2022 04:40

In PHP 8, the "bad syntax" example you gave is actually much more succinct and human readable. PHP 8 rocks.
