Can we understand the universe? | Sheldrake & Hossenfelder go head to head on dark matter IN FULL

Can we understand the universe? | Sheldrake & Hossenfelder go head to head on dark matter IN FULL

The Institute of Art and Ideas

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gerretw - 19.09.2023 06:51

Have you considered we can't understand the universe any more than a dog can understand the internet? For example - the big bang. They say it arose from a singularity, but where did that singularity come from? Why can it violate the laws of physics yet the laws after it are inviolate? It's a chicken and egg problem.

San Jose Mike
San Jose Mike - 18.09.2023 19:08

Atheist materialists are appalled by Rupert Sheldrake and other panpsychists. It's even surprising that Sabine is "willing" to have a discussion with Rupert. I notice she sits sullenly when he talks about extended consciousness. She probably came there for the money and travel.

Sanjosemike (no longer in CA)

P - 18.09.2023 12:52

We're just little ants trying to understand our corner of the paddock.

Mouss Ben
Mouss Ben - 18.09.2023 03:37

Hubble gave an insight on the universe with its 2 meters mirror , then came the James Web with its 6meters mirror to revolutionise it more deeper . And what would be our new vision of the universe strangeness with more sophisticated telescopes equiped with larger mirrors ; it will be strangely mindblowing for sur .......

Wangtorio Jackson
Wangtorio Jackson - 18.09.2023 02:52

Why did they let this pseuodscience version of a snake oil salesman on the debate stage with actual scientists?

kucher 77
kucher 77 - 17.09.2023 23:32

the man on the left resembles Hannibal Lecter who got high and thinks about his supper

kucher 77
kucher 77 - 17.09.2023 23:27

observing Sabina`s reactions is the most amaising thing in this mess

Valar - 17.09.2023 05:46

It is interesting to see the materialist paradigm challenged more often these days when for so long it was taboo and you got dismissed as a flake. Roger Penrose deserves a lot of credit for basically single-handedly kickstarting the field of the direct study of consciousness and therefore leading us, 30 years after The Emperor's New Mind, to being able to even discuss things like whether stars can be conscious.

Vincent Russo
Vincent Russo - 17.09.2023 04:00

Been nice to see Edward Witten on the panel...

Vincent Russo
Vincent Russo - 17.09.2023 03:57

I like how Sabine talks like her jaw is wired shut... must be a German / Austria thing.

Dave Hart
Dave Hart - 17.09.2023 02:43


David Westwater
David Westwater - 16.09.2023 20:56

No it cannot be understood

Nick Arrizza
Nick Arrizza - 16.09.2023 19:54

Perhaps the most relevant point made here was that rationality is only one aspect of consciousness so how can we fully understand it or the universe if we only approach it from the limited and limiting perspective of the rational mind? The comment made that “ I can’t understand how the Sun is conscious” is a simple example of how the rational mind alone is limited and needs to drop its arrogance and come to accept, embrace and integrate with the whole conscious multidimensional mind which sadly physics has tossed into the trash heap.

Peter Codner
Peter Codner - 16.09.2023 19:40

First of all*Define the universe, or at least set out what you suppose the universe to be

Either the universe means everything anywhere eveywhen, or it means Nothing-It means everything or it means nothing.

John Callaghan
John Callaghan - 16.09.2023 05:43

IMO, Hossenfelder displays a faint trace of arrogance here at times. To be fair she's not alone, or the worst example by any means. In physics and particularly cosmology, there's lots of arrogance -- and ultimately, ignorance. Models of reality are exactly that -- models that have utility only within limitations.

I think the thing is to recognise that and stop attempting to make reality fit the models when some kind of limitation starts to become apparent. And to stop denigrating and marginalising people who have the timerity to think out of the box a little.

Sure, such people might be wrong, but plainly, many ideas in cosmology are currently in crisis and the whole schema is beginning to fall apart. Sooner rather than later we're going to need some out of the box thinking if we're going to move on to the next paradigm and its models rather than remaining in our current state of paradigm paralysis with the current ones.

Steve Schaps
Steve Schaps - 16.09.2023 04:08

Missed a few things: Higgs field, how do forces assert their influence, how do 10^78 electrons know what they where they are, and how to interact with other particles?

Erik Bosma
Erik Bosma - 16.09.2023 01:51

Two old guys who are basically full of propaganda vs two younger people who are still seeking is what I see.

Vlasko60 - 15.09.2023 20:20

I'll believe consciousness is fundamental as soon as it is proven to be.

SykPaul - 15.09.2023 17:27

Watching Dr Sabine debate topics like "is the sun conscious?" is one of my favorite forms of entertainment

The King of Mojacar
The King of Mojacar - 15.09.2023 16:54

We are missing some very important pieces of our "universe puzzle" that could explain so much by shedding much light on the "undiscoverable tunnel system"...
The beginning of our universe, the meaning of its existence and what made it work the way it does - maybe it could even give us our own meaning of existence and show what happens before and after life?
There are other unknown factors in this mystery, so I think our universe is designed in such a way that we will never get a fair chance to see "behind the curtain" or to the "other (spiritual) side" (at least in this material short-term life adventures here on planet Earth), in other words, our consciousness is limited, for whatever reasons...

* We shouldn't overestimate quantum mechanics here either; it can be described as a valuable addition to cosmology and traditional physics and mathematics, but it can in no way explain the spiritual background of "everything" (genesis)...

Schmetter Ling
Schmetter Ling - 15.09.2023 13:44

Hossenfelder is losing it completely here. If physics had paid attention to philosophy we would still be living in the dark ages. ;-)

Gerardo PC
Gerardo PC - 15.09.2023 04:40


SPDA36 - 15.09.2023 02:49

The guy on the right did not get the memo of the bad hair competition that’s been ongoing at the iai

Troy Davis
Troy Davis - 14.09.2023 23:15

Sheldrake is a nut case, smart but a nut case. 😂😂. Smart but an idiot too. Just modern version of ancient priests. Oh wow! Just as im writing this he talks about indians worshipping the Sun !!

allanvrc725 - 14.09.2023 01:01

The Eternal God covers Himself with light as with a garment, we all live move and have our being in God.
God is in the volume every object takes up in space. God's request is that we know him and believe in Him.

The human believes in own self and with will empowerment creates a barrier to knowing God. Sin is defined as missing the mark or not measuring up and it is in the mind. The human is a predatory killer, with those traits apparent in personal abilities that are used in an attempt to influence another's emotional state. A mental hardness is developed and necessary when interacting and this produces the barrier to Knowing God.

The Analog Kid
The Analog Kid - 13.09.2023 21:11

is there a little orb next to Sheldrake's head?

Leonard Gibney
Leonard Gibney - 13.09.2023 12:55

There's a reason for everything except the universe. The universe is based on mathematics except when it's not.

John Dunn
John Dunn - 12.09.2023 20:57

Notice there is arising need. And that is answered by love and gentleness

Alexey Cherepanov
Alexey Cherepanov - 11.09.2023 22:56

Physicists ran into Maxwell's errors, but until January 19, 2021, no one knew or suspected about it. Since they mistakenly thought that the proton has a “Maxwellian electric charge”, two protons participate in the D-D reaction that occurs in the sun, and therefore they calculated that the speed of deuterium nuclei must be very high to overcome the Coulomb barrier, and this is according to the calculations of physicists corresponds to a temperature of 100 million degrees - that is why they began to call such reactions thermonuclear... But on January 19, 2021, I revealed Maxwell’s errors and it turned out that Maxwell’s formula, which is mistakenly called Coulomb’s Law, is not correct and there is no Coulomb barrier in nature, therefore there are no super speeds and colossal temperatures during the D-D reaction - this reaction occurs at room temperature - which was shown in 1989 by Fleishman and Pons... They were not believed, since this contradicts physics... But the physics is false!!!
If you analyze the consequences of Maxwell's errors, you will begin to realize that physicists were mistaken in thinking that there were neutrons, physicists were mistaken in thinking that they had discovered the electron... They incorrectly interpreted the results of their experiments, because they relied on Maxwell's erroneous theory - you can easily find these errors in section "Electrostatics" paragraphs 39-44 of the treatise "Electricity and Magnetism" of 1873.
The last 30 years of experiments have shown that there is no Coulomb barrier in the D-D reaction... I began to understand this BARRIER only after I began to understand the results of experiments in the processing of liquid radioactive waste using hydrowave installations - the absence of a Coulomb barrier was also recorded there... This is exactly what pushed me to understand physics... It took more than 5 years... And here is the result - there is no “electric field according to Maxwell” in nature, there is no Coulomb’s law according to Maxwell in nature, there is no “electric charge according to Maxwell” in nature.. . The D-D reaction has a magnetic nature - an etherodynamic magnetic nature.

Paul Thind
Paul Thind - 11.09.2023 21:55

Really not very clever. Sun has consciousness? It burns and will extinguish in time. No control over its inorganic composition.

Doug Syler
Doug Syler - 11.09.2023 16:27

I'd hate to think that the guy that wrote a book based on the idea that the sun is conscious never realized that that is not remarkable when one realizes that particles and other systems interact with other systems by way of their system information and information is what influences a system during system interactions. This is about thinking of information as state variables, which is how systems are described but energy levels, and fields are actually what is responsible for outcomes of system interactions, where information is communicated during system interactions.

paddy Diddles
paddy Diddles - 10.09.2023 22:56

‘Don’t send the solar flare in our direction” - yeah that says it all 😂

Brian Holmes
Brian Holmes - 10.09.2023 15:40

Ridiculous to contemplate the stars being conscious, just shows how stupid intellectuals can be when they open their minds to us.

Brian Holmes
Brian Holmes - 10.09.2023 15:30

We’ve only been scientifically looking at the world around us for a few hundred years. That’s a minute period in the history of mankind. We need a few more to be really answering such questions, we need patience!

mark boggs
mark boggs - 09.09.2023 21:53

Rupert show Sabine that dogs know when their owners are coming home! Get her to set up an experiment and do it together!

RedOrchidee137 - 09.09.2023 19:57

wth is sheldrake on about, i can't believe they take that guy seriously on a supposedly scientific panel

Second Sovereign Lord
Second Sovereign Lord - 09.09.2023 17:10

Dark matter and energy i know of.

Japhy Stargazer
Japhy Stargazer - 09.09.2023 06:48

Three of my favorite thinkers. Just a fantastic conversation

michaelrose93 - 08.09.2023 20:09

The sun is conscious? Hmmm, okay, maybe.

The sun navigates its way around using solar flares as propulsion??? 🤣

David Ramsey
David Ramsey - 08.09.2023 19:58

Passes the Turing test for who? Is there any well defined measure that will give you a firm objective criteria on which to base that decision? I've been hearing about the Turing test all my life but as far as I know no one has ever suggested how you'd actually do this. Even using a statistical method with tests given by multiple persons is seriously questionable. One person machine is another persons new fully conscious friend and both may be giving their answer under the influence of various cultural biases. The Turing test sounds great on paper but it's implementation in a rigorous scientific manner is extremely problematic.

CACBCCCU - 08.09.2023 14:15

Recent imaging of Dark Matter effects on lensing caustics may soon bring the concept to a watershed point where the distributions in the effect appear so geometrically regular that the "clumpiness" measure will appear irrelevant to all but the most Einstein-deluded gravity "experts." Then it will be clear their "placeholder" was just a crony way of spooking fools away from seeing a need to eliminate Einstein's supreme rainbow-time gravity nonsense.

Salik Sayyar
Salik Sayyar - 08.09.2023 13:37

Sheldrake’s position would be more acceptable if he would provide evidence of his claims of consciousness of the sun. Merely quoting Plato from a polytheist ethos will not do.
The strangeness of the universe is Einstein’s
theory or quantum mechanics, because they are not intuitional, and so there could be more strange surprises in store limited by human conceptual limitation.

Saskia de Moor
Saskia de Moor - 08.09.2023 10:26

intersting! I would love to have seen First Nation People speaking to their over ten thousand years old views on this subject ... or another than western view ...

Steve Lux
Steve Lux - 08.09.2023 03:59

Randomness = a currently insufficiently understood pattern.

Yolando Soquite
Yolando Soquite - 08.09.2023 02:39

of course the universe or Uni(for Union) and verse(for verbal)..The Universe in not Infinite Space only..but explained by 1 Phrase..So Above and so Below..Above is Infinite Space and Below is the Ground(Holy Ground or Infinite Ground or God ,Christians fondly called) and in Between these 2 is Infinite Waters..3 Infinite Eternal Foundations of Our Universe ..and earth as a Garden is just a tiny, tiny place in these 3 Infinites.

Keith Warren
Keith Warren - 07.09.2023 17:00

Sheldrake is 8of10 on the woo woo scale

TL Pricescope
TL Pricescope - 06.09.2023 18:52

The human brain has its limitations, but the machines we create (ie quantum computers) may solve the mysteries we, as humans,cannot.

Ruth Bech
Ruth Bech - 06.09.2023 15:56

As humans we understand our surroundings through our senses, which is in themselves rather limited. We see only a certain specter of light, and hear only a certain specter of sound. Our tools can help us a great deal, but they are mediums for us - developed by a species with limited senses. When it comes to consciousness, it is coupled to our emotions, which again are operating within the framework of our instincts. Other lifeforms might have consciousness coupled to existing within their life condition and life frame. To understand why we cannot fathom how the universe - from where our building blocks descend - can be conscious, we need to understand emotions and what they are. And they are coupled to our biology, not our "consciousness" alone. A stone has a certain lifespan. It is made of the same minerals that we too have in our bodies, and its atoms cooperate -or not - in the same way atoms making up the cells of our bodies does. The only thing that truly separates us from that life form is that a stone quite certainly is not an emotional being. Can a stone be conscious? Quite possible. If consciousness exists apart from emotions, then a stone can be conscious in the sense of being in touch with its surroundings. The same goes for anyting in the world that interacts with other things, and that is pretty much all that exists, and therefore is in life itself.

Myk Rahmaan
Myk Rahmaan - 06.09.2023 14:06

Bjorn's last words is the most valuable conclusion of the entire discussion:

Remove science from its pedestal of "explainer and predictor of everything in the universe" and restrict its range to mere solver of particular problems, especially because science with its absolute authority as to the flow of all events in nature has arrogated to itself the same HARLOT'S PREROGATIVE (authority without responsibility) that conventional religions assign to GOD.

Science doesn't take responsibility even for the harm its own inventions cause, let alone for all the evil in the universe, even though it claims knowledge of the origin and end of everything in the universe, including even the spacetime.

Albert Hernandez Gonzalez
Albert Hernandez Gonzalez - 06.09.2023 00:21

All these fellas Mr. Sheldrake seem to shoot at my sly remarks, it seems to be passed off as jokes but its very unprofessional.
