How You Can Turn an NFT Into a Real-World Utility for Your Business

How You Can Turn an NFT Into a Real-World Utility for Your Business


3 года назад

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Maheswaran - a Madurai Guy
Maheswaran - a Madurai Guy - 19.11.2022 06:37

I love this video ❤

Smiley - 09.11.2022 22:49

Get back to me when it solves an actual problem. Nothing that NFTs do is missing or desired by the average consumer.

Aash Aaron Studios
Aash Aaron Studios - 02.11.2022 15:38

Ok. GaryVee I have followed you & your channel for years and you say YOU (or your team) reads every comment - Well I am prepared to partner with you and share 50% ownership of my 1st feature film I made which has an A-list Hollywood Star in it & before I re-release a director's cut of the film I want to create a SMART CONTRACT & NFT for the film BUT I have no idea HOW to do it? Work with me and USE my project as the POSTER CHILD in leading the revolution of feature films into the NFT/Smart Contract field. I believe from what you have said that it IS the future & best way to protect your ownership but I cannot find ANYONE to guide me step by step on the HOW to do it? USE me & my project as TEACHING CONTENT and potentially turn yourself into a NFT MOVIE MOGAL! Are you ready to tack over a new space in NFTs?

JustaDumbFarmer - 04.10.2022 08:30

Nft’s are teaching people to spend money on collectibles for eternity. Useless information that you can be charged for.

Edwin Love's
Edwin Love's - 28.09.2022 03:49

Remember to join projects you believe in, listen to the why the project exist and trust me you'll do well in it.

Paul Montwill
Paul Montwill - 01.09.2022 11:29

I admire how precise and logical your explanations are! So consistent. It helps understanding the topic.

Sypyres 2470
Sypyres 2470 - 28.08.2022 05:57

OMG. This is the first time watching this and you explained it so well on what I am trying to accomplish with my own NFT creation. I deeply believe in the utility business part of the NFT and it's the best way to have it exist 50+ yrs from now. Budz Buddy thanks you.

Inside Line Media
Inside Line Media - 24.08.2022 02:40

A.k.a. the Internet is significantly larger than the universe NFTs are the trademarks, copyrights and patents of earth companies but the Internet operates and many more dimensions than earth does for humans

Darlene Banfield
Darlene Banfield - 23.08.2022 03:32

What find you don’t have anything to sell?

Alin Fufuc
Alin Fufuc - 03.08.2022 22:56

there is so much potential here. thank you for always sharing your thoughts 🙏 I am learning to speak in a more thoughtful way because of watching your videos over the last year. I appreciate your pov on kindness. I wish you happiness and good health G.V. 🙏

Regale Productions, Inc.
Regale Productions, Inc. - 30.07.2022 17:28

How do I create an NFT site for a Movie or TV show which I am trying to raise funding ?

cherubin7th - 24.07.2022 20:10

Such a BS

Miranda Oliver
Miranda Oliver - 23.07.2022 02:35

Hi his me Miranda I am a victim of fake reality it is real life I give up no my dreams four good

Teru Palacios
Teru Palacios - 10.07.2022 09:18

Woooow this is f*cking crazy

Lo_Scum - 06.07.2022 19:02

Dude forgot that QR code’s have been a thing for over a decade!

Kathryne Regaudie
Kathryne Regaudie - 18.06.2022 17:48

Ok but does anyone actually know how to set up an account to start selling nfts as an artist?? I haven't found that info yet, as I've only found how beneficial they are. And the search continues on my end, but if you know the answer please respond to this comment.

OG - 09.06.2022 20:07

If seeing is believing then I'm a fully green Distillery that produces sustainably sourced alcohol from wild fruit.

DailyDrip93 - 03.06.2022 23:53

Understanding levels now way up

Pasha Kazatsker
Pasha Kazatsker - 02.06.2022 02:48

Gary's lack of understanding of NFTs is truly alarming, I encourage viewers to do some research

Ilonggo Dad
Ilonggo Dad - 26.05.2022 18:58

so NFT is a flex?! is that a right analogy?

michael smith
michael smith - 26.05.2022 17:39

Loool Charles Ponzi will be proud 👌🏿🔥🔥🔥

L. Porter
L. Porter - 22.05.2022 20:08

the Balloon Bear Expeditions

fabio brito
fabio brito - 22.05.2022 06:48

I'm gonna help a friend of mine who is taking a phd in technologies. By chance he decided to make as project, essay, a B2C using nft as receipts. They won first place, and He asked me to give a hand. I' m considering candy machine from solana, as suggestion for nfts generations. I'm still searching about this.

Amanda Wicklas
Amanda Wicklas - 18.05.2022 04:02

wow what an amazing clear explaination. So much respect for you Gary!

StickyRice1 - 29.04.2022 05:21

Thank you gary vee, you have inspired me. I started the creation of my project last year in August and am excited to launch it next month. In short, it is a project dedicated to poker enthusiasts! I am not a veefriends holder yet, but it is on my to-buy list!

Redline - 29.04.2022 03:17

Anyone want to buy some 1st edition pokemon cards, or beanie babies?🤣

Ankit Kumar Singh
Ankit Kumar Singh - 22.04.2022 02:59

Hey Gary hug fan, just a quick i know read the comments, i am just curious about DeFi can make a video on that that will be very helpful Thanks

Sensory Alchemy
Sensory Alchemy - 15.04.2022 11:26

This is a scam. Don't fall for it.

Jason Bourne
Jason Bourne - 09.04.2022 09:41

No closer to understanding NFT tech

Chiến Trương
Chiến Trương - 07.04.2022 11:18

you are my new idol

jotaro kujo
jotaro kujo - 06.04.2022 03:11

only if I saw this video when it came out. T_T

Myster Mobius
Myster Mobius - 04.04.2022 00:18

So, NFTs are mostly for vain & materialistic purposes?

Donna Mszanecky
Donna Mszanecky - 03.04.2022 17:46

Tribe Qoukka NFT's launched last week. Sold out in 50 min they also made the news.....

Mai Nguyen Lim
Mai Nguyen Lim - 29.03.2022 04:55

I love the comment about the future social public wallet because there's so much more to all of us than meets the eyes and it's great to be able to show the world the amazing things we've experienced and done - imagine all the NFTs we collect as we travel, attend events, read books, create things....I look forward to learning more.

Fletcher Sheeran
Fletcher Sheeran - 28.03.2022 03:54

Ok so I have been looking into NFTs for a while and the first 8mins of this 11min video just made it click.

Bliss WKC
Bliss WKC - 22.03.2022 17:48

Thank y'all so much dearest 🌹
Y'all such an inspiration 🥰
Appreciate y'all from the bottom of my heart 💖
Be Blissful Eternally 🙏👼🌈

Salvador Gonzalez Maza
Salvador Gonzalez Maza - 05.03.2022 02:34

so the value of living... how do you measure it
It is not about monetary value

jason west
jason west - 02.03.2022 04:37

Its really tough watching you on camera...I know you think your face is important and you're dying to be recognized but in all seriousness you have a face and mouth mannerisms made for need to back away from the camera so your audience can focus on your information and message and not your overexaggerated facial expressions and your hands in front of the camera just flapping around...Serious constructive criticism

Dammit Jim
Dammit Jim - 23.02.2022 22:48

Gary Vee's workshop on GRIFTING

Md Abdul Halim Miah
Md Abdul Halim Miah - 23.02.2022 13:13

U said98% will fail..... so its risky more thn gambling

Xrptonaire - 19.02.2022 21:04

I have this awesome idea but don’t know how to execute it

kelvin hamton
kelvin hamton - 12.02.2022 03:38

Wow man absolutely amazing video i was so confused when i see day traders making profit when the candlestick on the chart goes down now i understand well done man such a helpful video,,, I was able to build a big income stream during the covid 19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs katharine Borchert. This was really the day trading stratagy she used..... i can remenber that pretty well

Christian Dobrofsky
Christian Dobrofsky - 09.02.2022 21:51

The best strategist in NFTs!


thank you for all videos

someone not cringy
someone not cringy - 06.02.2022 09:13


Tony Vs Earth
Tony Vs Earth - 06.02.2022 08:31

I would love to grant access to my websites members only page. You think I can figure to that out!? There info everywhere about his to create an NFT. Can't figure it out how to use it to grant access

Yellow Boat
Yellow Boat - 05.02.2022 17:49

Thing that no one ever talks about is the gas fees. If I want to move my token somewhere it costs hundreds of dollars in gas fees. Can you imagine if mainstream get a hold of this, the gas fees are going to skyrocket even higher
