Prince William's 'olive branch' to DESPERATE Prince Harry | Palace Confidential | Daily Mail

Prince William's 'olive branch' to DESPERATE Prince Harry | Palace Confidential | Daily Mail

Daily Mail Royals

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@SANDYMALCOLM-eu2zg - 01.11.2024 11:28

This is all speculation.

@dian31765 - 01.11.2024 11:22

Prince Harry with loves while Kingdom with hates as did as Prince Diana

@snorlonikins1 - 01.11.2024 11:22


@mitzi769 - 01.11.2024 11:17

Well Catherine played the piano on the hit song for the ukranian band. This showed the Royals alignment to Ukrain and THAT'S WHY the disgusting Russians attacked her.

@janefedelini4015 - 01.11.2024 11:12

Harry is ALL about HARRY .... never ever forget this.

@sweetiepie1372 - 01.11.2024 11:12

The mention of somebody's name constitutes an "olive branch"? What utter drivel. Clickbait, nothing more. Shame on you.

@MikeSmith-jv1zu - 01.11.2024 11:10

Richard to resign for being an anti monarchist....? Don't get your hopes up....

@saffronsolo9668 - 01.11.2024 11:08

What nonsense. Prince William just said that he and Harry had visited the homeless. with their mother many years ago.......the end.

@kymdagnall8344 - 01.11.2024 11:07

He says his name in context to what he was taking about. I’m so fed up with so called journalists forever jumping on this band wagon. You lot are the reason these two ex royals stay in the news. I think you need to get a new tree the olive tree has become extinct due to all its branches being used. Either give us 119% proof that there is some effort. Or just shut up. What Harry did to The Wales was beyond nasty. So if it’s a slow news days or Harry’s PR team are slithering platitudes about how poor Harry’s is. Then perhaps report on serious matters such as why our government kept hidden facts from us about the Southport murders. You are such sleazy bags. Can you now understand why no in their right minds trusts you. You feed us total BS on a mind numbing daily bases. You all doth your caps to those who control you. You call us names. Because we don’t believe the BS you are putting out. And to shut us up we are the ones thrown into prison.

@janicecole9465 - 01.11.2024 11:06

No olive branch. It was an old recording, William was younger if you look and listen properly.

@harrbell - 01.11.2024 11:02

For goodness sake give over about olive branches as click bait.

William and Harry were pictured with their mother. Had William cur him out of that picture there would have been outrage. He acknowledged that they both went with their mother. William is a gentleman not a snake.

Both boys had the same parents, the same upbringing, same education, were taken on the same outings by their mother. Homeless shelters and amusement parks among them.

William is living a life of service to others his mother started and showed him. He gives his time, sometimes cash in emergencies like the theft from food banks. He and Catherine are encouraging their children to do the same.

As does Edward and Sophie remember the picture of them clearing the beach? I’m sure there’s a lot more that they do that goes under the radar of journalists because the journalists are fixated on the traitor and his wife.

Meanwhile the other son, who despite being despised globally for his complete life of non service, spending charities money so they can have free private jets and accommodation and cash for ToW wardrobe, are forever being lauded and grovelled to by MAINSTREAM MEDIA like yourselves.

I personally am looking forward to the day when ALL THE OLIVE BRANCHES HIT THE JOURNALISTS IN THE FACE SO HARD THEY ALL FADE INTO OBLIVION and are replaced by non bias journalists who aren’t in the thrall and pay of the most hated duo on the planet. That will wipe the smile of the faces of the sycophantic journalists and those who suddenly realised they could make money by coming out of retirement.

Interestingly the only royal journalist so far not back on our screens spewing forth how wonderful the traitor is, is the only one who has done something for the fallen of this country with no fuss.

He helped organise the funding of the building of the Normandy monument for D-Day which formed part of the D-Day 80th anniversary remembrance services. Briefly mentioned with an interview during the televised coverage. Until then every other country had one but not us.

@victoriahermon5327 - 01.11.2024 10:59

Please, please, please, Jo, change your hair style.

@MaryBarry-ks6hn - 01.11.2024 10:59

People may remember the beautiful scene at the Sidney Opera for the King,more than other memory.

@janetkelly-s9h - 01.11.2024 10:58

NO HE HASN'T. Dumarse.

@fiona2714 - 01.11.2024 10:57

Love the pictures of Charles and Camilla. They are proving to be good sovereign's of our nation and commonwealth. It is comforting to have a grandfather figure of our nation as we had a grandmother in our late queen.

@pamelapollock7330 - 01.11.2024 10:57

Seriously, the climate has been changing since the beginning of time. Topic is a farce and just part of the global agenda. William should just dump the topic.

@tounsiaaitsalem855 - 01.11.2024 10:55

William n'a pas offert de branche d'olivier a Harry sachant le danger qu'il représente pour sa famille et connaissant la jalousie qui mine Harry envers lui , Katherine et leurs enfants.

@hotoneinspai - 01.11.2024 10:54

I’m sorry you used clickbait type headlines….NO One belived Williams comment was an olive branch…. It clearly wasn’t …so why use it???

@kepgardensassociation - 01.11.2024 10:53

Can't listen to this. What olive branch. You journalists make things up just to have enough to fill up a show.

@meb8582 - 01.11.2024 10:52

Oh My Gaaaard - Richard Kay - ALWAYS with the doom and gloom!!! Has to bring out stuff which didnt really cause a blimp on the radar and which most people have forgotten, but nooooo, typical old guard, has to begin his narrative by being so NEGATIVE! So over this channel!

@lizwint-swaby9307 - 01.11.2024 10:50

Jo you why its all because of the homeless people and what he doing for cost as black Jamaican no no no no no reparation the royalfamily i must not blame for what his four parents did if my four parents did any i must not to blame leave slavery to GOD reparation will bankrupt britton work i every hard like must of us to put into system no no mo reparation if anyone dont like my comment just get lost

@hotoneinspai - 01.11.2024 10:50

The miss information is going on right now in regard to Queen Camilla. Every day on UTUbe is littered with These destabilising UTube videos…i assumed they came from Monticito perhaps they are? But it’s all lies…so clearly lies if your British…but not if your from America or another country…?

@rryyttee - 01.11.2024 10:50

There aren't enough olive branches in whole Greece to extend any of it to Hazard.

@karenbruen3918 - 01.11.2024 10:48

In this climate of genuine hardship I don't Harry & co Andrew & co bring anything to the table

@olwynpatterson1612 - 01.11.2024 10:41

I am unsubscribing.

@lizzietheoldbiddy262 - 01.11.2024 10:40

Sorry but I'll not watch anything that mentions Prince William's 'olive branch'. Absolute rot.

@Scoobyjo-l6k - 01.11.2024 10:39

Referring to a child hood memory doesn’t equal an olive branch 🤷‍♀️

@JaneCarmichael-yh2pc - 01.11.2024 10:35

What a load of garbage! The Prince of Wales uttered about a dozen words, one of them being “Harry”. Big deal.
Sorry I really have had enough of this programme. Bye bye.

@CMYT2023 - 01.11.2024 10:35

Why is the media always so ready to leap to any olive branch? Tha olive tree is long gone dead from having so much of its branches cut down. William was just talking of the past that ocurred. If he had said his mum took only him to the homeless shelters, you can bet your bottom dollar the the Sussex Squad will screeh, yell, shriek to high heavens how poor little H was a victim of cruelty.

@frasersgirl4383 - 01.11.2024 10:33

US watcher here. In my opinion the reason why your show doesn’t have more subscribers is the content NEVER changes. You go on every week about olive branches trying to guilt the RF into doing something they they don’t want to do, criticizing the family saying they haven’t been well received when the opposite is true…….these are just two examples of many. I’m bored and getting angrier at the ridiculousness of it all. Very close to unsubscribing.

@karenbruen3918 - 01.11.2024 10:32

H would still be trashing his roots if he had a buyer and the price was right. Hard to forget the lies😮

@michelegraham9044 - 01.11.2024 10:30

The look on Camilla’s face as Charles is about to drink some kava, a known alcoholic hallucinogen if enough is drunk.

@Manic-bonsai - 01.11.2024 10:29

No olive branch, if he had left Harold out the media would have pounced on him....

@psusanwestlake5510 - 01.11.2024 10:25

Richard so negative won't watch when he is on .

@Mstiny - 01.11.2024 10:20

Thank you Natasha & Jo 🎉
Who both looked and sounded terrific 👏
My goodness I know it was Halloween...
but that was frightful!!

Victoria can't speak without every other word being 'umm' or babbled...aka word scramble & Richard K sounded like a bored and grumpy old man!

@ogathingo8885 - 01.11.2024 10:16

A slavery is such a horrible curse of the human society that no reparations can cleanse it ! Instead of material reparations, th right thing ask for is to setup a CHARITABLE Trust that will help stop modern abuse of vulnerable people in the name of the Slaves….

@juliemaclean8898 - 01.11.2024 10:14

The past is the past we should all move on from this and accept all people as being equal. For goodness sake there are always going to be extremists such as Lydia whoever, what % is she native to Australia ?? She is embarrassing can we not just live and let live 😩🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🥰

@munah69rocket - 01.11.2024 10:14

From my point of view and observation, between The brothers and their wives, it's was master manipulated by someone who was not in the best interest of the monarchy. They were play by this person, who wanted it all for herself,and drove pairing the the brother against each other for power authority., lol 😂 just my instant

@riaanjansevanrensburg3766 - 01.11.2024 10:11

OMG. Prins William talking about his history with his mother and brother at the homeless shelter and the newsrooms monkeys through the olive branch shit. Prins William will repeat history. King George VI didn't invite Edward Duke of Windsor to his coronation and never spoke to his brother ever again. Prins William and prinsse Catherine where painted the rudeness selfish pair by hHarry Diana's spoiled bratt boy child assehole with tantrums, screaming, yelling, swearing, suicide bombers to get his way. Harry will not be back in the royal firm and Sandringham summit contract is signed and still standing strong no way back for the Harkels. God bless the royal family and keep them safe.

@154_madison - 01.11.2024 10:09


@janicelewin447 - 01.11.2024 10:07

Ridiculous grasping with olive branches
Harry is a untrustworthy traitor

@vierajanikova8452 - 01.11.2024 10:07

No olive branch.

@foretfleur - 01.11.2024 10:05

Richard really hates the Royals, yes we know he loved Diana and boy has he rammed that down our throats for years. As to olive branches, have you nothing else to say, that poor olive tree. What absolute tosh and rubbish! You really are going down hill. As to reparations, no, the British already paid, about time some of you commentators started mentioning all the other countries that took part in slavery and colonial pursuits. The British led the way in stopping it. Lydia Thorpe who is less than a quarter aborigine is known for her shocking behaviour, most Australians were horrified by her and she is not indicative of the country itself. In fact the head of the aboriginal movement in Aus, called her out. Oh and why instead of blaming the Russians, you don't call out the Sussexes and toxic squad!

@annamclaughlin5941 - 01.11.2024 10:03

So what he mentioned is his traitorous brother!! He was involved in Prince William pass ,he did do things when they were children, but he also knows how his brother's disrespectful ways have been against his family and country, and he won't forget his behavior to his grandmother especially!! NO, he didn't give an olive branch .. he spoke of a situation of their pass their mother took them to!! In my opinion 😊

@KDbbasm - 01.11.2024 10:01

What a shame a person of language, a journalist says "um" repeatedly. As professionals in publishing we NEVER said "um"; we never said, "I don't know", instead we'd say, "Let me check on that and get back to you."

@JohnMcGovern-s5c - 01.11.2024 09:58

Richard K slowly becoming unlikeable...feels like he is holding back something, being sneaky...hard to put a finger on it...might just be crusty, old man syndrome 😊

@berdiberdi742 - 01.11.2024 09:57

Prince William did not offer an olive branch. He was being a gentleman, not churlish and nasty like Harry.

@maryannrecht7605 - 01.11.2024 09:56

Richard Kay's view of the King's trip to Australia sounds like a grumpy oldster's mewling and puking about his bad breakfast. The news briefs I viewed showed a very warm welcome to King Charles and Camilla with Australians showing utter delight and cheering wildly in greeting the Royal Couple. What do I know, I'm only an American fan. P.S. Stop with the "olive branch" as Harry's disloyalty to his entire family does not deserve forgiveness.

@ellenthom34 - 01.11.2024 09:49

Stop pushing olive branch. If William had not mention Harry on the same visit there would be criticism from the press. He is correctly describing a childhood experience. William is honest, nothing to hide.
