DPReview TV: Travel Tripod Shootout (Manfrotto, Peak Design, Gitzo and Sirui)

DPReview TV: Travel Tripod Shootout (Manfrotto, Peak Design, Gitzo and Sirui)

DPReview TV

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@ALWH1314 - 19.12.2021 04:09

Not a fan of ball head because it needs heavy effort for me to tighten it, but I bought this Peak Design tripod and pleasantly surprised by how easy to lock it in place even heavy lens. It is expensive, but it is the only one a small senior like me able to travel with. Yes, I hate have to use allen wrench, I lost it the first time using it and a replacement is $20, ouch.

@richardlee9207 - 21.12.2021 23:06

1K $ tripot, LMAO.

@v3rlon - 24.01.2022 05:13

I have the PDTT and it is amazing.

You can shorten the center column for low shots if you want. Watch their video on this. Also note that they actually have videos on use, maintenance, and repair of the tripod.

While mentioning extras, the PDTT also comes with a phone mount that stores in the center column.

I like the convenience of the ball head, but it is all or nothing. You cannot lock one axis and only work the others.

@david-oval - 05.02.2022 18:06

This is probably my favourite tripod video.

@daveychainsaw961 - 27.02.2022 00:54

Great video, love your style and the amount of knowledge you pack in.

@brianmiller921 - 08.03.2022 21:23

ROFL on the vibrator as a tripod stabilization calibration device.

@rakshithavr3154 - 13.03.2022 12:22

Hi man, I was looking at the am 284 sirui and it has two head options- K20x & A10r. I’m not sure which one to go with. Both looks same in terms of specs. Which one would u suggest

@deejaypile - 24.03.2022 20:52

the nicknaming theme was super unnecessary and extra confusing

@aktchungrabanio6467 - 25.03.2022 02:17

I really, REALLY like the way you pronounce "GUILLERMO". It makes me feel alive.

@sarajcory7425 - 02.04.2022 07:19

I've been using a brick shxx-house Pro Design tripod for several years. It's substantial, doesn't fall over in a wind, and can handle my birding lenses. But OMG it's a beefy thing. I'm getting older and unable to schlep the weight I once did. Going to give the PD travel tripod a try with my smaller lenses for a night sky shoot. If it pisses me off it gets returned. Fingers crossed.

@cloudweight - 21.04.2022 05:52

Absolutely fantastic video, in depth the perfect amount and really hammering on the important parts for usage. Great content.

@FerdinandTerreros - 22.04.2022 01:45

Could of just used their actual names !

@dr-fish-arms - 13.05.2022 23:16

Awesome comparison, thanks! I've been comparing the Gitzo and PD, and The Center Column has some good data on both. If I get the Gitzo, I think I'll get the tripod only, as the included ballhead is pretty bad. I think that may be why the Gitzo fared so poorly on your stability tests.

@scottsmith8492 - 15.05.2022 19:57

Chilli better pay that kid

@Jasruler - 24.05.2022 05:20

as a member of the 5'7" club the Sarah tripod looks ideal for astrophotography without having to spend all night on your knees.

@inamito93 - 12.06.2022 21:30

Very helpful. Thank you. (And I don't know why but "Sarah" cracked me up. :))

@DevilxKira - 15.06.2022 21:05

Hi ! It's a wonderful video and I would like to know if you could make the same style but updated with 2022 tripods because after watching this video I was like "Ok I like the Sirui one" but it's unavailable everywhere :c
(Sorry for my bad english)

@HarounElloumi - 02.07.2022 01:46

Edit: the most stable position on a tripod is when the central colomn is 1/3 deployed sir

@jasonpwright - 08.07.2022 11:31

For anyone watching this and considering one of these, consider the Gitzo is no longer $949. B&H has the 1545T with ball head for $680 now, and it isn't on sale. Additionally, these show up used, which is how I bought mine for $500. I have two Manfrotto tripods, and the Gitzo is really like a premium product by comparison.

@karthik3685 - 17.07.2022 21:57

I'm not sure how useful the vibration test is.
Modeling for actual use cases such as wind, trigger push ...etc are hard, I agree. But the one thing that is common with all of these is that the vibration is not continuous and uniform - it dampens after a while. How quickly a tripod dampens those disturbances is important in addition to how it fares to those disturbances in the first place. say a shot taken as you get a lateral gust of wind, vs a shot taken 3 seconds later.

@bryant928 - 26.07.2022 18:28

This episode is amazing, so many great little comedic moments!!!

@psoon04286 - 26.07.2022 19:28

Time to do an update guys and this time add in some features that matter to the mirrorless stills/video shooter - quick setup(leveling on uneven terrain), light and compact, useable fluid movements. Love your work😄

@noenken - 22.08.2022 18:43

The Gitzo is absolutely not the lightest of the four. The Series 1 kit comes in at 1.45Kg, Gitzo's own website states that clearly. Even the Series 0 kit (why didn't you use that for the comparison, btw?) is more weight than what you rate the Series 1 kit here. So that is the first flaw. 
The other one is that I don't think your "vibration test" is useful. You put a motor device on the tripod leg... which simply doesn't represent any real world situation at all. The only thing your test has proven is that the Gitzo is the most stiff ... WHICH IS A GOOD THING!
I don't understand how this video is still up without any corrections at all.
This is bad.

@MusikPiratCH - 11.10.2022 03:53

Note: It's Sirui (as in the Title) not Surui (as you wrote in the review). 😇

@benjamindejonge3624 - 03.01.2023 14:37

Got a pee in aluminium, yes a pretty heavy one but I’m happy with it and the Argo Swiss just stays on the camera and the ground low option is good. And I’m a bit taller than Jordan just using the camera back flip.

@philmartin5689 - 18.01.2023 16:48

Why not just call them Manfrotto, Peak Design, Gitzo and Sirui, instead of childish nick names that just make the video confusing?

@cedarandsound - 08.03.2023 21:10

Considering that eye-level photography is often less interesting for landscape shots, and that it's nearly eye level if needed that high, the peak design one is already looking to be the best by measurements alone. You've said the peak design has a distinct disadvantage in height, how is that so when the column is extended the camera would above eye level for you.

@RazeTheWeak - 31.03.2023 02:23

Lost it at the “Tripod Stabilization Calibration Devices.” 🤣

@hannelieleroux - 02.04.2023 22:33

How does the Ulanzi Zero F38 compare, anyone use it?

@garethwilliams976 - 14.05.2023 10:49

Tripods are the only piece of photo equipment I always buy used. One of mine is an aluminium lightweight made 40+ years ago with an off-centre head. Condition- as new, weight - about the same as the Gitzo reviewed plus a tube of Pringles. Size- comparable to those in the review. Cost? Well the Gitzo reviewed costs $900+ and mine is nearly as good. Cost? Mine cost me roughly $70. But of course yours is a Gitzo - so is mine! By the way- one of the boasted advantages of Carbon Fibre is resistance to vibration. A number of tripods over the years have been available in both CF and Aluminium versions but I have never been able to find a comparison test of vibration resistance - suspicious?

@JimHassey - 30.05.2023 00:59

Lost me at the nicknames.... 🤦

@DavidKfilmmaker - 28.06.2023 06:41

Least you got sirui right once.

@AnESnE7 - 03.07.2023 06:20

When he said Sarah is pushing 24inches I had to giggle. I'm such a child

@stevelink3 - 08.07.2023 19:49

Hey Chris! Why doesn’t anyone mention that the MAIN FLAW of the PD tripod, if I’m not mistaken, is that you cannot do a level horizontal pan as it’s configured out-of-box!! Obviously this is a deal breaker for a serious landscape photographer. Also, that lower leg section looks quite thin. Other than that, I do like other PD products.

@GrantSR - 18.07.2023 05:47

I totally had to stop for a minute to laugh, because the small Pee Dee Tee Tee!

@nbidnm - 25.07.2023 05:28

I don't buy (what I like to call) Elitist products. Not that there not good, It's just there not that good. For the money I mean.

@slair76116 - 07.09.2023 01:41

How tall are you ?

@narayanafry3314 - 21.11.2023 06:08

Is that Mac from It's Always Sunny cosplaying as Al from Home Improvements?

@aka_pierre - 27.11.2023 05:20

I guess you can keep twist lock tripods unlocked in the bag for super rapid deployment.

@lowlowseesee - 28.01.2024 12:37

adorable family lol with the hilarious intro good work lol

@lowlowseesee - 28.01.2024 12:39

Sarah is beautiful but per usual no one makes better looking stuff than Peak Design

@baudad - 21.02.2024 15:35

Please learn how to pronounce Manfrotto.

@dayandknight. - 02.03.2024 19:18

Sarah has put on some weight.

@dogsbyfire - 06.07.2024 06:02

Great video!
