What is Disney Cruise Line Doing?

What is Disney Cruise Line Doing?

Bright Sun Travels

1 год назад

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cbj324jkl234jk234 - 06.10.2023 05:48

Thats not how business works. Just because the ship isnt cookie cutter with the reat of their ships doesnt mean it will damage the brand. They got this for a bargain. To save 1.9 billion in construction, they made some sacrifices

Just Imagine
Just Imagine - 06.10.2023 04:19

The Disney Mc Barge. Dang is it ugly. Dang... box on hull. Whatever. I have given up on Disney's guff. All in with EPIC Universe.

AntsHawaii🇺🇦 - 29.09.2023 21:56

I was just on the POA an she is beautiful but from far away her bow looks small but in actuality it is pretty large.

preludeofme - 23.09.2023 16:01

I would think that any other cruise line but disney cruise line would buy it

Thor3 - 23.09.2023 01:39

great info! btw, "word nerd" quibble here- "weary" means tired. "Wary" means careful, skeptical, cautious, as does the word "Leery"
I'm all for language evolving, but I think taking the word "weary," which has a perfectly clear meaning, and blending the words "Wary" and "Leery" into "Weary" because they sound similar and then co-opting their meaning of cautious skepticism isn't a step for the language in the right direction. But that's just me.
Keep up the awesome, fun, and informative reviews!

Jordan LeDoux
Jordan LeDoux - 22.09.2023 20:08

I mean, first I don't think that the Disney brand is the same in Asia as it is in North America. Second, I don't really understand how this ship existing affects you so much? It's not for this market.

S - 20.09.2023 15:39

Is it jusy me or is this not as big of a departure from their norm as youre making it out to be?

Mohawk - 19.09.2023 15:21

The cruise ship is not even ugly, i think it looks pretty good. The ship they bought is cheaper, better for the environment and simpler, than building a new ship.

mike seguin
mike seguin - 12.09.2023 05:02

you have very weird opinions!

swampserpent - 16.08.2023 05:22

If its going to be in and serve the chinese market, really, who cares if it fits in with or looks like the rest? I mean really.. why be so critical when disney is screwing up so much of thier other product lines, its like with this is...and really? What else is new .

Shared Knowledge
Shared Knowledge - 12.08.2023 19:43

The Chinese are all about showing they are better than their friends. They want a better home, better car, etc. So it fits they want to take a cruise on a bigger cruise ship. Even if this ship degrades the Disney cruise fleet in so many ways it does fit for the very materialistic Chinese market.

ste kra
ste kra - 01.08.2023 17:22

If this opens reviwit

MrRjsnowden - 28.07.2023 23:06

Wow this guy really has a hard on for Disney cruise ships. Glad he doesn't hide it though.

Phinalbossbeater - 22.07.2023 20:30

I legitimately dont get the problem here, it really feels like one of those "disney did something that's not what they did before i cant believe it DISNEY BAD DISNEY BAD!!" reactions
Its still gonna be a disney ship they just decided to make it off of another ship is all whats the problem with that? sometimes the big corporations want to save up some money while making it, so what?
I bet the ship will be a good fun experience, like the other ships!

EFSpartan - 18.07.2023 17:01

Hey what is the difference between the Asian Cruise liners vs Western ones?

Zach Jones
Zach Jones - 16.07.2023 12:12

9000 PAX? That is insane!

Yemisi - 08.07.2023 21:16

This ship looks like a kid's paradise which is perfect for the Disney brand. What are you talking about? It's beautiful.

Wright - 26.06.2023 01:25

Disney buying something on the cheap and trying to retrofit it into their brand is very much a symptom of the Chapek era.

K&C2UT4rmAZ - 18.06.2023 02:28

You’re really hung up on the looks/design of the ships. I don’t give a crap what they look like if they’re fun, good cost and have what I want and need.

Dope Adventures
Dope Adventures - 12.06.2023 18:27

On a quest to watch all of the videos?

Cam - 09.06.2023 10:45

I don't do anything Disney anymore...

Greg Bell
Greg Bell - 01.06.2023 18:29

I love the classy styles of Disney fleet. They bought the Global Dream at such a bargain price, you couldn't even buy one of the second hand R ships for less than 100 million .I don't think it's that ugly. Your being very critical on it. I think it will fit in. I find Norwegian and MSC and Virgin have the ugliest ships hands down. I think the new Sun Princess is pretty and I don't like the new ships at all. I think they should build them like they used to with deeper drafts and sleeker curvier lines. They can do it. Balconies aren't everything that they are cracked up to be. Ide rather have a roomier cabin and a bathtub in a cabin huge picture windows. Just make them prettier safer .

Marine Digital
Marine Digital - 01.06.2023 09:40

Agree with you on the original design of the first few Disney ships, quite unique. As an insider involved in the original project its not only the amazing discount on the purchase price, Disney also skip the multi year waiting list for a new build. Regarding the 75% I've seen the 3d CAD models and I believe its more like 80% so any changes to the layout would be expensive and time consuming at this stage but there is loads of scope to change branding, materials and colours of the fittings. Another interesting detail, the 9000 pax capacity is only possible as each cabin was conceived with the Chines market in mind, i.e. Parents, child and Grandparent/nanny. So each cabin has a potential occupancy of 5.

þemonarchofundead - 29.05.2023 20:05


angelcreepergirl -
angelcreepergirl - - 17.05.2023 05:10

Nice try and lie lol and disney already had the 6th ship getting made before this big ship was started he built lol also disney pick out the 6th ship name already in 2018 on side of the wish lol

PineapplePapa 34
PineapplePapa 34 - 05.05.2023 04:25

I’m sure that Disney will bring it up to “Disney” standards. But this probably will bring about a new class of ship for Disney. I’m interested in the name. Idk why but the thought of the words pixie dust, memory, elegance, emphatic, enchant(but Royal Caribbean uses that so idk), endeavor(for crossing the world or something like that. Or my personal favorite thought, the Disney Epic.

Robbity - 30.04.2023 04:48

Those cruises with the stupid lobbies that go up to the top deck and have plants and act like cities on the sea are so stupid. The Wish is probably the biggest a cruise ship, should ever be.

AA - 24.04.2023 03:39

As a Chinese myself, I would say, since the mean focus of this vessel is in China, Disney probably made a good decision and saved tons of money, instead of build a brand new one. In the end, not many Chinese really care or even know about the authentic Disney culture, most of them, I'll say more than 98% of them, don't care about about the Disney culture. Do you know who is the most popular character in Shanghai Disneyland? Not Mickey, not Minnie, not Donald not Daisy not Woody not Cinderella not Ariel not anyone you could think of. Let me tell you, it's StellaLou and Linabell! Those two characters are new crews from Daffy and Friends, which even the main character Duffy is not so famous except in Japan. And the Chinese are crazy about those two, so crazy that Disney decided to put them in the centre of the show, Micky and Minnie can only stand behind them. So, do they need an authentic Disney dream cruise? No, as long as it's from Disney, that's good. I think Disney knows it well, so why design and build a huge vessel from scratch when you can buy an almost finished one for a steal price and start making money from there?

Laurence Banks
Laurence Banks - 21.04.2023 01:03

When Disney started talking about increasing their Fleet, the number of new Ships was going to be 4: Doubling the Fleet. Number were changed during the Pandemic to make only 3 of the Wish Class.

Daremaster - 20.04.2023 03:51

They could name it “The Pixar Paradise”

Mechagoji74 - 17.04.2023 00:46

I consider this a Disney “Side project”, which means something that they slap together in the shade and throw at Asia and forget it exists while hoping everyone else does, so they can work on the triton-class fleet and future designs.

Mechagoji74 - 17.04.2023 00:37

Disney needs to remove six funnels, make it two in the back (like RCCL Oasis) and give it a better looking forehead, also give it a Dream-Class stern design.

FurrySlayerrGT - 15.04.2023 05:00

that hull literally has the same design as titanic

robert barbosa
robert barbosa - 13.04.2023 04:32

Why would anyone actually pay to literally be inside a cesspool, so pathetic.

awesomeferret - 07.04.2023 11:24

Sorry, but you gotta explain why it's "so ugly". There are so many more boats that are so so much more ugly. Every time you say "it's ugly" past the fist few times becomes just grating, and I don't even think it's very good looking.

WeekLongWind 647
WeekLongWind 647 - 30.03.2023 05:09

Clearly Disney is going to get canceled if they keep making weird decisions and more remakes of classics. But they are still making classics cus people are stills buying tickets to see em. 🤦‍♂️ Let me know about your opinions in the reply’s. Do you agree or disagree? Also do you think Disney will go bankrupt with the choices they are making?

Brent Shepard
Brent Shepard - 29.03.2023 19:58

Disney JUST announced they were taking this to Singapore!

BlueSotong - 29.03.2023 17:55

They just announced that a ship almost matching her will be sailing out of Singapore!

Josomezo - 27.03.2023 18:20

I think a lot of the design could be fixed by simply adding layers to the outer shell of the front to create a less flat look and create more flare in the look.

Richard - 21.03.2023 13:23

I don't see the problem. We'll likely never hear about it again once it launches and starts operating in the Asian market.

michaelsmiley15 - 20.03.2023 00:19

I think you're just spending too much money to maintain a cruise line that can't compete with every other cruise line
They have a new ship that is already on the water they bought a cruise line like 6 months ago and they'll have a new ship hopefully in the water come next year but they're losing money hand over foot this doesn't make sense

Miranda Powell
Miranda Powell - 18.03.2023 17:51

remember, Disney is owned bychina now, think of the new simpsons episode that was edited for 1 joke, think of where they filmed Mulan. Disney has wanted Chinese money for decades

Jesus Barrera
Jesus Barrera - 17.03.2023 19:29

You are putting way too much emphasis on Disney's image to US standards.... It's not the same Juggernaut in the rest of the world, 90% of DCL costumers in the US already don't care about the ship design, even less so for the rest of the world
Seriously you guys have to stop thinking you are the center of the universe

Justin Thomas
Justin Thomas - 11.03.2023 09:37

I've been very critical of Disney lately, but you have to admit that converting a cruise ship is a lot easier than converting a theme park.

JonathanBXL - 10.03.2023 00:20

Once you're on the ship, you don't see it. Almost nobody will care about the exterior design of a new Disney ship.

r0nny - 09.03.2023 20:00

not me getting an ad about the cruise

Alan Azargushasb
Alan Azargushasb - 09.03.2023 15:01

So what if they are copying features ? Apply that logic to everything else on any other ship and you see how stupid that line of thought is.

What your cruise has a pool? Unoriginal plagerism
What your cruise has shows? Unoriginal plagiarism
What your cruise has buffets? Unoriginal Plagerism
What your cruise has a water slide ? Unoriginal plagiarism
What your cruise is taking place on a ship 🛳? Totally unoriginal bro, apply yourself, F

JorJe - 07.03.2023 19:23

You all are acting like Disney was cunard or something, their ships are nothing less than another modern ships with the Disney theme and a external inspiration of a transplantic. Period. Their last ships are literally modern ships like the others ones. For me is a smart choice, it really can work pretty good in europe and i personally like the new design, its like a hyper queen mary, crazy but it still have the brand. And if you ask me icon of the seas y way uglier, but thats just my opinion and sorry for my english 😅
