Joel Greenblatt on How to Achieve a 40% Return a Year

Joel Greenblatt on How to Achieve a 40% Return a Year

Investor Center

3 года назад

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@ahmedxh - 25.10.2023 19:51

Investor center, your content is good. Why do you have to tarnish it with shameless click baits?

@TwiztedHumor - 05.08.2023 02:02

Exactly. Real investing has nothing to do with speculating on market price movements or trading. Eventually a business will be revalued to something close to what its actually worth in capital and future cash flow.

@jemiez9383 - 29.07.2023 06:20

Damn.give some respect to whoever asked him to teach 9th grade kids about the market.Thats some early mentoring there.This should be done to all schools in this world and investment market subject should je created.

Also,in my opinion any investors should really started to diversified their portfolios to also includes developing and emerging markets stocks. I know Warren Buffet once said never bet against America but rest of the globe already knows that US influence,hegemony and superpower status is dwindling.Some may not wants to admit it but the US is indeed an Empire,a modern empire and we all knows what fate befall all the previous empire no matter how powerful or big it is. Sooner ot later,the party or to be exact,US and its stock market will stop existing letting anyone that got their entire portfolios in the US as the bagholders.

@jackhalas9493 - 25.01.2023 09:53

The difficult thing is not understanding this approach, it's executing it over a long period of time even when you're losing lots of money while your friend who's never read anything made a bundle of money in crypto lol

@jumbojet8 - 11.07.2022 18:51

"uhhhhhhh...and uhhhhhhh..."

@littlebob1261 - 16.01.2022 14:46

Uhhhhh is all I hear

@benziongisser206 - 28.11.2021 09:59

This is great, but he says "uh" so much.

@williamc4221 - 23.10.2021 18:19


@QuantumFog - 18.09.2021 12:02

Constantly distracted by "...uhh...uhhhh...uuhh...uhhh...uhh...."

@ravindrareddy8536 - 26.07.2021 00:48

He is more like 4% year on year with dollar cost averaging, this entire lecture does not give any strategy for 40% anywhere. After 30 to 40 years it may have compounded to 40% which is same as buying an index fund by dollar cost averaging, what a waste of time, no new knowledge here, you already know this, why people so called experts talk for hours without giving out any substantial strategy? CNBC , Bloomberg etc., have made it a nice business to give nothing, they just keep talking and talking about the ups and downs, and today it is down, get an expert, yes it is down. Up, down, up, down, news, up,new, down, news, experts, yeah up. Nobody is talking correlations and fundamentals

@robwetzel4461 - 09.07.2021 22:53

Uhhhh….uhhhhh 🤦‍♂️

@biglitm7900 - 27.06.2021 16:06

If he says aahhhhh one more time.....

@Rob-fx2dw - 21.01.2021 14:52

Very good methodology.

@Azazeal777 - 14.01.2021 01:42

Uhhhh uhhhh uhhhhh....pfff

@indexplus - 13.01.2021 22:25

The problem is that an overvalued stock keeps getting more overvalued and the stock getting undervalued keeps getting further undervalued. And the market can be wrong longer than you can be solvent

@ryp1562 - 10.01.2021 16:20

40% ? Lol buy Bitcoin and wait a year guarantee that will be more than 40%. Same with bio nano. Same with jagx. Same with mgti I don’t listen to any analysts anymore and spend 2-3 days DD on a company. If I was only doing 40% a year I’d give up honestly. I’m not bearish in the slightest but every stock I own , apart from chek has done more than 40% in a week

@rafaeln21 - 04.01.2021 06:47

I must not have been paying attention

@Charles-xm2fr - 02.01.2021 23:37

I need 40% a month

@Octovisuals - 31.12.2020 22:59

Exactly 40 %? Wow.

@chrischoir3594 - 31.12.2020 08:50

and aaaaaah and aaaaaaaaahh

@chrischoir3594 - 31.12.2020 08:48

This guy is FOS

@ascensionblade - 25.12.2020 01:51

How did he know that I check my stocks' prices 30 times each minute, though? I'm supposed to believe he doesn't have magic powers?!

@beneltis5791 - 22.12.2020 04:54

uhhhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uh smart man just needs to chill

@IosebDzhugashvili - 18.12.2020 21:18


@jeffshackelford539 - 17.12.2020 12:09

I missed the part about how to achieve 40% a year return.

@luckyjaswal713 - 15.12.2020 16:56

You can probably get 40% return for 3 consistent years but will lose all of that probably sooner than you can realise. I'm better off getting 20% average return for consecutive years.🙏 Just my take.

@rohan2726 - 15.12.2020 10:52

Very thine a person says ahh hmm. Then what they just said or are going to say is questionable

@960john - 29.11.2020 20:18

His fund owns thousands stocks. What is he talking about? That's an index fund basically. And stocks are bought and sold every few months. The turnover is huge. Nothing to do with B. Graham or Buffett

@mikegrisley1668 - 29.11.2020 02:58

Fun drinking game take a dip every time he says ahh, ahh. RIP from alcohol poisoning.

@TikThotThots - 25.11.2020 08:27

i am already up 41% in 5 months lol

@thesunflowchannel1995 - 22.11.2020 23:17

Go all in on a stock that will rise 40% yoy, problem solved

@ControlTheGuh - 21.11.2020 08:31

4 adds in a 14min video?????

@ethanagro3878 - 19.11.2020 19:25


@noelwong4245 - 11.11.2020 17:50

Thanks for the video... please continue posting good videos to share to the world

@GoodwalkSpoiled - 04.11.2020 20:19

He said, Uuuuhhhh several thousand times.

@stevenlamont4452 - 27.10.2020 19:43

Joel Greenblatt is underrated

@auricgoldfinger8478 - 26.10.2020 22:21

Super bright guy, but can you imagine listening to him for a semester- how many Ughs? A hundred thousand?

@PseudeaEpimetheus - 26.10.2020 21:09

Buy. $SAP laugh at cramer
Buy $ERX be careful dont hold past 16
Buy $UEC sell at 250
Dont buy indexs in the most over priced market ever

@djpuplex - 26.10.2020 20:27

Fun drinking game take a dip every time he says ahh, ahh. RIP from alcohol poisoning.

@dakotah3043 - 26.10.2020 19:18

Love the video! It sums up the strategies he used to achieve that 40% annual return well!
