Our Indoor Rex Begonia Is Flowering

Our Indoor Rex Begonia Is Flowering

Expedition Homestead

4 года назад

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@kona702 - 31.08.2023 13:47

Very cool! I have a Rex begonia and there are small little red flower buds coming out from the middle right now. I was very surprised to see that. They aren't on a large stalk like yours are yet, but mine looks to be a different variety than yours. I wish I could post a picture in the comment section.

@karincase7164 - 07.08.2021 17:04

Oh my gosh - I love this! My rex begonia has spectacular dark foliage, loves its growing conditions, and has been super-easy to propagate, but it has never bloomed. I'm a little bit jealous ;)

@crochetingaroundnewzealand - 08.11.2020 02:09

The more I neglected mine, the more it flowered. Keep it a bit root bound and don't overwater and more sun.

@hf5665 - 10.07.2020 21:44

My indoor is blooming as well:)

@NatureMan1 - 02.03.2020 21:55

Rex Begonias are becoming more common in nurseries. I have seen them at my local garden center and Lowe's has them as well. Love the varieties with all the variegated colors! I have never seen one bloom either. I have tried to grow them a few times but I eventually overwatered them all and they died. I know they need excellent draining soil to perform well. Best of luck! 🌿

@gwennoro7337 - 15.02.2020 22:08

Bottom watering with rainwater is best for begonia's. But since your's is blooming and no soggy stems. You are doing it right in your conditions.

@StaceyHerewegrowagain - 15.02.2020 01:59

I really love these Begonia Rex plants! They are so pretty! Thank you so much for sharing a great video, she looks stunning! I've been searching for this one with the ruffled foilage.

@AceHardy - 15.02.2020 00:56


@Plantastica - 14.02.2020 15:58

Recently got my first begonia and am enjoying how fast it's pushing out new stunning leaves :) Hopefully the magic continues despite the lack of humidity!!!!
