Quake (Switch) Review

Quake (Switch) Review

Reviews 2 Go

3 года назад

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@itami-nii8553 - 27.08.2021 07:02

First like 👌🏽😂

@bigt4135 - 27.08.2021 07:12

I hope we get a sega Saturn mod too.

@RavenousSpectre - 27.08.2021 07:17

Hope they patch in the cheats because if older remasters can do it then so can this. Jedi master series did it and so did the turok series.

@RevanSecura - 27.08.2021 07:19

What's next? the Pokemon TV app?

@Belthazar1990 - 27.08.2021 07:26

Hey, are you guys planning on reviewing Baldo? It looks amazing and I would love to hear more about the game before deciding on a purchase

@glorbojibbins2485 - 27.08.2021 08:09

Oh fuck yeah

@NeroVingian40 - 27.08.2021 10:58

This is the review I’m waiting for

@minjod - 27.08.2021 19:20

Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe I'm just a blind fanboy. But this game is a 100 out of 10 for me

@baconcow - 28.08.2021 01:49

Did you notice frame rate drops while docked, handheld, or both? Also, how does the Dimension of the Machine chapter run? It seems pretty intensive on my PC, compared to the others.

@gildardorodriguez4356 - 30.08.2021 06:55

Well you made a great argument to consider to pickup this one

@ArtemiyNizovtsev - 30.08.2021 14:02

From the footage it doesn't seem like you are using motion aiming, which I highly recommend enabling. It feels almost as smooth and natural as playing with a mouse, and I'm doing just fine with it even on high difficulty, which wouldn't be possible with just stick aiming.

@JerreMuesli - 10.09.2021 11:05

30year old game. €10. Fools

@zachgoodrich6100 - 10.09.2021 14:16

I just completed all 35 achievements of the Quake Remastered on Steam last night making it my eleventh game on Steam to make my Perfect Games list! I've played boomer shooters like Doom 64, Ion Fury, and the first Project Warlock on my Nintendo Switch a couple of months last year before getting my Acer Predator Helios 300 which I love today since majority of third party AAA titles look, run, and play best on gaming PCs especially first person shooters! As far as Nintendo and PlayStation go for me that's where their compelling AAA exclusives come to be for me where everything else is usually and must grab for PC! Majority of Xbox exclusive titles are also on PC which is why for me why get a console for certain games when you can play those same games on a PC where it will more times than not look, run, and play better on! I'm glad Quake is getting more recognition than ever before since it's original source port was one of my childhood favorites! Nice video btw!

@WookieOwner - 21.11.2023 03:48

Does this have motion controls?
