Nate Boyer Has Been A Green Beret, Texas Longhorn, And NFL Player | The Show | Dad Saves America

Nate Boyer Has Been A Green Beret, Texas Longhorn, And NFL Player | The Show | Dad Saves America

Dad Saves America

1 год назад

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@johnsmith60074 - 16.06.2023 09:36

Colin Kaepernick disrespects our flag by kneeling during the national anthem, people boo, then Nate Boyer criticizes the people instead of Kaepernick. Go away Nate.

@JB-hg9wj - 05.05.2023 01:44

Great interview. I remember Nate from his days playing for the Longhorns and his brief stint with the Seahawks. I’m so glad he continues to thrive and reinvent himself while serving others. I can’t wait to check out his movie.

@ImGoingSupersonic - 09.04.2023 09:57

Did you just start up this channel a few months ago?
Its so professional and extremely insightful but only 18k subs...?
The hell boss!
