Explained | Why Women Are Paid Less | FULL EPISODE | Netflix

Explained | Why Women Are Paid Less | FULL EPISODE | Netflix


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@deficator750 - 07.07.2024 11:40

i have hired women, someone are really good and id say 40% although have good intentions they just won't go the extra mile or are too neurotic to deal with pressure. The women who do have balls are to very good.

@user-lv8ko2fh9c - 03.07.2024 19:17

Because women do free work for society? Lol that’s why

@quantummechanized2975 - 28.06.2024 02:19

oh no a couple who has a man working and supporting the family and a mother raising the children, oh wait that's just called a family, somebodies gotta make money for the family and somebodies gotta raise the family, not to mention men also do other things around the house that apparently isn't counted here, such as building, mowing lawns, cutting big branches, chopping the wood ect ect, but apparently men spend 0 hours per week doing house work according to this Doco aswell as a full time job could be 70-80 hour work weeks while a woman's full time job could be 40 hours, also if both parents are working full time who's raising the kids and whats to stop corporations and business's increasing the price of their products and services to accommodate this extra money coming in? which forces people to find a partner just to get by okay-ish instead of barley scraping by if your lucky, which means alot more men becoming homeless despite their efforts and more men committing suicide especially in the 16-25 year bracket almost 90% of suicides is by boys/men in my country at least which has a staggeringly high suicide rate especially among youth, so more woman at uni just because uni wants to look progressive, more job opportunities for woman because theyl be more likely to have qualifications, woman want a partner with more money than them which means more woman competing with the top 10-20% of men, so more single woman who will be lonely when they get older and will try cop with this with sexism, but theyl be well off enough to get by alright at least in most cases, more men struggling to get by which means theyl be faar less likely to get a partner, the poor attitudes of woman and the unfairness of society that pretends to be fair and progressive will create more tension against woman in general, partically feminists, more single mothers that means half of children will be raised by single mothers soon enough and that will only get worse, which means more feminine men and masculine woman, more toxicity on both fronts, though more reasonably understood for men, court is on woman's side, law itself in writing more on females side, job opportunities more on woman's side, yet woman will still often say men have it easier while also saying theyr committing suicide more depsite having it easier because theyr so weak and saying that men rule the world simply because most the top 0.1% are men which is true for now at least but thoes top 0.1% dont care about men they care about their own power and pitting society against e'ach other and having woman rule general society is good for them really, once the old men die off more woman will be in the top 0.1% most powerful, sure we got Elon Musk ect but thats just afew people on earth out of over 8 billion, in the west woman have more rights and still demand even more while blaming men for everything that is wrong in the world, most men arnt the 0.1% top "elite" its not about men vs woman its about us the people vs the rich and powerful who try divide us and take over the world while were busy at each others throats, its blasphemy.

@mtxzh2637 - 21.06.2024 13:12

cuz they suck

@matthewcaputo - 19.06.2024 23:41

Why don't employers just hire women then. I'm confused

@JamesGodfrey-zn9fs - 18.06.2024 21:19

Netflix Propaganda, let’s go.

@nathangarnham5467 - 11.06.2024 08:26

If woman can stop being drawn to men who have lots of money and a high level Job and will settle for a stay at home Dad who earns less then them, we might see a change. Until then, you are gonna see men go hard on the workforce and work the extra hrs and climb the ladder as it gets woman

@StreetFig - 10.06.2024 07:37

women should start building high rise office towers and working on oil rigs if they want more pay

@Actinuon - 10.06.2024 03:42

I think it's hard to truly say there are 3x single moms then there are dads without recognizing that family court has made much of that decision for us. And that the dynamic of men earning as much money as they can, while women take care of the kids, is being enforced at the judicial level. As well as the idea that the original choice was still made, the fact that the two couldn't keep the union together doesn't necessarily mean that the outcome has to make sense. The adults went back on their choice to promise a future for each other, there are consequences for that.

@parkddulgi - 09.06.2024 21:44

In South Korea women take more leaves, work less hours, attend less company events, and work in less dangerous and demanding roles IN THE SAME INDUSTRY.
I guess what feminists want is to pay people the same despite difference in contribution? Sounds like a load of bs.

What's even more ironic is that in industries like modeling and adult entertainment, women make far more than men for the same job, yet nobody talks about that.
Different genders produce different values in different industries. Simple as that.

@StuJones-gn7te - 04.06.2024 22:14

They should compare this by job type, qualifications and hours worked. In the USA, the typical female worker works less than 40 hours a week and the typical male worker works more than 40 hours a week.

Plus, men tend to take more dangerous and unpleasant job that pay more. Power plants, oil rigging, coal mining, etc. Women tend to take lower paying jobs: nurses, teachers, service workers, etc.

If you take your stats and include all men and women not working, homeless, in prison, etc. - your stats would show women with more money. Because the majority of homeless and prisoners have no.income and are male.

@yuouyang4207 - 29.05.2024 03:51

Because the kids are followed their father’s surname, also otherwise, if the women have more incomes than the men, the kids are no longer need their father. ?

@thetedheckseyshow - 28.05.2024 10:13

I love woman, but not because of the gender pay gap. I just thought I'd say that I prefer women sexually. Meaning, I'm a straight male. I love woman for who they are.

@johnathangreay987 - 22.05.2024 07:47

Im never seen a Native American actor who made as far as Robert de Niro. And that guy is no longer good.

@devincase3091 - 07.05.2024 08:21

Guys don’t forget that Netflix is a privately owned entertainment company… we all know how they affiliate. Also Hillary was here to drum up support for her political endeavors. That’s why that have issues admitting the simple truths of the matter.

@douchebagpatrol7237 - 05.05.2024 12:31

Feminists lying about the gender wage gap to stay relevant in the modern era of gender equality , with the side effect of dividing men and women.

@EmiBar11 - 30.04.2024 02:26

13 years with my company. A woman with no children. I’m being paid less than a man who has just joined the company, doing the same job. Don’t tell me gender pay gap isn’t a thing.

@ShawnMiller-os2wl - 27.04.2024 05:51

went to home Depot today asked a girl for help, didn't know shit, its simple men know womens worth and men are not willing to pay women more because they wanna have a flexible job and buy a bunch of useless clothes n shoes makeup hare care, there really just like a placeholder

@brookscosgroveisawsome4122 - 25.04.2024 03:51

There isn’t a pay gap. Either
1: females don’t produce the same quality of work as males do
2: or females work less. The average full time job hours for females is like 36 while for males it’s 43 per week

@faisal-xn8ko - 23.04.2024 16:42

It's not justice to get pay as much as man.

@mandycortese9293 - 19.04.2024 19:36

It’s all about money. Nobody wants to talk about the daycare babies and the damage that does. I’m not saying the mom should be the one to stay home… but someone should.

@Fadeinwow - 19.04.2024 17:49

You point out that the woman's expectations at home didn't change once they entered the work force, but neither did the expectations of men, but you left that out. Men are still expected to pay for woman, especially dates. Men are still expected to be providers and over half of all marriages have the man as the sole provider.

So women entered the work force, doubling the labor pool over night, increasing competition for jobs and driving down pay, yet men still have to be providers with half the pay.

@certainlynot8898 - 16.04.2024 01:29

The overall message of this video, namely that we need more progressive policies to reduce or eliminate the pay gap, is complete garbage. The statistic that women earn 80 cents of what men make is meaningless. As the video points out, when a woman takes time off for kids, that impacts her earnings. In addition, a married man makes more than a single man for 2 principal reasons - 1) he is more motivated since he has more dependents, and 2) the wife often times takes care of domestic matters (ie dry cleaning, planning social gatherings, etc.) such that a married man to able to work longer than a single man. Consequently, to truly determine if there is a pay gap by comparing apples to apples, you have to analyze single men and single women who have never had kids and who have the same education, experience, and position. When you take all these factors into account, women actually make slightly more than men.

@AntonioBergamasco - 14.04.2024 14:32

Not one word about the fact, that women earn less, because they work less hours and choose less paid jobs

@lexolus1308 - 12.04.2024 01:27

10 men are surgeons, get paid 1000€ each, that makes it 10.000€ in total for 10 men wich is an average of 1000€ for men.
9 women are surgeons 1000€ each, 1 woman is a waitress and makes 900€, that makes it 9.900€ in total for 10 women wich the average is 990€ for women.
10 Women makes 1€ less in average than 10 men, is that unjust? No.
The whole argument being pushed of ''patriarchy'' and sexism is not related, what we need is people to learn basic math and be able to understand what these graphs mean instead of asuming things, its ilegal to be paid less because of your gender, its literally written in the law, doesnt matter the race or culture, this doesnt mean sexism doesnt exist, this is just not an valid argument to be throwing around all the time, and ignorant people weaponise this in masses, yes there is inequality, but not in this thing in particular, you could also with the same argument say that it is unfair for the average woman caretaker or woman models to make more than the average male counterpart...

@azaz4216 - 08.04.2024 08:55

- If you choose to have a baby, then work less hours as a result, obviously you're not going to get paid as much and nor should you. You're not doing the work for the company so why should you get paid??

- You do actually get welfare benefits though. You get free money for having children. Most females I know, including my family, get free money every week because they chose to have children.

- You act like oh the poor mother has to look after the children while the father gets to go to work. Newsflash: it's work, not play time. It's called work for a reason. Most guys don't like their jobs. They're doing it because they have to. They have a family to feed. You think we actually want to work 40 hours a week?

- These mothers that stay home and look after the children - they get most of the day off from that once the kids go to school. Then there's after school programs, childcare, camp, etc. You don't even have to look after them the majority of the day to begin with. Oh but you have to do a little cleaning up after them and organizing etc? Boo hoo. I'm sure that takes 8 hours a day. Don't have a kid and then complain it's hard and seek others to blame for your choice. And then pop out more kids so you can continue to complain and act like you're oppressed or something. What a joke.

@sircasino614 - 24.03.2024 23:55

ITT: People who dont realize that women actually aren't paid less. There's no pay gap, there's a wage gap, and the reason has many variables that are not related to sexism. It's illegal to do so, and if that were a thing, why would anyone hire a male?

@besmart2350 - 23.03.2024 21:46

feminism began as a positive movement, granting women more rights when they had very few. However, over time, it went too far, creating an imbalance. As a young adult man, I feel like I live in a world designed for women. They seem to enjoy all the benefits, opportunities, rights, privileges, and love, leading seemingly perfect, carefree lives. I perceive the legal system as biased toward women, and I am even afraid of going on a date due to the risk of baseless rape accusations and similar concerns. In the modern world, it appears much easier for women to find employment than for men. I also notice that women are paid more, get promoted more easily, and receive endless attention on social media, which seems to inflate their egos larger than galaxies. I feel like a second-class citizen compared to women. And it's not about me being lazy. No matter how much I improve, I can still be fired from my job or put in jail for accidentally offending a sensitive woman at my workplace or anywhere else. Women report you to authorities for things you haven't done. It's as if everything is designed against men in the modern world. I am afraid to get married because if I end up having a bad wife, the court will likely be on her side as well. Because of all this, male suicide rates are on the rise. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells with any woman I meet because she most probably is loaded from a young age with a woke mentality of female superiority from the media, TV shows, movies, and everywhere else, and might react unpredictably to any joke I make and so on. I feel like almost no woman can be trusted nowadays, especially the younger generation that has undergone much radical feminist brainwashing. We must balance out the scales back because this feminism thing went way too far. Women should have rights, of course, but not at the expense of men. You might say I complain and it's all my fault and I should stop whining, but the feminization of our society is objectively true because I'm not the only one who has noticed that something is wrong.

@svensshed1564 - 21.03.2024 00:08

The fix is easy, dont have kids. Tough I know but this is the truth, you cant have it all

@catfootball592 - 18.03.2024 14:32

Men work longer hours do the the must dangerous jobs. The most scalable jobs.

@jasminpoljak6115 - 16.03.2024 11:11

As single father I have similar problems. I agree its about childcare, not male or female.

@marcop24b - 11.03.2024 22:03

Yes, 9 extra hours a week of man-doing man on the couch drinking beer. Of course, it was not 9 hours spent fixing other family stuff outside of childcare. Childcare is the only thing that matters; who cares about going to the grocery store, fixing furniture, or other family stuff? 😂

@madterps - 09.03.2024 04:26

Women don't register in STEM degrees worldwide, why is that? They do the easy useless degrees like communications and gender studies.

@VSW7150 - 08.03.2024 11:26

Women not work properly in the workplace, everytime they have some excuses and if somewhere in the workplace physical power is required especially in engineering they simply refuses to do the task and says its manly job, also women work for very less time.

@pugthepug7910 - 08.03.2024 05:48

Now Lets make a video of the gender WORK gap....

@Klistern2 - 05.03.2024 05:59

The fact remains that if women were making say 80c in the dollar compared to men, then greedy business owners would only employ women and make more profit. Which they don't obviously.

@vajona2495 - 05.03.2024 00:05

Women on average are paid more than men. Stop spreading lies

@James225 - 01.03.2024 18:31

The biggest issue with this topic is that people don't actually look at WHY women get paid less. One of the largest factors is because they simply work less hours on average than men. It's a simple fact and an easy factor to look at given that literally every company keeps track of hours worked.

Both Bob and Jill make $20 an hour. Before overtime kicks in, they both earn $800 that week. Say that at their company they get 2x pay if they work overtime. Let's say Jill worked 0 hours over time, and Bob worked only 2 hours overtime. Jill made $800 that week and Bob made $888, so $88 more dollars than Jill. Therefore, Jill made 90% of what Bob did. You can see how easily you can come to women making 90% of what men make just by men working 2 measly hours more a week.

This really isn't that hard unless you can't understand basic math or basic statistical analysis.

@m31vin - 26.02.2024 22:32

This has been debunked so many times even in sports. Everything is being turned into a gender war. It's pathetic and it will ruin this world.

@chewiebacca8850 - 26.02.2024 11:48

Never once in my life did I work with a female who produced as much as the male. When men and women are paid the exact same for the same job, the men are undervalued because they produce more.
Another way to put it. Women make more per effort than men, always have.

@nakawung - 16.02.2024 17:06

This is good. No seriously.
I love how it’s factual and state how cases differ. They don’t make baseless, illogical claims or even claim to be all knowing. This is cool. Netflix really did good here.

Too bad they had to go and ruin it with Cleopatra. 😮‍💨

@richpete - 15.02.2024 02:33

Shared parental leave wasn't available with my first and I got 2 weeks off. It was with my second and so I took 3 months off to look after with our 2. I loved it, the bond that was created with my second was so much stronger by having those 3 months.

People make out like men don't want parental leave/paternity leave. This isn't 1940 anymore, we like being Dads, give both parents 6 months leave!

@cplcummins - 12.02.2024 13:26

Im sure this show has done the due dilengence of doing a multi factorial analysis study to look at (job title, job level, experience, background, age, qualifications, people skills, holidays, hours worked, temperament..and then gender).

This arguement of men vs women being paid less simply based on 1 factor of gender has been disproven multiple times and is just boring leftist clickbait at this stage.

@captainviper3888 - 09.02.2024 22:29

This reminds me of tricky SAT math questions where the easiest calc was actually the wrong conclusion

@harsha2874 - 06.02.2024 09:15

Really Netflix?

@tomcoop9750 - 06.02.2024 06:50

On average, women take more time off and are less interested in STEM. This is not the fault of men.

@semsentido2932 - 02.02.2024 20:43


@MonkeyUseBrain - 02.02.2024 06:08

Women choosing to date tall men, nah ain't no discrimination here...
