Tag your bestie to let them know it’s time to go out.  (: IG) #shorts

Tag your bestie to let them know it’s time to go out. (: IG) #shorts

E! Insider

6 дней назад

563 Просмотров

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@anjl-qr4ni - 22.06.2024 21:20

Ip dess weat giv mi we not cam por vizion liik bopor.......is weat you tek you not shi kiil I shor is zona see you but see mi and como and weas fyk ma......now ehlp dead gotta in lio decparyoupless kiil not por fyk not napng giv mi ehlp yoi I now good good weat is see and brok des and lok mami change por your pless kiili giv mi help you and stap amsh you cant fyk I now you can't des s weat shrmota se you is se des koili pless lisnt tomi 1pless se weat is se por evre como and mi lake pori idreal vere mash rebi is noe goong uot shadim is control you and tek vere mane por you pless kiil por stromi you ahrt vere mash por angel kids ispless Leven stopet des is tel you crzy pori and you tel. Mi your don't amsh mi lov youpless stap por stromi and sul por you I don't liv youparsmi kii is not you I nowe good goood weat I tok toyou I lov you and you ise you liik des weas blev is kiili weas bleĥgiv mi ehlp you and tok tomi ovant you loik destok tomi..........you went I tok tomm now not selagg
