Well they Deleted Gaddafi sis so I hope you know cause we in Ghana 🇬🇭 remember this so we say he did nothing for Africa as well 🙏
Ps: Great job Brother Phil❤️❤️
Obama, then nothing for Black people
ОтветитьPiss poor legacy
ОтветитьNo he nothing for Heterosexual Black Americans
ОтветитьIt's more like black culture failing black America!!! When you suck it's your own flat in almost all cases!! Blacks do the worst in all African Nations and the best in America because only 13% of America is black!!
ОтветитьYou can't even name 3 things that Berry did for Black People
ОтветитьObama is just a puppet!
ОтветитьThat’s what Jesse been telling you boy
ОтветитьObama did nothing for anyone in America
ОтветитьHe’s funny of it
ОтветитьIt's sad the way he did nothing for us 12 years and wa ts us to give him a 4th term, out for self. Remember he's got more white than black can't you see that the way we've been treated.
ОтветитьAnother in Blackface working for Hitler Ideals.
ОтветитьObama did nothing for any working class people White ,Black ,Latino or Asian people
ОтветитьNever respect him in our blk community he did nothing for us people
ОтветитьObama gave Obama phones, with tax dollars. Obama did plenty for Obama.
ОтветитьSmart man. We knew at the get go,sadly. Is this woman still in obamas court. He sure made himself look like a fool over the last few days. never been a fan, but thankful so thankful so many of Americans black citizens have super intelligence to pick up on this. Thank you sir for taking a stand for truth. Im Gammy on top of house iPad.
ОтветитьAnd if you elect Kalamity you get the same !😩
ОтветитьHe failed all of us Americans not just black
Democrats owned the slaves,
Democrats fought to keep the slaves,
Democrats started the KKK,
Democrats instituted the Jim Crow laws,
Democrats unanimously voted Against civil rights legislation.
Democrats have never given a damn about Blacks!
Predatory behavior by that grandma,keep your children away from her
ОтветитьObama got paid for his job only and left out. Nothing done at all for Black Americans. We must help ourselves.
ОтветитьYes way
ОтветитьThis man is 100% correct. I’m formally from Chicago and he’s alway shitted on black people.
ОтветитьWhat has race got to do with food and gas ???????
ОтветитьCongress runs the USA not the president they vote on what is to be done to benefit you
ОтветитьYou are saying the truth brother.
Ответитьyou failed yourself don't blame on Obama
ОтветитьShame on a man who was once President.Obama is Communist.
ОтветитьShow us just one Black family you helped out of poverty Barack Obama
ОтветитьObama is nothing but a frog flip flop like Kamala 😢
ОтветитьAmen...Barack Obama is a Muslim
ОтветитьLots of bankers became richer and thousands of black people lost generational wealth, through the loss of home ownership. One of the greatest transfer of wealth in American society. That was Barack Obama's legacy.
ОтветитьI have been saying this forever. He did nothing for us but collect our vote, and Harris is going to do the same.
ОтветитьNowhere in Philip Scott's comments did he say what black America wanted from President Obama. If you want something from a politician, you can't be passive; you have to petition for and demand it. Perhaps, these other groups he mentioned spoke up for what they wanted. For example, LBGTQ wanted civil rights legislation, but blacks already have that. But what did other groups get from Obama? Mr. Scott makes assertions but with no examples. He implies there were things Obama should have done "for blacks only" but gives no examples. Do such "for blacks only" things exist? Is there "for blacks only" healthcare or are there "for blacks only" jobs, and housing? There are not. Thus, if blacks are disproportionately harmed by problems in healthcare, jobs and housing it would seem that Obama's achievements in healthcare, jobs and housing would disproportionately benefit blacks.
ОтветитьAnd today that’s all she could talk about was the abortion I thought it was left up to the states where a woman can get a abortion what man is stopping a woman from getting a abortion🤔
ОтветитьAnd today that’s all she could talk about was the abortion I thought it was left up to the states where a woman can get a abortion what man is stopping a woman from getting a abortion🤔
Ответитьrepeating something over & over comes before a lie.
ОтветитьObama and Kamala’s biggest shame is being linked with African or Black heritage, which they clearly despise. They’re the type to sit with white folks, laughing about Haiti and the downfall of Blackness, then patting the Western world on the back for putting Haiti and Black folks in their place. Haiti’s legacy, which the world benefits from, is built on the Haitian revolution of 1804—a date celebrated across the globe. Long live Haitianism!
ОтветитьShut up Uncle Ruckus
ОтветитьObama is not an American black! Ben Carson was right!
ОтветитьObama…. dad was African mother Jewish and raised primarily by her…culturally, he is not a BLACK american man
ОтветитьBarack Obama in a 2021 podcast explained that his "opposition to Reparations was partly due to the politics of white resistance and Resentment" during his presidency.
He noted that the backlash against affirmative action and the perception of "welfare queen" and the "undeserving poor" made him believe that a push for Reparations would be met with resistance and potentially be counter productive.
Barack Obama should stop talking about Reparations and start giving Reparations to girls of Libya who were auctioned online as slaves as a result of his policy in Libya.
Black América disappointed themselves
ОтветитьDon’t speak for everyone