Golden Ratio = Mind Blown!

Golden Ratio = Mind Blown!


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@user-qj9ht9yi4i - 05.02.2024 21:17

tanks nessa u r vary hapfle ouryay me nd me brooder

@Nosweat99 - 04.02.2024 00:42

I feel likes it’s nature trying to test us and see if we can unlock it’s matrix. Curious to know what doesn’t fit into the golden ratio within nature and/or is there another ratio that hasn’t been deciphered yet.

@Deuphus - 03.02.2024 23:30

I propose a Scraps Sequence. It's a fibonacci Sequence removed from a whole number line sequence.
4,6,7,9,10,11,12,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32... Think unFibonacci.
It is derived from a parasitic formula: sum + (sum+1) = not included.
If this sequence is not found in our universe, it could be incorporated in another dimension.

@kingslayer_1045 - 03.02.2024 19:48

Alpha trader army

@johndough23 - 29.01.2024 06:07

I see dead people all over the place.

@ziadqaouss9427 - 27.01.2024 20:38

Thats why allah exixts

@ozdigg9254 - 25.01.2024 09:21

I was wondering why she was fanatically expounding the Golden Ratio. And then she gave it away! Design. Biblical texts. Lol

@inspiralemdolimite - 20.01.2024 22:23

If we look for patterns, we will find them everywhere. To this video make some sense, ALL the things in our planet should follow this so called golden ratio...

@sandeekumar228 - 20.01.2024 19:34

Madem you are correct example of golden ratio

@samananagendra3618 - 18.01.2024 17:31

Really it's emaging 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

@ShakirHussainDarPHB - 14.01.2024 19:01

How can one deny the Allah(God) after seeing all this. My friends out there, it is not just a coincidence it is well designed.

@VibelandX - 11.01.2024 01:20

I paused watching just to not forget to like and comment. I continued watching after that .


@SuperVicktorr - 09.01.2024 10:55

Its all interesting ,good and fun ..until we get obsessed and place it on everything , so if i take a picture of my wall i can just place it on it and say OOH LOOK 😂. And also VERY VERY selective on the things we select to show , but not the so many more things that dont fit in. Anyway its interesting. Now go out and BE CRAZY 😂. Sure it could change your life if you let it.

@abhikpaul2829 - 05.01.2024 22:25

Who is here after watching ALPHA TRADER video!

@thesearethedays9398 - 03.01.2024 01:54

Our creator is just amazing.

@David-sw3on - 30.12.2023 00:58

Well If you believe in God, They say he/she is the Best Mathematician! This just proves it👍😉🇨🇦

@philcamp9663 - 29.12.2023 22:23

U r a breath of fresh air

@Cowicide - 29.12.2023 08:52

God and Jesus told me none of this is true. Checkmate.

@pradeepshukla3970 - 29.12.2023 01:37

Superb video! Thanks for sharing the same👍

@SpaceDad42 - 29.12.2023 00:15

Evidence of a creator. These are intentional fingerprints of God. There are more. The biggest is having knowledge of things outside of the dimensionality of time.

@ChrisTheSparky - 27.12.2023 23:05

I'm not going to say it's the Matrix but it's the Matrix

@cuchuallin - 26.12.2023 21:38

Dexter's sister

@skibee50 - 25.12.2023 22:49

Very cool

@aneyesky - 25.12.2023 18:01

It could be called The God Ratio

@BizlaC - 25.12.2023 00:39

The head to belly button one is grasping at straws, if it was head to hips, and hips to heels it would be more unusual.

@redneckReno - 24.12.2023 23:19

I think it's got something to do with the earths orbit around the sun and the sun around the great attractor

@martinfarfsing5995 - 24.12.2023 02:53

Thanks Tessa for further blowing my mind . Your golden ratio podcast is easily one of the best and most informative on this internet. I will view it a couple of times. Good luck to you .

@ivanskavinskiskavar6242 - 23.12.2023 18:37

She's at 10,but we need her at a 7.


@ljankok - 23.12.2023 10:14

Thank you for this excellent content

@DrDoohickey - 23.12.2023 02:23

I wonder if phi also describes the ratio of sensible, rational human beings to those who believe they see it everywhere just because they read it on the internet.

@randomxaos - 21.12.2023 20:57

The simulation is real 🪄 🌏🌬🔥🌊

@vikrantgaming20 - 21.12.2023 11:44

Thank you for such valuable information ❤

@ralphnyquist7873 - 21.12.2023 08:37

God is good

@meatshield2682 - 21.12.2023 02:09

She's purdy cute. Her golden ratio shines brightly.

@mpluis23 - 20.12.2023 13:59

Because everything is made by energy field

@benschroer6923 - 20.12.2023 06:03

Wild coincidence…
I drive a vehicle with a speedometer that only displays kilometers per hour… I live in the USA, where everything is in Miles and Miles per hour. To convert between km/h and mi/h, the ratio is very close to the golden ratio.

@mynameismarko7658 - 19.12.2023 21:15

What is the purpose of our existence? Is it simply to have a good job, build a family, and enjoy life? Is that all there is? Certainly not. We’re made for so much more. Your purpose is to know God. After we die, the Bible says we’ll face God as our Judge. Have you ever rebelled (sinned) against God? Examine yourself by God’s Law, the Ten Commandments. Have you ever told a lie? Ever stolen (the value is irrelevant)? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” In God’s courtroom, our sins are very serious crimes. They’re so evil that the just punishment is death and eternity in a terrible place called Hell.

The Bible says that God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. He is rich in mercy and provided a Savior: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Jesus Christ died on the cross, paying the death penalty for sinners. He then rose from the dead three days later, defeating death. Hundreds saw Him after His resurrection; it’s no fairy tale. Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies about the promised Savior, written in the Holy Scriptures hundreds of years before His birth.

Religious rites, sacred traditions, or attending church can’t save you. Salvation is a free gift of God that you can’t earn. To know God and have your sins forgiven, do what the Bible says: repent and believe. Trust in Jesus as you’d trust in a parachute—don’t just “believe” it can save you, put it on and cling to it with all of your being. Wholeheartedly commit yourself to following Christ, and turn your back on sin. Then show your gratitude by obeying His command to be baptized. Be sure to also join a Christian church and read the Bible daily. God will never let you down.

needgod .com

@ritchiedee6210 - 19.12.2023 18:52

yeah ya lost me when you started acting like all people are the same proportions.
some people have long torsos and short legs some have longer legs and shorter torsos.. so im calling bullshit.

@ecysmith6652 - 18.12.2023 21:11

God, the ultimate designer…

@pietweety7020 - 17.12.2023 19:08

How does the golden ratio explain my small penis?

@loneventhorizon - 17.12.2023 17:09

I don't think there's anything extraordinary going on with the fibonacci sequence. It's just a side effect of the reality we live in, with the physics we are constrained by.

@oscarmckee1471 - 17.12.2023 16:50

God is a God of numbers..

@Wendylovespitties - 17.12.2023 10:32

You lost me when you made a huge illogical and irrational jump to "this must mean there's a higher power". Um no.

@johncrighton4738 - 16.12.2023 13:26

Koo-koo, koo-koo

@garynorris4648 - 16.12.2023 08:26

Nonsense. What a non educated twit.

@spikeexc - 14.12.2023 23:53

God is the ultimate mathematician as expressed in his design. Romans 1:19–20
19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
It can’t be chocked up to random chance.

@Rahulkumar-cb8gv - 13.12.2023 20:46

Thanks for sharing the knowledge with any mumbo jumbo & in an easy to understand lucid from India ❤

@RobertLock1978 - 13.12.2023 04:09

Subhan Al-Kareem
