DEATH STRANDING 2 Official 4K Teaser Trailer | The Game Awards 2022

DEATH STRANDING 2 Official 4K Teaser Trailer | The Game Awards 2022


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El Goblin
El Goblin - 14.09.2023 17:10

Oh boy another wild ride as a delivery guy

Ryan Lee
Ryan Lee - 09.09.2023 06:53

Sixth extintion is finally comming

Elli - 06.09.2023 09:01

Death Stranding is an experience either you love it or just dont understand. For me, that game is as close to a masterpiece it could and I cannot wait for more in the sequel. Keep on keeping on.

Vishnu Ravi
Vishnu Ravi - 26.08.2023 19:50

death stranding prime

2manyhobbies - 16.08.2023 21:46

Ohh baby this is gonna be so good. Time for more Kojima mind meltingness

F Fa
F Fa - 15.08.2023 10:54

eeeehhhhhhhhh noooo....

Brandon Becker
Brandon Becker - 29.07.2023 05:28

I really have to wonder where this will be going considering Sam postponed the Death Stranding

Demon Dragon
Demon Dragon - 28.07.2023 02:40

ayo a BT BB !?!?!?!

silentsmokeNIN - 26.07.2023 12:49

Currently super addicted to the first game. Im sure the sequel will be great!

Aditya Verma
Aditya Verma - 19.07.2023 14:04

Day 1 Buy from me Mr. KOJIMA . A few dare to create what u have created . This may not fit "video game" definition of everyone . But this was most unique experience i had . Keep on keeping on.

Danuke - 02.07.2023 18:57

To me kojima should have made a full CGI film movie or series of death stranding. Dont get me wrong he's good at making games but i mean cmon just just look at his game for the past years it look and feels like a movie or a film with the cinematography. Cuz i felt like Death Stranding should've been a movie or a series like Love, Death and Robots. I would've love to watch that masterpiece multiple time just to understand its world and lore.❤

DJ Arthur Looby
DJ Arthur Looby - 29.06.2023 00:42

Kojima games always look like the best games graphics wise metal gear solid 5 just to name one.

shyboy2112 - 27.06.2023 16:41

god awful story

Mr MaGuilcuty
Mr MaGuilcuty - 26.06.2023 02:27


Marcus - 20.06.2023 10:44

Aaaaarh man I can’t wait, ds is such a good game

Iggs Wanna
Iggs Wanna - 20.06.2023 06:51

the only crime Kojima comitted in DS was not having a day/night cycle.
at least in DS2 we have a unicycle.

Marius Fjørtoft
Marius Fjørtoft - 13.06.2023 03:17

Death Stranding was truly one of a kind. I understand where the major criticism came from, as DS wasn’t for everyone, but I just loved this ride. Avoiding bt’s in an empty world, the diegetic sound that added the dread and the feeling of complete isolation and the mostly empty open world.
I can’t wait to see when DS2 drops.

budczus field
budczus field - 09.06.2023 09:49

Death Stranding is one of my GOATS.

Jenova Izq
Jenova Izq - 29.05.2023 15:41

Just take my money 💴 Kojima 🤤 the first game is good and this one will be even awesome 😎. Any game that have the Kojima Production logo will buy it in a instant. 😅

Code - 16.05.2023 09:12

I hope they do a resell of the sunglasses when the game comes out

Дмитрий Завальнюк
Дмитрий Завальнюк - 14.05.2023 09:29

Слишком гениально, что бы можно было что-то понять

S. Fox
S. Fox - 11.05.2023 19:38

I just got the first game and i am enjoying it. I understand why some would not like it and yes it can be teadeous but the story out weighs the gameplay so much that i really dont mind at all. I hope mr. Kojima keeps making games.

Lial - 04.05.2023 19:29

death stranding 2 including metal gear

Saymon Phoenix
Saymon Phoenix - 04.05.2023 17:38

Это гениально! Кодзима гений!

Casey - 02.05.2023 16:45

Do we get to play as Fragile?

TrenTonStackZ - 02.05.2023 12:28

New players watching this gonna be surprised when they find out it's a mailman simulator 😂... make sure you don't tip over with all those packages

Johnathan Maturino
Johnathan Maturino - 29.04.2023 13:23

I'm ready to not know what's going on again 😂

EJFreak Studios
EJFreak Studios - 28.04.2023 10:13

This game just goes to show: NOTHING can stop the mailman.

Harlekin CD
Harlekin CD - 26.04.2023 15:25

Actually im not really happy about this.
Dont get me wrong. Im a Kojima fan for a long time and i also liked Death Stranding.
But i think DS1 was a great game in itself and would rather have seen him to do something new instead.

NoDamageGaming - 25.04.2023 03:42

they paid for these comments

Walt Powell
Walt Powell - 24.04.2023 23:57

Can't believe they made a second game, nobody like the first one

EGAD GAMER - 22.04.2023 22:56

Wow, so excited to see léa seydoux again 😍

Vincent Law
Vincent Law - 20.04.2023 14:22

Kojima just loves his giant mechs too much to let them go 😂 And I love that

ThaReP - 20.04.2023 00:05

Noooooooo... not this game again

Dakkadot09 - 16.04.2023 22:33

I wonder whos voice that was that mentioned Apec when showing the credits

Dreamweaver EL Zotz
Dreamweaver EL Zotz - 15.04.2023 15:02

Death Stranding has so much Indigenous mythology intwined. From Spider woman (earth; moon goddess) and Tawa; (sun god.) Grandmother; Spider woman made the Dream catcher to protect the children, as the dream catcher burns the nightmare and tells the good dream through the hole. dreamcatchers were made in the shape of snow shoes; or tear drop; like the morning dew that make the spider webs appear. Otherwise the webs are invisible like the invisible light spectrum; the rainbow. The Sun give her fire; other say that she stole the light from the sun. Spider woman weaves reality on the loom that her husband Spider man made her. (Tawa and Spider man are alike) Spider woman gave " The magic twins" protective songs as they had to journey to the beach in the west; once they saw the rainbow, they could see their father(s) house in the sky. The Maya called The moon Goddess "The Lady of the Rainbow." She is the great cosmic weaver. She had transformed herself into a crab; and was stuck by lightning; she dead. But dragonflies had blanket her in a cloud surrounded by logs that were hollowed; thus resurrecting her. In The Hopi prophecies. The Coming of The Fifth World. Our world is The fourth world; where we are seen as animals; whom will face The 3 World Shaking; where the gourds of ashes fall on the great plains. If you survive, then you'll get to rebuilt the world as The Fifth World of Peace; where we can be seen as human and live peacefully. In the Lakota Prophecy "The Black Snake." The black snake was to come from the north and cut through the black hills; the heart of everything that is. And it would poison the water. The Black Snake is crude Oil. If the black snake was defeated then; it would cushion the gourds of ashes when they fall; thus saving the children. Whom are to bring joyous sound and joyous movement that pull the world out of the up-side-down. Spider woman gets her powers from the up-side-down; underworld and her husband the Sun god his power from the heavens and mysterious of the creator. Spider woman and Tawa are made in the image of the creator; who tasked them with creating the world. They created and destroyed many worlds. The 3 worlds shaking; there be a blue star dancer that would reveal her face; as destroyer and creator. Soon after a Red Star would appear in the sky; it would change all matter from large to small. Then you'd have a choice; stay and face the 3 world shakings on the path of the one hearted; closest to the creator or leave for the heavens on a zig zag path of the two hearted. A man from the heavens; would then return and he'd wear a red cape; be all powerful that no weapon of the world could beat him. If he came from a certain way; then it was said not to go to your roof top; as he'd show no mercy. Spider woman is similar to sky woman who had a daughter and she mutated; became fully grown and was pregnant. She then died soon after giving birth to the twin boys. Sky woman raised them. The Ojibwa tell of a giant that is as large and thin as a shadow; to be near them; you'd feel the cold of winter. You couldn't seen them; only in their direct line of view, but then it was too late; as the giant would devour your warm heart. This vile creature can never feel the warmth; and set everything a flame; this vile creature has a frightful hunger and eats everyone in view. This vile creature is the Wendigo; The lipless and cold hearted. The Hopi tell of the man in the labyrinth; which is a representation of life; death and the life after death. The man started on top and in his journey of life he had many twists and turns; at the centre is his dream and once he finds his dream; he then sees the sun god; in that moment he dies and goes to heaven.

Ben Cox
Ben Cox - 14.04.2023 15:44

On a scale of blues clues to metal gear solid 2, how incomprehensible is this series?

Prince Prateek
Prince Prateek - 11.04.2023 22:19

Who's that mask man with guitar???

Piro Gamer Mohit
Piro Gamer Mohit - 07.04.2023 14:28

bro do not make it walking simulator

Chr1stmasCat - 04.04.2023 12:15

Сэм у нас унитаз засорился в горах, только ты сможешь нам помочь, Сэм, у тебя есть 5 минут чтобы добраться до нас.

Worm - 04.04.2023 05:54

i hope they don't miss this time, and actually do this game justice. I was so hyped for DS when those crazy trailers first started dropping. The idea and story is amazing, but the gameplay missed hard. still enjoyed it for the story, but majorly disappointed with how it played. If they can get the mechanics and gameplay down, this will be S tier.

Mehmet Dag
Mehmet Dag - 03.04.2023 02:57

Schade das Hideo Kojima von Konima raus ging, hätte gerne eine Fortsetzung von Metal Gear Solid gehabt....das hatte viel Potenzial gehabt

babyboi gamer
babyboi gamer - 25.03.2023 18:15

man if you have not played this game because you think its a delivery game then your right. but its the way you do things that makes this game so special. just got to try it to find out. hope to see your packages around )

Memo Ramos
Memo Ramos - 25.03.2023 12:49

No thanks, I’ll pass

R. B.
R. B. - 23.03.2023 18:24

thank you, but I will not jump on to this again. i will reserve my time for real games.

J Cooper Hayes
J Cooper Hayes - 20.03.2023 19:36

By hours committed, DS1 is top 10 for me. I guess I must like it... But that's despite the story and characters. Loved the world and logistics mechanics. Fine with the spooky invisible threats. Couldn't stand the cutscenes, especially the in-game moments like EVERY delivery npc and BT detection. More skip buttons please.

Berk Yoztyurk
Berk Yoztyurk - 19.03.2023 03:25

is there gonna be timefall

Johnny Stonks
Johnny Stonks - 19.03.2023 02:35

Bro... Norman Reedus, Léa Seydoux and Troy Baker... Bro wants to force me to buy that game
