Radagon of the Golden Order - Elden Ring Boss Lore Explained

Radagon of the Golden Order - Elden Ring Boss Lore Explained


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@ahmadalswat8166 - 18.01.2024 03:36

I think what they mean by marika is radagon , is that they are the same person, with one body that can switch , some time its radagon and other time is marika. So the twin prodigies are called prodigies because they came from the same body but .

@septariannodule - 16.01.2024 18:22

Pretty sure radagon was in marikas head. She was talking to herself. Like he was something she’d become and knew so being a god and all.

@ToxicallyMasculinelol - 06.01.2024 13:34

religious zealotry isn't a sin, it's a virtue.

@Devout214 - 06.01.2024 01:14

Jesus died for us all! Have a wonderful day!
Jesus is God!
(The Holy Trinity is the truth)

@Ming1975 - 15.12.2023 11:48

Radagon is made to be so nobody till there is no remembrance of him to take nor note as an achievement kill😅. I think his criss cross rune represent stitches. Still not sure if Marica is Radagon or is he fused to her.

@Jeremiah_170 - 16.10.2023 03:47

dont watch this video (sorry bro) if you want to know the lore of anything stop and read in the game "that makes the game even better"

@benakinnusi2518 - 21.09.2023 18:11

Elden beast fight was fun and definitely not trash. Stop crying

@AstralLaVista - 03.09.2023 03:23

Wow not even 30 seconds in and the man's putting elden beast on blast 😂😅

@angiesworld8038 - 18.08.2023 14:46

I wouldn't take anything from that nigga Radagon if he left me. He can keep the egg but the wolf I would keep since he was cute.. but still! Nigga, can keep his gifts and give them to the chick he went to.

@Vsevolod2002 - 10.08.2023 08:01

Radagon the giant manlet

@irgendwer3610 - 30.07.2023 11:35

I don't think he's a giant

@tonybippitykaye - 29.07.2023 06:11

Radagon was easily one of my favorite bosses in terms of his character. You hear so much about him and see his influence everywhere as you travel the lands between, so to see his reveal as being fused with Marika, him raising the hammer that shatter the Elden Ring, and the main theme blasting as the penultimate battle begins was amazing to witness for the first time, if bittersweet. It’s a shame it had to be followed up by the Elden Beast…I feel like it would’ve been a lot more impactful if he reverted back to Marika during the second phase and she was twice as dangerous and deadly as Radagon. After all, Marika was the reason for the living hell that plagued the lands between after the shattering and it would’ve been cathartic to put an end to the instigator of it. But no, we get a second phase where 75% of it is chasing a dragon like creature WITHOUT torrent. I guess it was worth it in the end, though, to finally mend the ring and become the third Elden lord.

@juhabach7922 - 28.07.2023 04:50

He t posing in his painting btw

@codafett - 28.07.2023 04:32

Assuming that marrying Rennala was Marika's plan, it was brilliant. They couldn't conquer the Carians, so they just married into them and thoroughly defanged their military over time.

@codafett - 28.07.2023 04:22

I love how Radagon can best be described as "Some Guy" considering how much of a footnote he is.

@joaogarcia1177 - 23.07.2023 08:00

The powerful golden teleport and the golden spear shotgun would be much better than Radagon Discus of Light, the Golden Order's other offensive enchantments are so bad that he doesn't even use it.

@johnvick8861 - 03.07.2023 21:11

Radagon is marika

@miketherecliner - 18.06.2023 10:25

Enigmatic is a word that gets thrown around amongst individuals of mild intellect. 😎🤌

@VERGILGASM - 03.06.2023 08:39

Why would Radagon abandon his whole family over a blonde bitch? I think she may have forced him or something similar, because I could definitely see her blackmailing Radagon to be her husband.

@PaulCantPause - 29.05.2023 01:50

never trust a ginger

@samf.s.7731 - 19.05.2023 05:20

Has anyone ever discussed the obvious possibility of Radagon being just.... trans?
Like really, if you examine the story, that still is a big fat possibility. In fact, it's the obvious one imho...
I think modern-day gamers are very divorced from Greek and Roman mythology as well as just human history to understand that this is quite likely what's going on here....
And I know that people have just no idea what Klinefelter syndrome is... and how common it is... but they at least must have heard of Lili Elbe. Edit: Of course, I think it's something like AIS here or CAH or just anything that people in ye ole days couldn't understand, or even nothing that's phenotypically non-conforming to "masculine or feminine phenotypes" like many trans individuals...
Why do people just ignore that? Or choose to not use the word "trans" to describe it? Is it because this is the deity in the game we are talking about?
I mean, shattering the Elden Ring was clearly a shattering of "Marika's body", a suicide attempt essentially.... Are we just not gonna think about this...
I got that the Greater Will wants Marika, not Radagon, even though Radagon busted his behind to be a very CLEARLY capable replacement for "his wife".
Also, he was very close with his "son" Miquella, probably because they are both.. trans.
I mean, we never heard anything Radagon has ever said, it's always "Marika's dialogue", and that "bedroom taunting" Marika does to Radagon can definitely be interpreted as just him looking at himself in the mirror, before doing the one last thing he did.
It truly was Marika that killed Radagon, in a sense.

@burgleturts7646 - 09.05.2023 13:19

I like the idea that Radagon’s Rune is sort of a “Proto-Mending Rune” of sorts, and his destiny was always to attempt to repair the Elden ring even before it was shattered

@YT-hates-my-Japanese-name - 07.05.2023 10:23

Poor, poor Rennala.. 😢

@on_the_inverse_5193 - 06.05.2023 01:10

Personally, i don't think that Radagon and Marika were ever apart, the "You have yet to become me. You have yet to become a god." is not literally Marika saying that, but instead saying "You are not me, you cannot control me." when the two's opinions on the Order started to differ.

@joshsmith7033 - 01.05.2023 02:28

Radagan was not a giant. He was cursed by the Giants. That's why he looks the way he does.

@hassanalhammad5016 - 28.04.2023 22:41

Radgon and America 😂

@atrior7290 - 11.04.2023 08:48

Radagon is always represented in association to thorns, mabye the red spear in marika's side IS RADAGON, the thorn in marika's side.
When Radagon takes control of Marika's body, the spear is gone after all...

@mconcepcion752 - 08.04.2023 05:02

I don't think we can dismiss the idea that Radagon and Marika were always 2 sides of the same god. For all we know Marika could have split herself in 2, and Radagon had no memory of it.

@AxelonIV - 03.04.2023 02:49

Elden beast doesn't suck tho

@NummyStudios - 02.04.2023 20:20

Do you think that the sword made of a giant's backbone and Radagon becoming a sword at the end are more than a coincidence?

@jandeiification - 31.03.2023 09:41

All I can say he's so coool.... and in a way a total douche for leavin Rennala behind andh the children, all for the love of the Golden order.

@spamton5266 - 28.03.2023 08:51

I love the symbolism of the Elden Beast, Radagon was for the Greater Will and the Golden Order just a tool, a weapon to impose the will of the Golden Order upon the Lands Between. So in the finale battle he becomes the sword for the Elden Beast beacouse in the end, that'all he ever was. Every action he made, marrying Rennala, leaving her for Marika, sealing Marika in the Erdtree and trying to repair the Elden Ring with the hammer, were just what the Greater Will wanted from him, he never truly had free will.

@gabrielclark1425 - 28.03.2023 00:19

I think it's the opposite actually, with Radagon originally just being another face for Marika that she used for personal matters that her people would see as being below her, like kicking her enemy's faces in alongside Godfrey. He then went on to become a distinct being when she decided to remove the Greater Will's influence by concentrating it into a single facet of herself and breaking it off.

@localblacksamurai - 27.03.2023 02:22

Well that explains why he’s so tall in the game

@johnnyappleseed6354 - 23.03.2023 17:52

Elden Ring tv show?? Maybe????

@TheBonePirate - 22.03.2023 02:46

radagon's seal looks a lot like a stitching pattern, so perhaps the connections run deeper than simply a hobby? maybe it is lending itself to a theme of him being tied forever into the golden order, unable to think even the slightest blasphemy.

@FueledbyFaith - 21.03.2023 12:08

You say it's Radagon's body who becomes the sacred relic sword but I think it's quite obvious it's meant to be Marika.

The swords description, as you've stated, is "Sword wrought from the remains of a god who should have lived a life eternal." Firstly, Marika is the god, not Radagon. He's the consort and lord. Secondly, her title is Queen Marika the Eternal. So when it's describing the remains of a god who should have lived a life eternal , it's clearly referencing Marika lol

@SpergusonAutismo - 16.03.2023 04:56

Miquella, Malenia, and Melina.

@MegaKnight2012 - 13.03.2023 15:49

What if Radagon and Marika are twins (or at least stepsiblings, born from at least one of the same parent)? They started out one, separated, then returned and rejoined in "marriage", and two of their twin children, Malenia and Miquella, seem to have inherited their twin parents hair, one red and the other golden. Maybe I don't know about Marika's backstory enough, but it seems weirdly fitting to explain Radagon and Marika being described as one starting from a natural way, twins, and then made one through weirder supernatural ways. It also very much ties into George RR Martin's story beats with certain twins in his lore.

@J.Qu1ncy - 04.03.2023 19:37

I still don’t understand how the most powerful demigods Rykard and Radahn came from a sorcerer Renalla and a champion who’s not even divine in anyway Ragadon.

@bobomc0343 - 02.03.2023 00:51

The real reason radagon doesn’t want the tarnished to become lord is because if you do you become his consort and that’s gay

@RhizomeRoots - 27.02.2023 05:24

To be honest, i always saw Radagon himself as the curse placed upon Marika/The Edrtree by the Fire Giants; to always have a seperate half that defied her in some way as her opposite. Hell, i even think Miquella might've inherited his fathers "giant genes" just like Radahn based on how huge he's grown within his cocoon.

@tylerrice6757 - 25.02.2023 07:28

Hey you'll probably never see this comment but when that scene of Marika was crucified the spear looked very similar to the rune of death that you see when you beat malikeith maybe her soul has died since destroying the ring but not her body just like godwyn

@Christstuffer - 22.02.2023 15:42

Radagon and America, yes it all makes sense now

@abakedtater8553 - 21.02.2023 05:42

Just a thought, but what if rather than a giant, he was their Fell God? It's been eating at me for a while, wondering how Malenia became rotten, how she could be born a nascent rot goddess if the rot was really sealed, and then it hit me. The turtle pope says there are no heresies, all can be conjoined. What if those sealed or killed gods were all absorbed back into the giant reincarnation engine that is the Erdtree? It would explain how this absolute gigahero comes out of nowhere, how he could be "yet to become one with" Marika and the Golden Order, why he is incomplete, why two of his children (assuming Melina is his) have an association with fire and incantations, and it provides a template for why Malenia, Melina, and even Miquella have themes and traits in common with gods we know are no longer active.

@m33tballa - 17.02.2023 09:26

The melena quote you showed where Marika was talking to radagon, it clearly suggests that they were already the same being. Shes trying to convince radagon to shatter the Elden ring which is obviously when they were the same being. They are 2 separate entities and one in the same, they have different agendas, minds, and personalities.

@vantlantis4013 - 14.02.2023 12:28

thank you for acknowledging the fact that the last boss fight is trash

@cincameron - 14.02.2023 06:23

While watching this and getting to the segment talking about the golden needles, i thought of something cruel... What if the Amber Egg wasn't something Rennala willingly accepted, but it was forced upon her like a curse by Radagon. The golden egg might ward off the influence of the Full Moon, cutting off Rennala's connection to her power, resulting in her lost mind.

I always suspected Radagon only married Rennala as a last resort to get the Carians on the side of the Capital, and had her bear children so that Leyndell would receive powerful Demigods in the future. Godfrey seemed to be used to conquer the lands before being cast out. Marika was used as a vessel until she began to question the Golden Order, and Radagon seemed like the perfect candidate to be the next God due to his unwavering devotion to the Greater Will, hence why he assimilated with Marika around the time she decided to destroy the Elden Ring.

When we reach the inside of the Erdtree, I suspect Marika and Radagon were locked away as they were in a stalemate to determine who would be the dominate mind. Radagon locked them inside the Erdtree after Marika shattered the ring and he attempted to repair it. They both ended up fighting for control, and Marika gives up the moment the player arrives as she believes and hopes they can defeat Radagon and the Elden Beast.

@damenwhelan3236 - 09.02.2023 07:17

The curse is that his heritage as a giant is on display.
