Growing Tomatoes for Profit!!

Growing Tomatoes for Profit!!

Farmer Dre

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@webadage - 10.05.2021 21:57

I'm posting this question on 5/10/21. It's probably too late in the season this year but where can I purchase those seeds you mentioned; the Red Deuce and Carolina Gold seeds?

@terresabenedict8058 - 24.05.2021 20:09

Do you know you can be making big bag from forex trading without having idea how to trade, just with your start up capital I strongly recommend Hitfxvee øn ¡πsta whø helped me earned $50k trading without me knowing how to trade forex

@saleemsiddiqui1870 - 29.05.2021 15:53

very good mate

@ethanporto1745 - 30.05.2021 23:55

Absolutely subscribed!!! I’m 22 and have been dying to get into farming since I was 16, I love plants more than anything, idky 😂 I just love plants. it’s hard for young people to get into farming unless you where born into it. I finally got some land in Oklahoma and am gonna start growing and see how it goes

@jamesball5743 - 02.06.2021 00:02

Best part is when Kevin Bacon teaches him how to dance.

@lemagreengreen - 26.06.2021 18:44

Looks ideal if you've got the climate, commercial tomato growing where I am is pretty restricted to greenhouses which is a big investment

@adamvigil274 - 15.07.2021 00:44

I heard people complaining how poor farmers are I'm about to start here in a few months and I've come to learn it's a hustle you have to diversify not all farmers are poor bad farmers are poor. It's like any other business give the customer what they want that's why these people are profitable.

@iron-farmer - 19.07.2021 08:10

5k a week, for 9 weeks.....and 25% costs...

@Toskyval - 21.07.2021 20:12

Hi, digit from Europe here, a curiosity: how many greenhouses are you using for the tomatoes, and how many square meter they cover (each one)?

@52CA - 14.08.2021 22:53

Springfield has 10 farmers markets?!

@52CA - 14.08.2021 22:57

How do you have time for 10 markets and grow at the same time?

@valterzc8187 - 11.09.2021 18:22

If you wanna see how open field tomatoes look like in Brazil, check the videos on my channel.

@johnsonfidelis7515 - 05.10.2021 02:52

This is a Nice video.... So inspiring but do anyone knows about expert Mrs Alice. Mrs Alice is legit and her method works like magic I keep on earning every single week with her new strategy.

@kelvinwaldropt1841 - 06.10.2021 18:31

How many pounds can I get from one indeterminate tomatoes plant

@kelvinwaldropt1841 - 07.10.2021 03:25

Can I get 10000lbs from 2000 plants indeterminate tomatoes

@stevenpalmore4299 - 08.10.2021 19:36

Solar poweered radiant floor heat would be boss for green house

@GutenGardening - 21.10.2021 03:14

Awesome video!

@GutenGardening - 21.10.2021 03:22

Came over from The Veggie Boys!

@gkmreddy5592 - 16.11.2021 11:55

Where it is located

@daltonhayes5381 - 06.12.2021 02:22

If you could guide me it would be very helpfull and thankfull
* would you recommend growing infabric growing bags
* and what soil would you prefer if so sir thank you

@VladOnEarth - 12.12.2021 10:25

I wonder if you sell that at $3/lb... how the heck most of tomatoes in the grocery AND in a farmers market cost between $1 and $3 retail?

@swrtsolutionsinc.1092 - 31.12.2021 00:15

The model of the "ideal soil" is one that is 50% pore space and of that, half is filled with water adhered to the soil particles and the other half is filled with air. Plant roots need both consistent and adequate amounts of air and water in the soil to perform their functions and if they have both they are efficient and long lived in the soil. Long lived roots allow plants to use more of their energy to produce above ground growth in the form of biomass and crop. Coarse textured or sandy soils have an imbalance in that the pore space will contain much more air and much less water (9 to 15%) than the ideal soil. SWRT subsurface membranes correct this imbalance by detaining/retaining twice as much rainfall or irrigation water in the rootzone to optimize plant growth and production.

@Chris-iy3do - 26.01.2022 23:30

9 min in, if you want to skip the intro.

@cliffordincalifornia - 04.02.2022 02:27

How many tomato plants are there ?

@nicefella2u - 18.02.2022 05:18

Great video. Where do you buy the enclosed plastic area?

@ThaPepperPlug - 25.03.2022 01:20

Now I have to come up with a new Farming name 😂

@Kim-mn1cl - 16.04.2022 01:47

Dr Dre stop using rat poison and then your video I could watch Protect our birds of prey!

@norcoatomik1 - 16.04.2022 08:16

Love it man, good stuff

@worldwar3leaderformexico36 - 06.05.2022 18:54

Not gone lie i think tomatoes make more a week than actual cannabis

@mmezzanine - 11.05.2022 18:48

Which varieties do you grow?

@tom_greenery - 15.05.2022 00:16

Y’all ever thought about going indoors? Tomatoes all year round

@tom_greenery - 15.05.2022 00:19

What are y’all using for nutrients?

@mathgasm8484 - 21.06.2022 12:55

I am starting to grow tomatoes and blackberries mostly. I have 12.5 acres to play with of family land.

@blakespower - 10.08.2022 21:25

the people probably want sweet corn too! especially this time of the year! used to see these stands on the sides of the road farmers sold them direct to people driving but you have to find a good location that cops or state highway workers wont kick you off

@hamsesaeeed1564 - 21.11.2022 19:21

How many plants you planted?

@milesgiehtbrock8510 - 18.12.2022 09:24

How do you start tapping into wholesale markets?

@conniejsanford4202 - 13.05.2023 11:36

Love your site! Teach me..I wanna learn from the best!! You!

@conniejsanford4202 - 13.05.2023 11:38

20-20-20 when mature..3-10-30 while young and setting on buds!

@65stang98 - 04.07.2023 06:30

I just started my first garden this year and its going very well so far here in to july. Mostly tomatoes some cucumbers and peppers. But i love growing tomatoes id love to somehow make a business like you have going. This first garden was a good start just 20 tomato plants purple cherokees, big boys, and some cherry tomatoes.

@herbertholzbein8909 - 15.07.2023 19:46

A lot work 😀

@southernracing2468 - 06.08.2023 13:07

Your actually pretty local to me that’s awesome!

@undefined3248 - 26.08.2023 20:35

Ah how easy it is to farm in the US, our cattle and our vegetables in RSA gets half the price, we have unreliable electricity and the same if not more expensive input costs. Must be nice… I’m jealous

@Godneverfailed - 13.09.2023 11:10

I like farming so much it's in me

@KoolakGostarYazd - 01.11.2023 07:32

We are one of the best manufacturers of greenhouse hot air furnaces in Iran and we export

@RealResponce - 02.03.2024 22:08

I am never to old to learn something when it comes to growing food! But must say "I think I grow a better tasting tomato then anyone " );

@SneakyBinHidden - 09.03.2024 13:51

You sound like Patrick mahomes

@jonnybritnorth7966 - 20.04.2024 23:26


@flyhigh5056 - 10.07.2024 14:43

Is this one of those $5,000 week gross, $4,999/week expenses farming videos 😅

@tracki7936 - 26.09.2024 12:59

What is the name of the seed variety?

@JamosFarm - 26.12.2024 02:44

Getting started at 25. Late to the game for sure 😅
