iFlight Nazgul Eco DJI O3/O4: Best budget FPV drone of 2025!

iFlight Nazgul Eco DJI O3/O4: Best budget FPV drone of 2025!

Colibri FPV

7 месяцев назад

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@RCTeamAustria - 04.08.2024 23:28


@burdfamfpv - 05.08.2024 01:10

Great re-view man nice looking quad

@Mxoderberg - 05.08.2024 14:25

I agree with the xt60 mounting. The hardmounted one on the updated version sucks! Looks good but battery options is limited. I had a F6d Evoque and with a Gopro there wasn't space for a big lipo for longer flights.. And add all the plastic sideplates and it was just a lot of unecessary stuff that don't really matter, I'd choose this kind of frame over the Evoques every time.

@Versillio - 05.08.2024 14:54

I just received the DC version with ELRS and GPS. It’s ready to go for a maiden flight but too much rain in my area. I wish I got the XT60 loose lead version, the captured version I got is a pain, and now I have to get a 2-inch extension to maintain battery balance. Price wise it was about the same as a custom-built quad but without the work of doing it yourself. Hopefully this is the start of new trend.

@Offroad_Airscapes - 05.08.2024 16:48

Nice review mate👍 answers alot of my questions i had about this

@Kellis6 - 05.08.2024 20:25

Just got the o3 version for my first 5". Its very fast but i havent found a place to really open it up yet. I disarmed on accident about 20ft high at 25mph and it was not damaged at all.

@chunkit78 - 06.08.2024 16:39

Do u have problem with GPS locking satellite?

@AngerFPV - 06.08.2024 18:46

Xl5 wit the analog all DAY shawty

@Tsukuu_ - 06.08.2024 22:26

betaflight 4.5 preinstalled? hmmm just got 4.3 of evoque version.🤔 not cool man 😅

@AnthonysHobbies - 07.08.2024 23:20

Is it under 250g? If it’s over it does it come with remote Id?

@HolyCao5 - 09.08.2024 02:32

Now this to geprc mark 5?

@KanchaFPV - 13.08.2024 12:35

Max fly distance elrs vs tbs ?

@dmytropolishchuk1966 - 24.08.2024 16:20

Looks really nice. Considering to buy this drone for cinematic videos. What’s the flight time with a li-ion battery and a GoPro ?

@thomashardy9994 - 25.08.2024 21:19

Nice review. What would be an economical camera to use with the analog version? Or would it be easier and not not much more expensive to just use the O3 system?

@CarlBertossi - 27.08.2024 03:30

Here I am 🎉

@CarlBertossi - 27.08.2024 03:43

Props in or out what it does advantage one over another?

@CarlBertossi - 28.08.2024 18:30

I got avata2 thinking to use googles and controller for Nazgul however I do have TBS T2, it makes me wonder range DJI (cheaper, and I could sell TBS) vs Crossfire ?

@Shooting-Up - 05.09.2024 11:42

What a great review. Thanks. I’ve just bought one in analogue

@Charlvdwalt073 - 18.09.2024 21:17

🎉🎉🎉Charl South Africa Thank you for great 👍 video

@JairoFranchi - 28.09.2024 01:59

Great review about this drone!! 👏🏼👏🏼
Question brother, currently I have an avata 2, but I was planning to enter in something more freestyle and I was searching about this drone. Do you think that is a good one to move to? And I saw that the dji googles 3 already works with the O3 unit. Would be a good thing to buy this drone and use with my googles 3 and the dji remote controller 3?

Thanks for the review 👏🏼🚀

@RyanFPV1 - 29.09.2024 10:20

Will this work with my DJI goggles 3 and RC3? Thanks guys

@qr9180 - 30.09.2024 23:25

thank you ! ordering mine soon :p

@vizualstudio13 - 09.10.2024 18:35

Thanks mate. Thinking to get one over bob57😊. How's 900 mhz working for you. Just ordered radiomaster ELRS in both bands. Like some free style but main gol is medium range. Is 900 OK in free style?

@dekodbm - 11.10.2024 18:57

Great video, new subscriber here!

I’m planning to enter to the fpv world after spending several hours in the sim, and I was decided to go for the Avata 2, but today I found out the Nazgul and it seems pretty interesting, although I have ZERO experience with bind and fly drones, and I find a bit overwhelming all the process of choosing the components and assembling the quad, so I don’t know if it is a good idea to go for the Nazgul or just for the avata 2 (as it is a drone ready to fly, but way more expensive)

Can you tell me your thoughts about this? What would you do if you were a completely beginner?

Thank you!

@ppkus - 29.10.2024 02:31

do you know which polarity the antenna is LHCP or RHCP ?

@cinematicfpv31 - 03.11.2024 01:37

Subscribed :) I have goggles v2 and DJI RC 2 should i buy it with pre installed gps?

@DCNerdyQuiz - 04.11.2024 16:40

Is the older DJI goggles V2 compatible with this O3 air unit version?

@itsJM1 - 03.12.2024 06:36

Is there a way to add a gps after getting the drone? I have no need for one now, but I may add one in the future.

@EdEditz - 12.12.2024 22:16

Great review. I have the newer version with the fixed XT60 connector and I agree with you, I wish it was a loose connector. I made a sort of adapter that goes into the fixed XT60 and has a male XT60 connected at a 70° angle pointing forward. This solves it for me because the battery cables are too short to reach that fixed connector.

@Melissadayevans - 31.12.2024 20:10

Will the Nazgul eco work with the dji n3 goggles?

@Lastfrontierfpv - 31.12.2024 22:20


@gogle - 05.01.2025 01:36

the GPS mode can return the drone to "home point"?

@DCNerdyQuiz - 06.01.2025 10:52

How do i removed angle mode in betaflight and fly full acro mode? I just got my new nazgul eco and i have practiced a lot in liftoff

@goneviral6037 - 16.01.2025 01:23

Why not have speed in mph?

@ko_da_life - 16.01.2025 01:29

Lost already 3 dji avata’s2 .. want to buy something different, don’t want avata 2 again… i got googles 3 and fpv 3 controller from dji.. is it compatible with this drone?

@CallM3J0ker - 17.01.2025 21:56

Is this version compatible with DJ goggles and controller? I want to buy DJI FPV Remote Controller 3 and DJI Goggles 3. Will everything work? The drone I want to buy is iFlight Nazgul Evoque F5 V2.

@ChuyFPV - 22.01.2025 07:05

Bro I need help I want to buy a Nazgul ECO with O3 but I don’t know if I can pair the DJI googles V2 and the DJI controller v2 the same on (DJI fpv) because I don’t want to spend more money.
What I don’t get it is the ERLS or something like that what is that for??

@DAFlys - 24.01.2025 13:05

Is there any way to buy the O3/O4 version without the air unit of you already own one.

@DudeWithFPV - 27.01.2025 02:27

can u show me somehow pid and filter tabs?

@Habibi12245 - 28.01.2025 05:40

Wait, I never knew you had to add acro mode to a drone

@mdjuricic - 30.01.2025 21:08

sry im noob into this.... if i get this drone with 03 dji i need Dji goggles or i can connect other analog basic fpv goggles?

@vernelfpv - 31.01.2025 17:12

Nagul Eco or Geprc Vapor?

@pablotopo86 - 04.02.2025 00:40

Hello and thanks for your analysis of the Nazgul Eco.
I am building one of these from scratch with some modifications and I want to ask you how the albatros antennas performs. I am going to purchase an O4 Pro Air Unit and I would like to know if it compensates to purchase them or keep the originals from the O4

@Miguel_paredes80 - 12.02.2025 05:46

Hi, what a great video, I recently activated the GPS rescue and now my drone won't arm...

@dk_719 - 12.02.2025 08:10

Can you do a video on tuning the eco. I've had mine for a few weeks and want to tune it. Im running dji 04 bnf

@ABxEdiTzz - 23.02.2025 01:27

I’m trying to get my first drone and I don’t know if I should get it and don’t know what controller nor googles to get. Also nice video.
