The #1 Secret to Improve Your Visuals in DaVinci Resolve!

The #1 Secret to Improve Your Visuals in DaVinci Resolve!

Casey Faris

55 лет назад

24,725 Просмотров

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In this video I'll show you how to take a static shot with no movement and improve it by adding some paralax shift! This is a super easy way to improve your visuals and you'll be thinking about all the ways you can add these tips into your own shots!

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@asherroland - 26.07.2024 17:05

What do you do to do on screen annotating? Is it the built in resolve feature or something else?

@ArthurAllen0915 - 26.07.2024 17:12

Maybe you could make a video on expressions and how and when to use them
That would be great and helpful

I like the way @SimonUbsdell uses them all the time

@Krish-10 - 26.07.2024 17:19

It's really movie magic Casey. The patching stuff opens up a lot of possibilities.
Btw, is the difference in noise the only problem that would occur during patching? A video about matching scenes after patching would be really helpful.

@DannStarrElectronics - 26.07.2024 17:28

I just realised I wasn't subscribed.... I am now!!

@alex_vodilov - 26.07.2024 17:39

Would be nice to learn noise reduction in Fusion from you, Casey

@flightographist - 26.07.2024 17:53

Cool, great for one person with no slider or gimbal Oh, yes for the noise reduction.

@AerialEmber - 26.07.2024 18:33

There's been a distinct lack of cats as of late

@jaybcreighton - 26.07.2024 18:36

Casey: I agree with @alex_vodilov: it would be great to learn more about noise reduction in Fusion, which you asked us to let you know if it was wanted. Thank you for a magical video! 😊🙏🏼

@tituswillb - 26.07.2024 18:45

WOW!! Thanks for the video Casey! Got my coffee :)

@jaysonfontela5761 - 26.07.2024 18:50


@kingofstamps01 - 26.07.2024 18:53

very nice,appreciately

@BrandonsScenicAdventures - 26.07.2024 19:00

noise reduction tutorial please

@Dashx64 - 26.07.2024 19:27

noise reduction video? yess please dude

@Mr.Batsu12 - 26.07.2024 21:11

My vote is YES for a noise reduction video.

In fact, I'd love to see videos on things to help restore and improve old videos.
I doubt I'm the only one with old family vidoes that were shot in the 80s on entry level VHS tape recorders. I'd love to learn more about improving them.

@rand0mhater - 26.07.2024 21:23

Umm I got the media but I don't have the edited project..
could you make a project file to download instead please?

@doncsicso81 - 26.07.2024 22:00

Lol… first I thought you would say: “those with the free version will have to mask out the beans one by one” 😂 brilliant video as always! Unbelievable how much I learned watching your videos! Thank you so much!❤

@OppaLec - 27.07.2024 06:45

I don't care what coffee brand will sponsor you in the future but I'll never get bored with DaVinci Coffee tutorials. 😂

@sam.mankar - 27.07.2024 09:31

Please make a video on creating Dynamic Island effects in Davinci Resolve which is also editable for later use.

@ArcanePath360 - 27.07.2024 11:11

I have a different technique for this which uses the displace node, and it is a lot faster. No masks needed, just contrast difference in your footage. You feed the footage into both FG and BG of the displace, except on one side you add a blur node between. You can keyframe the X displacement to give a parralax effect, which will make it look 3D when you adjust the blur node, as it softens the effect between the luma channels. It looks amazing on things like sky or anything organic.

@IamYankees - 27.07.2024 12:15

Listening to this on apple airpods and seems the sound has alot of trebble, maybe my airpods issue or video settings? But thanks for the video ❤

@NovitskyDevelopment-lz4xj - 27.07.2024 15:10

heyyyyyy Casey Faris! I'm a hug fan of your work! I'm also into cool anime intros! If you've seen the anime Kuiju 8 the opening, or when you have the time and able to see it. How can I get an intro or effect like that in the opening?? What does it require? I was hoping you can help me with this frog and... dissect this effect lol

@sergiobasilioli384 - 27.07.2024 15:47

This is a good one just like the other tutorials!

@MyLifefunthingss - 27.07.2024 18:54

Man! you have been my saving grace, you pretty much taught me all the foundations of DR. I have a semi pro editing/video gig now!!!! THANK YOU

@MyLifefunthingss - 27.07.2024 19:02

Yes noise reduction video pleeeeaaasee

@aspensplace3293 - 27.07.2024 19:59

Nicely done.

@zuba786 - 28.07.2024 01:47

hi casey when i render my sound cuts out and never returns do you have any tips i could possibly use to fix this?

@_mattcreates_ - 28.07.2024 20:00

Casey's rhino horn is in full effect

@reyvaz2951 - 28.07.2024 23:40

Where can I buy that coffee, its got you guys brain on another level.

@leifashley - 29.07.2024 18:40

Why do content creators not start with a before and after at the beginning of the video? I had to go to the end to find it.

@ghostgunner38 - 29.07.2024 21:20

Hi. The news letter has not worked in any of the three videos I have looked at. I fill out everything and the email never comes. Can you help thanks.

@sharil.6382 - 01.08.2024 18:49

This is a perfect tip for me. I work with product videos - very scaled-back, and feature-focused. A lot of white background and close-ups. (I just finished editing a series of cutting mat videos). Small tweaks like this help them look more professional and interesting. Thank you!

@PH_at_PH - 01.08.2024 23:03

Absolutely incredible effect, thank you for sharing.

@jackbarron8880 - 06.08.2024 10:20

Casey, i would love for you to be able to do a tutorial on how to do a slit scan style effect (like the one seen at the end of 2001 a Space Odyssey) on Fusion.

@karolisputnikas7327 - 10.08.2024 19:14

Yes, it would be a great idea if you decide to make a video about noise reduction but also explain what the noise is, why it appears on videos, and when we need to get rid of it if circumstances require that.

@muneebanjum4126 - 13.08.2024 12:36

The best teacher of fusion i've seen around

@IbraheemALBalushi - 21.08.2024 10:32

بلا شك ، أنت أستاذ

@johnnypotter - 01.11.2024 09:46

If it's free, then why is there a paywall coming up everytime I try to download it. If I'm missing something then enlighten me with how to override the paywall

@edwardrusselsiebert2897 - 24.11.2024 06:35

Great video tutorial rate of 10/10 god bless you more Casey -im from Philippines learning more of your videos keep-it-up bro...
