How racial bias works -- and how to disrupt it | Jennifer L. Eberhardt

How racial bias works -- and how to disrupt it | Jennifer L. Eberhardt


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@mac195000 - 27.12.2023 08:14

This woman's terrible guidance for the Oakland police to stop pulling people over for non-violent offenses has led to a massive crime wave since 2017. She is responsible for hundreds more people being murdered than otherwise would have been if sane policing had continued in that city.

@malikradio5018 - 31.08.2023 17:18

This should be required viewing for all demophiles!

@metacapitalism5113 - 20.07.2023 19:20

Nextdoor, the hyper-local social media network, is spreading racism with right-wing conspiracy theories that it moderators refuse to moderate despite its anti-racism policy and pointing for additional learning material to the SPLC which calls out the exact same right-wing racist conspiracy theory moderators refuse to remove from its platform. That is blatant race washing; claim to fight racism while spreading it.

@onlygoogleknows6705 - 21.02.2023 11:18

Good talk, and I hope that this cognitive reappraisal will work its part to curb those tendencies in myself. Yet, I am searching for more in the realm of what can an affected person do?
How do I stop this nasty visceral reaction? I know it is unjustified and unjust, hurting and hurtfull, but this knowledge alone so far has not stopped my reactivity.

@paulclarke3132 - 08.01.2023 02:08

Your 5 y/o must be pretty smart because he's already reading the crime statistics coming out of the FBI and DOJ web sites. I'm betting he sees his mom and dad avoiding black neighborhoods or maybe he read Jesse Jackson's famous quote: "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved. Jennifer, When you see racism in everything like you do it is YOU that is teaching your kid the things you don't like.

@TamaraCarel - 21.11.2022 18:53

would it be because more black on black crime happens but is not reported? if a white kills a black it is nationwide coverage ...

@Aleksamson - 13.11.2022 03:17

I understand these studies are well-meaning but they are often flawed (unscientific) starting with conclusion, looking for how, where bias manifests, instead of looking IF there is bias. Profiling is bad when it's based on bigotry but it's perfectly reasonable when it's based on common sense. Passing airport security, a middle aged /old Scandinavian woman shouldn't be subjected to scrutiny on exactly the same level as a young Middle Eastern man. Just so his feeling wouldn't get hurt.
All white neighbourhood and you see a black man outside your window. Snap judgement like: He probably doesn't live in this neighbourhood - is perfectly reasonable /justified assumption. Furthermore it depends more on how he looks, behaves. Like a salesman, businessman, gentleman in a suit. (uniform delivery serviceman) Or is he a teenager in sweatpants -hoodie...scanning around. In other words really suspicious.
Harsh discipline? There are other studies. Often ignored by the "experts" Some uncomfortable questions are not even allowed to be asked. Black children are more likely to misbehave. More often and worse. B/c of poverty, environment, whatever. That's a separate issue. So "to discipline more harshly" is more like appropriate /deserved punishment. In fact it's the opposite. The whole situation is worse. Teachers are more reluctant to punish black students. They are getting away with more - infractions. Because nobody wants to be called racist.
Don't get me started on lowering standards on ACT tests -for black students. Or raising it for Asians. Discriminating !? b/c there are too many Asians in Harvard. This anti racism is going too far. Pushing segregation (separate venues, dorms) pushing discrimination...Making everything worse.

@singh.rupinder - 16.09.2022 21:58

Thank you for putting together this video. This is an eyeopener. Each point emphatically cited by Ms. Eberhard is true and makes one ponder. I am now more aware of unconscious biases we all have. I also see around me a plethora of instances of religious biases as well. This needs to change. I am grateful to my employer who suggested this TED talk as a part of Annual Ethics & Complaince traning

@FER-is7ft - 05.09.2022 00:57

💖The part about “learning to accommodate the prejudiced biases of others to stay safe”…. after being photographed & aggressively “assisted” by 5 store clerks. I found myself putting them all at ease, assuring them I don’t hold grudges after calling one out for addressing me with “What’s up” (at Nordstrom’s) & another caught in the act of filming me on his phone. What’s worse… after I left the store I was followed around the mall by the “What’s up” guy & multiple undercover “Loss Prevention” 😒

@FER-is7ft - 05.09.2022 00:49

The many “likes” of the dismissive commentary from Paul Jansen in this thread DISPLAYS the very PROBLEM of denial, unaccountability & gross privilege . To dismiss that fact that ANTI-BLACKNESS distinctively plagues this country & Black Families by saying “Oh well, everyone is biased”…is grossly racist & entitled

@Bulldogtoki - 19.08.2022 12:30

I feel that all the time where im at & envy if you do good.

@adamwalker2377 - 10.08.2022 17:21

What does the data actually say?

@EricSiegelPredicts - 11.07.2022 23:33

A great public speaker, even in a video-only format.

@millsykooksy4863 - 10.07.2022 23:09

This world is terrifying for brown/black people. It’s horrifying 🙁

@Nasergt - 18.06.2022 23:30

As a Muslim i haven’t encountered such stories in our community at all

@cardiyansane1414 - 17.06.2022 11:12

As one of a few health care professionals who are black this is horrible to see play out not only to black patients ( very sad ) but also black professionals like myself whom they have decided that I am incompetent before I even open my mouth

@b1chronixx688 - 24.05.2022 14:27

Bias is human nature. Its never going away. It's best certain groups realistically remain segregated.

@MrOx85 - 20.05.2022 03:56

Can anyone adress the fact that white hatred and propaganda is so previlent on the internet, are "white people" the only race that are racist? or is it all humans who lack intelligence are easily led to believe nonsense.We don't need a phd to see stupidity for what it is. If you are racist you are stupid.That is all, your race is irellivent.

@wtf-qr3vq - 14.05.2022 08:50

How easy it is to forgive the racists to work with them. Screw them what they need is a dose of their own medicine

@kellyjohnson3617 - 03.04.2022 20:55

So true. I’m white and have lived in the more affluent side of town where there is a larger white population. But I have also lived in the other side of town (which is where I now live) on the other side of town that is not as affluent and where there is a much higher black and brown population is. When I lived in the affluent side of town I was a victim of crime many times snd victimized by white perpetrators. On this side of town I have never experienced crime. Snd I’ve lived in this side of town far longer because as a single woman I feel far safer. However, most people I speak to tell me they don’t like this side of town because of the crime rate. Some restaurants won’t deliver here. Lol. There is a greater police presence here. Not that there isn’t crime in this side of town but there is a greater perception that there is more crime. But that is neither what crime statistics or my own experience confirms. I work with the deaf community so I see everyday how people make assumptions that are incorrect snd how many deaf people compensate in order to keep safe and make others feel more comfortable around them so as to avoid trouble. So unconscious bias is real. Thanks for this post.

@michaeljoseph2285 - 26.03.2022 11:18

Stupid. Help me, I am a victim! Get a life and take responsibility for it.

@Mrfairchap - 25.03.2022 23:38

Why all the fuss? Why can people not accept that some white people don't like black people, for whatever reason, and some black people don't like white people? Who says that we HAVE to like people of other races and who makes those rules? It is what it is and you are NEVER going to change it, so why waste so much time trying?

@1graybags - 15.03.2022 15:25

oh ffs take some responsibility. Candace Owens every time!

@seansemple3808 - 12.03.2022 05:50

teared up at the elevator part. i can't begin to imagine. thanks for sharing this with us.

@rajbeekie7124 - 04.02.2022 21:47

This woman is an awesome storyteller.
For some reason I am thinking her 5 year old stories are made up to illustrate a point.

@masskilla469 - 01.02.2022 14:11

When I was 4 years old in 1971 I would hear my Mother say Racist things about Black People. Everyday when I came home from School our Janitor in the our Building Who was a Black Man would be in The Hallway and I would always greet him and say Hello Sir and shake his hand. One day from Listening to my Mothers Racism against Black people her saying they were dirty and so on when I was coming home from school instead of greeting him Hello Sir and shaking his hand I asked him why he was so dirty.
The look on his face when I said that to him was hurt and sadness and did not know it would affect me for the rest of my life.
When I came home from School the next day he was not there to greet me I realized what I said to him was wrong and mean and it really made me Sad.
I did not see him when I came home from School the next week. So one day on the weekend I was be able to to play in the Hallway with my big Tonka Truck I noticed the Door to the Janitors Office was cracked open. I went into the Office and saw him sitting at his Desk and Said Hi Sir and he turned around and said you're not suppose to be in here. I said I came to say I am sorry for the mean thing I said to you and sorry I made you sad. Can we be friends again? He looked at me Smiled and said "Your Apology is Accepted now go back into the Hallway before you get in trouble" He extended his hand and tapped me on the head and said go. He greeted me when I came home from School again and as I grew up we became good friends. He passed away 3 years ago at the age of 98.
I did not understand what Racism was then but growing up when I did realized Racism is taught by things we say Here, fear of the unknown, known and how Society reacts in our lives.

@treshawallace413 - 03.01.2022 03:30

Thanks for sharing this valid information. As a mom of 2 boys of African. Just walking home from school the police stopped him 7 times and said he was suspicious.

@beatricelutchmiah8399 - 15.11.2021 21:54

I’d someone calls me a name I’ll call them a name back. Simple. Deal with dummies like they’re dummies .

@jacklewis100 - 25.10.2021 21:43

Too many assertions without citation or any attempt to explain methodology for some studies which claim 'facts' where they might actually be assumptions based on one interpretations of findings or flawed methodology. It may be that she and her colleagues have conducted many studies in order to prove her thesis or further her narrative, rather than test it or look for patterns. We shouldn't be taking everything she says at face value. Then again, I've not seen the studies and maybe they are thorough, pragmatic, balanced and of sufficient size - and not just anecdotal (the one about black students being punished as a group is a terrible finding - but it needs to be tested thoroughly as I wonder how one measures such things).

@She_ill_Bx - 21.10.2021 14:39

I can attest to the innocent youth being indoctrinated by what they see on television. When my 26 year old son was 5 years old he asked me why a Caucasian man was riding the subway. I asked him why did he ask that question and he said he thought that the man should be in a car because he was white. That same year he asked my boyfriend at the time what was he doing Puerto Rican and in this house. I had to have a lot of talks with my son for years to undo what I never knew he was learning from outside sources.

@hammockcamping2500 - 19.10.2021 15:25

(2 of 2) ...A.sians- Americans? This is due to G-selectivity and cultural strengths in this population group relative to other groups. Some population groups have a whole host of pathologies that cause their racial disparities. But like I said, the good news is they don't have to wait for white folks to fix this for them. They just need to incorporate better values and behaviors.

@hammockcamping2500 - 19.10.2021 15:25

(1 of 2)... Did you know poor first and second-generation Nigerian immigrants to the United States are amongst the most educated and successful groups in the United States - even more than...

@santoshjeejee2165 - 07.10.2021 19:29


@thankyoumrsg6590 - 01.09.2021 08:53

Painful truth

@eshabadr3507 - 02.08.2021 19:07

An extremely insightful video from start to finish. Thank you, Prof. Eberhardt.

@pairojeans - 27.07.2021 18:24

Doesn't need disrupting as it's a bullshit theory

@pumaraebon80 - 24.07.2021 20:19

Too many differences. Everyone should move to their own nations and stay away from each other. Problem solved.

@me.smilesc6670 - 13.07.2021 07:54

i think the most dangerous part is when people don’t realize they are being racially biased..

@sallycolella3404 - 30.05.2021 00:01

Fantastic talk. Great mix of personal stories and corporate/real world examples. Thankyou.

@keliweisgerber3896 - 24.05.2021 05:48

Weedborn is full of amazing CBD products. These have helped me tremendously.

@shawnellemartineaux6212 - 29.04.2021 19:17

This was really interesting.

@JohwellStCilienfilm - 03.03.2021 22:51

Most useful 14 minutes I spent today. Thank you.

@RenaudDemaret - 18.02.2021 04:59

The solution is pretty simple : have a positive bias on peoples outside our own group, culture, country and invite them share a moment on our group. The racism is based on ignorance of other.

Also i want add the video, a "men bias" exist on our society. It's why the little boy think the black guy is dangerous on the plane, because he is a man before because he is black (with a black woman this reaction will not happend).A men alone on street will be also see "weird" by peoples that look at him.

Peoples that are racists, are racist because they aren't open to other groups. Then as a previous comment said, it's more an "outside group bias" that exist rather a racial biais that trully exist. The history show us thiis concept with religious schisms or discrimination, they don't target a color but they suppose one group had belief he is right and other have wrong idea about god, country, life, family principles, economy, etc.

We have to find something more strong for make a group that our skin color or cultures. I think a human flag is not bad at all as idea :)

@sbn49ajc98 - 24.01.2021 02:31

I don't like anything thrown in my face that I have to accept. The real issue is to look and change yourself at yourself.
I'm almost 72 yrs old and grew up in a time that was everything racial. My father lectured us incessantly on kindness that people are different, they look different, and act different. I remember an instance when I was in the first grade in the Pacific Northwest. I wanted my best friend Sheila to spend the night with me. I had my parents permission but when I went to school the next day she told me she couldn't. I was young and naive so I asked why, she matter of factly told me she couldn't spend the night at white people's houses. When I told my mother, she left it up to my dad to explain.
I've lived my life with those same virtues my parents taught me.
So now that a racial component interrupts all phases of life - I will be damned if I need to be schooled on changing someone elses interpretation of bias.
To white parents, teach your children the value of differences; to black parents, teach your children the value of differences.

@hammockcamping2500 - 24.01.2021 01:19

I just found a study that shows that black people have Pro black bias and white people have Pro black bias but black people have triple the pro black bias that white people do. So it's no wonder that black people feel like they're being treated unfairly.

@eklectiktoni - 22.01.2021 14:36

Very good presentation! I feel like it addressed some taboo subjects while still being respectful and factual.

@sapaspeech2412 - 12.01.2021 23:58

Absolutely brilliant...smiles used to protect oneself - I relate.

@ThomasKBanks - 20.12.2020 06:46

Stereotypes are an important part of being human and one of the reasons we are still here as a species. Her emotive arguement just passes by a little think economists like to call information cost.

@pttthhh - 17.12.2020 18:39

I could be wrong, of course. But the story of her son really seems fictional.. a bit too convenient.

@vcheekv - 04.12.2020 22:30

Goes both ways, I made eye contact with a young black man in a predominantly white neighborhood today. I was not afraid, but I saw fear in his eyes when he saw me notice him.
