Switching to Arch Linux | Part 1 | 10 Day Challenge

Switching to Arch Linux | Part 1 | 10 Day Challenge

Chris Titus Tech

5 лет назад

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@Lars-ce4rd - 21.05.2023 00:37

I pretty much went straight from Windows to Arch Linux many years ago as my first Linux experience and I haven't looked back. It's perfect for coding or standard computer use. I still run Windows on my desktop because I like gaming, but I'd drop that immediately if I could. Unfortunately the gaming compatibility is just superior on Windows.. There's a steep learning curve and some hurdles getting into Arch, but once you get into it, which isn't as frightening as it seems initially, you wouldn't want any other Linux distro. If you run Linux, you run it for that bloat-free and customized experience which no other distro excels at like Arch, in my opinion. You build it yourself. You will get it working and be productive quickly, but you could be polishing it to your liking for years in ways you could never do in Windows or macOS.

@kumarsampurn6291 - 19.05.2023 10:08

Should i follow this in 2023 knowing ARCH needs update every week HELPPPP PEOPLEEEE

@SudoLinux - 05.04.2023 12:29

nice you can finally relate to saying
'i use arch, btw'

@uMalice - 30.11.2022 23:42

I tried it. I experienced pacman and reinstalled debian.

@andreidandu3799 - 01.09.2022 03:48

Actualizat configurația aplicații Google

@sjatkins - 10.06.2022 00:50

Yeah, I have avoided Arch because I heard it is a pain in the ass and I have been using linux for over 20 years. Just the package manager crowd makes me think it is poorly thought out. I mean in ubuntu or debian I pretty well can do everything with apt and dpkg and now and then a snap.

@Teymuur - 30.03.2022 21:10

As a debian user I am installing arch just to say I use arch by the way

@walkergoff3127 - 08.02.2022 02:37

Try Garuda. I like it better than Manjaro.

@slackmaster1970 - 15.12.2021 11:41

ive used arch but my preference is slackware .

@lucfrans4497 - 04.12.2021 19:58

Hi Chris,
After a decade of trying, tinkering, trying dual boot with windows, trying virtualisation, trying to put the ssd of my laptop into my desktop witch caused the motherboard to crash on one or two machines I decided to get me a new motherboard and processor and start from a bare metal install to build myself a brand new linux pc because I don't like the arrogance Windows is using by thinking "we'll boost up specs and the market will follow anyhow". Wrong guess . I've decided to start with Linux because i'm running linux mint for a few years now on a 12 year old laptop and is doesn't have any issues witch it had when running windows. Now am in the twilight zone about the choise of witch version to install on the boot disk. All the Debian derrivatives work fine and very smooth but have to be updated every six monhts. On the other hand I have more of a preference for arch-based systems but the instability scares me of a bit. Witch one could you advice. I have to addI'm not scared of using terminal applications I just don't know much about the commands I have to use other than the ones I copy and paste from the web video's

@henrikfahlen5730 - 25.10.2021 09:48

i ran linux mint for a while. but now i am running linux arch with plasma kde. and then I'm pretty new to linux from Sweden

@franciscoromero7386 - 23.08.2021 22:02

Mucha mamada, la verdad ni es tan difícil.

@abdelhalimmohamed2864 - 20.06.2021 13:15

is arch lightweight and good for old laptop?

@walterlesaulnier7364 - 15.05.2021 05:11

Playing with installing Arch at least several times in a virtual machine with a variety of differences and then finding solutions to problems is an awesome way to learn as a few small steps towards a bare metal install. *Unless you have an extra computer to do that on.

@luluslovebear - 10.04.2021 13:13

Try Arco Linux

@mwenn8136 - 08.04.2021 02:31

All of the misinformation in this video. Pacman is great no point in YAY or Pamac... Just complicates things for no reason.

@scavanger1000 - 07.04.2021 00:38

Can yay not install pacman stuff? Paru can

@MattMcCullough - 27.03.2021 01:08

Arch is now my go to distro

@walterazbill463 - 16.03.2021 04:22

My first experience with linux is Arch. I've needed to restart 4 times already. I've managed to load up openbox and i3, but most of the tutorials I've seen have been using/experimenting with packages I later don't care much for, so I'm doing it 1 more time to really get an understanding of each package.

@LegalesePodcast - 20.12.2020 19:49

I have been using manjaro gnome almost exclusively for a few years and when I try and install arch I can't even get the mother fucker up and running. After 2 failed attempts I tried getting really proficient doing pretty much everything I need in Manjaro from CLI- A couple months later I'm comfortable doing everything I need by terminal and still couldn't get arch to install well

@Souls4Roca - 06.10.2020 21:20

watching this after years and remembering that pamac( the manjaro pacman front end) also works on the terminal with aur build in xD

@HouseOfAlastrian - 16.07.2020 13:09

Ever since I dived into Linux as part of my IT Networking course at TAFE (in Australia) last year, where they taught us to use CentOS, I've been tumbling deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of Linux... researching so many different distros, looking for what I can do for gaming, what I can do for a distraction free writing machine so I can get my other career as a novelist off the ground and minimise procrastination...

Where I'm at now... mastering Arch Linux is my long term goal. So much freedom to be had in that distro... but that freedom definitely comes at a cost of taking the time to figure it all out.

@phani6544 - 29.06.2020 09:02

U r not Kevin Spacey.
Maybe you are

@hareeshkumar3266 - 15.06.2020 13:22

Please do 10 days challenge on Kali Linux and use it for ur normal work...

@TheRangeControl - 15.06.2020 08:26

Do arch commands work the same as Debian commands?

I'm new to Linux. I know package management and desktops are different, but what else?

@schissgring - 21.05.2020 19:47

Arch pffff this seems easy, i've herad abot Linux From Scratch, that seems like a pain

@gabrieltavares222 - 01.04.2020 20:42

Chris has the blue mangekyao sharingan🙀🙀🙀

@atillatuncer7989 - 03.03.2020 18:49

Hey Chris, how about making a "Reaction" to your 10 Day Challenge switching to Arch Linux?
Seeing how you nowadays fly through Arch, this could be quite funny :D

@theroyalaustralian - 19.02.2020 08:00

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) is what I get when trying to add the repository

@theroyalaustralian - 19.02.2020 08:00

how to upgrade ubuntu to arch

@RoKishDubbz - 23.11.2019 07:37

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Btw, I use Arch
And you should, too

@informativecontent4778 - 06.11.2019 00:01

manjaro is the best linux distro

@Casper-bj6po - 22.10.2019 20:46

I thought arch had the best and newest repos?

@_OOTP_ - 21.09.2019 15:15

Great video man, thanks.

It is ok to swear, you know.
It always amuses me when people try not to swear.

@MyReviews_karkan - 06.09.2019 06:33

I have installed arch and I hated it. You have to install everything yourself. Why go through all of that and manjaro exists. It was annoying. Back to debian 10 ftw

@ez_krk - 03.09.2019 17:35

you should share screen for more involvement into your videos, else sound is enough x)

@b747xx - 28.08.2019 04:24

Don't try Arch Linux... Do try Gentoo instead!

@xyzzy-dv6te - 22.08.2019 22:40

Arch Linux really isn't that hard to install. You just need to test internet connection, set keyboard and language, partition the disk, format the partitions, generate fstab, install base packages, create root account, set hostname and timezone, install the bootloader - something done by most installers of other distros
EDIT: If you don't feel confident, try installing it in a VM first

@mattitalks6261 - 20.08.2019 21:59

I beenon and off trying arch but really been using it about a week. Once every thing is setup it seems work batter then the other distros.i like using makepkg for the aur but I honestly dont have that many stuff from it other. Then codecs i needed and the thing for steam. I still can get skyrim voice sound to work but thats the same on any other distro. I dont like manjaro their is to much blootware one in it. Ubuntu is ok but its not up to date enough. I try to stay away from debain based distros cuz it the same acrosss the board. My 2nd fav distro would have to be fedora

@salcolonsc - 14.07.2019 21:11

You would have had an easier time with KDE. I think the guy that told you to use XFCE was having a laugh, lol. When you reinstall, use KDE.

@MrKvik79 - 23.05.2019 23:40

Next time gento :)

@dark9809 - 08.05.2019 06:54

I'm using packer :P

@samukelo1973 - 06.05.2019 05:55

Somebody please help me I need to get Microchip Pickit2 for microcontroller programming working. It used to work ok for both Manjaro and Mint, but all of a sudden it complains of libusb on both distros.

@aitchpea6011 - 02.03.2019 21:28

I know it's a bit late now, but have you checked out the xfce goodies project? All the most commonly used xfce plugins in one easy package.
