Jordan Peterson: How to attract beautiful women

Jordan Peterson: How to attract beautiful women

Essential Truth

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Harry Jackson
Harry Jackson - 11.08.2023 19:19

I lose women all the time to homeless jobless dudes who beat women and can’t fight snitch rob women have shaved heads or they are just plain black or Latino of any kind. You
Must be a fashion victim did I mention you cannot have a job that is a must along with a long criminal record of any kind with the shitty tattoo to compliment it Or maybe I just live in FLORIDA

Tom - 22.07.2023 19:35

The empath male can actually attract the most beautiful women, which are the narcissists. So nothing to do with dominance. Or maybe its the exception. And i really mean attract. As in you can do no wrong on a date. Of course it does not end well.

Baddonkey - 30.05.2023 15:58

More gobbledygook from the master of chatter. The title here is pure clickbait.

Laura Andrés
Laura Andrés - 21.01.2023 20:47

Mmmmm he puts off even my mother, who is 94...

Alex Freeman
Alex Freeman - 28.12.2022 02:06

I’m going to spell the secret money money money and more money that’s it.

MOTORMOUTH ALMIGHTY - 29.11.2022 08:02


Slacker - 26.11.2022 05:50

This clip had absolutely NOTHING to do with the title.

indian masculinity
indian masculinity - 20.10.2022 17:44

Girls select man for her personal desire ,,,, sex , emotional gap , friendship ---,,, if any guy fill this gap then girl open her legs for him ,,,,, esy boys enjoy the life and set goals don't fall in holes ,,,, ❣️❣️❣️

Joe Stewart
Joe Stewart - 05.10.2022 04:09

It’s funny that he’s talking about this topic, because today I went out to dinner with my family, and all through the evening, as we where dining, I notice couples come and go, the men are dressed very casual to impress the women they where with and the lady friend, women are dressed even more sexier, it’s incredible, it’s like at the end of night after those people have their night out, the only thing on that women’s mind is sex, plain and simple.

G - 13.09.2022 13:01

But how to attract ugly women? We need to be realistic.

Tony Birks
Tony Birks - 09.08.2022 16:04

The wallet..

Atomicbubble1 - 02.07.2022 21:47

Beautiful, yes, but also you want to attract authentic woman. But people need to keep their expectations realistic, if you’re not the cream of the crop as well, you simply are not going to attract the cream of the crop. Become the best version of yourself to attract the best woman for yourself, it’s that simple

robert wilson
robert wilson - 23.06.2022 17:07

Simple have a face that fits hahaha

viniv20 - 20.06.2022 15:07

Funny thing is that these days we all want to hear these things and say its 100% true, but when comes to real life, nobody applies this.
In the 50s nobody had this information and there were more happy couples and married couples then now.
And no dont be telling me yes, but if they wanted to divorce that was a tattoo and thus they stayed in a bad relation just because.

Yes that happened, but dont go telling me that it was majority of society. Whil being single and wanting to find love is for people between 20 and 35 a VERY BIG PART of society.
We are all just brainfucked with movies and social media.
We say we only deserve the best. But we don't realize that 2nd to best or 3rd best, is still very very good !
We have to realize we can't all be winners or we are gonna chaise lifelong to chasing that dream while never accomplishing it and be sad our whole lives, and for what ?? To look good for the rest of the world ?? in this case : F*** the rest of the world ! I dont care what they think as long as im happy with what i do.
But then again i dont boast or brag with anything online, and if you are someone that needs this in their lives... sad... sad... start living the real life FOR YOU and not try live the virtual life someone else has. Cause before you know, life's over and you wasted it completly ona false dream.

marc - 14.06.2022 14:06

No money no women

John Ventura
John Ventura - 08.06.2022 14:36

What language is he talking!

wol verine
wol verine - 24.05.2022 15:16

lot of money, being interesting, big penis, thats pretty much it, you can get away with just one of them but you will need to be above average in other two at times :)

Scott McNeely
Scott McNeely - 22.05.2022 22:45

So how does the selection process change after menopause and when all your children are grown? Who still has hair? Who is the least fat? Who can still get it up?

Random - 17.05.2022 17:25

You need to be beautiful soul to attract a beautiful soul.

Сука - 17.05.2022 11:17

How to attract woman: 😕
How to attract man: 😎

Rocker - 10.05.2022 00:17

I wonder if he has sex with his students?

The Johnson
The Johnson - 04.04.2022 02:16

It's easy. Be smart, the life of the party, wealthy, good looking and buff........ Simple really.......

Crupt - 03.04.2022 14:31

Sorry Jordan, I know you're really smart, but you're not the guy I'm gonna listen to when it comes to picking up chicks.

Punch Aim
Punch Aim - 30.03.2022 20:28

so what women want isn't really that bad honestly and it kinda makes sense

Tipperty - 29.03.2022 19:46

Hang on a sec this is bullshit, he never mentioned once that becoming a tier 3 sub helped.

Lance KuhPow
Lance KuhPow - 28.03.2022 15:23

Haha 1.4 million virgins

dan jones
dan jones - 23.03.2022 05:58

two things only matter to women, your looks if you are attractive enough and wealth. society is pretty shallow.

Ben - 23.03.2022 05:26

Step 1: Hold your self to a high standard a walk with a purpose, people sense confidence, walk slowly with your shoulders back and chin up.

Step 2: speak slowly and maintain eye contact. Women are much better then men at sensing confidence if you cant hold eye contact with the girl she’ll sense that your weak. Speak clearly and slowly shows that your not nervous. It also helps a great deal if your articulate and have some substance to you women are attracted to intelligence.

Step 3: Don’t be weird, don’t come off to strong don’t be physical unless she initiates it. Women are attracted to men who make them feel safe so don’t make her feel threatened.

Step 4: understand your the most permanent person in your life and never chase women, it’s okay to talk to girls and try and get girls but don’t make yourself constantly available and in the beggining stages never ever validate the girl because all other men do.

Step 5: take care of yourself, dress nicely clean your self practice proper hygiene and smell good physical attraction is the first thing women notice and if you stink you instantly blow it.

Proper Psychology
Proper Psychology - 18.03.2022 19:05

The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is "What does a woman want?" -Sigmund Freud

tufail ahmed
tufail ahmed - 15.03.2022 09:56

35 and single ,,never touched a women ,,.. nothing is more important than a female partner for a male .

S - 12.03.2022 17:13

A hole is a hole

TheHezzaT - 24.02.2022 03:21

Is he saying dominant turkey?

Nelson Hergert
Nelson Hergert - 14.02.2022 23:28

well I need info abou gays relationship, how atract other mens

ali ramezani
ali ramezani - 14.02.2022 03:16

So it's not a list of traits or achievements.

It's more complicated than that

Ze Bunker
Ze Bunker - 07.02.2022 10:17

Best tip is to think of all women as girls. And to to think of girls as pets.

Daisuke Gori
Daisuke Gori - 01.02.2022 08:50

Till your 30 or 40. I agree with Dr Peterson but that is hardly the end. Suddenly give up and do nothing for the next 45 years until you die? That is not what he is saying. But fools take that advice and give up at 30.

Brian C
Brian C - 24.01.2022 14:14

Working hard, making sacrifices, and taking care of yourself goes a lonng way. Girls appreciate all these things as much as you do.

Dddddd - 18.01.2022 21:52

These titles are ridiculous. Watches a brilliant university lecture, only concerned with getting laid.

Hardcore Economist
Hardcore Economist - 16.01.2022 22:37

Be confident, act confident, look confidence.

Cody Flint
Cody Flint - 07.01.2022 03:42

1. Have money
2. Have a fat gut (most women need to be the more attractive one in the relationship)
3. Be in a relationship

Dhrubajyoti Barman
Dhrubajyoti Barman - 04.01.2022 17:24

Just be a complete jerk. That's enough to attract a women

Anthony D
Anthony D - 03.01.2022 17:53

I Love him but he never, I mean never, gets to point???

Eugen Cocis
Eugen Cocis - 02.01.2022 02:43

How to attract beautiful women = money money money money money money

Topper Harley
Topper Harley - 29.12.2021 14:59

If you don’t bang within 20 minutes, you are on the wrong date.

Edrian - 29.12.2021 10:00

What are the original sources of the clips you used?

Paul Bradbury
Paul Bradbury - 29.12.2021 00:15

This is flawed and outdated thinking. If women predominantly are attracted to successful men then why do women write romantic letters to convicts and constantly fall for the unemployed man? In current times most of what makes a man dependable financially is a stable and well paying job and most of what makes a man successful in corporate America, makes him unattractive to women. There is and has always been a difference between the kind of man a women wants versus the kind of man she needs, that is why women will rarely be happy because these are often not the same person.

G - 28.12.2021 03:35

Don't be old
