Roanoke Tales

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@RoanokeTales - 19.05.2023 17:04

Alright, bare with me, trying something new with the style of these videos. First, I gotta look at the camera more but I looked stuff up on how to do that, will be trying that out next time. Second, what did yall think of the supplementary footage? Was it enough? do you think it needs more? let me know!

@themadmonk6700 - 22.01.2024 21:13

If he was in prison for a year it could have been someone he met there. Maybe someone that was suffering from PTSD and didn't like him, or reallllly liked him. When he got out he migrated to the area and spent time watching them. Maybe he was even seen by the father who didn't was hoping he would just leave without him having to explain anything; I had sex with or was raped by another inmate.

@vavkpo9003 - 13.01.2024 02:51


@Anon_Spartan - 28.12.2023 00:42

Europeans and a lack of self-preservation, name a bigger duo since chocolate and peanut butter.

@lawrencedewan9838 - 20.12.2023 02:48

Just to say...
Gacey the 1st serial killer...?
How about HH Holmes?
How about the Cleveland Torso killer?
The lady who mail ordered grooms as long as they told no-one and brought money.
To fail to mention the multitude of dirty cops (Jennings 8)

@miserylovesshotguns - 18.12.2023 17:55

I enjoy that you often remind us that it's better to stay strapped than get clapped haha.

@CaptainMirro - 15.12.2023 21:44

Dude thats weird that the person stayed in the house for 4 days!

@imperialloot5313 - 10.12.2023 05:30

in reference to the german economy plummeting, it was actually "Marks" and not "Francs", and it got so bad, that the wheel barrow that people were filling with currency and taking to the bank, would be stolen, the marks would be dumped out and not even takin, because it was over inflated currency, which could and can happen to the federal reserve note (the american dollar) the wheel barrows had more value than the currency that they filled the wheelbarrow with. This is why we need real money again, gold and silver....and we also need capitalism again. we are not a capitalistic society, i don't think most people understand that. we are actually a "crony capital" society. and have been for at least 50 years.

@fatjec - 08.12.2023 13:46

You should do more research if you think Gacy was the first serial killer.

@josephwagner4927 - 02.12.2023 18:44

God made man, but Colt made them equal

@MillieBlackRose - 30.11.2023 08:14

Someone might have been wanting the family dead because of the in-family lovin. Though that poor girl shouldn't have gotten in trouble for being violated by her own father. They may have seen it as a great sin and thought they needed to be cleansed from the earth.

@pioneeringinprophecy2024 - 24.11.2023 02:10

Good format

@GraupeLie - 23.11.2023 16:14

I am familiar with the Hinterkaifeck story (and as a German, I must say that most of your pronunciation was actually pretty good. Except for "Cäcilia", which is actually pronounced fairly similarly to Cecilia) but I have never heard about Paul Mueller, not with regards to Hinterkaifeck, nor anywhere else. Just looked him up now - that's a very interesting theory! Would definitely fit...

@shadow_entity9191 - 22.11.2023 20:27

As a Bavarian I can tell you that for an American you did a great job of pronouncing all of the German names.

@realtalk6195 - 21.11.2023 19:30

I can't imagine a random American serial killer being behind it when nobody even notices or mentions him as being in the area. And didn't you already mention that whoever did it knew the layout of the house? So you're contradicting yourself there. The murders were done by a local or someone who knew them.

@semorebutts6960 - 16.11.2023 22:39

I thought it was H.Hholmes who was the first serial killer.

@aaronl1998 - 09.11.2023 02:33

I think the most interesting part of this story is that the engine repair guy said "well, they must be out. Still gonna fix this engine tho"... this story is sopping with old age details and I love it

@protosoul14 - 03.11.2023 01:40

Yeah the mark was so worthless people just burned it to stay warm in the winter.

@koboldlord - 02.11.2023 02:53

Okay but have we considered that maybe Hitler did it? (Half joking)

@sardonicspartan9343 - 25.10.2023 18:04

Europeans have been brainwashed by thier governments, that the ability to defend yourself is immoral.

@andrewshepherd1537 - 25.10.2023 02:50

"God made all men, Samuel Colt made them equal"

@nevermindmeijustinjectedaw9988 - 17.10.2023 21:24

i still leave my front door open, bc who would wanna get molested at gunpoint by me?

@samhack7249 - 13.10.2023 09:59

Being English I agree with stay strapped or get clapped, unfortunately my country does not which with state of the world and it worries me.

@wesrrowlands8309 - 05.10.2023 05:30

Things were very different back in the day. Every mom on my mom's block as a kid had authority to dish out punishment and block parties were common. It was a far more civil time until those dirty hippies showed up.

@RocRolDis - 02.10.2023 00:05

9mm kills the body. .45 acp kills the soul.

@milmomterry - 29.09.2023 08:27

I can’t deal with all of the talking!

@ryansandaker9946 - 29.09.2023 00:30

Everyone always has to squeeze their political beliefs in shit. 2nd amendment needs to be amended. You lost me with that

@sly.the.artist1935 - 23.09.2023 03:31

got an idea for your "olde timey" filter over your video if you want it

@Prelooker - 23.09.2023 03:28

Having a blast binging your channel. One thing about this case, tho: incest usually isn't concensual. At all. And in this case, you said yourself the daughter tried to flee after a fight and she "was taken back home", cause that was what happened back then: if women tried to escape domestic abuse, they were brought back to their abusers cause they didn't have any agency. Just saying. ;D

@AKLumps907 - 21.09.2023 23:15

Yo why his face as nice as his voice? 🫦
Also 5.7x28 is better than 45. Fax.

@connormcmurphy4276 - 21.09.2023 04:56

Hearing him say the granddaughter had survived her wound…only to lie there, in shock, tearing tufts of her hair out from her scalp…Jesus Christ that’s disturbing

@VD_the_GodKing - 17.09.2023 10:21

Omg what happened in America in the 60s that made people lock their doors

@VD_the_GodKing - 17.09.2023 10:14

Wow. Never thought I'd see the face to the name. Love your channels!

@McKeeNJackson - 13.09.2023 13:48

Department of investigative killings aka diks

@michaelfultz3982 - 09.09.2023 10:03

Gone heals to Jesus... ya I like zombie land to.

@charlotteforbes2090 - 05.09.2023 07:19

Your channel is amazing and I’ve subscribed! This story never gets old! Having read about it various times over (because it’s one of the most captivating true crime stories I’ve heard), I must say that Lorenzo seems like the most likely suspect, to me at least. He had a motive, he knew the home, and it’s u settling that he was eager to get to the bottom of it all and to comment about the ground and burial thing. This is just my mere speculation.

My main issue with a serial killer theory is that the footprints and spying had been going on for some time. So this wasn’t random; it was planned, and most serial killers don’t devote that much thought to a single victim. It’s more a crime if opportunity thing.

But well done covering it all.

@Ryteisright - 01.09.2023 13:26

you gotta have your wife on with you more, i loved the psychologist and biology aspects to subjects very interesting in one of your other videos. Youre a great commentator and love the slick humor you throw into your commentating.

@timsmith7113 - 01.09.2023 03:12

“Get strapped or get capped”. Gun violence advocation. Channel reported.

@LaTaeofficial - 31.08.2023 01:23

“Other Alabama things” 😂😂😂

@r-fitz9739 - 29.08.2023 10:08

Roanoke jumpscare

@sasha1mama - 27.08.2023 16:03

Watch Bedtime Stories' two-parter on The Man from the Train; it posits a very reasonable theory on who might, plausibly, have killed the poor folks of Hinterkaifeck, as well as the Vilisca axe-murders in Iowa a few years earlier.
Also, how could you not pronounce Hinterkaifeck on your own? Hin-ter-kai-feck. It's as simple as the word 'sociology'.
Here's a tip: if a word is unfamiliar, break it into syllables and sound them out to yourself slowly. That's how I learned to read when I was a baby. Then you gradually speed up as you repeat it back to yourself, and soon it's like second nature. Takes 30 seconds.
Also, hearth is pronounced "harth", not "hurth". Because it's the heart of a home, see?

@Dizzy5996 - 18.08.2023 22:23

Ohh the glee I felt hearing “STAY STRAPPED OR GET CLAPPED”!!

Found this channel after watching your gaming channel. Loved the breakdown of the flood vs dead space with Hiddenxperia. I am now hooked on your videos!

@daniellethomas3745 - 17.08.2023 01:28

So much better than Ballen….

@lpentertainment7995 - 09.08.2023 01:43

Nice to put a face to a voice.

@prestonestes1388 - 08.08.2023 11:14

For that poisoning case, we’re you talking about Audrey Marie Hilley, the Black Widow of Alabama. She poisoned her entire family, but it wasn’t until a doctor noticed the Mee’s Lines on her daughter’s nails while the girl was in the hospital did anyone suspect something more than some weird illness going on. Luckily they were able to save the daughter, and the son had his father exhumed and reautopsied since they had thought his death was an accident. Turns out she had been slipping arsenic based rat poison into the whole family’s food after taking out large life insurance policies on them.

@MaceGaming53 - 05.08.2023 03:13

Whenever the chickens get riled up at night , I go out with the shotgun and give whatever's terrorizing them a healthy amount of lead

@lawindacera7219 - 04.08.2023 07:35

"There is evil out there and that evil is susceptible to a .45 right between the eyes" are good words to live by
