The Secret Psychology of "Ignoring" a Girl

The Secret Psychology of "Ignoring" a Girl


1 год назад

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Semel Qqqq
Semel Qqqq - 13.10.2023 23:38

I ignored the tt vids she sent me stopped liking her ig posts and stopped begging for Ft and texting first for 2 weeks after she blocked me on snap on ”accident“, guess who added me back and wanted to talk again

Sól - 13.10.2023 14:46

I hate this video whit passion, what kind of healthy dating or relationship advice is that? 💀

Stevieb - 13.10.2023 13:59

Treat them mean, keep them keen

Kandice Jackson
Kandice Jackson - 13.10.2023 06:01

This is the most ridiculous thing. A person that is that desperate obviously has traumas

Larazón - 12.10.2023 21:51

Just Ignore Her For A Decade, And She”ll Be Waiting For You On Her Knees.

§çorpiøN - 12.10.2023 15:39

I actually don't want attention from women, not to play some game.

Women in 2023 bore me, they have nothing to offer.

I'm glad when they're done talking to me.

Boxxy - 11.10.2023 23:38

Wow coming from a woman if a guy starts ignoring me and treating me like this he is dead to me, what the hell is this even?

ace merrill
ace merrill - 11.10.2023 21:39

absolute rubbish

Rik-key Music
Rik-key Music - 10.10.2023 20:54

What I’m learning now is that it’s beter to know what your looking for and focus on that. I came from a place of frustration and resentment towards woman because i got rejected a lot while I’m absolutely not an ugly dude… so yeah, I started to ignore the shit out of woman even the hot chicks. It didn’t got me anywhere although I think it is a good exercise to stay in your frame somehow instead of seeing a hot girl and get al crazy about her in your head.. that’s what kills attraction! So ignoring can make you more indifferent in a way… but eventually, you have to snap out of it somehow because you still need to talk or show something of interest. Woman are insecure and will not easily make a move, especially not if your somewhat handsome! I now made a list with the quality’s i want in a woman and how my perfect woman should look, i also looked at what I absolutely do not want… pick the 10 most important qualities and read that every day and focus, visualize and feel how that would unfold. Of course, it takes time and practice but where you put your attention and focus at will appear in your reality…

Zain Raza
Zain Raza - 10.10.2023 14:19

This video is misleading and is based on people with deep insecurities who have to play games to get each other. People who are raised by parents that instill values that encompass love, empathy and respect don’t play these games. I’ve been together with my partner for 9 years and none of this happened and it all came naturally - from the beginning we were considerate to each other and had respect. No one send each other texts unless we wanted to meet or share something and we wrote each other whenever we had the opportunity without counting the hours or texts. I’ve met a lot of people (also girls) who share the same stories. Anyone who plays this game to get a girl or partner should know that this won’t stop once your in a relationship- this behaviour goes on after it and not just with you but in the worst case with other potential mates as well. Your getting together with a human and not selling yourself as a product - this video is really poor advise. Don’t treat anyone - most of all yourself - as an object. Always view yourself and others as subjects who deserve love, respect and empathy - and I can guarantee you if you ever find someone based on that it will stay forever.

John Doe
John Doe - 10.10.2023 05:43

I started ignoring my mom.

Now I get an extra bed time story

12Ms - 08.10.2023 18:31

when i dont answer every single call, she thinks shes unimportant to me and wants me to break up

epicduckrex - 07.10.2023 12:50

Ignoring may be a bit harsh I think like silent treatment is kinda mean. But don’t chase her never. Just treat her like a human basically. Relax.

BoonGaming - 07.10.2023 07:25

Funny enough she'll keep going for you until she can't. If you don't want one just keep ignoring and you'll always be satisfied with your answer.

Λφshι Shιπφmθri
Λφshι Shιπφmθri - 05.10.2023 13:45

Don’t waste time on women because women are problems. They create drama and trouble… Men stay single peacefully and walk away from all women. Ignoring them is a best solution and that is their problems…

Cole Wright
Cole Wright - 04.10.2023 22:58

sorry but this doesn’t work with modern women. women nowadays will look for attention elsewhere rather than crawling back to the man.

Jefferson Araujo el políglota
Jefferson Araujo el políglota - 03.10.2023 12:11

What a boring video...

Bringer of Change
Bringer of Change - 03.10.2023 06:36

It is our duty as real men not to give all these women undo attention. They get it enough from the simps and it has lead them to exessive levels of pride and arrogance. This arrogance is what is leading so many men to look elswhere on the planet for women who havent been corrupted in this way. We NEED to not give them undeserved attention so that we do not ADD to this.

Michael Chia
Michael Chia - 02.10.2023 09:56

Hi guys this is just for dating advice. Don’t take this to a father daughter relationship.

Jeremiah St Clair
Jeremiah St Clair - 02.10.2023 06:18

someone who wants you simply because you ignored them is a sick individual..if thats the case women can never remain faithful, once they have you they get bored then once someone else ignores them they will chase better without them, they complain too much

johncbr650re - 01.10.2023 20:38

That thing work but it's toxic you need to marry a woman that's healthy physically and mentally all these things are toxic for both men and woman maybe teenager do it but it's definitely not for adults you don't want her then just cut it off

Danny Rwagamba
Danny Rwagamba - 01.10.2023 13:59

Facts. good content.

Princess Elsy
Princess Elsy - 01.10.2023 11:40

Ignore nobody. This goes for both men and women - no man should ignore a woman and no woman should ignore a man. If both of you love each other, there's no need for this childishness 😂

Zoran Radojevic
Zoran Radojevic - 30.09.2023 14:03

Actually its sad what we came to. Who did think about such nonsense 200 yrs ago?

Bonecrusher 1983
Bonecrusher 1983 - 27.09.2023 14:53

Had to learn it the hard way.
I did everything for her and she never was satisfied.
After starting a second job because she was very demanding she told me that I wasn't there for her.
Finally I broke up with her and now I can live peacefully.

S G - 27.09.2023 05:05

Is there anyway to fix it once she thinks I would tolerate anything? Got into a situation where we got into an argument (which we barely ever have) and she ghosted me after I flew out to see her. (No their isn’t another man). She felt so mad about the situation to the point where she wants to cut me off. I did as much as I could to try to get her to see me and she simply wouldn’t. The day I left she texted me saying “Thank you for gift I appreciate it” I texted back saying “I hope we can get past this” haven’t heard back from here since (a day ago)I have a feeling she’s not going to reach out for a while if she does at all but I seriously just want the chance to be able to show her I’m not as needy as she thinks

Adam Yokley
Adam Yokley - 27.09.2023 02:54

Guys, just focus on yourself and chill. It’s actually that simple.

poopstain - 26.09.2023 14:01

Facts. All of it

homelander2077 - 25.09.2023 22:31

To me it feels more like they need guy who ignores them only to later use it to go divorce or do other things behind the back so if girl chases you even when you ignore she might only use you. So I would ignore her even more and never get her. Real love is when you find girl that actually has same interest that you have you will talk naturaly and you wont be able to ignore her just as she wont be able to ingore you.

Anoush Anoush
Anoush Anoush - 25.09.2023 22:29

she will ignore you too and block you coz you' re a freak and acting like a child.

i sloth
i sloth - 25.09.2023 17:55

This advice is very immature & irresponsible. Potentially very hurtful, especially to vulnerable populations (like foreigners, or teens who had been abused.)

CroCopNo1 - 25.09.2023 11:42

lol these advices.. no wonder the divorce rate is skyrocketing, nit picking a relationship like it's a business contract.. just go with the flow, do what feels right to YOU.. if it works out it will, if it doesn't don't dwell on it too much, life is too short best and hardest thing you can always do is just to work on yourself

El Spoocho
El Spoocho - 25.09.2023 05:06

wtf is this video about exactly?

Smashboxgames •
Smashboxgames • - 24.09.2023 04:57

Does this count to platonic relationship? Curious.

JS 9700 Gaming
JS 9700 Gaming - 23.09.2023 19:13

Ignoring a woman we'll just make them move onto any man that's willing to give them... my Ex cheated on me because i ignored her a lot because of my work hours

Robert Ferrier
Robert Ferrier - 22.09.2023 03:48

I got everything I needed within the first minute and nineteen seconds.

Glenda Morata-Stemen
Glenda Morata-Stemen - 20.09.2023 04:50

This only works with insecure, low self-esteem women…women who know their worth will not put up with this. It’s called manipulation.

BeautifulMorning 1977
BeautifulMorning 1977 - 18.09.2023 01:51

Lies. You can play that game all you want to. If you ignore me, it will not turn me on. If you ignore me, Im Out for good. I don't have time for mind games. PERIOD

Angel Lima
Angel Lima - 17.09.2023 01:14

If ignoring her is the way to get to her then she is definitely not worth it. Find someone who will always be your biggest fan regardless wether if you ignore her or not. Same applies to the other way around.

Atomic Toons
Atomic Toons - 15.09.2023 03:12

i want to cut my d!k and i will never think of a woman again

Kelly Kiser
Kelly Kiser - 14.09.2023 21:42

I used to write girls poetry and be loving, polite, respectful in high school and never got no play. I had a friend who would literally fart in a girls face in the lunch room and she would end up sucking him off in his car at school. Last 20 years I have treated women like shit and they wont leave me alone. Moral of storey do not treat women like a queen, treat them like peasants and they will not leave u alone. Why? I do not know and wish it wasn’t that way. Treat them nice and enjoy the friend zone and hearing all her stories of how men just keep plowing her and treating her bad. “Where are all the good men”. All the good men are in her friend zone and she will never entertain being with them.

Cancer Lady Pro
Cancer Lady Pro - 14.09.2023 20:18

Ignore me and I'll return the sentiment.

Bewildered Brit
Bewildered Brit - 13.09.2023 16:36

Women are outperforming men and the state and the culture are enforcing it. Its over. I will be a genetic dead end.

Shooting Bricks
Shooting Bricks - 12.09.2023 14:13

In other words, many women take things for granted.

The FlyingDutchMan
The FlyingDutchMan - 11.09.2023 21:42

They always seem completely fine when im ignoring them tho. Just saying 😂

Jeffry Llona
Jeffry Llona - 11.09.2023 15:56

Its just simple if you feel like she treats you like a garbage during courting bro just take her a picture and ejaculate then forget her she dont deserve you

Mike Simmerman
Mike Simmerman - 11.09.2023 14:49

So basically implications

Donald Chairamonte
Donald Chairamonte - 11.09.2023 03:14

I just dumped my little headache girlfriend

MARCVS LICINIVS CRASSVS - 09.09.2023 17:03

This is only works when a woman finds you attractive in some way.

WHO AM I - 09.09.2023 14:02

I prefer the cold way. as long as you stay away from women, you are with you. you get in and you lost yourself.
