Dr. Anthony Chaffee - 'The Corruption of our Nutritional and Medical Guidelines'

Dr. Anthony Chaffee - 'The Corruption of our Nutritional and Medical Guidelines'

Low Carb Down Under

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Kris Justin
Kris Justin - 18.10.2023 10:16

Respect for the medical heroes following in Dr. Semmelweiss’s footsteps! Dr. Semmelweiss was eventually murdered in a mental institution for telling obstetricians to wash their hands before delivery babies! I salute you Dr. Chaffee, Dr. Gary and Belinda Fettke!

Nicole Nevin
Nicole Nevin - 18.10.2023 02:55

Okay... I can believe what he is saying as he backs it up with MANY facts! HOWEVER, I have friends who have been vegetarians their entire life and they are now in their 70's and HEALTHY! And I mean they almost NEVER get sick. So if veggies are as bad as he is stating, then what is the deal with them???

Santiago Basulto
Santiago Basulto - 17.10.2023 20:03

I agree with all the points of this guy, but this is the LEAST scientific talk I have heard in a long time. To the point that sounds like a scam. For example, the assertion "meat is good because Inuits didn't have vegetables" is an atrocious scientific affirmation. "we're genetically configured to live 120 years", whaaaat?

I watched only 10 minutes (I can't stand this level of scientific butchery), and I agree with EVERY point. I am pro-carnivore, I am against seed oils, etc. I agree with EVERY SINGLE POINT, but this is NOT scientific. Please don't go around repeating these "facts" that are just made out or are just spurious correlations.

If we want to fight all the processing food companies and their agenda, WE MUST be the first ones becoming more critical and scientifically rigorous.

tomo stojanovic
tomo stojanovic - 17.10.2023 19:57

very informative thank you

Fran McDonald
Fran McDonald - 17.10.2023 13:05

We ate plants until the flood . after the flood we eat meat.And we're not animals by the way.

Kim Kingham
Kim Kingham - 17.10.2023 01:06

Doing carnivore to eliminate inflammatory foods to my body as I have Hashimotos and all issues that go with this. And I agree with all the facts given but our 'tastes' have developed to want more than meat. Food is more than just nutrition. The problem seems to be processed foods and corporations.

Carnivore Journey
Carnivore Journey - 16.10.2023 20:26

Forrest here from Bentonville, Arkansas! Dr. Chaffee is the best...Walmart global headquarters is here in Bentonville. They are building a $1 Billion corporate office right now that takes up 350 acres. 75% of the "foods" they sell are junk. The sad part is that they had to sell a hell of a lot of that junk to afford that new campus! Kellog's , General Mills, and Coca-Cola and all the junk food peddlers have huge high rise office buildings down the road from Walmart headquarters to manage their biggest customer. The profits and financial impact unfortunately is enormous and it is going to be difficult to change the paradigm.

M Mayes
M Mayes - 16.10.2023 20:07

In the US, beef industry spends ~$1.3 billion on advertising. No other food industry spends that much money purchasing influence. In fact, only about 35 other industries spend that kind of money on advertising.

M Mayes
M Mayes - 16.10.2023 20:03

His story about the Maasai is completely different than when I read the study. I’d almost say he’s a liar. He knows nobody is going to fact check so he says whatever he wants.

M Mayes
M Mayes - 16.10.2023 19:57

Where are the 120 y/o carnivores?

william Turner
william Turner - 16.10.2023 12:55

Well said Doc

Thordur Hognason
Thordur Hognason - 16.10.2023 04:29

Unfortunately Chaffee has been proven to be unfit to read studies so take that with a grain of weed

Eloise Bush
Eloise Bush - 16.10.2023 04:24

They are sons of Satan.😮😮

Natalie - 15.10.2023 18:18

You mention we will all die if we don't go back to eating like the animals , listen no matter what your diet consist of we all going to die ! worrying about food we consume , men will turn against men , and will kill for your water and your food . we need to concentrate on the ending of the world . nothing will save us , get rid of sugar , process foods and you will live how long you meant to live . all these crap makes people crazy .

KickSomeAss - 15.10.2023 15:37

The Man. 🥩🙏💪

leeuniverse - 15.10.2023 08:23

The mistake Carnivores make as he even shows in his first few words in this video is that humans "Only Ate Meat".... (essentially) and that is the "ideal" diet.
Actually, what human's ate was "Primarily Meat", and then small amounts of Nuts, Fruits, Root foods, and a small amount of leafy greens, and even a little carbs with ground grains.
He's correct that when we started developing and making "Crops" as a Primary Food source, things DID go bad, because it became a cheaper food source, and we started eating much less meat. This DID in fact cause many body and health issues as we know from the Archeological record and things are much worse today...

Other factors to consider is the Gut Microbiome for which eating meat only might in fact cause an issue with as well as with Iron Overload which has been a long known issue with Carnivore eating.
Now, maybe there are "fixes" to this on Carnivore, I still need to study these further, but just throwing it out there.
Also, on Carnivore you need to make sure you're eating the proper Animal products to get the actual nutrients a person needs, for example some don't include Seafood when they should, Eggs when they should, Fermented drinks and foods like Kifer when they should, a good Bone Broth, etc. SteakandButterGal had a recent great video in which she shows what she mostly does, and it's almost if not 100% likely correct what you should be eating if being Carnivore only.

BTW, yes, I'm well aware that humans can survive and thrive on "meat alone", it was however actually designed that way as a human "survival food".... like he mentions the Inuit, but remember it's NOT ideal, and they also have some genetic adaptions due to the lengths they've been in those conditions to be "more fine" with doing that. So, what I'm talking about is the "optimal" diet when we have what we most need and benefit from. Environment DOES change human needs through evolution, so we can't just act like WE are Inuit when we aren't. We might actually be doing some harm by being "meat only". Again, to be clear, I'm talking ONLY eating other things a "little", so it's not like I'm saying we must eat the traditional "balanced diet" donkey we know is wrong.

This I think is the actual "human evolutionary need" when it comes to Nutrition, Animal products primarily, and a "little" bit of many other foods.
Sadly, the Left's agenda is to destroy meat entirely, as we see them doing to Animal Farms in Europe etc. actually forcing them to shut down because of a fantasy boogeyman of methane or whatever is harming the environment.

Barbara Murphy
Barbara Murphy - 15.10.2023 06:39

I lived the "peasant farmer" life for, oh, 40years in balmy S.E. Qld and I can say, for sure, that the hardest part is getting the farm animals dead. Butchering is easy enough but the first part was almost impossible for larger animals. Even then, the knives need to be very, very sharp and of very good steel. Poultry not so bad, they are small and the process is very quick and easy. But try "sticking a pig" while it is trying to run away from you....To go through the BS of obtaining a gun license in Australia - well - it was just not worth it.
So to go running across the plains, throwing spears at large livestock feels like a myth. It would take a lot of very fit people and incredible strength to get a spear to penetrate the hide. Yet the cave paintings say this is so. I dunno how they did it - I guess it takes a tribe, a village or teams of runners to drive the stock to some handy cliffs to drive the animals over with a team of slaughtermen at the bottom. Now I just have a tame garden, it doesn't run away and doesn't bleed.

Indydi - 15.10.2023 06:07

I would like to see the evidence of the corruption and lies regarding the dietary guidelines, the influence of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, and the influence of cereal and sugar companies. I can't just go to my doctor and say all this happened without providing proof.

Yvonne - 15.10.2023 02:34

He has convinced me to go red meat and water, maybe also coffee, as a trial for autoimmune.

M Mayes
M Mayes - 14.10.2023 22:42

The only corruption in the US was allowing the beef and dairy industry to control USDA nutrition guidelines for decades with their BS food pyramid.

Dean E
Dean E - 14.10.2023 19:50

Absolutely the most brilliant argument for low carb I've ever had the pleasure of watching / listening. That you Dr. Chaffee, sharing all over the place this morning!

Sullivanserves - 14.10.2023 18:45

Would really appreciate hearing something about fermented foods while on carnivore diet

Richard Sternberg
Richard Sternberg - 14.10.2023 18:02

No vegetables in Polar regions correct my friend…..

homos are not equipped to live in polar climates…. ( lack of fur.)…

smoked Zyra
smoked Zyra - 14.10.2023 17:47

I Love this man

Richard Sternberg
Richard Sternberg - 14.10.2023 17:43

I’ve yet to witness a human animal grab a mammal, bite into it & rip it down to it’s flesh. Our dental structure & long intestines suggest that our past food patterns were something other than heavily carnivore. Please change my mind 😀

ID Charles
ID Charles - 14.10.2023 10:24

Inuits get atherosclerosis. Inuit mummies from thousands of years ago have plaque.

suzanne rando
suzanne rando - 14.10.2023 09:39

Thankyou for this information. I am trying out the carnivore diet . Could you please tell me if I need any modifications with the family high cholesterol gene? I have refused statins. Thankyou

Jesse Billson
Jesse Billson - 14.10.2023 03:17

Anthony is just a legend

Cynthia - 13.10.2023 23:49

All things in moderation. The same is true with a carnivore diet. I find that whenever someone is pushing a particular diet, that person is trying to sell something.

Malcolm Achtman
Malcolm Achtman - 13.10.2023 22:14

Wouldn't the idea of suppressing sexual desire lead to the eventual extinction of those who advocated that?

beck - 13.10.2023 18:09

Egg yolks are rich in K2 and chicken skin and beef 👍

beck - 13.10.2023 18:05

What kind of meat? Plant meat? Organic meat? It’s really expensive.

beck - 13.10.2023 17:53

My mother was way before her time. When I was growing up, I was not allowed to have processed food no boxed food no frozen dinners, no sweets or donuts nothing I never had soda not allowed and I never went to McDonald’s or had a pizza until I graduated from high school.

beck - 13.10.2023 17:50

For one whole month I did not eat any foods made with flour and I lost 11 pounds. I hate everything else meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, ice cream, yogurt, cheese, everything, but nothing made from or with flour. 👍

beck - 13.10.2023 17:48

Lately since Covid ; not many Drs out there now I see and hear abt PAs and NPs . I’m not happy abt it 🙄

Kay J
Kay J - 13.10.2023 16:45

Like a boss Dr. C!!!! 🍖 meat heals 🥩 🐄 🐮 🙏

Para8D - 13.10.2023 12:06

I'm the opposite, carnivore and animal fats helped me gain lean body mass. This is after damaging myself and becoming weak and malnourished. In an attempt to improve my health with raw vegan.

Nancy Cordero-Severance
Nancy Cordero-Severance - 13.10.2023 06:15

The lies are sooooo baked into the cake. People have been hypnotized to believing the lies from fda, rda, cdc. Learn what to eat to avoid health chalenges....sleep issues, depression, asthma, MS, RA, fatigue, etc. I would not advocate for changing your diet to meat overnight. You'll Hurst yourself. Get a clinical wholistic nutritionist to help you. Don't hire a dietician who was trained in RDA stats.

Nancy Cordero-Severance
Nancy Cordero-Severance - 13.10.2023 05:32

Great info. Nina teicholz's book - mentions kellog....in THE BIG FAT SURPRISE. She is a research science journalist

By Faith
By Faith - 13.10.2023 04:23

I had the unfortunate, but true, thought as I was in a grocery store, that there is very little real food in here!

Adam Morrello
Adam Morrello - 13.10.2023 03:47

Eating meat has changed my life, thank you for sharing this knowledge.. I hope more people will listen so that our species can live well and be at peace

Sean - 13.10.2023 03:43

Fantastic presentation, and certainly highlights the corruption we currently live under.

Alex Denton
Alex Denton - 13.10.2023 03:21

Unfortunately, it does not work for mental illnesses, particularly for psychosis. I have been suffering from psychosis for a year and a half now, which I triggered myself with cannabis like an idiot, with loss of sensation all over my body as a symptom (am I the only one?), difficulty understanding the world around me, and a constant discomfort that never leaves me and prevents me from sleeping and functioning normally.

I tried the carnivore diet for three months, and it worked very well at first for the first three [months], I could finally sleep at night, I had not regained sensation in my body, unfortunately. If anyone has an idea or experience, I am interested. Unfortunately, after three months, I felt that it was no longer effective, so I started to reintroduce vegetables and I felt horrible from the first day, unable to find a balance.

Honestly, I feel lost, I want to die, and I feel like I'm going to stay in this state for life, I always feel bad.

Oneness Tribe
Oneness Tribe - 13.10.2023 01:07

If meat is optimal why is there so many ex carnivors who feel much better adding fruit or starch?

Ralf Bender
Ralf Bender - 13.10.2023 01:04

Meat is important but even Grizzlys eat 75% plant food, bears living on the cost eat more salmon and are bigger then then the bears on the inland.

Dizzie Chef
Dizzie Chef - 12.10.2023 21:58

I don’t care about the religious talk but I only go by what my body wants. My body is a meat eating machine.

Dizzie Chef
Dizzie Chef - 12.10.2023 21:53

I haven’t eaten sugar for years. Not even fruit. I eat no wheat, gluten foods. I eat meat. I crave meat. I don’t crave any other food. I’m a natural carnivore. My dessert is a rare Chuck eye steak. Eating carnivore stops my appetite. I love that. Let the cow eat the greens. Let the greens feed the cows muscle, let me eat the muscle from the cow with the green nutrition they eat. Why then do I have to go buy green stuff. I got the nutrition from the meat. Let me drink their bone marrow and bone broth. Why do I have to take a pill to nurture my bones when I can eat their bone marrow. Let me eat oysters , sea food, fish. I get oils I need. I will gain a ton on plant based food. I will be hungry . I will crave bread and sugar. Nope, give me a T Bone. With a side plate of carnivore bread and carnivore crispy chkn nuggets.

Graham Eade
Graham Eade - 12.10.2023 21:22

The question I have is how maybe does this relates to blood groups as in eat right for your type. As a predominate O pos, I don't care if I never see another vegetable. but society has made me love sugar. Great presentation by the way!
