Poor Rozy and baby, I think Rosie was in a lot of pain from the wound on her face that was fresh, I’ve seen some monkeys, give birth and it’s traumatic for them, and they will temporarily ignore their babies. I think to add insult to injury, this little guy was just a little bit slow coming around, which is normal, but I think Rosie wanted him to know exactly what to do already and just leave her alone. It was a unfortunate situation. But in some circumstances, Rosie has killed her offspring before they say because it was a long tail instead of a short tail.
ОтветитьSweet mum teaches her baby moonkey to fly later moonkey stars in the wizard of oz. Thanks mom.
ОтветитьHybrid monkeys are not well liked.
ОтветитьShe's definitely trying to let the baby fall for sure, almost like she's trying to make it look like an accident
ОтветитьShe'll be shund if she keeps it because it's not one of them
ОтветитьI put Rosy on my Christmas card list for her wonderful care for her baby.
ОтветитьКак чемодан без ручки, и нести не хочется, и выкинуть жалко😊
ОтветитьGot to be something else about the baby! So many other pigtails had hybrid babies so…. 🤔
ОтветитьCó rơi đeo đâu con khỉ người no lừa minh
ОтветитьПадай ,уже
ОтветитьВо , твари , как жизнь любят : только родился , висит вертикально на дереве и очень крепко держится....
ОтветитьЕстественный отбор. Выживают сильные, слабых убивают такова природа.
ОтветитьEla simplesmente o odeia
ОтветитьEse pobre animalito nunca fue amamantado por mamá 😢
ОтветитьMy God what more can that baby stand...?
ОтветитьNever before seen?? this video its almost 8 years old!!
ОтветитьYour facts btw are not actually facts or even true for that matter
ОтветитьWhat the hell? This is horrible
Ответить너무 멀어요ㆍ 아기만 가까이서 찍으세요 ᆢ
ОтветитьSo sad poor baby
ОтветитьGood mom.
ОтветитьОна его изначально не .принела .как только родила сбросила его , а вы опять ей его подсадили , зачем видно было что он ей не нужен , прсто мучсла малыша ,а вы нсблюдали и снемали на ксмеру издевстельство над крохой , как всм не стыдно , где ваша природа охрана надо было забрать его от такой мамаши , малыш погиб
ОтветитьPoor baby, he barely had enough energy to cry out. Let alone hang on to the tree. I just don’t understand why the VO’s gave him back to her. It was very clear from the beginning from that she didn’t want him, defective or not. Who even knows, as he was never even given the chance to really survive. She doesn’t nurse, she bites him multiple times, lets go of him and tries to let him fall more than once. He could have had a chance, if he wasn’t returned to her 3 times…😢
ОтветитьPoor baby
ОтветитьWhich breed did you find rejected their baby the most? Which breed was most protective?
I'm genuinely interested. Between watching the channels on the Macaque, hybrids, pigtails, gorillas, and orangutan, I feel as though the Gorilla's are the most human like. As for the breeds you are studying, the Macaque seem to have some mannerisms. What is your opinion?
I hate repeated clips
ОтветитьThis baby monkey died. Mother rejected him/her, & im quite sure the people & cameras in her face , CONSTANTLY, didnt help her judgment on the matter. These monkeys have much stress put on their daily lives with these camera's constantly filming them & just knowing these people arent leaving them alone! Their constantly on hi alert & that cant be good for their lives
Ответитьthis is a older video
ОтветитьYazık ya 😢😢😢😢
ОтветитьThis female once was a pet. Like so many, she got to big, she wasn't cute anymore and was released into the wild. She was caught in a trap. Someone found her and set her free. She has no idea on how to be a normal monkey.
ОтветитьShes thinking about it and is like nah, im good thanks
ОтветитьYeah it didnt nurse or anything something was seriously wrong withnit...she refused it as she should. It was the camera peoples faultt cause they kept giving it back to her and she had already abandoned it and it gave her a bad name but she is a good mother. Thats what happens in the wild . Mothers will abandoned reject babies.
ОтветитьEste vídeo é velho e já foi postado tantas vezes,que me desculpem...mas já mete nojo....Bolas!!!! São sádicos....
ОтветитьNém nó rơi từ trên cao xuống đất đi thì tuyệt vời ném nó xuống nước cho cá sấu thưởng thức thì tuyệt vời
ОтветитьЭто старое видео пора выбросить, мамаша не приняла гибрида и била его кусала, сдерева сбрасывала несколько раз пока не убила, живучие твари.
ОтветитьShe’s trying to get it to nurse!
ОтветитьShe knows something is wrong with it
ОтветитьMaybe the mom reacted cuz the baby wasn’t trying to latch on to nurse, I did notice she kept pressing the baby against her chest so maybe that’s why
ОтветитьI’ve never seen a baby monkey not want to nurse , they usually nurse immediately right after they come out, but this one doesn’t even attempt to try to nurse, how unusually odd that is
ОтветитьBén dàn Idioten Blogger
ОтветитьSurvival of the finest! It's sad but the wild is a sad and scary place!!
Esa mona mamá siempre mata a dus hijos. La recomizco por la mano mocha
ОтветитьWybić to ochydne obrzydlistwo ☠️
Ответитьher hand tells me her tornment as a baby is libked to this newborn hate she has
is this her first boy? was her human tormentor called. "DADDY"
how long was she held prisoner before being dumped to a troop already mentally ill to torment her EVEN MORE?
she is lucky this is thr troop they threw her away too
because 😅n the wild a real troop wiukd gave come running for these kind of calls this baby made ajd they would have found her murdered and not the newborn
and btw
WHO THE HE?? posted this?
who is the monster who dumped her and made her so mutated into this? is it the one and the same person?
and ill not watch another one of this
this is appalling and it is BAD and speaks so badly about macaques and that is misleading
real groups!!
real ones adore babies
its not like this place and they baby beatera
You are an misinformed. he mother macaque is not abandoning the little one. It isn't just born because it doesn't have an umbilical cord attached. You need to read up on macaque husbandry.
ОтветитьI dont understand the language very well but it sounds like someone telling the mother to give it to them. Mom is an old pet and certainly would know the 'give' command.
ОтветитьThat’s Rosie!