Admin User vs Standard User

Admin User vs Standard User

Chris Titus Tech

1 год назад

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@kylianwesbeek3503 - 28.11.2023 23:47

One user you shut not run as is the build in "Administrator" user. because it runs everything as admin kinda like using the root user as user account on linux

@DrMeetPatel - 05.09.2023 06:48

Almost every software asks Admin rights before installing. This ruins the fine line between admin and user access. There is no point.

@glenmichaelson - 23.04.2023 00:47

I agree in theory on this. But as an MSSP and someone dealing with many different types of users, Business, Residential, businesses with HIPAA, PCI and other compliance needs I've taken a different approach. And it doesn't matter if you have Admin rights or not. If your running Threatlocker (like all my systems do) along with other layers like Huntress, some sort of AV, and Senteon, well I have yet to have a single client of mine get ransomware or even malware for that matter. I'm well aware that nothing is 100% secure. However, and I'm not divulging all the things I do but it is A LOT!!!! just so I don't get that call about Ransomware, or cleaning off malware etc. And of course and last resort and layer, ya just have to have air gapped backups that are tested regularly in case the worst happens. but, like the old saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And after 35 years of doing this, I was tired of cleaning malware back in the day so for the last 15 years, I have done everything possible to prevent the mess (which is Windows) and it's users and just Deny everything unless I approve it. Harsh stance for Managed Systems, but it's the only way to get close to that 100% secure. Mine might be like 99.99% And yeah, I take it to extremes but hey, it is windows so ya kind of have to unless it's a system you don't care about then game, install and do whatever, and if it breaks, nuke and pave as they say.

@abdullahal-shimri3091 - 06.04.2023 10:07

This is why I just stick to Linux.

@synen - 27.01.2023 18:27

I run Linux and for gaming I own consoles, don't need an ill designed OS managing my data.

@msor6108 - 15.11.2022 09:58

Microsoft should consider throwing windows out the garbage and making an operating system from scratch.

@CmdrX3 - 16.10.2022 02:38

I tried Standard User but it caused more problems with where it installed files when I had to elevate. I gave up and went back to Admin

@g9super - 27.09.2022 08:52

Yes it matters for tech savvy person not for a naive user.

@alastor--radiodemon7556 - 26.09.2022 22:30

a shady method by some girl that happens to be fit lmao

@danmar007 - 18.09.2022 19:37

Good info. Now how about Windows Home vs Pro?

@Vi-XiphiqiX - 09.09.2022 05:50

Arg, it's fine, thar be RATs in every ship. Microsoft proudly supports piracy,antiprivacy and nefarious computer usage, just look at their actions and non-actions, which be how I tens to judge.

@brianogram5194 - 07.09.2022 00:14

My wife is a normal user on her laptop, and her surface, without access to the admin (my) password. She watches a lot of Asian shows on "less than legitimate" web sites (like from China). I don't have any network drives persistently mapped, I connect when I need to. And I back up her information weekly. She very seldom needs the elevated privileges and she's been protected for the better part of a decade.

I, however, am the only account on my windows machine and naturally admin.

@diegomanjarres4094 - 07.09.2022 00:13

Keep admin account, family and kids will want to install weird games on your pc, at least when they intent to install something, they will have to ask you to elevate, and you get to decide

@adrianteri - 06.09.2022 15:35

@Chris Titus Tech you're a smart guy. You wouldn't lay out a problem if you didn't know or have a plan to tackle it. Awaiting a Vid on the solution for partitioning/segmenting users ...

@13thravenpurple94 - 06.09.2022 11:53

Great work 🥳 Thank youuuu 💜

@adrianteri - 06.09.2022 07:38

Haha CTT is a dirty ol pirate like all of us!

@dianaalyssa8726 - 05.09.2022 00:47

Don't miss daily driving Windows. Certain games you had to run as admin for it to run. Feels like a non-issue on Linux as far as running games goes.

@jacksonreventan - 04.09.2022 17:18

Biggest reason to use an admin account (according to me of course) , cool factor.

@dylan.t180 - 04.09.2022 05:15

Great video thanks for your insight

@pmr1049 - 03.09.2022 15:17

Running as a admin is worth it sort of, just saying! But you need to know what you do even if that means going to the dark side haha XD

@Blazekrieg420 - 02.09.2022 11:53

Hello titus
I switched to Linux recently (garuda linux) and it's amazing but I have problems with installing packages, because I have an 128gb ssd(for root and swap) and 1tb hdd(for two partitions) and no matter if it was pacman or paru every package I install get stored on the ssd and the hdd remains empty I really want to use (pacman,paru,nix..etc) without filling my ssd

@nanika2566 - 02.09.2022 06:08

On Linux, I'm used to sudo only when installing something from package manager or editing things system-wide, makes me think twice of what I do. On Windows, the prompt is everywhere, even when it shouldn't be, so users are most likely to click 'Yes' on everything instead of reading, and I'm guilty of the latter. Having the AV doesn't help either, users can be trained to just allow the software because it's a false-positive, that's the case more often than not, and you can even bypass the detection if you know how
In the end, it's difficult and can't be easily solved. No matter what you do, you just can't save the user from themselves; they'll always want to have it their way, even if they're not gonna like the result
And I agree about the girl that's fit, she does interesting things; just be careful there's many out there pretending to be her

@Bishop1091 - 02.09.2022 01:03

I have to agree. I work in a computer repair store and have set up a few computer's for a customer with standard account plus paid anti virus and never gave them the admin password as they never should have need of them. A few days later some of them came back with ransomware. If someone wants to download that free game they will find a way

@moshesabovich9362 - 01.09.2022 22:08

There is a way of running Linux (mint n others) as an admin without a password at all! You can use Rufus with persistence and + you need not install at all, you as is and run it from a USB! That's what I'm doing with Linux Mint! I use all type of Windows always as Admin with no passwords and I never had a virus or otherwise infect my system, I run a full antivirus scan every week!

@jack89harrier - 01.09.2022 20:55

Because the Sims is critical piece of software for many users, me included, the only issue i see here is the price of the software and its publisher release model innovations

@YannMetalhead - 01.09.2022 18:48

By some girl that happens to be fit... Say no more, we understood you 😂😂😂

@Vash12788 - 01.09.2022 16:43

By some girl that happens to be fit.🤣 Killed me with that one.

@DanielNerd - 01.09.2022 14:56

user accounts are still useful for restricting users from downloading unknown software or elevating permissions for software, for example family computers where you don't want a 9 years old who watched a yt video download bunch of malware

@waysonharris6606 - 01.09.2022 14:54


@b1oh1 - 01.09.2022 13:31

You said "how cobbled together Windows was". I think you meant to say "how cobbled together Windows is".

Once you get past the material design of windows 8, 10, 11....every system and submenu looks and functions pretty much the same as Windows 2000+ versions.

@maxumbra6728 - 01.09.2022 11:05

Yeah she is fit lol
Great Repacks and you don't have to worry about viruses or anything
If you can't afford games it's your best option :)

@wali8976 - 01.09.2022 10:27

Now talking about this famous girl who just happens to be fit I thought the programs were all safe or that she is considered as a reputable source? Am I missing something?

@ashwinbalaji5745 - 01.09.2022 10:08

the shady guy talking about a girl who is fit. awesome!! i get your feeling that how easy the delivery is.

@nemethzsigmond4548 - 01.09.2022 06:23

You are not wrong. Not in one point.

@MuzdokOfficial - 01.09.2022 05:55

It makes total sense I find your channel very informative sir for a lot of people.

@MuzdokOfficial - 01.09.2022 05:47

I think with windows it depends of use case and what kind of data are in the computer

@costafilh0 - 01.09.2022 04:26

I only understood the user problem after getting old enough to have my own personal computer! Problems just magically disappeared! lol

@blairmurri8741 - 01.09.2022 04:02

There's no difference in *nix with mounted shares as a user and windows with connected network shares.

Same as with applications that require root (aka administer) to install/configure (or not).

A user having access to the sudo command is identical to a modern windows "administrator". IDENTICAL!

The same sort of virus/ransomware can and dies the same degree of damage in both scenarios.

Do you advocate Linux users to disable "sudo" and require performing separate logins as root of administration purposes?

If not, there's NO DIFFERENCE!

@davidtaylor7245 - 01.09.2022 02:56

What if you give your kid a computer and dont give him or her admin so only you can install stuff. Duh

@A_G420 - 01.09.2022 01:51

Ahhhh Yes! The girl who is fit. She has helped me out as well.

@felderup - 01.09.2022 01:32

way back in the windows 98se days... only know about one virus i got in my life, was before opera got sold, they somehow got hacked and ransomware was added to their installer. if i wasn't running as a regular user everything would have gone poopoo. if i'd logged into admin before my regular user, it wouldn't have helped. it moved the shortcuts on the desktop and start menu, that's all it did.

@jorgemtds - 01.09.2022 01:25

I agree with you Chris.

@cypher0124 - 01.09.2022 00:33

I just used a windows 10 install for nearly 2 years with a standard user but I did run into some problems with some programs. My most recent install I gave up on that. I have TPM,memory isolation enabled and malwarebytes so I figure im alright.

@yorailevi6747 - 01.09.2022 00:26

I haven't even started watching the video and Im going to comment that I tried running as standard user and it's a nightmare. so much software is either not compatible, bugs out or actually not working without a lot of tinkering....
it's annoying at best.

@Macabre215 - 01.09.2022 00:14

Using a standard user was more helpful in the Windows 7 days from what I understand. Now, you're right. It's not really going to help anyone with Windows 10 or 11.

@GabrielM01 - 31.08.2022 23:49

I think the sims should repack their standards

@xenajin6827 - 31.08.2022 23:34

The only problem with windows is its existence. It is sooo freaking annoying

@BillSawyerPlus - 31.08.2022 23:29

I try Windows every version as user, there is always some program or windows setting that doesn't work right.

@adfjasjhf - 31.08.2022 23:09

The pitch for FitGirl was so damn smooth haha

@KnutBluetooth - 31.08.2022 22:51

There's no reason to bother with a regular user account on Windows. There are 101 ways to escalate privileges on Windows bypassing the UAC. On UNIX operating systems they make a decent effort at stopping privilege escalation because this is at the core an OS that is designed with multiuser mainframes in mind. While Windoze is designed for "Personal Computers" in mind. Even group policies are not going to save you from privilege escalation in Windows. If someone breaks through the browser sandbox or some other remote code execution scheme, it's game over and that's it. In Linux/BSD and friends you can harden by making .bashrc or whatever config file de default shell uses immutable, use a non-standard shell, firejail. People are actually confident making pubnixes that provide shell accounts to anyone after a bit of hardening.
