MBT Yu-Gi-Oh!

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@gyrozeppeli4862 - 01.01.2024 20:19

I'm late to the party but here goes.

1- My area has a Discord server attached to the local Yugioh community so we can all talk meta, set up trades, etc. I banned one guy for insisting that he should be allowed to talk about NNN because it's "a religious holiday" in the server which has 14 year olds in it. He joined again on an alt, so when I found out, I kicked him again. The next time we both went to locals, he came up to me and started complaining about how I was banning him for no reason and it's his religion so I'm discriminating against him. He has not been unbanned since.

2- At the beginning of said Discord server, someone posted AI generated Anne Frank OF pics and was instantly banned. His first message.

3- One guy got really mad that someone ash'd his branded fusion, then went on for weeks online about how he was gonna punch that guy in the face. Branded player is now banned from all 3 major locals in the area and lost his job because he freaked out about Ash on his Branded Fusion while he was at work.

@Zeikier - 12.11.2023 01:49

This might be my only story of note but at one locals when Qlis were near their height of power I almost beat a Qli player using Ojamas. I got Delta Hurricane off but sadly missed a win by like one attack. The entire store was laughing their ass off as my friend yelled "He's LOSING to Ojamas!"

The next round I stalled a Shaddoll player with First of the Dragons and they called a judge over after about 12 turns of taking 100 unavoidable damage from spanking their Construct.

@Bothrops_Asper_89 - 20.10.2023 05:24

I'm from Mexico, and back when I was actively playing, i.e. circa 2005-2008, I used to hang around in a mall dedicated to anime and other geeky stuff in Mexico City. There were small tournaments on sundays, and while it was something regular, the fact that this mall was entirely closed with little to no air circulation, turned it into a goddamn sauna room by the time tournaments were on. By 2 pm, it stank like the devil's armpit, and it didn't help there was this guy who was like a human skunk.

We called him 'the Ancestor', because he was a balding guy in his early 30s but looked way older. And the mfer stank like crazy. He used to always show up in a yugioh themed shirt, and you could see the sweat stains in the armpit area everytime he moved his arms, his breath was straight up rancid and he had a distinct smell like that of rotting milk products. He ended getting banned from the mall in late 2007 after making a kid throw up while they were playing. I saw him in another games shop nearby a few months later, sitting alone in a table.

If I were to describe him, imagine Trevor from GTA 5, with a pair of huge glasses and speaking with a very noticeable lisp. Always wearing combat boots, grey denim jeans and his yugioh shirt with Gaia the Dragon Champion. Also extremely vindictive and hostile, like to the point where none of the regulars wanted him nearby. And he lasted that long playing because he was friends with a shop owner, the whole ban incident was because a kid threw up in front of him, and the Ancestor began berating the kid, and almost got his face kicked in by the kid's dad. The dad threatened to call the cops, and the Ancestor got banned to prevent the mall from having a bad rep (side note, they sold LOTS of bootleg anime products and modified gaming consoles).

@supervegito8340 - 17.10.2023 22:25

This one happened after the thread but I figured it would be a fun story. So this was shortly after I got certified as a judge the OTS I go to had a “fun night” where you could play whatever you want and to my headache this guy flips last turn, I get called over and have to decipher the fuckin pdf file on how to rule it. Whole time I’m thinking “I fuckin hate this game.”

@zuleanservant - 10.10.2023 13:29

We once had one of the adult players duel one of the kids for the opponent's deck duelist kingdom style. He was on trickstar and the kid was on flower cardian. The kid won and he tried to puss out by taking out all the secret rares and reincarnations. He was forever deemed the guy who tried to scam a kid and lost. Bonus points, the kid became known as protag

@VexytheWolf - 26.09.2023 02:08

In one of my first locals returning after Covid, round 2 I sat across from a new guy who played traptrix against my predaplant branded deck (locals, don't judge me.) After 2-0ing him he got upset and started to cry, we had about 30 minutes until the next round so after me and the judge helped him feel better, he asked if I could duel his other deck, I said sure, and he pulled out Post Dark wing blast Black Wing, and a notebook where his moves were written down. What happened next was a 20 minute slog of him reading the book, summoning a thing, on repeat until he had triple Assault and some random level 8 synchro.

I used lightning storm and Mirror jade and a few monsters to otk.

@Clonekiller66 - 23.08.2023 19:27

I once played against a kid. And literally everything that kid said was a lie.
"Oh I saw someone open up a Black Lotus from a booster pack, he spent $50 on the pack."
"Who's selling MTG packs of Beta for $50."
"Uh, yeah it was a fake pack."

"I knew someone who summoned Flying Fortress Skyfire from the GY with monster reborn and gave it 20,000atk!"

Just. On and on and on. Literally every word out of that kid's mouth was a lie.

Kid was also toxic as hell. Constantly making fun of people's decks, mocking people for not playing Top Tier Meta Decks. And constantly cussing.

I legit wanted to punch that kid in the face.

@kaisermaximal8123 - 19.08.2023 10:07

Back in late 2018, this really nice guy gave me a tricked out Max rarity cyber dragon Deck for free. A few weeks later a friend informed me that he killed himself. I still have the deck to this day.

@purpleconvict4152 - 15.08.2023 20:00

I remember as a kid going to my first locals during the 5ds error with my 60 card Yusei Fudo deck. I beat a grown ass man and after I won, he told me that I wasn't playing by the proper rules because you can only special summon once per turn but he just let me do what I wanted to. Yeah OK buddy 💀

@invertfriend - 15.08.2023 15:45

I didn't have any interesting stories really, the best I got is, I just got back into Yu-Gi-Oh! and I am playing less popular cards, so because I forgot half of their effects, I essentially cheated in 2 OTS tournaments and neither me nor my opponents knew, until I just read the cards again the other day. Didn't matter though, lost almost all matches anyway. 😅😅

In the first OTS, I even used XYZ monsters to XYZ and Synchro summon, because I'm a Yugiboomer and forgot that XYZ have ranks, not levels, since I barely ever had to do with XYZ, only towards the end of my original period of playing.

@kens5343 - 15.08.2023 03:16

Locals we usually has about four matches. Whatever those four matches there is always one match that just pisses you off.

People not shuffling their decks

Cheating by placing cards in order

People being assholes by activating like 5 or 10 effects without even telling you what they do. And then telling you it's too late to respond.

And then you got people who just waste time f**** 20-minute turns

Locals is definitely not as fun as I thought it would be.

Everyone seems to have a go f*** yourself attitude

@jackiewestcott9395 - 03.08.2023 00:42

ayyy simply unlucky

@uncleweirdbeard86 - 02.08.2023 21:26

Use to frequent locals in my area. There was this dude named Jason and his son. Jason was a toxic af pkayer and played only the top decks. At this time, he was playing Dino Rabbit. He even went as far as buying every pack in the area when Tour Guide dropped so nobody at locals could ever use it against him. His son didn't have a deck of his own despite this. 1 day, his son wanted to play against me, so he talked his dad into letting him use his deck. Being that the kid didn't have a deck, he made a couple of missplays. With each missplay, his dad got increasingly angry. Basically started calling his own son stupid at points. Eventually, I played around his negates and was able to break his board. So Jason shoved his son into the floor and took over the duel. Now Jason is a rather large dude. Looks like he eats dumbdlls for breakfast and shits out TotalGyms. After seeing that, I just scooped and said "nah dude". His responce was to threaten me into finishing the duel. He stopped showing up to locals at some point. I'd like to say things were more chill, but there were several other problem players including a dude that would steal, 1 we found out was talking to underage girls, and a few others that by comparison to these 3 were average Joes, so their weirdness was accepted by everyone its a good thing too because I would have hated being rejected

@sebastien5956 - 02.08.2023 03:07

I managed to get a win at my locals by convincing my opponent to scoop even though he opened everything and I bricked beecause "it would be funny"...

I had already lost game 1, he was convinced to scoop game 2 and then I ended up hitting him with two Dimensional Barriers in a row (he was on Branded Predaplant, so he just couldn't play with Fusion called). That being said, this was the lowest ranked match in the last round of the night, so it didn't matter, but I still think of it

@bryangravener9358 - 27.07.2023 22:52

"That locals story" - I went to a south NJ locals when Mermail was at the height of popularity (post-Dragon Ruler banlist). No one knew who I was except my best friend who came with me with his Harpie deck.

I went 6-0...playing GADGETS 😅 Yea...idk how but no one was ready for that jank!

@BulletShaba - 24.07.2023 09:03

I could watch.
A video on this topic for hours.

@xatuyou8045 - 27.06.2023 05:45

I had a locals in my hometown close because the owner got arrested for statutory rape.

@blaze048 - 25.06.2023 06:29

Listening to these stories makes me feel fortunate we don't have locals here

@rainedarling - 15.06.2023 03:23

Someone hit me in the head over me pulling an ulti he wanted

@toastertubbo - 13.06.2023 17:25

i love the game, but the amount of p*dos ive met playing this game is actually terrifying

@justarandomviewer6756 - 08.06.2023 19:28

Man everyone knows it ain’t locals if at least ONE weird thing doesn’t happen somewhere in the building.

@ToxicAtom - 07.06.2023 18:39

Not YGO, but my locals was so rancid that for years, even after they closed, the first google result for the shop's name was a reddit thread describing an incident where the OWNER had a temper tantrum because an mtg event didn't fire off

@dualcaster - 06.06.2023 19:24

that don zaloog bottomless story had me dead XD

@maxinesenior596 - 03.06.2023 17:15

That whole thing about "I gotta do what I gotta do" is literally SHARKING and should have been explained to the judge and gotten him banned from that OTS

@robbydeluca6678 - 24.05.2023 19:57

One time I was judging at my locals and I had a pair of players going on for about 20 minutes after time was called. When I asked them to hurry up and finish the game so we could get on to the next round, one of them proceeded to insult my (now) wife, tell me that I was a piece of shit for attempting to check his receipt when I worked at Walmart, and accused me of trying to fuck his wife. That was weird day.

@Citizen_Nappa23 - 23.05.2023 18:44

Fair point but heres my counter point define normal don't worry I'll wait

@EyeOfTheOracle - 22.05.2023 19:51


@carternoble6469 - 22.05.2023 18:56

When I was like 7, I opened a millennium shield from my McDonald’s pack, and played it a ton. Some guy at my locals wanted to play, and decided we should play for ante (which was definitely not allowed). Me being me said yeah, I can beat this guy. We set up a match in between shelves of the store away from everyone (and the cameras in hindsight), and proceeded to lose my millennium shield to this guy. My dad was furious when I told him about it when I got home, and I didn’t know why at the time. I was just trying to have fun and play the game I liked.

@theskepticaltaco7340 - 09.05.2023 22:44

Just went to my first locals last week and who do i face as my first opponent? The owner of the fucking store who is also an official judge. He was also on superheavy samurai after CYAC and he wiped the floor with me.

@JoshuaSchmidtYGO - 09.05.2023 15:21

bring back magical hats

@gjergjmuzaka9733 - 08.05.2023 20:23

Let me tell you about locals in one of the most civilized and developed countries in the world.

1. A guy was almost banned from locals because he used a deodorant spray, and other players went to the TO and claimed that the deo spray was causing all the foul smell.
2. A guy transitioned into a female furry and called the police on a friend who called him "bro". He latter did not know that the first guy had transitioned, he just supposed he was a furry.
3. Ygo was banned for 2 years from locals because on of their employees had handed out 36 instead of 24 packs in prizes. It was according to the TO, theft since we accepted it, although we didn´t recieve Turbo packs or OTS pack for 4 years even though they upped the entry prize.
4. During the ban, some guys just organized their own tournaments and it was so succesful that the TO tried to pay the organizers to hold the tournaments at the local store, since he had lost the whole player base to these guys.
5. Konami allowed a TO who used CHALLONGE to organize Nats in a remote city were locals were 3-5 people every week.
6. Guy steals Nekroz of Brionac from another guy who pushes him back and takes the card. First guy sued the other guy for dental costs. It went to the small court and the judge just asked him if he could give him 50 Euros just so he won´t take this any further and make a mockery out of the system.
7. Two gay guys kept hitting on 12 year old boys and even ripped up his shirt saying they wanted to poke his butthole. They went on to play vanguard.
8. This guy divorced his wife because she had traded his Crush Card in Tele DAD format for a Kuriboh
9. Guy 1 asks guy 2 to keep his Max rarity LS deck (2011) safe and allowed him to use it until he comes back to the game. A few months later he finds out that the first guy had traded away his LS deck and tried to reimburse him with a BlackWinged deck.

@SpellboundTutor - 08.05.2023 18:17

Honestly, the only real story I have from a Locals comes from the very first and last time I ever won a Locals. This was way back in the day when Xyz was brand new. I was still playing a Fish Synchro deck I was particularly proud of.

Went to Round 3 with the owner of the store. Judge (not the owner, mercifully) called time right at the start of the match, so we each got three turns. I went second, opened my hand and I still remember saying "I can win this turn" on my first turn. This is ancient history so I don't remember exactly how I did it, only that it involved Big Wave Small Wave, Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth, and Fishborg Blaster.

Got out Shooting Star Dragon and Red Nova Dragon and proceeded to OTK. The owner was visibly upset, so I essentially got my winning packs and skeedaddled. Never went back to that LGS and I basically quit paper Yugioh not too long after for unrelated reasons. Whew lad.

@blazing6501 - 28.04.2023 19:40

For me it was during covid and in miami we had a curfew. My locals said fuck it and played till 11 pm which was past it ☠️

@zaep2791 - 27.04.2023 13:42

The best i got is when I managed to pull an Exodia Necross from a new pack, and some dude damn near groped me for a chance to trade him for it.

@RandomAsFunk - 24.04.2023 16:51

Lol I beat a guy, and told him good luck, in his next match, and he told me... when luck gets involved I lose.. I was just thinking in my head, you good at losing tho lol

@leonam6474 - 19.04.2023 18:04

Late but someone at the first locals i went to in months recognized me from my onlyfans twitter. And told me. While we were in game 2.

@RuneKillerz109 - 18.04.2023 22:04

Not ygo but during a modern locals one dude played against mono blue and was so frustrated he ripped up his own 200 bucks eldrazi.

@FlyGuyLaFlare - 17.04.2023 13:56

Your last name is very uncommon. You should look into that

@Markb23236 - 10.04.2023 10:24

Made a guy cry with LaDD

@mariolopez7902 - 09.04.2023 15:30

Its funny how much a story can change over the span of eleven years lol I was friends with the Spellbook player and one of the TO's was an ex. The thief and the Spellbook player were just friends (not best friends) and the thief wasn't dragged out of her car. What had happened was that she was seen on security cameras walking out of the store around the time the deck went missing and came back in. She wasn't seen on camera taking the box because she herself was a thief and knew about the cameras, but was near the area when it went missing and took advantage of the store's blindspots. An ex thief who also happened to be a player at that tournament looked over the cameras to help out. He told my ex that the thief probably put the deck in her car when she stole it and came back in to continue playing so she wouldn't arouse suspicion and people wouldn't think it was her since she didn't have the deck in her bag. He told my ex to ask to check her trunk and under her seats when the tournament was over and she was out on her way to get Taco Bell. If she wasn't guilty, she would've let them look. But if she didn't, she most likely had it hiding in her car. I'm not sure why the thief let them search her car when she stole it, but the Spellbook player ended up finding it under her passenger seat. The whole part with confronting her about being friends and after was accurate though. It's kind of ironic she got caught because of how often she stole and got away with it, but it just so happened that she was caught because another thief who stopped stealing from people happened to be around.

@DAsrada - 09.04.2023 04:22

When I was a kid I lost to a dude with a Cyber Stein, at a time when the card commanded a heavy price tag due to solely being a reward.
Little me asked to see it - and I promptly smashed my thumb into it and laughed like a psychopath as I ruined his card.

@drawkward234 - 08.04.2023 05:00

i know im, like, a month off, but i once had someone at locals try to convince the entire room that "you shouldnt play 3 Pot of Greed cause its clunky" dude was in his 20's at the time

@swarrior67 - 05.04.2023 08:21

To be honest the one of the Mafia, sounds like it was in LATAM.

@chucklesdeclown8819 - 03.04.2023 16:22

I would write this on Twitter but I don't bother to really go on to Twitter that much. So, at the locals a long while ago there was this new person. My locals is super friendly so we're just glad we get more players because we're a small library locals(you heard that right, we play in a couple of libraries). In any case, this dude seems like he's cool but after the first round he decided to wanna play his D/D/D's so I'm basically telling him I didn't care what was in the deck. Now technically your suppose to get the deck checked but I basically told him I didn't really care. In any case, at some point someone told him he needed to get the deck checked and I don't remember what I said, I believe it was a "well technically" with a shrug and then he marched out saying that we basically thought he was stupid because of his autism or something... which wasn't it at all.

We didn't even know he had autism so we got confused cause the deck check isn't really something to be offended by but I did mention I didn't mind weather it was checked or not. He seemed like a cool guy otherwise and I kind of wished he would come back seeing his slight overreaction but I still wanna apologize anyways cause I didn't mean for it to come off like that.

@fullheromanga779 - 30.03.2023 05:10

Heres mine: When I was like 12 or 13 I had a Grenosaurus oversized promo card in my binder. A dude there who had been pretty nice to me and recommended some deck upgrades for my Dark World list (mins you, it was Tour Guide and Fabled Raven which were each 100 dollars the fucking time 🤨) wanted the card from my binder but he didnt have any trades bc he said he always wanted an oversized card. I knew it wasn’t a very valuable and I was a shy kid and I had been going to this OTS for about 2 or 3 weeks now so I just said 50 cents. Its at this moment another guy comes up and asks to buy it from me, offering a dollar. I declined because I had already agreed on the 50 cent offer to the first guy and didn’t wanna be a jerk. So i exchange the card for the 50 cents. The other gentleman proceeds to grab the card from him and rip it in half and throw the pieces down onto the table, then he immediately left the store with his girlfriend.

@peteryanes3413 - 28.03.2023 23:05

That one with the crime boss is fake 100% because if he had to know later whe he his him and if he don't n he will have keep going back and doing that n then no one will want go back n they would have went out of business

@FAI_CW - 27.03.2023 11:09

This episode was...tamer than I expected.
Good job, people

@philosophicaljay3449 - 26.03.2023 04:43

YEARS ago, like almost 20 years ago, I won the local Hobby League with, iirc, a Koitsu, Aitsu, Soitsu and Doitsu deck. No idea how I pulled it off, but it was great. I don't remember much about the 2nd place person's deck outside of their Injection Fairy Lily. Got a Royal Decree as my prize.
Nothing that crazy ever really happened there. I do remember one time seeing someone play with a 200+ card deck that somehow was able to get Jinzo on the field in the majority of his games.
Good times.
