Forced to Marry Al Qaeda:  Confessions of an “Ex-Muslim” ft. Yasmine Mohammed

Forced to Marry Al Qaeda: Confessions of an “Ex-Muslim” ft. Yasmine Mohammed

Cults to Consciousness

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@MagdalenaBozyk - 18.05.2024 11:24

There are versions of the system "Islamophobia" uses, and I don't know which came first. For Example, there is a true Islamophobia in the west, and this usage she describes dilutes the term.

For example, Israel uses "Antisemitism" for everything that is just a criticism against the country's politics. I can have ideas of what I think of their politics, without thinking bad things about people who are Jews (whether religiously or by blood). Which dilutes the actual meaning of the word.

Out-of-Europe immigrants have been using the term "racism" similarly to "Islamophobia". There exists structural and mental Racism connected to the typical "fear of others", but the term has been used to just stifle all criticism.

Now Russia is doing this, pointing out Western Europe as being Russia-phobics.

@suzannegriffiths4795 - 18.05.2024 11:23

The people who demonise are not worth chasing. Their thinking is obviously not good.
Dont expect anything good from such people. It is only those who love the truth who respond well to the truth. Most people now seem to despise what is true unless it is to their benefit. This is because most people have left the absolutes of God. And God is. But His name was never Allah. And His way of salvation was sacrificing Himself for our redemption. Ignoring God just leaves a sea of details, no absolutes. Like walking in shifting sea sand.

@suzannegriffiths4795 - 18.05.2024 11:15

Q How does a person believe in the Koran and yet believe in human decency/freedoms? If the Koran espouses rape, sexual slavery, pedophilia, control, murder, etc are ceebrated in the book, as they are.

@tsf637 - 18.05.2024 10:41

I’m glad she is speaking out and telling the truth of these issues

@suzannegriffiths4795 - 18.05.2024 10:13

Im not sure why you said that this has been building for 50 or 60 years. Muslims have wanted to take Israel and rape and use Israeli women as slaves even before Israel became a nation, as proven by Mohammeds words and actions. This is a spiritual problem as shared by the Prophets in Israel such as Isaiah, Zechariah, Joel, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, and Zephaniah.
Its important that God says that He expects His people to repent and be pure, righteous, of love. Without His redemption from sin and corruption, there is nothing to stop the tide of evil from corrupting even us. We need to trust in Hashem and ask Him to change and guide us.

@suzannegriffiths4795 - 18.05.2024 09:53

I think you are missing that the radical muslims are working for the endgame; to take the whole world by force. Anything less is not worth anything to them, not even their own families. This is according to the Koran. It is the whole "religion" that is evil. So anyone calling themselves a muslim are complicit with extreme evil.
Sexual slavery, rape and pedophilia are all encouraged in the Koran.
It's time to tell ourselves the truth.

@lucindajennings148 - 18.05.2024 09:33

sounds like the citizens of Gaza are just...the hostages of Hamas

@meimunag - 18.05.2024 08:48

As a Muslim, I feel sad and angry on her behalf. I think that people of any religion have extremism as a problem. People will use tools as weapons for their own sense of power. And it’s beyond destructive. But I do have to say she has a lot of “facts” about the Quran that is off. For example she says the Quran says how to kill gay people. That is simply false. Also FGM is not Islamic - it’s justified by certain people but when you look at the sources to prove this is “Islamic” the sources are not reliable. Again this is not to gaslight her. I can understand her path and why she had to deconstruct this kind of “Islam”. But just FYI as a Muslim I don’t claim this version of religion.

@themuse. - 18.05.2024 08:06

This happens in all major religions, does not mean it represents the religion. Plus, out of context translations of verses of holy books are very misleading. Example from the Bible: 1 Timothy 2:12 “But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”

@rajeeshn5890 - 18.05.2024 06:21

All religion's should be questioned

@Lin1Lin2Lin3Lin4 - 18.05.2024 06:10

May you both be deeply blessed for all the good work you do. Thank you for having a voice in a world that tried to eat your souls

@alyssasanchez3587 - 18.05.2024 05:31

Wow, this was an incredible interview and story. She is so well spoken and empowering. I hope so many people can see this. She is so strong, powerful and beautiful.

@shahad1982 - 18.05.2024 05:23

Yasmeena is my hero, Yasmena is my voice too. Thank you for everything you did for us exMuslims whom can’t speak the truth about our beliefs.

@christinam6430 - 18.05.2024 05:14

I have so much respect for both of you. Thank you for your work.

@chilicircus26 - 18.05.2024 05:06

I was very moved by this. As a person who hasn't been around many Muslims I learned a lot. Having your own voice is a big deal. So many try to shut that down. Something that should be your right as a human being to have. Thank you for speaking up.

@Apugh39 - 18.05.2024 04:31

I appreciate you sharing your story Yasmine. This educated me so much on the Muslim religion. My American daughter is engaged to a non-practicing Muslim from Iraq. My feelings about him are mixed. He is a very nice, smart man, but I wonder what affect his Islamic upbringing will have on him once they are married.

@hagos9183 - 18.05.2024 04:20

You just so hero and congratulations for being free from the bandages of Islam. The most evil and disgusting cult and dangerous.
My best wishes for you is to meet with your beloved savior, the Lord JESUS.surely he is the Only one who can heal and save your soul for ever

@doblepollodoblequeso - 18.05.2024 03:28

zionist propaganda? go!

@aminebeghidja6153 - 18.05.2024 02:40

A Zionist spy, we know them😎. Iam curious about how much money she got from them? Palestine will be free🇵🇸🔻🔻🔻✌️and the criminal entity will disappear,

@fromashesphoenixrose - 18.05.2024 01:43

Amazingly well done interview! Yasmine's voice is strong, beautiful and inspiring. That was an intense journey. So proud of everyone who's fighting and has fought their way out of cult control. ♥️

@rhondallyons9842 - 18.05.2024 01:43

The people that use the Bible and Christianity as an excuse to abuse and imprison, persecute
ect. do God, the Bible and Christianity a disservice. They aren't true Christians. 😢😢😢
I love that you mention separation of church and state! I embrace that whole heartedly. Freedom of beliefs and peach also. ❤ Thank you for sharing your story. I will keep you in my prayers. You are a precious person. Hugs

@pamv8622 - 18.05.2024 01:37

In Islam it’s a sin to have fun 🤨

@maryloubahr4744 - 18.05.2024 01:34

This post just came unexpectedly. I'm wondering if you've ever had Yeonmi Park on your program.

@americanfools2008 - 18.05.2024 00:51

Islam destroys their brains! BAN IT !

@americanfools2008 - 18.05.2024 00:50

Wafa sultan said, islam makes people crazy!! She is a psychiatrist

@americanfools2008 - 18.05.2024 00:49

Listen to wafa sultan, syrian psychiatrist, majid OUCKACHA, christian prince, a ALL EX MUSLIMS !! ALL ex muslims denounced the imposture of islam!!

@americanfools2008 - 18.05.2024 00:46

Muslims must convert to Christianity or Buddhism!! Leave islam !!

@journeygraham4957 - 18.05.2024 00:45

Thank you for speaking on whats going on in Gaza.

@americanfools2008 - 18.05.2024 00:44

Of course islamists infiltrate all parts of our insitutions! We need to get them out of our courts, medias, politics, schools ! GET THEM OUT!!

@americanfools2008 - 18.05.2024 00:41

Stop building Mosques! To islamistes it is a sign of conquest! Ban the veil!!! These have no place in our western countries!!!

@debbierobertson2934 - 18.05.2024 00:39

hahahaha you cannot be jewish, catholic,christian, muslim, hindu, you will be tracked and subject to hate crimes. creepy huh?

@americanfools2008 - 18.05.2024 00:36

The reason why they hate jews is because jews and Christians never reconized their so called prophet and never wanted to CONVERT! It is said that muhammed or who ever wrote the quran was visceraly jealous of jews, and this hatred was transmitted through stories, superstitions and the quran!

@jaspreet9932 - 18.05.2024 00:31

I have added this to my watch later list but I had to comment first and say I'm soo glad you're starting to interview ex-Muslims on your channel!! There is so much to unpack with Islam, I only recently learnt about it myself and a lot of that knowledge was gained through watching ex-Muslims videos. Keep up the amazing work Shelise. Your channel is incredible❤

@alabaster2163 - 18.05.2024 00:24

Before War. Read it. It validates as well and explains whats really at play.

@americanfools2008 - 18.05.2024 00:11

Jews and Christians have god, hallah is SATAN!!

@kalamuddin4253 - 17.05.2024 23:40

Did u get married to binladen haaaaaa

@MsPurji313 - 17.05.2024 23:37

So much love for Yasmine, and Shelise, and everyone else seeing and resonating with this episode.

@gracemiller3861 - 17.05.2024 23:08

Thank you Yasmine for sharing your story! I have often felt that criticism or that I would be criticized for pointing out issue with Islam. I am glad to know that I was seeing that for a reason. Your story gives me more respect and empathy for people like you! Thank you!

@elenabecker1843 - 17.05.2024 22:52

Thank you for this amazing interview. Such an eye opener for me. I’m so proud of what you do and how brave you and all of your guests are!

@tristancollins8789 - 17.05.2024 22:17

I don't think she is an islamaphobe, but her use of the term "useful idiot" makes me wonder what kind of conservative media shes listening to. Growing up, "useful idiot" was a very popular term with the most extreme American conservatives and i haven't really heard it since leaving that community and cutting that kind of media - glenn beck, rush Limbaugh, out of my life.

@johndow1957 - 17.05.2024 21:57

Yes I am agree with you I'm Cambodia my husband he is Iran you will no that

@americanfools2008 - 17.05.2024 21:55

Alors les musulmans, quand allez vous sortir de ce fanatisme et de réaliser que l islam est une escroquerie, un mensonge, une imposture cree par un groupe de charlatans consanguins et fous!!
L islam est la secte de satan!!! Écoutez les ex musulmans ils sont les plus intelligents parmis vous, ils vous explique tout!

@goodhealth2378 - 17.05.2024 21:54

Allah hate women, MY JESUS LOVES WOMEN AND CARE ABOUT THEM. Ephesians 5:25-33

25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

@allembrace - 17.05.2024 21:47

Yasmine Mohammad is a great noble soul , very bold and doing tremendous service to humanity, by telling truth, bringing out facts , with references from Quran, hadees .

@murliyakusumadharagowda8764 - 17.05.2024 21:30

I appreciate your courage in challenging the cult called Islam.❤❤❤❤❤

@johndow1957 - 17.05.2024 21:26

Hi I'm rom I'm Cambodia American I like Israeli people they are agood people I live next 30yer I ever have problem
