#210 Deuteronomy 7:7-15  Why did God choose Israel?  The Ultimate UNDERDOG Story!

#210 Deuteronomy 7:7-15 Why did God choose Israel? The Ultimate UNDERDOG Story!


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Not by Might, Nor by Strength, But by My Love: A Look at Deuteronomy 7:7-15

Open your Bibles to Deuteronomy 7:7-15 and let's dive into a passage that unpacks the very foundation of God's relationship with the Israelites. Here, Moses emphasizes two key points: God's choice is based on love and faithfulness, not on outward appearances, and the incredible blessings that come with following God's commands.

Not by Size, But by Promise:

Verse 7 throws a wrench into the usual selection process for greatness. God doesn't pick the Israelites because they were the biggest, strongest, or most technologically advanced nation. In fact, they were the "least of all peoples" (v. 7). This is reminiscent of how God chose David as king. Saul, the people's choice, was a towering figure (1 Samuel 9:2), but his heart wasn't aligned with God's. David, a shepherd boy, wasn't physically imposing (1 Samuel 16:12), but his heart overflowed with love for God (1 Samuel 16:18).

Reflection: How reassuring is it to know that God doesn't choose based on outward appearances? Think about a time when you felt overlooked or underestimated. How does this passage offer comfort and hope in those situations?

Fertility and Flourishing:

Moving on, Moses outlines the incredible blessings that await the Israelites if they follow God's instructions. "He will love you and bless you and multiply you" (v. 13). In the ancient world, fertility was a huge deal. It meant a thriving population, a prosperous nation, and the ability to defend your borders. Conversely, childlessness was a source of shame and despair. Imagine the impact on surrounding nations as they witnessed Israel flourishing under God's love! They'd witness a nation where "none of your men or women shall be childless" (v. 14) and their livestock "shall bear young" (v. 14). This abundance would be a powerful testament to the power of Yahweh, the God of Israel.

Discussion Starter (For your Journey Group): How does our modern-day definition of "blessing" differ from the ancient world's view? What are some ways we can experience God's love and faithfulness in our lives today, even if our circumstances don't always reflect outward prosperity?

Call to Action: Feeling a little lost in the wilderness of navigating the Bible on your own? Join a Your Jesus Journey group and embark on this incredible adventure with a supportive community! We won't judge you if you show up with a slingshot and shepherd's staff instead of a crown (looking at you, David). Seriously though, our groups are a blast, and we'd love to have you. Shoot us an email at [email protected] and let's get you connected (or start your own group!).


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