17 Common Dream Meanings You Should Never Ignore

17 Common Dream Meanings You Should Never Ignore


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inverted halo
inverted halo - 25.09.2023 10:12

bleeding from the pupils?

Rainbow 🌈 Lady 🧚
Rainbow 🌈 Lady 🧚 - 23.09.2023 15:41

Had occuring dreams such as being trapped, falling, flying, seeing those people, animals, plants and other living things I miss from my past regardless whether they've passed on or not randomly appearing in different places, imagining concepts for products both past, losing my eyesight, present & sometimes to remarkable coincidence future products {which is creepy yet fascinating}, sometimes missed opportunity themed dreams, sinking, people who I used to know who were enemies being the nicest people ever & ironically those who in reality were lovely and amazing being nasty in my dreams, being chased and....well I will discuss this later.

Some dreams (or nightmares, depending on interpretation and or context) that have stuck with me.....

*When I was 12 as I was a conflicted tween about whether I wanted to indulge in childhood one last time (as in a way I was a little kiddie, such as liking bratz dolls, playdoh, Playmobil, diva starz or start showing an interest in more grown up things such as fashion, make-up, going out (which on the other side of the coin I did kind of have those interests, but nowhere near as much as some of my peers thankfully), so one portion of a dream I had was going to Deal Sainsbury's but instead it turned into a wholesome albeit slightly kiddie party which I joined, then very abruptly the party and kids & grownups disappeared suddenly.....and the event turned into a nightclub with people making out, having s3x, dressed provocatively, drinking, showing off the latest things they owned and I was half wanting to join in due to peer pressure & wanting to appear "mature"...yet at the same time it didn't feel right

*A dream my sister had where suddenly I walked into the front room wearing wagon wheel sizes hoop earrings (and just as wide lol 😂). In fairness at the time of when she had that dream, she was going to get her ears pierced for the first time, so it's rather apt.

*The pie machine scene on Chicken Run, sometimes that particular sequence has appeared in my R.E.M sleeping phase

*Being made up as some characters I'd love to cosplay as have been occurring since I was in my late 20's

*Putting contact lenses in, that often occurs in my dreams too

Hector Charon
Hector Charon - 23.09.2023 14:52

I also had a dream once that actually came true

Hector Charon
Hector Charon - 23.09.2023 14:51

I also had a dream of this old bag lady in a black torn dress from before the turn of the century dress ,she also had a black hat with feathers on it . Her face was pale her eyes were two big black wholes and no emotions or expression on her face and i have dreamed her 4-5 other times what does this mean please some one help if you know who or what is she.

Hector Charon
Hector Charon - 23.09.2023 14:48

I saw a shaman shaking a maraca what does it mean

May Light Ellazar
May Light Ellazar - 23.09.2023 04:14

I always had a dream about my ex telling me that he misses me. What could be the meaning of that.

Julie Johnson
Julie Johnson - 21.09.2023 12:22

Are nightmares still nightmares if you aren't scared of them? I remember most of my dreams and I am always told they are nightmares but they don't feel that way to me during or after the dreams.

prischm - 20.09.2023 00:37

I had a dream years ago when I was middle aged (let's say about 50). I met a man who was about my age and type. As I was talking with him I started to get a strange vibe but I couldn't put my finger on it. Finally, I realized this guy was me, not through physical characteristics or features, but in the way he expressed himself and mannerisms. Any amateur dream analysists want to take on that one?

TwistinTreez - 19.09.2023 07:06

The only recurring dream is of a girl I dated for two years in high school….that I was madly in love with…. That was 25 years ago… and I still think about her everyday but I’ve been in a relationship for the last 20 years with 2 beautiful kids and damn near living in paradise….only problem is that the connection I had with the girl from high school was soo much deeper and that’s the silent disease that I live with…. And there’s no issue with the family that I’ve made… but I can’t help thinking about her… no one else knows this but me…. And it’s been so long to have these kinda thoughts still haunting me daily… and a few times in dreams. Do I need a therapist?

Juliana isabelle dj Dipad
Juliana isabelle dj Dipad - 19.09.2023 01:04

My dream is so weird, i feel like someone in my dream is punching me and i feel it in real life but when i woke up. There's no one around me.

tips and tricks
tips and tricks - 16.09.2023 23:25

Dreamt about my house pight falling because they are chandellers then i went to the bath room since all my house has a BATH room i went in to the nearest one and the light expoloded and fell then i went to our nagbours house and his house was just fine

Moon - 16.09.2023 02:12

Can someone tell me what this means? I had a dream where I was with a guy and we were in a hotel or maybe somewhere else idk and we were together and I don’t know who he was and I can’t stop thinking about him.😢

Trevor Drake
Trevor Drake - 15.09.2023 18:59

I have dreams where I become self aware that I’m dreaming and then everyone tries to kill me… it’s almost every night

Galaxy - 12.09.2023 18:09

One time i saw
A girl that had a doll and she then her mom and sister and brother got tired of her obsession and was about to leave her at home alone forever lock she started crying “the girl with the obsession” they quickly ran away and she was their forever

Galaxy - 12.09.2023 18:05

My nightmares was i was running from a person who is trying to kill me so i was running up stairs and ended up to the roof’s door seeing someone who is standing and looking from far that is going kill me i got up quickly got down the stairs then i fell and was saved by water and got flooded in a lab room then i woke up

Panosmos Productions
Panosmos Productions - 12.09.2023 06:45

A common theme I’m noticing in my dreams now is religion. You know, things like taking place at church, or the end of the world as described in the Bible, or h***. What are these supposed to mean. I will admit though that the more literally h***ish nightmares and the end of the world Dreams might come from “666.”

Pacienter Steven
Pacienter Steven - 11.09.2023 12:38

I keep on dreaming being at the funeral singing, and today I dreamt about my father dead , and I was told to dig a grave for him , I don't know what It mean

Pacienter Steven
Pacienter Steven - 11.09.2023 12:36

Thanks so much,

JLM 87
JLM 87 - 10.09.2023 00:17

I had a demonic dream, the world savior was being unveiled. I was the only one watching this, it was like a video game, they announced on loud speakers who our savior will be. It was a tall skinny Asian guy. We lock eyes as I I follow him to a Catholic Church. The priest praises him as the messiah, hands him a red robe and asked to speak in mass. 2 minutes into him speaking he begins to start twitching then his legs bend backwards break and become sharp daggers. He then starts killing everyone at church. Some people at mass become possessed and start killing people at church. They leave me alone, it’s like they wanted me to see everything. He then goes outside and just like in the movies I see the false profit and his demons flying and killing people. Might of been the Antichrist. I had this dream almost a year ago and I still remember every single detail. I went to go see a priest right after, then I blessed my apartment. Not sure what happened in my apartment but it felt heavy when I first moved in.

Xzbit Xzbito
Xzbit Xzbito - 08.09.2023 21:19

I dream of killing toddlers, drugs and stuff that doesn't make sense

Qoh - 06.09.2023 17:14

Older men I think...

Aciya eid
Aciya eid - 05.09.2023 13:15

okay but what if i had a dream about some girl in my school ive never met stealing my crush that “likes me back” and when i asked him if he knew her the next day he was nervous 🤔🤨

@Robloxians - 03.09.2023 17:32

My mum and dad are in another state and i saw them in a dream and when i woke up knowing it was a dream i cried.

☥ • Fae • ☥
☥ • Fae • ☥ - 01.09.2023 05:37

I had recently had a dream of being chased by a guy with a child in his arms, he was chasing me through lots of places like through Walmart, but he ended up stabbing someone with a tiny sharp knife, I was hiding behind that person so I kept running and I found myself in a pizza restaurant, I was asking to hide in the kitchen and he looked at me through the drive thru window, and that’s when the dream ended.

Madara - 30.08.2023 23:43

I dreamed abt having a secret little sister without knowing that she’s ma sister until she studied with me and i found out we were twins and my parents had never told me about her idk what it means but i have a feeling i already met that person 😅😅 can someone explain what it means

Morning Star💫
Morning Star💫 - 22.08.2023 17:44

I had short dream about man chasing me with pocket knife but nothing bad happened that day.

Christina Walls
Christina Walls - 19.08.2023 19:21

Anyone ever had a nightmare with a woman in white?!

AngryMonkeyification - 18.08.2023 22:01

I just had a dream. There were 2 doppelgangers that didn't speak but lip-synched my words bit not facial expressions. I pushed one and they both pushed me. I told them I'm going downstairs to get my swords. When i came back, they were gone. Freaked me the f out.

FrostedTea - 11.08.2023 09:24

My dreams are too random for me to find a meaning.
For example I had one where I fought a monster with someone then after that teleported to a house that we visited in the dream where there were 3 alive countryball flags.
Then I got telepoeted to the city center where I celebrated New Year with all of my good classmates, in June. I called up my mother to see when we're going and that was the end of it.

When I woke up I had this nostalgic felling, like I have expirienced something similar before and I wanted to do it again.

Tyler Ward
Tyler Ward - 08.08.2023 23:17

Dreaming is when you are awoken during normal memory processing. They have little to no bearing on the real world besides possibly giving you some slight insight into your subconscious. Adding extra weight to nonexistant factors like dreams can cause issues or exceserbate preexisting conditions.

Bukay YT
Bukay YT - 03.08.2023 06:48

I'm dreaming about end of the world
And fast ⏩ forward time and then I saw
Growing fast tree 🌴 and i saw people praying outside road and I'm woke up!

Norman Schmidt
Norman Schmidt - 03.08.2023 04:29

I once dreamed that all my teeth fell out as i was talking to a troop of lost girlscouts. My teeth turned into merit badges that the scouts sewed onto their sashes. Although the girls were lost they were not afraid in the dark with me.
I interpreted the dream to mean that I speak useful things.
There are complexities to dream interpretation. All of the symbolism matters. And all is connected. Details make a difference. Knowing yourself and what things really mean to YOU is key to understanding your dreams. It was falling in my dream that taught me about lucid dreaming.

Vinolia Nunge
Vinolia Nunge - 31.07.2023 12:56

Thanx alit for eye-opening I'm so greatful🙏🙌🙌

Amrit Grewal
Amrit Grewal - 31.07.2023 09:48

People wake up and tell me that they don’t ever remember their dreams. I just wish i could forget my dreams. So many dark dreams yet i can’t shake the pain or terror it brings me

Matty Rux
Matty Rux - 28.07.2023 06:44

I keep dreaming of being dragged upside down or I get flipped upside down and sucked to the ceiling into the corner of a room and no matter how hard I try I can’t turn upright. It’s like my feet are a magnet and the other magnet is in the corner of the ceiling. I hate it

Saswat Sai Anand Rout
Saswat Sai Anand Rout - 25.07.2023 16:24

My dreams are too weird and crazy.
Common types I have never seen them !

Daniel Valdez
Daniel Valdez - 24.07.2023 17:33

Saddest you see your love but they died show up to you in dream and tell that they are not dead smilling laughing

Peter,hannon - 21.07.2023 22:51

Mine was like: glitch trap (from fnaf) took me and a group of children to a candy / chocolate store.
And another was Gordon Ramsay murdered someone at my school then the cast of MHA appeared

Elizabethlee Valdez
Elizabethlee Valdez - 18.07.2023 22:29

I have lots of dreams for all my life. Ever since I was a child. My first dream I remember is four years old. People that I don't know about. People come to me just to say hi. Some are very ugly and scary. I'm over fifty years old and my dreams are still going on.

8400_j - 18.07.2023 14:03

What does it mean when im being snitched on and set up to be killed by a long time homie in my dream?

Amida Wangila
Amida Wangila - 17.07.2023 09:02

I hve been dreaming tht im in school 😢 , im not happy at all

AnD PeGgY - 14.07.2023 19:02

I figured out that I may have OCD. And I have had the mud dream. This probably means that I need to find a way to break out right?

ladybughoor marinettehoor
ladybughoor marinettehoor - 14.07.2023 16:25

I faced first one

Roblox Player
Roblox Player - 13.07.2023 01:53

Years ago, i had a dream when i was going down the stairs and alot of other creatures chasing me. and i couldent breathe normally, and after it i dont remember thee dream but i was in the ground in winter so cold; and thennnn i had a dream f a big plant killing a human and it looked at mee then the dream ended and tthen i had a dream wheere i was going down to the beach and suddently i got lost right after it i found my grandfather named Sidu

Yusuke Urameshi
Yusuke Urameshi - 11.07.2023 10:16

I had a dream I fell in a hole and spent 60 years in a alternate world working at a mill and one day I went back to the hole and fell back into the normal world and met my child and grandchildren and had the best time of my life before I died. Once I woke up It took a month for me to forget the feeling of love I had for my grandchildren

Strawsome - 09.07.2023 19:41

When I was 3 I had nightmares CONSTANTLY. And they were all BAD. Like a few of them were being killed with a knife, pushed off a building, jumping off a cliff. I don’t know why I kept having those dreams.

Strawsome - 09.07.2023 19:37

The worst dream is when you are getting ready to go on the best waterslide, but it never happened :( , This ALWAYS happens to me

Oliver Googler
Oliver Googler - 09.07.2023 16:22

I slept at 9 and woke up almost 10
I prayed until 2 and kept awake until 6 and went back to sleep
I dreamt and saw a creeper looking like a rat man and then I recalled the other one I dreamt the other night looking like a goblin.
Is it the same bad spirit bothering me during my sleep?
Like I even felt somebody pulling me up or dragging me from bed in great and terrifying force one morning while asleep.
I know I've been having fatigue and rest deprivation.
But what was it about?

Tracy F
Tracy F - 07.07.2023 17:43

Had a teeth dream the other night!
