A Dead Man Saves His Brother's Life and Other Harrowing Stories

A Dead Man Saves His Brother's Life and Other Harrowing Stories

Wartime Stories

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@frankgalati4703 - 18.02.2024 02:30

I always wonder with that eerie feeling of death and dread and then acceptance if you almost manifest it because now you’ve accepted that you’ll die

@djstarrjunkie - 21.02.2024 06:15

My mom saved my father in Vietnam.
Mom continued having a recurring nightmare of my father stepping on a bouncing-betty mine during the time my dad was in Vietnam. In the dream, dad would step on this mine, and it would blow off his right arm, and right leg.
She'd told me that because this horrific dream would occur every night, it bothered her to the point where she wrote down all the information she could recall about the nightmare, and then continued to write to my father about it. She wrote what the plants looked like, the spacing of the area, and overall exactly what the area looked like where the mines were buried.
A bit of time passes, and my dad's leading his platoon though dense areas of foliage.
Earlier, a new member was added to his platoon. This man was someone they knew nothing about, but this individual seemed to not take much seriously, and would horse around, be loud, obnoxious and defiant.
At a certain point, dad stops, tells his platoon that they needed to trust him, and that no matter how difficult it was to explain, there were mines right in front of them.
Dad said they needed to back up, and not take one more step forward.
This new guy, gets cocky, and instead of backing up, walks out a ways in front of where my dad was standing and says out loud "A mine? Right... here???" as he slams his right foot foot down.... KAAA-BOOOM!
You guessed it, the bouncing betty mine springed up instantaneously after his foot hit the dirt, exploded and because the guy was right on top of it, this mine annihilated his right leg, and right arm... blowing both to pieces.

Both parents were tuned into their instincts. Over my lifetime, I'd seen both of my parents avoid catastrophic disasters on several occasions.
The one instance where dad had told me he'd followed his instincts was driving south on I-25, on the Monument Valley hill, right outside of Colo. Spgs, CO... Out of nowhere, dad has the sense he'd needed to get off the interstate at the next exit ramp. He's got the "pulling" feeling to stop at the nearest gas station, and purchase a newspaper.
So what happened? The EXACT timing it took dad to take a change of plans, pull off the to exit, stop at that 1st gas station, wait in line to get a newspaper, was the EXACT amount of time that dad would have been smack-dab-in-the-middle of a huge 20+ car pile up.
Dad recalls shortly before the urge to take the exit ramp, he saw there was a semi truck not too far up ahead of him. That semi truck ended up jack-knifing while it was casually driving down the Monument I-25 hill. Many people were hurt and injured. No one really mention then exactly what happened as far as why this semi lost control.
Who knows why humans have what we call instincts/or a sixth sense. I have learned from my parents to trust that instinct regardless. 🙂
Cheers ALL, be good to each other!

@nrj_1957 - 27.02.2024 18:16

Hey brother I just found your Channel and really enjoy it. Thank you and Jake for the Episode. Keep the awesome content coming. I’m hooked!! 🤙🏻

@elizabethvalentine6650 - 02.03.2024 09:20

This reminds me of a story that my brother told me recently and he’s like 28 and I am in my teens and we’re both boys we were just talking about random stuff like three in the morning and he tells me about how he literally was in hell and this episode about seeing death this before it happens reminds me of the story That my brothers told me and I’ll tell it to you now he tells me that one day he’s all alone and he knows that the house is haunted that he lives in and he sees these two people walking down the road coming towards them and he doesn’t know them so he grabs his shotgun heads out on the porch and he says if you walk any further I will shoot you any racks the shotgun And then they keep walking so he fired at them but it doesn’t even phase them he wrecks it again and shoots them doesn’t work and he instantly goes inside And he calls his mom and says basically I’m scared and there’s these people and she says without hesitation grab your Bible and confidently say I rebuke you in the name of the Lord and he does that and they go away and he goes and gets his friend and they come back and now there’s even more of them coming towards the both of them and then surrounding him and one by one he again rebuke them in the name of the Lord and they disappear And to me that was the most bone chilling story I’ve gotten for my brother and I wanted to share that.

@new_comment - 03.03.2024 10:39

I'm guessing it was an angel from God. Appearing as his brother to keep him fairly calm with a comforting, familiar face. Just as the angel loosed Peters chains and ked him out of the prison seamlessly. Simply to vanish into heaven on the outside of the gate.

@The_ZeroLine - 03.03.2024 11:45

It’s a wonder combat tunnelers could move at all with such immense balls. I get terrified just thinking of their lot or even temporarily entering a tunnel let alone basically living there.

@lyrakeltica - 04.03.2024 11:05

Where do you find all these stories? This, as well as most of your content was was extremely provocative. Thank you for sharing the accounts of these brave men who sacrificed everything to keep others safe and quell tyranny.

@bezoticallyyours83 - 06.03.2024 03:52

Poor Will

@bezoticallyyours83 - 06.03.2024 04:03

Damn, Tommy's mom literally led her son to his demise. :/

@Mckokonutz - 13.03.2024 05:24

How come you did put a guy with a hunter rifle in the trenches? And an australian leather hat? Please?

@Blalack77 - 17.03.2024 09:41

Man the first one.. It makes me think if/when I die and my little brother was ever in any kind of trouble, I'd try to warn him somehow as a ghost too.

But my interest and almost fascination with WW1 started with my great-grandma - she was extremely eccentric which is probably where I picked up some of my own eccentricity (she was like an 85 pound, not even 5 foot tall frail old woman but she would club possums to death with a table leg that got into her house regularly). But I think her dad, some of her uncles, various other family members, etc. were in WW1 and she talked about it a lot - she and my great-grandpa were even blown up in a war factory/port out in California during WW2 (supposedly munitions mishandling but they always claimed there was some kind of small Japanese submarine type of deal that snuck in and detonated and was covered up) and they lived through all of the fear and uncertainty but she still always talked about WW1.

And her wall was covered with black and white pictures of people in the uniforms of the time - I knew as far back as great-grandparents, great-great aunts and uncles, and a few great-great grandparents and some names from even further back, but I didn't really know the people in the pictures.. But supposedly one of her much younger sisters still has their dad's belt buckle from WW1 with a bullet lodged in it. The story goes that he was some kind of a sharpshooter/sniper and was utterly insane both before and much more so after the war.

And I don't know why - maybe just the atmosphere, maybe her personality or whatever but it always seemed kind of eerie and mystical - because WW1 seemed so strange and distant at the time - I mean, it started just a little over a decade out of the 19th century/into the 20th (what a way to start the 20th century huh?), they still widely used horses and used other archaic technology and tactics used for hundreds of years before, but it also featured planes, tanks, automatic/more advanced guns, bombs, etc. - and like with the poison gasses and other chemical/biological warfare, it's like the technological advancement outpaced human conscience - I guess until WW2 at least... It's almost like WW1 was this crossroads between ancient and modern...

Even though I've always been very interested in WW2 and it was terribly brutal and had major implications and marked the birth of even crazier technology - atomic weapons, jets, rockets, etc. - and everything, it never had that exact effect on me - it never gave me that weird, eerie feeling like when hearing about WW1. It's kind of wild to think it was just 50ish years after the Civil War too - and possibly even crazier in my mind, just 72 years before I was born - or just 68 from the end of the war - like something I didn't think near about until it was too late - that there were a lot of WW1 veterans alive when I was a kid - like I was thinking the other day how there is nobody left alive who was born in the 19th century.. But it kind of subconsciously seems like WW1 should be almost hundreds of years ago...

@B0SS330 - 19.03.2024 09:42

These "ghostly" sightings are not their relatives but demonic entities taking on their appearance.

Hebrews 9:27 (KJV)
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"

@lndigo_Wolf1356 - 24.03.2024 10:18

l would say that death is like a grim ripper that wears a black cloak with a hood and it doesn't have a face so they either come when your nearly died or died but they can also be creepy

@huelaura4691 - 25.03.2024 06:02

Hold Gods hand ❤

He will never let go

Death had lost its sting

Because of JESUS❤

@immortaldan - 26.03.2024 07:22

One night I had a dream I was being chased...I had busted through many doors and obstacles to get away from whomever was chasing me. However, when i opened a door i saw a stall with a door that was closed. The door had about a 3 ft gap under it and i saw someone standing there in Deaths robe...I knew it was death as soon as I looked....I had to keep moving to get away but i was compelled to open the door . Once i opened the door it was a friend of mine dressed in deaths clothes...All he said was "Hey Daniel" and i remember confusingly saying "Sean? I'm sorry but i have to go." He replied "I know" and smiled, and i continued to run. When i woke up from the dream I had received a call that my friend Sean had died. Rest easy brother, I don't know why you chose to visit me, but I'm honored

@edwardmchedlidze2122 - 28.03.2024 09:03

You either go to Heaven or Hell but it’s up to anyone they can serve the Lord and Savor or the Devil

@drewroosevelt6506 - 29.03.2024 09:24

I know of somebody who saw two things before they happened: a baby being held by a grandmother - her daughter wasn’t supposed to be able to have kids/a guy in the hospital after a biking accident.

@douglaswegener6463 - 02.04.2024 07:42

After surgery to remove a cancerous tumor that was botched. I lostva testicle and went septic. I would not bo chemotherapy so I was discouraged. I met death that day in my room. Got to different ER 5 jugs of hay water removed from my abdomen. Septic pain is so very different I wanted death to come! Until it did. Then I got my fight to live back. I absolutely have no fear anymore!

@Leash_Canada - 03.04.2024 21:00

I went to Trent university where Dr. Tim Cook did his BA and he came back to do guest lectures often. The history students knew of his fame and bought his books. He is a well-loved historian in Peterborough and the rest of Canada! I'm glad he's mentioned in this video for his hard work and dedication to war history.

@limeallens6160 - 06.04.2024 00:43

If you are born again and have the spirit of Christ then you go to heaven if not you go to hell for eternity. Any questions?

@limeallens6160 - 06.04.2024 00:56

It’s biblically clear that angels can take on the form of humans when being sent on a mission by God

@DefinitelynotDave_ - 06.04.2024 17:55

May I ask what the piano music is from??

@Soulatheunholy - 10.04.2024 07:18

I had a weird dream when my childhood dog died. I loved that dog, and still do. And often consider getting a race like him when I get a house one day. I have had lots of weird phenomenon happen to me, but I always write them off as there are just things us humans probably dont understand yet. I dont believe in a god and the thought of life turning to spirits is unappealing to me. Nonetheless.

When my dog was put down due to illness, the night to when he had died, I had a dream.
I was laying in my bed, it was a bright summer morning, based on the amount of light shining through my window, yet it was foggy inside my room. Like as if there were little clouds passing around the floor level. My door opens up slowly, and in comes my good buddy our golden retriever, he just waddled towards me, he didnt wag his tail, but just slowly went up to me, until his snout was right up against mine, he looked at me dead in the eyes for a second or two. And then I woke up.
It really felt like he came by to say goodbye, so when I woke up, I said "Farewell, Luffe"
That dream is unlike any I've had before or since, and despite not believing in the supernatural, I still have this feeling that my old pupper came by to say goodbye before leaving this world for good.

@supersaltinie2335 - 11.04.2024 01:12

Right after Tommy's death, I got a paw patrol ad. Speechless.

@TheXarKhan - 11.04.2024 08:46

So.. a couple things.

I admit I'm more of a WW2 fan than almost any other war in history. As for history in general, my favorite time is colonial era , golden age of pirates, into the industrial revolution. As well as ancient history.. like ancient greece, rome, etc. and the viking age. You know.. the usual history nerd stuff.. WW2 up til today, im only interested in certain events and stories.. its picky.
WW1, I enjoy more for the stories, legends, and strange tales that came out of it. Stories of strange creatures, ghosts, aliens, etc. some even of vampires and creatures beyond imagining... Not to mention the ones of supposed mad scientists and insane experiments.. that sound like something out of a horror novel.

my parents love the Civil War. and could tell you practically everything about it. I never got that into it.. it just never caught me..

Also, To put things in another perspective... this is kinda the second thing, but more of a... train of thought.
WW1 and that era was really the... conception/conceiving of the modern world. What we would consider modernity, anyways. It was really when the collective... pot of humanity really got stirred up, and everything collided into one another, the whole thing. Something new was being made.. things that the world have never seen before. Not on this planet anyways.. Perhaps supernatural forces also got stirred up to. you think? Where WW2 was more the birth of it. A rather violent, and explosive, birth.. but birth nonetheless. Not to mention the following cold war, which i guess you could say is like... the toddler, terrible twos, etc. era. so to speak.. and its really when mankind showed just how when we really showed our power... for better or worse..
But really.. either way... this is when mankind really became separated from nature. when there became 2 worlds, so to speak.. which makes me think.. still connected, but no longer to such an great degree. Which kinda makes me think... is this why we dont see a lot of natural phenomenon anymore? like creatures, beings, entities..
Sure, we see ghosts and the occasional bigfoot or creature sighting... but thats not really anything significant.. dont see anything but some short glimpses. There's no real interaction. not like there supposedly used to be. And sure, a lot of that is due to the fact of.... many things we considered supernatural are now proven not to be. its strange, but not anything magical or fantastical..

i just wonder if maybe thats why we are no longer intune with the world.. because we have become so.. engulfed in our own world. That we have grown so advanced and powerful, in our own way, that... maybe its cause everything else is so terrified of us.. that theyre scared of what we might/will do..?
Some of that stuff, i want it to be scared. But others its... no. Heck, most of are like that.. most people are actually rather open to like... aliens or the kinder creatures blending into a new society.

just a thought is all..

@Howl805 - 12.04.2024 01:16

This isn’t related to anything within the military (maybe aside from my dad and uncle being ex military), but my uncle passed away back in 2014 and the night before my dad swears he heard my uncle calling out to him. He got up and went outside following the voice all the way to the back of our 10 acre property before realizing nothing was there and heading back to the house. The next day my uncle left to work and never came back because he had a heart attack and passed away. My dad to this day brings it up every so often and says it must have been uncle bobo saying goodbye. Same happened when my grandma passed. She’d been fighting cancer and it took a turn after about 3 or 4 years. That day at about 2 or 3 am my mom woke to my little brother (about 3-4 years old at the time) giggling, later that day when I went to open Facebook (which would have alerted me to the news) it said servers were down. I learned later that day that the reason my aunt picked me and my cousin up from high school was because my grandma had passed. I had a great day chilling with my family and got back to find out the sad news. We all think this was her final farewell to us and her way of making sure we had a good day instead of one of mourning.

@bwktlcn - 12.04.2024 22:57

If I go before my sister, and it’s possible, I’ll come back to make sure she’s not alone when it’s her time. And if I could lead her to safety, like Will and Steve, I would. She’s my baby sister, even if she’s 55.

@justandrew9_9 - 13.04.2024 14:59

Lets be honest God is real and because he is supernatural well is more natural than many think.

@Stickthedogboy - 15.04.2024 04:36

My boyfriend died 6 months ago in a car crash. About 3 months after that, I flipped my car into a ditch on an old country road , my truck was spiraling in the middle of the road heading towards a cow pasture. I saw him standing there in the middle of the road shaking his head at me. He looked upset at what was going on. I served to try and miss him and wound up on the other side of the road , away from the cow pastures. I narrowly missed a big tree and woke up in my sideways car. I had thought for sure I was going to die.

@TheLikeButton2 - 18.04.2024 22:37

Tommy is gone mate.

@sdivine13 - 20.04.2024 18:30

Tommys mom musta hated his ass

@Kaijugan - 24.04.2024 16:41

I may use these and the story of the Hound of Mons in my WWI Assassin’s Creed story.

@Viper_19801 - 24.04.2024 20:10

If you are a Christian and believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins then you go to heaven and if not you go to hell. Its as simple as that.

@user-sg9ep7kv5z - 27.04.2024 08:04

1995 this has nothing to do with war but in the streets La, my mom was always telling me, if you out and mess around your going to get caught. Didn't believe it but it happened twice. I guess she over heard of talking about a Cadillac I wanted to get, and she said your going to cutt your right arm really bad needing stitches 🪡. I got really mad and left, I came home with my shirt covering my arm, I ended up getting 68 stitches. Back then I was young and dumb, didn't believe it stuff like that. That's crazy 😧.
Robert La Puente SGV California.🫡

@danparedes1852 - 02.05.2024 13:37

That first story just sounds like the effects of sleep deprivation due to stress: hallucinations, intense emotional crisis, and finally, your brain is too tired, and you fall asleep; or, you die. That next shit, though... Could be instincts helped him survive, but... Yeah. That shit's sussy. Maybe his dead brother's ghost did save his ass lol

@gothboschincarnate3931 - 05.05.2024 16:06

I dont believe in ghost and spirits and Donna Douglas....or Heather O'Rourke....or karra...but they sure do believe in me.

@wethepeople8092 - 09.05.2024 12:50

I had a car accident 5 years ago and i didn't see anyone or anything i flipped my truck three times into a tree by all accounts i should have died but everything but the drivers seat was destroyed completely and what was crazy is there was only one house within 5 miles and i landed 100 feet from it and the owner was the EMS chief of the county i got out of it with minor injuries and i wasn't wearing a seat belt i was only 6 miles from my historical family ranch it was very bizarre but it turned my life in a different direction and i felt a clear push by someone in a right direction

@einienj3281 - 14.05.2024 00:44

I don't believe in an afterlife. We die and that's it.

@reqhskslkwe4480 - 23.05.2024 04:07

I encountered supernatural when i saw 3 entities crawling at the ceiling when i was 7 year old, and saw a small airplane flew above my head and vanished...

@southtexasprepper1837 - 07.06.2024 14:41

Luke, I wish to share My Story: My Late Mother pass away back in February of 2011. Sometime before she passed away, My Mother had related to myself and My Sister that she had been seeing "a well-dressed man" in her bedroom just standing in front of her bed that was provided by Hospice Care Givers. My Sister had brushed it off as My Mother being delusional because of her dying of 4th Stage Cancer, but I didn't. I'm more of a believer in Life After Death and that "Death" (the personification aspect) isn't an enemy, but a constant companion throughout Life. I personally believe that the "well-dressed man" that My Mother saw was an Angel to reassure My Mother that "he" was there and going to accompany her to the Gate of Heaven to join My Father, Step-Father and all the rest of My Family that have gone before her and who truly loved her. I hope that when it comes My Time to leave This Life, that My Mother comes to me and helps to accompany me "Beyond The Veil."

@greenbeenie2 - 09.06.2024 12:06


@me6057 - 03.07.2024 07:29

ive seen some crazy shit, not only myself but with a friend. till this day i cant wrap my head around it. there’s literally just one explanation for it all…

@wms72 - 08.07.2024 11:18

Shades of The Twilight Zone 😊

@wms72 - 08.07.2024 11:31

There's book that's a compilation of letters written by WWI soldiers documenting their rescue during the war and healings by apparitions of a Catholic nun who died in 1897, St. Therese of Lisieux.

@snowstephenanderson801 - 12.07.2024 04:34

It's all real to me....

@snowstephenanderson801 - 12.07.2024 04:35

Great intro. very Twilight Zone...

@williesimpson6757 - 14.07.2024 02:11

It wasn’t a ghost, it was a being sent by God .. which ., an angel took the appearance of his brother as the best approach. I have had experienced with angels and a confrontational on by a demon who tried to strangle me in broad daylight. The Bible is our base line, as far as we can tie in a reference.
