SoBe Commercial

SoBe Commercial


17 лет назад

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@AgentOrange2012 - 06.02.2009 03:02

what a stuped advertisments i cant belive u people watch this stuff and actually think nothing of it. ppl need to wake up, sobe derives from sobek a reptilian god the egyptians prayed too

@nintendofan7824 - 15.10.2009 03:10

just another difference between american and british english. :) no need to worry about it.

@MunchVids - 24.12.2009 08:44

This is the old sobe.

@lovejohnniebear24 - 25.08.2011 10:50

@AgentOrange2012 I know how u feel dude its so frusterating that ppl dont see the truth like "sobe life water" LIFE WATER! It looks like blood! Blood= life water for them! THEY need blood! and the name life water doent it alarm ppl!? At least ur an awake one :)

@lovejohnniebear24 - 25.08.2011 10:52

@AgentOrange2012 plz excuse my spelling in the last message :)
