10 Most Affordable Places to Live in the US

10 Most Affordable Places to Live in the US

Jackie Baker

2 года назад

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@Justaguywithtruth - 06.07.2024 21:30

Jackie is giving facts people.🤔. Honor the Truth🤨👍 I would never move to most of these places but if you must they are affordable and after escaping the Streets of DC, you want a decent home, low cost of living and a actual yard😎🙏💪☝️👍

@elvirastewart4183 - 07.07.2024 20:19

Thanks Jackie.for the updates..I appreciate it.

@janetbusener6326 - 09.07.2024 02:57

Atlanta is way too pricy these days. 😮

@Tubefish07 - 09.07.2024 11:11

I’ll only work with you if I can call you “Babs”. I think that’s the nickname for Barbara!

@jackhorton6010 - 10.07.2024 20:26

Repent and seek Christ

@naysiortega4089 - 18.07.2024 03:57

God bless this women for giving us to much details

@RV-en7qh - 19.07.2024 20:01

I have lived in Syracuse NY for 12 years and the winter is not as cold or as long as it used to be.

@deserrecadungon5583 - 27.07.2024 01:31

Love to move somewhere in Lancaster or perhaps wishing to 😊

@lindahagler6278 - 28.07.2024 03:41

No way Jackson, MS should be on this list. I live 30 minutes from Jackson, MS I will not even drive thru it. It is so bad. Don't even visit. Crime is bad. Drive by shootings a daily thing. There is zero homes being built new there so I don't know what she is talking about. There are some nice places in Mississippi like Ocean Springs, Oxford, maybe Tupelo.

@chrisjay1111 - 29.07.2024 16:26

No Northern Virginia? 🤯😂😂

@atpcliff - 07.08.2024 07:48

The Upper Midwest is the best place, especially considering the Climate Change problems that will crush so many places: Hurricanes, Fires, Floods, Tornadoes, Mud slides, Wave Erosion, etc. Minnesota is the best state, Indiana the worst (but IN is safe from a lot of Climate Change). Green Bay, Wisconsin, is the city most like Minnesota.

Just looked at Green Bay, WI, a VERY nice place to live, with NO natural disaster problems at all, unless you live right on the river-possible flooding. Help wanted everywhere. Min pay is $15/hour for a starter fast food job. No private schools, so a good education is free for the kids.

We were just at the city-owned amusement park. Kiddie rides are 25cents. Adult rides are 50cents-1dollar. Tuesdays the kiddie rides are free. It is just across from the very large wildlife sanctuary, which is free.

2BR, 1BA apartment less than 1000 sq ft for under $1k/month. Larger 2BR, 1BA townhouse $1100/month. Nearby decent 3BR, 2BA for $1400/month. No traffic. No crime. No bad neighborhoods. Parks EVERYWHERE. When U drive out of town, more and more, and bigger and bigger parks. In Green Bay, a number of houses are available between $100k-$200k. The best state is Minnesota, but Green Bay, is similar to Minnesota, and I think, the best place to live in Wisconsin, overall.

@Heather-d3g - 12.08.2024 18:41

Jackson is def a pass but Madison, Brandon, and Flowood are nice with no water issues.

@dlross173 - 15.08.2024 15:02

Texas: never. Georgia: never. Basically, childless cat woman here, thinking about how I'll be treated by my neighbors and community. They seem kind of hostile.

@swampwiz - 17.08.2024 05:09

Youngstown, OH is not a bad place to live now, as the polluting steel industry had collapsed in the '70s; of course, this is the prime reason why it is so inexpensive.

@chariots8x230 - 25.08.2024 21:37

Cool, but I also care about these things:
1. Property taxes
2. HOA fees (preferably none)
3. Crime rate
4. Susceptibility to natural disasters
5. Distance to nearest stores/supermarkets/restaurants/cafes/parks/schools/hospitals (How long would I have to travel to go to the store or to go to work?)
6. Availability of public transportation

I’m thinking a cozy small town would be better than something that’s too remote.

I would really love to find a house with a rooftop, so I can go up there at night to watch the stars. It is my dream.

@Louise-ge3ji - 29.08.2024 11:40

Can we add Lafayette LA to this list? Thinking about moving there from MA because of the cost of living and better crime stats then the rest of State. Thanks

@jackd8345 - 05.09.2024 01:42

This whole list is trash

@StrongPoliticalViews - 13.09.2024 21:42

She should make videos about places in TX to avoid like weather, crime, flood zones, etc.

@goodenoughgirl8102 - 15.09.2024 10:19

Tennessee. Everything seems to be cheaper there. I was shocked how cheap things are. Gas at the pump also. No state income tax. Low property tax. Nashville is more pricy and avoid crime ridden Memphis.

I’m also looking at a little place also near Macon GA going for less than $150k. Nicely remodeled and updated…abt 1000 sq ft on just over half an acre. Low crime. It’s abt an hour and a half from Atlanta but Macon is also a good sized city with a small commercial airport. Adjoining semi rural/small town areas…not too shabby.

If my kid winds up in Jersey then I’ll know where to go at least when it’s time for grandkids. 😅😅Scranton sounds lovely.

But that being said, I def have found a lot more affordable homes just by being open to looking in various locations and not being dead set on just one area.

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:43

Augusta ga is one of the most boaring places in the world 😂

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:44

Property tax in columbia SC ( Richland county) are the worst. Very high and horrible.😢

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:45

Texas flat hot boring alligator rattle snake infested

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:46

Indeonapolis? ha. no way. no thanks.😊

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:47

Arkansas? hmmm. maybe. dont know much about that place.

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:48

Hell Na to mississippi

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:49

Wivhita? hs ha hell na

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:52

Syracuse. Snowy coldest place with kkk presence surprisingly. Lots of chicks though😊. Very beautiful Still too cold though.

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:54

Lol. No to scranton unless you are a college professor.

@soccersprint - 25.09.2024 20:55

Nah to living in yougstown OHIO, but maybe yes to buying rental property there.

@lakittawoods7457 - 10.10.2024 08:17

The only medical in Georgia in Augusta?? I don’t think so

@Legion1811 - 16.10.2024 18:55

The stock photos aren’t of McAllen.

@FurballHacker - 26.10.2024 03:29

I am getting ready to head to Wichita, KS. Hope to be on the road Jan 1, 2025!!

@mudslinger888 - 02.11.2024 09:31

Fact is that this list is basically worthless! So you think the cheapest places in the USA today cost roughly $300,000? You must be a realtor… Do you know how many homes I can buy tomorrow at just 10% of that figure? oh right not much commission! I'm curious, why did you make this video?

@MsOka007 - 10.11.2024 15:14

Nonsense. Why would you want to retire and buy such an expensive place. 300 thousand and up? Are you appealing to professional retirees, such as Drs, or successful business people? Have you seen the salaries, even for professionals? And how inflation has affected people?

@fratercorleonis - 22.11.2024 03:01

All these median home prices are still WAY TOO FUCKING HIGH. Jesus Christ...

@barbaranostrand4214 - 26.11.2024 03:24

I don't recommend the sections of Syracuse talked about in this video all that much. Think more about Eastwood.

@yehudasasson - 28.11.2024 22:02

You forgot Brownsville Texas

@CS-ux7mz - 02.12.2024 05:39

Baffled by the claim that the school in Augusta is the only med school in Georgia?? Does Emory suddenly not exist?

@davidg.johnson7208 - 04.12.2024 09:20

I thnk more people want to move away from the city. Especially if they are retired. A lot of hidden expenses, traffic, and more crime in cities! Give me a country home in a small town, with a garden anytime

@ThistleKing - 11.12.2024 07:48

Wichita is a great small city and Kansas is dirt cheap. Safe and comfortable place to raise a family

@tamarie1189 - 21.12.2024 06:06

Just moved to MS from LA. 30 minutes south of Jackson. Drinking water comes from an aquifer and is clean. Crime is low. No hurricanes, a few tornadoes though. Property tax, homeowners and auto insurance dropped to about 1/3 of cost with same coverage. No state tax on retirement savings! Summer can be hot, not brutal. Humidity fairly low. Snow doesn’t really stick but enough cold to freeze plants. Lots of fresh air and a nice deck on the back for sunrise coffee with bird watching and occasional rabbit, deer and fox spotting. Slower pace with enough infrastructure to keep former city slicker happy.

@mossfromdade3056 - 25.12.2024 03:48

I’m on here for ideas to move and the first place I see is where I am. the things you listed, that’s just about all that’s here. very boring. with a real “underworld” for lack of better phrase, it get ugly

@joshmurphy9478 - 02.01.2025 06:25

Your opinion is cheap is very different from most.. must be from cali …

@StrawB0ss - 02.01.2025 20:29

Hard pass on all these.

@AlternativeHomesteading - 05.01.2025 20:21

I moved from Manalapan, NJ n 2019, a 5 BR home where I lived as original owner for 30 years. I moved to Rural Kentucky with a lot of acreage. I am actually wanting to move and sell this farm as it is a lot of work to maintain.

@Ohiogardengoddess - 10.01.2025 02:31

❤❤❤ to Ohio

@philissogers4272 - 11.01.2025 09:14

Kansas is toooooooooo racist and Ohio is also. So this is not for black Americans.

@GLADYSSANCHEZ-md8sx - 07.02.2025 19:39

Jackie, I love your videos! ❤ I’m going to give away to you the best kept secrets here in Texas which are Brownsville and South Padre Island and surrounding areas. Brownsville is home to Elon Musk’s Starbase/Starhip rockets and it’s only around 40 minutes from the ocean (South Padre Island). Brownsville’s Dec 2024 median house price for a single home was $259,000. There’s warm weather most of the year and the cost of living is fairly low. I am a realtor which covers these areas and just saw in the MLS a brand new 3/2 house for $225,000 in a specific zip code of Brownsville. BTW, I would love to be part of your agent referral list for these areas in Texas. Keep doing a great job and best of luck!!! 😊
