Emergency: NYC | Official Trailer | Netflix

Emergency: NYC | Official Trailer | Netflix


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@Eli-ld7qf - 25.01.2024 02:46

I love this series

@BlessedL-yr5lc - 01.10.2023 11:02

Very good show period 💯

@joselin2466 - 03.09.2023 13:48

I love the Cuban doctor. But he should know what great doctors are in Cuba and how difficult everything for them is, especially due to the US embargo. Now it is even worse with Trump having put Cuba on the terror list
I have been going to Cuba over the past 23 years and in no place in the world I have met such amazing people.
Please,Cuban US doctor...go to Cuba and see for yourself what the US has and is doing to that country with amazing doctors, artists, musicians, dancers, athletes.
By the way : no gun violence, no gangs, no pp lost to drugs Also many medicine students come to Cuba to study for free. Sooo much the US could only dream of. But I guess you reap what you sow.

@MUNDO_D_FOCAS123 - 31.08.2023 23:05


@TheSimba86 - 16.07.2023 04:47

if only it wasn't constantly pushing a biased "guns are bad" liberal message

@nataliefoss5629 - 15.07.2023 04:10

NYC has a lot of amazing medical providers. As most liberal cities do. High number of call volume. Very congested populations. High crime and violence rates . And poor policies set in place, that harm the public. It all contributes to a higher influx of calls. Especially trauma. Practice makes perfect. I respect NYC medical system and the flow. Its an adrenalin rush. Impressive chaos. I can see why people fight for medical residency there. However not sure why anyone would want to live there.

NYC is my home state. But I'll never move back. NYC is a liberal shit hole. Just like all the other blue cities. You don't have to be into politics. To see the difference. Many people in NYC are Amazing. But the politics are ruining NYC. People in NY normalize the lifestyle the have. 💥 These Drs are saying its "like that all over" . That's factually incorrect. No. Its like that in other liberal shit holes.

In my state. I do not fear using public transportation. I do not fear walking to my car or going out late. I do not fear for my life. My children play outside. Its rare for an innocent bystander to be shot or attacked. My 16 year old daughter runs by herself in a very wooded secluded area. I wouldn't be caught dead running in Central Park at night.

💥 Stop trying to convince your state citizens, its normal to see so much violence and heart break. Its not. That's based on your policies. The representatives you elect. Even during Covid my state remained open , majority of the time. With little to no mask mandates and no vaccine mandates for the public. Our businesses are thriving. Our citizens are thriving. People did what they felt was necessary. We didn't divide and alienate people based on beliefs. Most people here do not have PTSD from Covid. My family hasn't even had Covid yet. Despite traveling to Vegas. And in EMS.

NYC scared people to death. No one was getting healthy freah food. Sunshine, Exercise. People where locked up at home. Petrified. And cut off. Addiction and suicide rates sky rocketed. NYC made the situation worse. In AK we continued living our lives. We went shopping. Got Exercise. Spent time with family. Went to Drs and pharmacies. We had rental relief. Kept our jobs. Etc. We weren't fear moungered to death.

Our policies protect the community. Criminals here are arrested and prosecuted. They are not released on bail regularly. We support the constitution. People who carry here are largely trained in fire arm saftey. Our guns are not for violence. But protection and survival.

💥 States with some of the strictest gun regulations , like NYC have the most gun violence. It is NOT the number one cause of death in children. Lying is a diservice to the public. Our medical curriculum does not list gun violence as number one. And those numbers are manipulated. It includes teens 15-17+ including gang violence. 💥 The number one cause of death in young people is accidents. That's a broad category. Criminals do not abide by gun control laws. Or buy guns legally. They are not trained in gun safety. In AK I know if we have an active shooter, a lot of people around me are trained and armed. It takes a 1 good guy with a gun. To take down a bad guy with a gun. Criminals know this. Its a DETERRENT. 💥 Criminals know we are not defenseless targets. The fear of being prosecuted with harsh sentencing. And being killed on the spot . Keeps our crime down. Gangs and violence is not celebrated here. Its not cool to be a loser. In NYC growing up in Coney Island everyone wanted to be a drug dealer and gangster. Im in recovery. My past lifestyle is not ACCEPTABLE here. My city didn't give me free housing and handouts. Or enable me. I had to get clean. Or sleep in the streets. Hungry and cold. Minimum possessions was 5 year. Any amount. NYC policies on addiction and mental health is disgusting. I would have NEVER gotten clean in NY. I lived in OR. It was the same there. An addict and criminals paradise. Accidents , addiction/mental health crisis and violent crimes exist here but no where near the same rates. So for this show to make it sound normal, is deceiving.

Nyc vaccine mandate is disgusting. They are loosing medical provider's at an astounding rate. Being short staffed is dangerous to the public. As medical provider's they should respect medical freedom. Especially knowing the the V is not immunity. Its ridiculous these provider's could work during the height of Covid. And now you are tossed out if you chose to not get vaccinated. Treated like trash. Hero to 0. You can still catch and spread covid when vaccinated. Its not immunity. Its not a vaccine by definition. On the positive note. Other states are happy to accept these talented medical professionals. We received so many new providers due to these mandates. We happily welcome them all. Alaska has been open and thriving. As well as many other states.

One other thing I noticed is the EMT seems to be lacking a national standard of education. Not necessarily in skill level. Its hard to tell because the ambulance rides are so short they don't offer much care in transit. But they used very basic terminology , and some of the things they were talking about at the end is in the EMT 1 criteria. We have several chapters on PTSD. Continuing education is important. But that's basic knowledge. Especially for a paramedic. And we have chapters on the emotional toll of EMS. It should be a large part of their training. You don't have to " normalize, not being ok." There are resources available for first responders and regulations set in place to prevent burn out. Emergency care and transportation of the sick and injured. Is a great textbook. They should brush up. Knowing the materials and skill sheet , is only one part. You have to know how to keep your self healthy. In order to help others.

@eberguerrero5443 - 27.06.2023 08:57

Paramedics and doctors are some of the most amazing people on the face of the earth. That being said;

I DON'TLIKE THIS SHOW. It focuses on the dramatic and emotional aspects of the matter. It is well documented and cinematically splendid. That's not what I want out of this genre of entertainment. There are tons of better options in regards to first responder TV. Too much sap, not enough action. Yawn*

@paulac.munoztorres - 02.05.2023 23:49

I don’t eve have Netflix but I need to watch this. I’ve been studying for months and preparing to enter the army as a medical officer and it gets very hard and very lonely, sometimes I don’t see the point of studying anymore. Watching this may bring me back to the reasons why I wan to work as an army doctor in the first place

@NotLazySelectivelyMotivated - 25.04.2023 11:10

This show will make you believe in doctors and hospitals again. ❤

@morganmorris2433 - 20.04.2023 02:48

This show is one of the most beautiful depictions of humanity I have ever seen. Really moving.

@guppy1044 - 15.04.2023 04:02

i love this🥹 thank you to our healthcare workers🫶🏼

@michelemadru9504 - 14.04.2023 02:30

While watching this, I’m curious to know why some of the surgeons wear glasses that seem to occlude one eye while doing surgery?

@geminilori - 11.04.2023 11:22

this was a brilliant series, I really wish for a second season. I work as a RN in Switzerland and I love to see healthcare systems and caregivers from an other countries.
Much much respect to all the doctors and nurses and to all patients a good recovery 🙏🏻

@davilface - 10.04.2023 10:07

Sweet home S02-S03 release date

@8656737s - 09.04.2023 22:15

It seems like those two EMT ladies never do their job. I saw them drive one little girl with down syndrome to the hospital and that was it?

@witchone5551 - 09.04.2023 01:23

I am a nurse and I am watching this now. The Cohen RN pediatric transport nurse is amazing!! He is brilliant, quick thinking and reassuring to the families. If you had a child in that ambulance you would want that person running the show. He shares his own experience of being a father of a critical newborn of his own 😢 The doctors are the best. This shows non medical people what happens behind the scenes and how they are trying to take the best care of your loved one and help them live. I am hooked.

@carolinamontes9483 - 08.04.2023 07:41

Excelente serie !!

@tylerdemmerle9816 - 07.04.2023 09:01

Dr Jose prince saved my nephews life at 2 months old my nephew had a procedure to remove a blood clot on his brain stem and this angel was the mastermind behind it love the professionals at Cohens thanks for giving him his fighting chance

@jesusriced - 07.04.2023 07:24

I worked at the new hyde park one till I got injured but 2 months before that they started filming

@carinaesterhuizen2797 - 04.04.2023 21:45

Love the glimps into the.lives of the people that take care of those in true need. Just wish they did not penalize that nice lady, Laura from episode 6 who worked i tje ER and on.the Sky chopper. Completely unfair rule that you havw to be vaccinated. Me, I usually ask for someone who is not as they usually understand me stand point and not press the issue or disrepect my choice. After all it is MY BoDY and MY choice. Thus I respect her choice.

@sarahemily1 - 04.04.2023 13:22

Outstanding show, I Loved it!

@barrytseng4236 - 04.04.2023 05:09

I rewatched Lenox Hill, which I assume is the first of this sequel, three times. I was so surprised and happy that they made a sequel. I am looking forward to season 3.

@johnc2324 - 03.04.2023 03:30

Some of the doctors are great but having access to guns isn’t the problem, the guns aren’t the problem. The people are the problem. What can you expect from liberal NYC though.

@lululemonbar9110 - 03.04.2023 01:34

The cop secretly donating his kidney to his former partner, got me choked up! 😭

@hannylud - 03.04.2023 00:44

They forgot to talk about the bills the patients receive from this type of medical help. Anyway despite that it’s a beautiful emotional documentary

@tan9515 - 02.04.2023 20:42

As a RN, these great men and women make me proud ❤

@flexbonham6801 - 02.04.2023 15:40

다 좋은데...그레서 비용은 얼마나 나왔는데? 다 무료야?

@justinmoore3217 - 02.04.2023 13:42

I mean it’s very interesting but I’m having a hard time watching this. Did these people even consented to being filmed in such dramatic situations(the ones who are literally hurt). I’m just saying because if I was like say in a coma or about to die the last thing I would want is people filming me for a show. Seems kind of crazy and a little wrong

@anujsheth8032 - 02.04.2023 12:41

Watched the series and brought Tears to my eyes. Thank you for making A Man Cry. Kudos to Doctors and Health Care workers all around the World.

@MichaelArsanis - 02.04.2023 06:28

I was a paramedic for 20 years. The is the best show I have ever seen!

@ryand1410 - 01.04.2023 23:28

Patient stories are interesting. Some doctors are cringe, actually praying in the OR, like it's going to make the slightest difference. Do they get more money from religious donors or what? Thought the U.S was secular. No religion in politics, right? My ass. There's even praying in ORs these days. Unbelievable.

@salvadordali2084 - 01.04.2023 23:04

Heroes is an understatement . They are angels 🤲 May the Universe bless all healthcare workers across the globe and thank you for devoting your life!

@natashajbg5796 - 01.04.2023 07:43

It makes me so mad when I see the ambulances driving and other cars around are completely ignoring or not making way for them to get through! I bet if any of them got into an emergency they would complain why it took responders so long...well here's ur answer! America...

@jika9301 - 01.04.2023 05:46

This show is so much better than reality show about drama and party and etc... real heroes, I was crying watching this 😭♥️

@mandthere2258 - 01.04.2023 03:25

Definitely love this, had happy tears with the transplant stories 💙

@marynguyen1563 - 01.04.2023 00:56

Just finished...hope there's another series lol

@melissacarlos6628 - 01.04.2023 00:52

I just watched an episode of this..AND THE mbulanc eteam was more worried about the camera..so a young boy died..they were in no hurry to save him..DISGUSTING DEMOCRAT STATE!!

@kaydee9583 - 31.03.2023 16:12

good show, real life with a small salt of a few arrogant doctors. (But that is real life) too heavy on the talking about gun control for an area with the most control and the most illegal guns and shootings.

@Lineman22705 - 30.03.2023 23:54

I have to again give Netflix massive credit for producing some amazing documentaries. This was no exception. I am not an emotional person but I was in tears, on the edge of my seat, and laughing. Just a great doc. Very informative. These health professionals are amazing. Mackenzie Labonte is cute AF too!!

@elvisnnaemeka6722 - 30.03.2023 16:12

Hopefully, it will not be a PC wokefest

@inappropriate_comments - 30.03.2023 13:56

Crazy what happened to the doc, way to many coincidences 🤯

@williamchua7261 - 30.03.2023 13:32

Im halfway and all I can say that this documentary is so well done. 👏👏👏

@yanzinho58 - 30.03.2023 04:49

Heróis ❤

@carpenterscollector2910 - 30.03.2023 03:50

What a brilliant series, i`ve never seen a program show the good side of humanity the way this does, god bless all those wonderful health care workers and all the best to all the patients shown as well. i`m 61 this year and i still can`t figure out why human beings can be this good to each other, yet be so cruel to each other as well, what a beautiful world we would have if everyone was like these health care workers in this program!
Well done to everyone and the guys who made this series, great work.

@madorosasabillon4015 - 30.03.2023 00:24

FELICITACIONES Vicky eres genial.

@kotastrophie - 29.03.2023 23:02

I wonder if the body that was donated for all those other donations including the kidney and liver was Anne Hache

@kc4699 - 29.03.2023 15:59

for all you gung ho fans thinking that this is miraculous, maybe watch bbc surgeons at the edge of life, and really ask yourself which country you'd rather be treated in. regardless of the life crippling debt, i'd take the UK, Australia, France, Canada, India, and almost any other country's health care services, particularly when the US 'healthcare' is represented in such a fantastical light. this isn't Hollywood - it's healthcare 101, and it's fucken shambolic in this show 🙄

@joestocking - 29.03.2023 06:23

Hi Ted!

@Hanson97 - 28.03.2023 22:04

This reminds me of that show that was on Discovery Health channel. They would marathon it on Saturday.
