John Fenn Order of events end times

John Fenn Order of events end times

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Saxon Crow
Saxon Crow - 09.11.2023 14:45

Israel and Gaza - Is this Armageddon?

Megan H
Megan H - 24.09.2023 03:43

Great job brother 🙏🕊 truly enjoyed this teaching 👏😇

Edwina Stewart
Edwina Stewart - 06.09.2023 07:35

It makes a lot of sense thanks

shashank kaswankar
shashank kaswankar - 02.08.2023 17:09

Rapture is post tribulation

Aaron claxton
Aaron claxton - 20.07.2023 21:41


Today's Bible
Today's Bible - 26.06.2023 10:23

Who is the "he" that will be "taken away", that has to be removed before the the son of perdition arises? Anyone?

Izzy Natty Ali Willy Izzy
Izzy Natty Ali Willy Izzy - 22.06.2023 00:09

love the tree house

Zulu - 19.06.2023 20:26

So you are pre tribulation?

AmericanGirl - 17.04.2023 05:06

Ezekiel war is very near. I have a prophetic friend, an ex Muslim whoJesus called audibly by name, that is very very accurate and he was told by God recently that it is “very near” My friend believes the church will see it, don’t know where the rapture is in relation but I know it is near. I think in the next few years, possibly weeks or months.

Brian Cheyo
Brian Cheyo - 16.04.2023 14:16

May i have a Glorious ending in the Lord , Amen

Davey Jones
Davey Jones - 25.02.2023 14:48

Great video, where does zechariah come in?

I'll Be Back
I'll Be Back - 19.02.2023 03:05

When and what is ""he makes war with the Saints""

Steve - 26.11.2022 16:28

Thank you, I'm following and agre with you.
I have a question. Could you explain about when "He who reveals is taken out of the way"...
Speaking of the Holy Spirit,
Then the Anti-Christ shows up. But there are some that get born again during the tribulation. Does the Holy Spirit come back?

David Moore
David Moore - 12.11.2022 08:10

I know that there is a difference in international from herbrew or original languages but the king James does not say (the) great tribulation it says great tribulation there is a difference just like it does not say battle of Armageddon it says Armageddon your opion

Angele Brashear
Angele Brashear - 14.10.2022 17:14

Thank you for your reading, helps understand what is happening and what may come next. God bless you and your family. Love the tree house

Maureen Bingham
Maureen Bingham - 06.08.2022 18:39

IF we dont repent, we will be chastised greater than WW11

Maureen Bingham
Maureen Bingham - 06.08.2022 18:36

Rapture was NEVER taught in the early church. Noah...good left behind. Story of wheat and chaff ..wheat left and chaff is burned.
When the JEWS come flocking into the church Christ established, Jesus will be coming.

Terry Schmitt
Terry Schmitt - 25.07.2022 04:16

A bit convoluted but a slower put together would be easier to understand

krystal - 26.04.2022 07:53

So we who are saved won't have to go through the tribulation??

BeautyForAshes - 15.01.2022 18:24

You're funny, you apologize for running long. I love the insight the Lord gives you. Some others go an hour and it's too long, but I easily listen to you for an hour :-)

Terriann - 26.10.2021 18:35

Great job! Love you brother! Terriann

HeremiSendmi - 02.02.2021 09:39

Love ya, but there is no scripture that says we will not go thru the Trib. There are many that say there is one second coming of Jesus, and it will be loud, obvious and conclusive for both the sheep and the goats. Please tell me what is the first scripture you came to that made you think you would escape the Trib? It was TAUGHT to you, forced into the scriptures and contradicted by a straightforward reading of same. No pastor will explain it without saying, "Well, first you have to understand . . . dispensationalism, to whom Jesus was speaking, the Jewish marriage customs, etc., etc." but without interjecting tortured interpretations and assumptions (like that which "hinders" being the Holy Spirit) they cannot show any escaping the Trib. in a secret, invisible coming of Jesus. Paul said, "That day will NOT come except that Man of Sin (Antichrist) be revealed." Martha said, I know my brother (Lazarus) will live again on the LAST day. Jesus said his coming would not be secret, but like the lightning from the east to the west, across the whole sky. When? At the LAST TRUMP, the TRUMP of God, and the voice of the archangel (NOT QUIET, not secret!) Search the Word and don't be deceived.

Timmy Johnson
Timmy Johnson - 28.09.2020 02:57

Thank you very much for this lesson, God bless.

Steve Wyman
Steve Wyman - 18.09.2020 21:28

Wow! It ALL makes sense!

2028 END
2028 END - 12.09.2020 18:23

John Fenn, you should listen to the message "2028 END" ... it would bless you beyond your wildest imagination. God bless.

Darlene McCarthy
Darlene McCarthy - 15.07.2020 18:46

Thank You for teaching on this important subject.

J S - 15.04.2020 12:53

I love the setting. I came to this video this morning because it seems so appropriate with Covid-19. Some people spent a lot of time figuring out ways to kill us. Population control. It is very sad to me. I came here to find hope this morning.

B series only Hondas/Integras
B series only Hondas/Integras - 27.03.2020 04:56

What I'm not understanding is the people that are born when Satan is to be released will all ready no that Jesus is lord so how would they chose to sin & fall away once they have beheld his glory?

H. Xing
H. Xing - 13.02.2020 23:06

I think the rapture will happen immediately after the Ezekiel 38 war. I had a dream in February 2019.

In my dream I was in a remote training camp along with other students. In the camp every student was given a paper of time-line concerning things that would happen in Israel. Our training time-line was based on Israel time-line. After the event that Israel won some kind of war was checked (fulfilled), we were told that training was over for the moment and summer vocation ( or a vocation in summer) began. Than I went back home and decided to go into the train station to use the restroom there.
In the train station, I saw a lot of people waiting in the hall on the first floor. There were two female train stewards there, and one of them was yelling that you can only get aboard if you have TWO tickets. It seemed like people waiting there all had two tickets because they were in good order.
After getting checked in on the first floor, people need to go upstairs and pass a gate. I noticed that before the passengers get aboard they should take off their shoes and leave the shoes at the gate. I knew in my spirit that they will come back to wear their shoes again.
Finally I found the restroom! It was a nice one in the station. I found that I only had essential things like phone and wallet with me. I remembered that I had left my schoolbag in the training camp and everyone’s schoolbags were put on a truck and sent away. I had some special tools in my schoolbag, so I felt a little sad. But as long as I got my essentials I was OK.

Pippin Baker
Pippin Baker - 11.12.2019 22:39

Dear jOHN THAT WAS EXCELLENT, AND YOU DIDN'T RAMBLE, I took notes that I know will be beneficial indeed. lUCKY YOU, SITTING IN THE LOVLINESS OF A TREEHOUSE, I would love to live in a treehouse at home, with nature enveloping me, ahhh bliss. THANK AND BLESS YOU DEAR BROTHER IN CHRIST, FROM QUEENSLAND [ in the mountains, nice n cool] Shalom\0/\0/\0/

John Sharp
John Sharp - 20.11.2019 19:01

Hi John, do you see Psalm 83 as an event, battle, war? If so, has it been fulfilled or is it still to come? If it's still to come, how does it fit into the order of things? Thanks!

Kelly Powell
Kelly Powell - 31.08.2019 19:24

The Holy Spirit is showing me that there's 2 raptures, one for the body and 1 for the bride of Christ please pray into this brother

Kelly Powell
Kelly Powell - 31.08.2019 19:22

Holy Spirit showed me that the rapture is not a one time event but that it will happen in waves

Kelly Powell
Kelly Powell - 31.08.2019 19:21

The temple is already being built

David Gillett UK
David Gillett UK - 06.08.2019 17:52

This makes sense John. The EU are influenced by Rome and Rome wants the new temple. There will be an EU army which was confirmed when the Brexit result was known. The UK have never supported an EU army and I'm so pleased that in the end days the UK will not be dragged into betraying Israel.
Sadly, the fact that Rome never forgave or forgot the reformation is rarely mentioned. The EU is subservient to Rome which is a major reason they are doing all they can to reverse Brexit and to stifle our Protestant roots, hence the huge influx of Islam into western culture.

Jules 8
Jules 8 - 01.08.2019 02:53

Great! Thank you!🙏🙏😇❤

Marty Breeden
Marty Breeden - 16.07.2019 02:56


BornAgainBride - 18.04.2019 02:57

Great info! Always wondered about when the Ez. 38 war would be. It seems to follow that Israel will come to faith before that, if I'm reading Ez. 36 and 37 correctly? And the departure and what is taken away appears, at least to me, to be a spiritual phenomenon, the Spirit of Restraint being removed, if you will. Look at the USA over the past 60 years... A very different country, without restraint, what's truly evil is called good, and vice versa. Support for killing of babies in the womb is considered noble. Gender reassignment is considered normal and should be honored by all. Fornication is the norm, and out of wedlock childbirth is considered a joyous occasion. I think the Restrainer is out of the way.

Tim Bo
Tim Bo - 23.12.2018 01:54

I understand why folks are concerned with biblical clues of rapture timing .
I myself see the Written Word . and wonder too .
I these days am more in tune with my relationship and faith and love of our Father . Who knows when . I just thank Jesus . I love Him .
I got to , love our Creator and The Word of God Jesus .
This place is crazier than ever . that enemy is a master of
confusion . The Lord is keeping me awake and watching .
Thats a Grand Gift from God . im standing on my faith
rather than discusion. John I just came upon you last nite . I love ya brother . there is alot of people here ive noticed that say they
are right and someone else is wrong . there is only ONE RIGHT . we know who that is .
sometimes discussion
Is deception .
And distraction .
And I see it . it makes my faith in God such a Great Gift to hang on . im not a bible scholar . im a life expirience realizer of Gods truth . and i believe the Word of God 1000000000% .
It doesnt matter to me rapture timing .
cause I sure dont know .
I just dont want Jesus lookin at me that day sayin depart from me I never knew

Shelley Younger
Shelley Younger - 27.10.2018 23:38

Hi John. I received the cd's. Thank you so much I'm excited! I'm going to start listening and reading right away!

Cindy Hull
Cindy Hull - 23.10.2018 06:29

So the Holy Spirit will be gone during the Tribulation? How could anyone be saved and cleaned coming out of the Tribulation

Mr. Berns
Mr. Berns - 22.10.2018 16:38

The rapture or caught up together occurs when the Lord Yeshua is coming back to claim his kingdom. The dead is Christ will be a sign of the end, but those who are alive and remain. Two separate events.

Mr. Berns
Mr. Berns - 22.10.2018 16:31

the feast of Sukkot represents Yeshua's birth on the first day and his circumcision on the last day or the day eight.

Shelley Younger
Shelley Younger - 22.10.2018 14:33

A lady said that if we don't speak tongues that we won't get to be a bride in the rapture. Is that true? She said we might go as a guest but not a bride. Also that if we don't speak in tongues we don't have the gift of the holy ghost. Does that sound correct?

Tribulation comes first
Tribulation comes first - 22.10.2018 04:48

Moreover its going to be the Antichrist y'all accept especially if you're trying to willfully take the first train out of here its sad i apologize for getting angry but its you who are scoffers you know you're taking scriptures twisting them to fit your predrawn conclusions that's error already let alone to attack the one guy trying to say hey are you sure thats right

Ian Brazier
Ian Brazier - 21.10.2018 13:54

John your understanding of this time period and events to happen is amazing .Your knowledge of scripture is impeccable and your teachings are very easy to follow. I am baffled at how people can not or will not believe in a pre tribulation rapture. When the evidence in scripture as you have pointed out is very clear.I am personally very thankful for your expert analysis of scripture and your diligence and your tireless consistent service for our Lord and Saviour Jesus christ.

rick dalbey
rick dalbey - 21.10.2018 07:38

I tracked with what you said and I agree. Maraatha.

healthyamerican - 21.10.2018 04:51

i cant believe another false are telling us twisted information that you havent read but have been told by other false teachers...there is no pre-tribulation rapture. the thing that withholds the man of sin from being revealed is the falling away of the the church...not the rapture of the church...go back and read 2 thessalonians chapter 2 again. it says it very clearly and even explains it twice in one chapter to clarify its point. the thing that withholds the man of sin is the falling away. jesus told his disciples in matthew 24 that we will see the abomination of desolation and after the tribulation of those days is when he will return. why would jesus, daniel, paul, and the apostles and the book of revelation tell us of the end times and tribulation and about the antichrist if we were not going to be here to see it. and why wouldnt they clearly come out and say that we will not be here to see it. so many people are going to loose their faith when they see the antichrist and its going to go back to them not being prepared for the end times because of this lie told by false teachers. so many men who say god spoke to them yet they cant see what the bible says so clearly. and another thing, there is nothing in the bible about a world leader from the revived roman empire, more false doctrine
