Let's Play Outer Wilds Blind - Part 7: The Quantum Moon

Let's Play Outer Wilds Blind - Part 7: The Quantum Moon


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@Illuminati_HD - 13.03.2024 18:05

Love to see another video. I especially love the campfire scenes at the start and end. gives a real cozy vibe

Btw, I'd suggest the story of edith Finch if you enjoy story games. It somehow reminds me of outer wilds. Maybe just because its also from Annapurna Interactive

@crowbarjr - 13.03.2024 18:17


@thepenguins7564 - 13.03.2024 18:26

neat im early

@jplace524 - 13.03.2024 19:03


Supernova - 12
Asphyxiation - 7
Ghost Matter - 4 (+3)
Flew/Fell into Sun - 3 (+1)
Crushed - 3
Eaten - 1 (New)
End of Loop - 1 (New) There's a version of you still hanging out on the quantum moon with Solanum
Displaced - 1 (New) Gotta be careful around quantum stuff
Crashed - 1
Sand Column - 1
Total - 34

@IceFerret2 - 13.03.2024 20:16

Another enjoyable video. Seeing your reaction to the anglerfish made the evil part of me think Subnautica. The nice part of me thinks you should not try Subnautica. But, it is a great game.

@roborob4296 - 13.03.2024 20:52

You dont exactly die if your outside the range of the super nova. You just download and reset anyway.... But then that just circles back to the whole conversation of is sending your memories back in time the same as sending yourself back in time since you are still you, you just have memories of things that now havent happened.

@JJungleJapeson - 13.03.2024 21:17

I think Solanum only pulls up the rocks when you look back at her

@cyberfoxvii6253 - 13.03.2024 23:19

In response to the end of the description: It's simple, really. You were wearing your seat belt! 😃

Reminds me of a time when I was watching my sister play this game. She was flying manually, miscalculated her approach to Dark Bramble, and clipped one of the branches VERY hard, causing the ship to spin out wildly.

Me: "Well, probably time to get up and see what the damage is."
Her: (gets up, turns around, discovers that everything behind the cockpit is gone )
Her: "...The damage is... extensive."

@sergeyshubin352 - 13.03.2024 23:47

First hours of the game: What phantom moon? I have enough real planets to land on.
Later: How do I find a quantum moon?
At last: Quantum moon? Just take off and spin a bit until you see it in front of you.
It's incredible how progress in this game is measured solely by knowledge about it.

@robinvuorinen9402 - 14.03.2024 00:39

You got solanums alive / unalive situation pretty well, most people don't connect the dots. Since object in proximity to quantum objects become quantum ( aka exist in all possible states at the same time ), Solanum being on the quantum moon, exists in 6 locations at once. The 5 other version of her died there when REDACTED killed the Nomai, but the version that is on the eye of the universe remained alive. Scrödingers Solanum

@mapppkyc6698 - 14.03.2024 00:40

Meeting a living Nomai before meeting a living anglerfish is quite something. Dark Bramble was clearly having none of that. It was like "Hey! You! Forget that dumb comet and come here! It's time you see this thing NOW!"

@YannBK1608 - 14.03.2024 00:58

I am indeed proud of you for solving the scroll puzzle!

And yes, this game does feel bittersweet. That’s a nice way to describe it!
And scary… damn the anglerfishes! I allowed myself to laugh at your reaction because that’s what happened to all of us 🤣

@drowninafire - 14.03.2024 01:17

The rupturing of the Interloper's core is one of the most misunderstood elements of the game, from they playthroughs I've watched. Lots of people fail to understand it's already exploded and that's why the Nomai all appear to have dropped dead while going about their lives - they did. A lot of them end up thinking the comet is spurring on the supernova when it enters the Sun (failing to realize it only does that because the Sun is expanding).

It's always nice to see someone think about what they're looking at and come to the accurate conclusion.

People jump to conclusions and cling on to them a lot in this game, but this is the only common misconception that people reach at an end of a branch, which makes it the only one where they don't ever run into information that corrects them. And it's sad they miss the emotional weight of it considering how optimistic the Nomai were on the Sun Station and in the ATP.

@GoldenJLR - 14.03.2024 03:32

One thing that is interesting to notice is that the Ghost Matter covered the solar system so quickly that the nomai had no reaction. All the skeletons that you find were doing normal stuff. You can find them at school, sleeping in the bed or just sitting on a chair. And there is Solanum. The Quantum moon was hit by the ghost matter in 5 of the 6 places it can be and since touching a quantum object makes you quantum too, Solanum is dead in 5 of her 6 possibilities.

@Pratanjali64 - 14.03.2024 05:27

Loved the option in the opening dialogue about being proud of you for solving the scroll puzzle. 😂

@brentlehman5028 - 14.03.2024 11:57

I resent getting eaten too

@loganthrives - 14.03.2024 23:03

Honestly you deserve to pat yourself on the back for solving this so fast - you ARE a genius! Great job 💜 In many playthroughs that I've watched plenty of people forget the rule of the sixth location or misunderstand quantum entanglement or what to do with the shrine and have to visit the moon many times in different locations to get it. You basically got there and got to Solanum in a single loop*!

*I'm not counting when your ship bugged out and killed you - that was weird. This game loves its hacked together physics engine lol

@inter_acies - 17.03.2024 14:41

Ahhh those intros are soooo cute! Sad it's the latest episode so far! Can't wait to see the rest of your journey :3

@solsystem1342 - 19.03.2024 09:56

Fun fact: water is actually extremely common in the universe. So much so that it is one of the most common molecules behind like two hydrogen bonded together and like maybe a few I'm forgetting.

@Yggdrasil42 - 23.03.2024 00:04

Bekka you really have all the luck. Reaching the North Pole of the Quantum Moon without trying. Seeing the ice melt on the Interloper. People spend many loops trying to figure those out. 😅

@LGRuggeri - 25.03.2024 05:56

I really hope you figure out soon that you can take pictures with your scout without launching it. Would have made exploring the Interloper much easier!!

@annabunches - 28.03.2024 07:47

Solanum just watching you move those stones around, shaking her head in disbelief.

@LarsTheOctopus - 29.03.2024 16:31

The “puzzle” next to Solanum is frustratingly weirdly designed imho. 100% of players I’ve seen discover it just focus on the symbols and don’t step back enough for Solanum to start raising cairns, so it goes over most people’s head.

There’s a giant neon sign on these rocks saying “LOOK AT US, THIS IS IMPORTANT”, and you actually need to just step back and watch elsewhere. The only person who could gesture at you to look on the side is out of your field of view, because you just looked at what seemed most revelant.

@McMenger666 - 30.03.2024 21:21

I had to yell at my screen for almost 6 hours to make you read scrolls, but staying with Solanum till the end made me forgive you

@AninoNiKugi - 05.04.2024 08:58

Solanum: What is she doing???? Hey look at me! Hey! I'll tell you what to do!" Yo! 😔"


@-Bion - 06.04.2024 20:06

Wow... I'll be honest, I was pretty disappointed as you kept missing the game's early explanations of how to see Ghost Matter, but now I feel like I played the game wrong! Learning how it works in the location of its origin is so cool.

@SnowOfAllTrades - 12.04.2024 16:00

Solanum not putting up the pillars is an issue I've seen many people face. She only creates them if you hold a stone for several seconds, so if you are too fast at solving the "puzzle" you never hold a stone for long enough for that to happen. It's kind of a weird trigger, but the solution is really just "pick one up and wait for ~5 seconds", which makes it an impossible puzzle for impatient people xD

@tinystegosaurus587 - 24.04.2024 10:11

Water is actually super common in space, as ice. *Liquid* water is somewhat less common

@heroclix0rz - 30.04.2024 01:25

When you "die" on the quantum moon (or any time you're out of range of the supernova and you see the nomai pattern reset you) it's basically that you died of other causes later. Maybe oxygen, starving, old age, whatever. All you know is the ash twin project took its snapshot of your memories and sent it back to the next iteration.

@gavindoherty7809 - 01.05.2024 23:13

I love how you got so far with the Quantum moon quest without actually looking at it in space for so long.

@alexredcherry88 - 23.05.2024 20:51

"I'm a genius!" - that's the spirit! Love it.
You were been too harsh on yourself in previos episodes.

@mattlong4014 - 24.05.2024 17:13

I love that you flew to Ember Twin to track the quantum moon, and as soon as you took off the quantum moon was right in front of you but you didn’t notice 😂😂

@VaShthestampede2 - 29.05.2024 03:23

Why did shooting the scout at the moon seem to work when it disappeared upon entering the moon? I thought it disappeared if your scout wasn't watching it actively.

@alexwardlow178 - 12.06.2024 22:51

You most certainly did earn it. In regards to solving the North pole puzzle. My congratulations to you for figuring something out that stumps most people. :)

@cyl_genderfluid-furry - 28.06.2024 20:41

1! Solonum is best gal, not that I entirely know what that means.
B! Death by voring is by far one of (if not) the best way to go.
Last! Did you know IRL, it's actually pretty difficult to fly directly into the sun? The fact that autopilot will so often take you there is actually pretty impressive considering this game runs on an actually fleshed out and followed physics system.

@BeccaBytes - 13.03.2024 21:15

This MIGHT have been my favorite recording day (I did even more on this day, you'll see in the first half of the next episode). Hard to decide between that and the actual final day of recording because the ending of the game is so good. But I'd argue this was my most productive day of recording- I made a LOT of huge strides forward in one day because everything was falling together and it was EXTREMELY satisfying!

But also sad because our Nomai bestie was dead/not dead/the loneliest person in existence. :(

EDITED TO ADD: On the Solanum rock pillars moment- if you have eagle eyes you can spot I do look at her a few times during the sped up sequence (you gotta look fast because it’s 7-8 minutes that I condensed into 7 seconds haha). When I was editing I got curious and looked it up to see if it was an issue for other people, and it’s a somewhat common issue for the pillars to not trigger properly. Some people even have to reboot to fix it! I’m happy that did not happen to me at least. Maybe Solanum was just initially shocked at my appearance and processing things 😆
