Why YOU SUCK at FARMING & How to Fix it! - League of Legends

Why YOU SUCK at FARMING & How to Fix it! - League of Legends

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@liberalsocialist9723 - 08.09.2023 13:41

I suck at farming because i play kog maw soloq

@ianunderwood1678 - 07.09.2023 02:28

Love all these comments saying Lucian pushing mid is wrong, when he has full vision of the path they'd take to get to him. This is exactly why you never listen to your teammates about what the correct play is.

@Dappled - 08.03.2023 02:09

Honestly I think there a multiple right answers/actions for the scenarios that were shown.

@fociekehito-9070 - 07.03.2023 23:15

So when do you push mid? Seems like that was kinda neglected. Never touching a tower or putting pressure on the map wont get you good cs or wins.

@bobbyhillsthighburns7973 - 01.01.2023 23:59

New players don’t understand how important their farm is

@ether6521 - 31.12.2022 04:49


@william7978 - 29.12.2022 00:01

This is complete bullshit honestly

@nikitanikita2503 - 11.12.2022 20:39

bro sounds like ezreal 💀

@andrei-gabrieltalpa3330 - 14.11.2022 23:36

This video be like "why you suck at farming" proceeds to give 0 info about farming and everything else is related to team decision. Jesus at this point the guides are less and less beginner friendly

@christonchev9762 - 31.07.2022 10:10

also Graves shou;d have stayed top and take that farm instead of going for Raptors and then back just to see tower going down and even if he was to push and them diving him and killing him it be still worth it seens he kept them busy while Yone was taking inhibitor top maybe even the base

@faisalalhadad4082 - 26.07.2022 16:30

To Improve Your CS get Lower ping or get used to it

@Superbootsk1 - 22.07.2022 22:34

Yes the LCK "known for its constant fighting"

@PrincePeach777 - 19.07.2022 19:26

As far as the lucian example I say at the very least he should have done raptors, pushing the lane didn't seem the best idea. You used game sense to presume they would recall to protect inhib. But without actual visually seeing them recall, and knowing how low elo plays go. They would have at most sent maybe 1 person back and had two people greedy for another kill. After raptors, assess whether or not the enemy is backing THEN push mid.

@SuperMonkei - 17.07.2022 14:22

This game sucks, dude.

@dergadergaful - 15.07.2022 22:06

I suck at farming cause I'm a jungle main 😂

@uncletrashero - 14.07.2022 14:46

recalling to buy just a crit cloak on Nilah is BASED

@rashawnmorone8346 - 13.07.2022 23:50

lol yall showed an adc vs kench top as an example of not doing damge. terrible example

@sigurdlndorf3699 - 12.07.2022 15:20

Perfect! I Got all questioms wrong😌

@wilfredimarte7846 - 12.07.2022 15:00

2 wave about to crash bot tower ! Me: thinking farm that wave before crash My team starting an unnecessary fight without me in 1 2 3…

@florianstraub72 - 11.07.2022 22:13

My team when i leave them in a teamfight alone, well now im not playing with you anymore and ignore you, like you did us, no matter if its good or not. I had it once that somebody wanted me to not pick a champ and bevouse i didnt cared she just outright wasted her ban just so i dont play this champ. Luckyly it wasnt a ranked, but just normal draft. They realy dont care if its good as long as they got what they wanted, and if not they outright ready to lose the game for it.

@Siinory - 09.07.2022 20:50

For the Lucian question, I thought of going Raptors then wolves to then catch the wave bot

@misterway6595 - 09.07.2022 20:36

Me saying all the wrong answers..
Dam am i that bad as a ADC?

@suppe3181 - 06.07.2022 11:44

I dont think i suck at farming everyone Else are just realy good at it

@albamg04 - 05.07.2022 12:45

I'm a jinx main but I'm in bronze, if I farm something in the jg (at min 20) the jg flames me

@kaneros1997 - 28.06.2022 04:31

i was like, " wait when i fo that in my elo i just get pinged and flamed why i dont do my job and deal demage to enemy champs" then i remembered i am an Iron ADC

@nonbinaryqtip390 - 20.06.2022 19:40

As dumb as this sounds I always thought that it’s better to dive with ur team to not fuck up the little chem u have in solos not to mention I don’t wanna look like a dickhead but the more videos I watch and the more I play the game the more I realize I have to get more selfish if I want to progress and get better cuz trying to stick with and die with my teammates just to ensure they can’t turn and blame me for not helping doesn’t make sense especially if I split push and get 1-2 turrets like this Regnar and anivia got

@liderasstro4118 - 12.06.2022 11:19

Can't tell on how many games i see people literally risk the whole game to take a fkin useless dragon when we are ahead anyway or we crush in team fight but only as 5...
and in most of the games it happens.. we lose game after that.. the rest of us get doved and we lose the game.. because 1-2-3 idiots could'nt give up on a dog*hit drake .. not even realizing we have no vision around and enemy could be just baiting and camping bushes

Or our team is trembling but yet they force going to drake.. to contest that useless shit and risk trow ton of gold.. instead of taking fkin smt else since we know on wich side of the map they are

@thatajguy3191 - 12.06.2022 08:36

I haven't played LoL aside from a weekend foray 12 or so years ago but this video really feels like "the only way to make the right play is with hindsight."

@jmtgpw2672 - 10.06.2022 09:18

Why are z2u advertisements everywhere?

@jmtgpw2672 - 10.06.2022 09:18


@jmtgpw2672 - 10.06.2022 09:18

Z2u reputation!

@dyslexicape4249 - 30.05.2022 08:35

Me who doesn’t even know what the hell cs means

@maranathashalom9402 - 29.05.2022 10:11

Since I follow Skill Capped guides, I get flamed so much more. I realize my adc is doing a shitty engage, stay back and ping, then watch him get jumped from the brush by 3 people. The logical consequence now is me being called Fortnite trash.

@ulyssedolne822 - 22.05.2022 12:56

But grouping is important in low elo cuz your teammate dont know that they shouldn't not fight and if you can help us to rebalance the fight. However your mates will just dying alone without doing one single kill

@herossj1 - 20.05.2022 18:17

The fact that yone on low hp failed everything but still killed akali is what makes this game disgusting

@MrFunkyAcid - 20.05.2022 18:01

Lol, that example at the start. Draven with shieldbow, LW and boots getting wrecked by a Tahm with only doran's, boots and a cloth armour (and only 1 level above Draven). Yep it's the farming!

@Undomaranel - 20.05.2022 07:25

Why is the correct answer for Lucian to push mid? I'd farm top red jg and ward baron pit.
-We saw camps were up on the map, might as well check and give that info to the team if they're down.
-He saw the three of them by drake pit. He knows they had vis of him alone not that far away.
-Chances are some recalled to deal with Yone/ Shelly. It's equally likely one stayed behind to push mid since there was only a half hp Lucian there.
-Pushing mid might give him more pressure in enemy jg, but Yone was already low and the enemy was in base. If Yone's smart he's taking jg camps as he's retreating.

IMHO as a noob I don't see how Lucian pushing mid isn't over extending. He would be baiting anyone still in river to gank him. And chances are the three of them would have stayed and done just that in low elo instead of confront Yone/Shelly.

@Inscipio - 20.05.2022 00:15

In higher elo's the enemy probably just backs to deal with Yone. However, in low elo, people prioritize kills over macro/objectives at least 80% of the time. Lucian likely dies by pushing mid in a low elo game because there's a good chance vi stays to kill lucian after annie spam pings after dying like that. . Even in a high elo game, the enemy team knows that Yone is without ult so Jinx+janna might just go deal with him with how safe that duo is. Some of the macro tips from Skill Capped don't end up working in low elo because the enemy often makes the wrong decision. The tips are the correct play to make assuming the enemy plays correctly, but if I had a dollar for every death in low elo that came from an enemy being in a completely random place they never should have been, I would just buy those people coaching sessions so that I don't die to the enemy being in the wrong place.

@Crackhead_Gragas - 17.05.2022 14:01

it's all fine and dandy until your teammates blame you for not fighting in an unwinnable fight and then one of them goes afk :)

@pressf4896 - 17.05.2022 09:46

Is this guy the Ezreal voice actor?

@TheBrettonia - 17.05.2022 01:21

well if that was true ud be also freezing every lane but when ur behind u supposed to be with you're team, LS has said it also

@miorosa318 - 16.05.2022 14:08

idk man, even when I get full build adc, it takes 80 seconds to still kill a inting sion that built hullbreaker with lethality items, I just think bruisers and tanks are a bit too tanky and they can just one shot an adc as a lot of adcs are still in skill or item skill range for them to get on top of you

@justfinn7605 - 15.05.2022 18:35

Watching yone whiff literally everything on akali but still win hurt
