What Happens If You Breach a Family Court Order?

What Happens If You Breach a Family Court Order?

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@Strangetime23 - 07.05.2024 06:41

What can be done, penalties, etc, if access to visitation is denied by a spouse, who breaks a court order allowing visits

@rebeccahughes7766 - 21.07.2024 00:02

Depends on location and if its a male or female.

The court get a sick thrill of taking kids from.women like its an acheivement and award and the system will blame the mother if the dad isnt invovled and penalized if the child isnt forced on an abusive father but the father is ahero if the mother does any slight.

@arutherrankin - 14.09.2024 20:47

I still want to know how a residential parent with custody pays child support only because of tantiff and the Ag. Say so. Then, consider her the custodial parent due to the child support order.

@rayray2878 - 22.12.2024 08:41

What age can a parent use the excuse the child dont want to see the other parent.
