Marxism (with Dr. Richard Wolff)

Marxism (with Dr. Richard Wolff)

Sisyphus 55

1 год назад

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fivedriedgramsinsilence - 21.10.2023 02:34

Where is the video?

Set Show
Set Show - 03.10.2023 07:23

Prof wolf i have nothing but respect for you. However, professor I thought they paid slave owners reparation fee of about $300 per freed slave in the United States. Why do you now say slavery didn't end well?

GooseWithAGibus - 02.10.2023 19:31

Never knew I'd see these two together. This is awesome.

Common Wunder
Common Wunder - 29.09.2023 22:27

The Wests Neoliberal Capitalist hegemony is going nowhere.
The American Empire is here to stay for some considerable time to come.
They spend eight hundred and seventy billion 'a year' on their military.
This ensures that the Capitalist 'giant pyramid sales scheme' is the only system,
most people will likely experience in their entire lifetime.
Any fanciful notions that it's going to just disappear... is delusional.

Capitalism is a dystopia, a sordid game played by shady elites.
You can't kill Capitalism, no one even knows who the actual leaders really are?
From within a rigged political system... You can vote on a new four year manager,
but you can’t change the board of directors.

Their priority is to keep their society stagnant and always in stasis.
They use petty 'nationstate' nationalism to keep the 'vocal-locals' fighting amongst themselves.
When Western nation-states were covertly consumed into the empire decades ago.
Progressives and Conservatives are incentivised to constantly battle each other.
Sworn enemies... as if each, were the only reason they live in a dystopia.
The system needs you to hate the other political voices within your society.

That is why there is no real politics in the West. No truly left or rightwing party's are permitted.
Each party is just a different side to the same coin. Just an illusion of choice.
In the West, you have no alternative but to plug yourself directly into their consumer society,
filled with things to buy, glitzy billion dollar sports teams and endless entertainment.
The population are numbed senseless and distracted by meaningless distractions.
Or fixate on your political foe and not the prison that surrounds you.

Possibly that’s why the West’s intelligentsia are so dismissive of Marxists or Socialists.
Because it is living a fantasy, that western society could ever be turned around.
That the world they inhabit... has the possibility to ever be fair or nonhierarchical.
For a just and egalitarian Western societal system to be allowed to exist.

It is fantastical or just nonsensical to believe in any alternative.
Like those living within the 'escapist idealism' of Marxism or Socialism.
Those that run the West, that profit from the way it currently stands...
are very happy with the system... exactly as it currently is.
Coupled with the startling truth that the majority of ‘educated’ Westerners,
prefer it this way too.

Bowers - 23.09.2023 14:52

Noticing in this how funny Wolff can be - the delivery of "you are, to use a technical term, screwed" utterly creased me 🤣

gwho - 18.09.2023 11:18

Ive hward richard wolf on other podcasts, and his arguments he makes are appalling. He should he ashamed as an intellectual. Hes like the wquivalent of a fear-baded animated preacher talking about hellfire and vrimstone wgile working hinself up into a sweat and losing his voive - all theatric fallacies and sophistriees, no substance.

Krzysztof Bakalarz
Krzysztof Bakalarz - 15.09.2023 16:12

This was really interesting, but I feel Americans who are left oriented tend to think as the current war Ukraine as a proxy work, practically denying Ukrainians any agency over their own actions.

bigmac5911 - 13.09.2023 16:24

God. I don't know why I'm here. The way Prof Wolff talks pisses me off. He basically gaslights the entirety of history as well as Capitalism. To him, Marxism and Capitalism mean whatever he needs them to mean. His immediate reaction to anything capitalist or mixed economy with bad faith, and anything Marxist with good faith.

John Drake
John Drake - 09.09.2023 22:46

Is this truly what marxism is? Blanket statements, oversimplifications of history, and pointless predictions drawn from nothing?

Craig Marks
Craig Marks - 02.09.2023 19:38

We have to be optimist. If we don't shoot for higher than what we can achieve, we'll fail future generations. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on something I found, it's called "Green-Anarcho Trans-Humanism".

Stevie LaFleur
Stevie LaFleur - 02.09.2023 19:31

Its so over

Dougie Jones
Dougie Jones - 02.09.2023 17:00


Daniel Platt
Daniel Platt - 02.09.2023 15:17

It’s not Econ. It’s capitalism. Prof Wolff teaches capitalism. Marx is one option to develop a critique of a system that fails once every 4-7 years. you call that a stable system? He teaches the political economy not the utilitarian neoclassical version where the externalities are not factored in to what the real economy is actually doing. Means of production not the means of consumption. Critics of markets goes way back to Aristotle and Plato, by the way neither of them liked markets. It did not start with Marx.

Richy - 22.08.2023 03:56

How much food (let’s say a loaf of bread) would trade in pans (let’s say a regular sized skillet)

LifesShadowDeath - 21.08.2023 23:39

Richard's way of speaking reminds me of Ben Lewis, the professor from the movie Accepted. The information was great and made me wonder whats next for western ideology after capitalism.

The Claussy Gamer
The Claussy Gamer - 11.08.2023 01:43

Let us arm the homeless (unironic)

Nathan Sharette
Nathan Sharette - 10.08.2023 16:10

I love anytime I can hear Dr. Wolff speak, thank you both. When you thought Sisyphus couldn't possibly get any more based.

ssgdhg sdfff
ssgdhg sdfff - 08.08.2023 00:50

Workplace democracy should really not be that crazy of an idea.

SuperGirl 1000
SuperGirl 1000 - 01.08.2023 20:43

Marxism: critique of capitalism, nothing more or less.

Ignorant capitalists: it's bootlicking commie bullshit!

Will - 27.07.2023 23:49

I’m no Marxist, but I’ve read a decent amount of Marxist literature and find it to be interesting. This is such a small brained examination of Marxism and an even worse attempt to place it within current geopolitics. It’s like he time travelled from 1919, visited 1981, and travelled directly to the present.

MLG F1N - 24.07.2023 12:10

I watched this dude debate destiny lol

Adam Mesa
Adam Mesa - 14.07.2023 03:59

I could probably listen to Wolff speak for 12 hours straight

rahul gupta
rahul gupta - 07.07.2023 14:04

Dont we humans just have an intuitive reaction to submission and dominance? Placing a “leader” on top and a bunch of people working towards the goal through an organisation together. How do we get rid of that and enter “pure democracy”?

Nicholas H
Nicholas H - 13.06.2023 17:12

I’m waiting in intense anticipation for the failure of capitalism

Sebastian Johansen
Sebastian Johansen - 10.06.2023 18:30

Can’t people just leave their jobs in the US? I’d say thats a form of voting.

Ibnziyad Tariq
Ibnziyad Tariq - 07.06.2023 02:49

Again, like Kark Marx himself, great analysis, stupid solution

Freedom Works
Freedom Works - 17.05.2023 09:07

I wonder who is keeping Dr Wolf from making his Marxist dreams happen 🤔 ?

Shap Shane
Shap Shane - 16.05.2023 12:45

yes capital tends to accumulate in the hands of the few in capiralism, that does not however make employer/employee relations comparable to slavery; you have rights in one, while in the other, nothing more that shriveling hapless hope.

yovanii - 12.05.2023 07:03

more of a lecture than a conversation, but i still liked it

Storm Rider
Storm Rider - 11.05.2023 02:27

"What is the secular basis of judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money." - Karl Marx, jewish supremacist and freemason

? - 08.05.2023 11:52

We don't know sh*t about Chinese people, but they know everything about us. WE ARE F*CKED

Pool-Aid - 03.05.2023 22:37

He had me until he said China. Anyone who's watching China right now can see that they're crumbling fast. Unless someone takes down Xi and reevaluates to take control and regain the trust of the people through progress and wealth, very unlikely.

Not a good outlook for the world rn.

Mungus - 01.05.2023 17:36

The people destroying the world have names and addresses

Simply John
Simply John - 01.05.2023 00:53

I remember him speaking at my community college a few years ago. Such an outstanding brilliant speaking, but too many people asking basic cookie cutter questions, I wish I didn’t have terrible anxiety back then to meet and talk with him.

Gif G
Gif G - 30.04.2023 03:58

Really enjoyed this interview. Keep it up sad happy face! Or happy sad face Sisyphus! Great mind either way

Saros𓅣 - 29.04.2023 14:49

I think I have just been successfully converted to Marxism

Trayvon - 23.04.2023 19:25

Thanks for coming on! I agree with the democratitization of the Enterprise but I disagree with the Realist school of thought because smaller countries have their own histories and autonomy. We must respect and recognize that, (exceptions like false De-Facto states like DPK & LPK in East. Ukrainie) .
And its just Ukraine 🇺🇦, not "The Ukraine". Slava Ukarini.
Again thanks for coming on! I'll certainly be reading up on Marx and Hegel.

Two-Ball Tyrone
Two-Ball Tyrone - 14.04.2023 00:56

Fun Fact: Helen Keller was a Marxist.

Connor K
Connor K - 13.04.2023 19:03

Great dude, Great Ideas, 🏆 for most clickbait on a twitter

Misanthrope Plotkin
Misanthrope Plotkin - 11.04.2023 16:45


S M Castillo León
S M Castillo León - 11.04.2023 08:36

Interesting Sisyphus55. Have you try inviting Michael Hummer, David Friedman, Walter Block or Hans Herman Hoppe????

Axue Rennolds
Axue Rennolds - 10.04.2023 05:51

I appreciate that the podcast pretty much just platforms the man

Jacob Johnson
Jacob Johnson - 09.04.2023 15:04

Richard Wolff is a complete asshat.

He uses buzzwords and fear mongering to push an agenda he would never actually endorse.

He is the Al Sharpton of economics.

Fuck this asshole, and anyone who agrees with him deserves the hellscape he believes in.

Thomas McKinney
Thomas McKinney - 09.04.2023 06:53

My guy didn’t get a single word in the whole time lmao. Love dr Wolff just funny af

I-Love-CO Mountains
I-Love-CO Mountains - 05.04.2023 14:45

Awesome! Thanks, y'all, I really enjoyed the discourse 🤟😁
