Katydid facts: called bush crickets but that's confusing! | Animal Fact Files

Katydid facts: called bush crickets but that's confusing! | Animal Fact Files

Animal Fact Files

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@tylermcintyre1454 - 13.12.2023 03:03

Tyler Mac Canada cricket

@tylermcintyre1454 - 13.12.2023 03:02

Tyler Mac well uh

@Momcat_maggiefelinefan - 06.09.2023 11:19

There’s a Katydid living in my pot of nasturtiums on my front porch. Just went out to water the potted plants, and it was singing it’s lovely song. Crickets as the backup band. Sat there in the dark enjoying the chorus! 🇨🇦🖖🏻🇨🇦

@LucidDream - 28.08.2023 20:06

There is one that's been hanging around my back porch area for about a week now. The first time I saw it, it was on a screen door. I noticed that it's hind legs were pretty much tied together with a spider web. So I thought I would help and I grabbed a stick. I put the stick on the web carefully, and it crawled pulling itself from it. Then a few seconds later it flew onto my shoulder and sat there for a few moments. Then flew off towards the ground. Since then it's just been hanging out around there. Kinda confused why it keeps staying there. Have been tempted to let it get into my hand and then take it to the nearby forested area so it can actually blend in. To me, I thought maybe they were perhaps related to the mantis.

@macopeland1 - 27.08.2023 07:06

All I keep hearing is the human blabbermouth and not a peep from the katydid

@jessicaadams4265 - 10.08.2023 08:14

I was always told growing up that a katiedids wings can cut u open..is this true???..I'm terrified of them

@billybenson3834 - 21.07.2023 07:44

Noisy here in Memphis tonight

@cricketj7399 - 06.06.2023 04:04

Katydids, crickets, and grasshoppers are in the same order called orthoptera.

@Minimalici0us - 30.05.2023 00:08

Epic stuff

@jeffreyrichardson - 14.05.2023 00:56

ians cousin mike
nancys gold ring cut scotts like
uncle ozzies trike

@hikesystem7721 - 29.03.2023 09:05

Nice, but this story should have included samples of their sounds.

@leilakiddo - 17.02.2023 22:58

I associate this with some kind of horrible nightmare

@sircorneilous5197 - 20.10.2022 07:58

And.. This one... Is... Vary pointy...

@sircorneilous5197 - 20.10.2022 07:57

I now love katydids

@DeadPixel1105 - 21.09.2022 04:17

Katydids are always flying into my apartment for some reason. Had one last night and another tonight. I just get them to climb on something long and I fling them back out the window. They're mellow, cool little guys. Well, can't really say 'little'. The one that was in here last night was nearly the length of my entire hand. Big boy.

@stickboy2672 - 28.08.2022 14:11

Video: "Male katydids provide a meal for their mate made of a secretion from their abdominal glands"
Praying mantis: "Hold my beer"

@basically_crap4765 - 18.08.2022 13:38

found it in my garden

@jadenl629 - 09.08.2022 02:52

Awesome video!😃 These insects have incredible camouflage!🤩

@ashkanmahouti858 - 27.07.2022 03:50

Bruh so I been thinking the squirrel outside my house he making this noise. It’s one these leaf looking things

@lloydhills7416 - 14.07.2022 10:38

Very cool, I love the sounds they make. When I was little they kind of scared me though. LOL

@kev.2390 - 03.07.2022 07:19

why do they fly straight at me when im cutting the grass

@lindahipp8329 - 10.06.2022 17:26

Great video.

@anneshan34 - 02.05.2022 15:41

Thanks for sharing .

@Jared_Is_Near - 25.04.2022 10:47

What did she do?

@littylaporte - 23.04.2022 19:40

Crickets are small and black that is confusing

@hansolowe19 - 18.04.2022 20:39

Bats are mammals btw.

@Eldomibori - 12.04.2022 01:32

My grandfather put one of these on my head when I was a kid without knowing. Ran to look in the mirror because I felt something on my head and I nearly died of a heart attack lol.

@JenRiveraBell - 03.03.2022 01:42

Great video thanks! 👍🏽

@pencilRC1 - 02.03.2022 03:13

Saw one of these at school. Guy picked it up, then a 6th grader slapped it and it ascended to another dimension. Few weeks later, it came back for revenge and a girl picked it up and I marveled at it

@penny_the_wiser413 - 21.01.2022 07:02

I love listening to the music of the nighttime insects and animals.

@sal6077 - 15.11.2021 15:51

its in my room right now 😅

@baopham6603 - 15.11.2021 07:41

katitdid fling poop lol

@therealhardrock - 30.10.2021 00:20

Katydid? No she didn't. Katydid? Katydid what? What did Katydo?

@MonographicSingleheaded - 12.10.2021 19:26

Who did?
Katy did.
Katy did what?

@kiajohnson - 08.10.2021 07:30

I have one in my house that’s been on my ceiling and now it’s on my dirty crockpot that I was planning on washing tonight. I will be calling a friend to get it out of my house tomorrow. I am deathly terrified.

@jonnybirchyboy1560 - 24.09.2021 08:30

My cat brought one inside so I had to save it and bring it outside to my potted plant for it to chew on.

@meadowsupps - 18.09.2021 18:16

one of the leaf-like katydids crawled into my window on the second floor of my house and was stuck there for a week. i couldn’t get it out because i have an air conditioner installed at the moment, but he died a few days ago. (did some research and learned the difference between male and female) it fell off of the window and it on top of my air conditioner right now, just decomposing… really sad because this is the third year in a row one of these has visited me but this is the first time one died in my window. i do not live in a tropical area so this part confuses me… the fact that every year every katydid was missing it’s big leg on the same side. i thought maybe it was the same one coming back for three years but since they usually live one year.. maybe it’s a coincidence. but rip the katydid in my window :( can’t even get him out until my air conditioner is removed.

@raphlvlogs271 - 15.09.2021 23:14

the colours are much more interesting on the juvenile ones.

@alicelloyd1837 - 29.08.2021 14:54

Saw on on the lawn chair. Looked just like a leaf

@MaisyDaisy333 - 26.08.2021 16:18

Great video and good information! Thanks for sharing! I got a good chuckle out of it too! 😄

@elsaarcilla5664 - 18.08.2021 15:30

Yay, I didn't know Katydid's were so interesting, thank you for introducing me to these creatures :)

@Itz_TotallyAlesha - 03.08.2021 04:56

But I'm katy?! 🤯🤯🤯😵😵😵😵

@marisapatch431 - 29.07.2021 05:07

Just saw one in my backyard and thought it was an odd looking grasshopper. Thanks for clearing up my confusion! Such a cool little creature :)

@RosyandHerButterflies - 20.07.2021 07:27

I don't hear as many katydids now which is weird. I live right behind a forest and a swamp. I also haven't heard frogs, crickets, and cicadas

@Kauspm - 02.07.2021 20:52

I just found out this insect exists as it flew into my bedroom. It's hopping around while I am wearing a helmet and a jacket to make sure it does not bite me.

@jaysun070476 - 24.06.2021 21:33

Too much talking came here to show my son what a kadydid sounded like the narrowator just keeps going .

@Cookie4811Mau - 24.06.2021 16:53

Katydids: i look like grasshoppers, sound like cicadas, but I'm secretly a cricket... 🤣😂

@BlackstarXMaka1 - 14.03.2021 20:16

Mom: Sarah, Why did u destroy the candy?
Sarah : Ididnt do that!
Mom: Who did it then?
Sarah: .*Katy did*

@esta1ful - 12.03.2021 06:10

A whole forest full of them can be deafening.
