Here's What Happens If You Train Like Bruce Lee For 1 Year

Here's What Happens If You Train Like Bruce Lee For 1 Year

Goldenbell Training

1 год назад

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@FrancisMaxino - 03.02.2024 14:28

Like his martial arts, Bruce Lee's cross training regime evolved to meet the needs of what he required, his ripped definition was the result of very precise and calculated working. It is described in the four books an overview of the resistance exercises which are creating strength in core stabilisers and focused on pulling power, grip strength and a hard, lean physique. One of his hollywood friends, i forget which one, said he was like steel all over so developed a density without bulk which is more easily achieved by hovering in the hypertrophic. He was also obsessed with having incredible forearm and tricep strength more than stupidly bulky undefined biceps inhibiting fast arm movement...

@jm9980 - 03.02.2024 07:19

Yeah I guess that no one will really come up with the answer but in my view I believe Bruce got his speed and strength from lot's and lot's of repitition...

If you throw out your hands and legs over a thousand times every other day, you will improve your speed and strength...No?

Okay, so I use to throw over a thousand and something punches a day and over a thousand or so of kicks a day and I became 'SUper faSt.....

Friends use to tell me you are the mon fosho......

Plus I hit everything hard such as cast iron weights and poles of steel or walls of steel and they all could not believe I could hit that damn hard and not hurt myself.... It was always a Ohhhhhhhhhhh! No way!???

So you have this dude that knows every martial arts in the world but we could knock him out with one blow due to this type of training....

Even golden gloves boxers.....
What was the secret?

Being able to this anytime like it was nothing...
Plus the fact the speed practiced over and over agian, like I stated.... Repitition
... Plus Isometrics and of course grips...

Just like Jenn Pulver always stated, holding on to heavy weights for long periods of time.....

Oh yeah, you have to develop your own training to be able to take blows any where on your body..... Hardest part of course is training your lower legs from getting pulverized such as the dude that fucked up Urjah Faber.....'Jose Alto I believe.....

As far as the head was concerned, we use to hit ourselves over and over in the head while free sparring.....
Plus sparring with real opponents... Neck excercises for sure....

Usually dudes that were ruthless and can throw multiple hits on you and take the hits as well....
Oh yeah ,and physical training such as marine type hikes in the hills or lakes such as 6 to 10 miles of trecking.....
George Foreman use to say he gets his power from throwing punches while holding weights and lots of walking...

He did not believe in running or jogging because he thought this eventually leads to serious knee injury's in the long run...

Rocky Marciano use to run up steep hills and train on hitting 300 pound bags...

Whatever the case, you need to have the time to do all this....

Most of us do not..
We have jobs to attend to 5 days a week and are most likely too burned out to do this...

You basically have to be 'Elite' in your schedule....

Either rich or unemplyoyed... Or a 'Supermon' mon...
As far as Lee's body looks... He had a small frame and was bascially skinny so to get the supermon look came quite easy for him as opposed to a heavy set dude eating fast foods in America...

To me, Yang Sze was the ulitimate dude back in the day with his buffed out look but able to move like Bruce and jump up from tables and chairs and be able to kick you in the face....

Trained at an early age with Acrobats and martial arts... Plus coming up with his own style as Bruce did...

He was the Ulitimate martial artist back in the day...

Just ask Bruce...

Bruce loved this dude for his ultimate experience...

Yeah, question is, could these two dudes take on the new rise of MMA fighters in the hall of the ring>>> ????

Probably not, but don't forget folks these two dudes started this whole game!!!!

@jm9980 - 03.02.2024 07:00

Yeah, we were always told back in the day that Bruce primarily drank blended drinks of Protein, such as raw eggs, chocolate, etc. etc.. Bruce really never ate whole meals at anytime.... But due to his extreme loss of weight, Bruce started smoking cannabis to gain weight due to the factor of 'Muncies' that were associated with smoking cannabis but had a reaction to the drug and caused him to rid this style of training... Plus the cannabis helped Bruce to sleep.... Up all night thinking and thinking.... You can only imagine~! Especially already making millions of bucks from China with his first 3 flicks..... Yeah, I get it.... I wouldn't be able to sleep neither...

@jm9980 - 03.02.2024 06:07

Okay just one tech tip.... I was trained to work on the heavy bags for 45 minutes 'none stop' at 165 punches per round... Then down for push ups on our time off.... That 1 minute in a boxing round... Plus we had to make that 100 pound bag move like a rag doll...That at least was the goal from our trainer.... An ex Marine from Veitnam.... I ultimately wanted to surpass this dude and go into doing 35 rounds leading up to hiting the heavy bag for over 2 hours none stop.... Point in case... Once I started doing this I had some pretty weird feelings in my head during wake up of sleep and so on.... So this led me to the conclusion that Lee had actually killed himself due to the 'Over training'... I am still suffering current too date in my shoulders and brain.... Yeah, like Clint Eastwood use to state back in the day... 'Man has just got to know his limitations'..... Yup that's 4 sho

@criscastillo7535 - 02.02.2024 04:14

Bro not to throw you off but he did do a lot of weight training without a lot of weights and also many bodybuilders today try to get that physique no matter how much bigger they are they try to get his traps his wingspan

@ShinOwen2 - 27.01.2024 07:46

Jump rope is better than running 🏃‍♀️.

@ShinOwen2 - 27.01.2024 07:46

Jump rope is better than running 🏃‍♀️.

@dzj1775 - 25.01.2024 05:05

Beardy is ur typical gym bum works out 60 min out of 6 hours 😂

@ronholland1662 - 19.01.2024 10:27

You don't look like you work out,I don't see any muscle definition I mean no disrespect to you. I like your videos you put out

@BlackSheep4Christ - 12.01.2024 21:02

He is exact right about German Volume Training. It will fry your CNS system and it will be all you have time for. Its amazing for simple Bodybuilding Gains, but not for Martial Artists.

@jeffreyyounger5772 - 11.01.2024 03:35

This might be good ❤😂🎉😢😮😮😅!

@dominiquevirassamy8603 - 07.01.2024 20:11

Thank you for this video on Bruce Lee training.Meanwhile,it is sad to trivialize the personal life performance of the one and only perfect martial artist like Bruce Lee.He consecrated all his life to bring a new dawn of light in martial arts.He was God- gifted, reason why in 1971 the slogan sayed"1971,Bruce Lee shakes the world"mostly with his 400 two finger push-ups!

@Dodgerzden - 27.12.2023 05:54

How dare you question the self-proclaimed world's greatest expert on Bruce Lee! As Eric Cartman always said, "Respect ma authoritah!"

@sharamrock2580 - 25.12.2023 02:25

The guy Beardy has no idea what he is talking about. He's full of sh*t talking nonsense about B Lee as if it was his god or something... And I guarantee you the mofo Beardy has NO experience in combat sports, otherwise he wouldn't be talking fairytales.
Beardy: Grow up dude. Go study and practice with real fighters...

@Rm-kr2bp - 04.12.2023 23:57


@themaximusone - 30.11.2023 05:29

he took jow not roids sheesh

@franklinkettle6853 - 03.11.2023 03:39


@jasongenn39 - 10.10.2023 12:48

It’s ridiculous to say that Bruce Lee ate junk food and was able to maintain optimum performance physique and health? His skin is glowing and shining. Obviously he’s looked after his skin, but it also showed with the way he moved, and if you think that food has nothing to do with it then you are totally wrong? If you are eating junk food that is toxicogenic, I guarantee your body will Hate it and will not perform the way way it should. The body will also shut itself down and begin to raise the insulin levels and store body fat? Bruce Lee was toned, and I could safely say that he was doing fasting of some sort? Eating real food not bad ingredients and we have to admit that back in the 70s. They didn’t have the garbage they put in the food they do nowadays.

@jordanglasper1064 - 04.10.2023 04:23

Such a powerful video. I have a question. I’ve discovered Mike Mentzer’s HIT training Regimen. I’m very interested. But I’m also very interested in Bruce Kee’es method of training. Is there a way to combine these types of training regimen to become a supreme athlete/ fighter?

@snowwhitever2336 - 01.10.2023 13:19

guy with the beard was conor mcgregor the ufc fighter if imnot mistaken

@snowwhitever2336 - 01.10.2023 13:01

id love to take some bruceroids does anyone have some :)

@angelomoreno6788 - 28.09.2023 14:18

I like your problems, you're absolutely right completely, right? You are right on the point, thank you very much.

@ryanramsaroop4074 - 19.09.2023 20:43

Beardy is a pussy Bruce Lee is a legend

@joeallen5074 - 14.09.2023 07:31

Lmao bro, I believe this channel is actually becoming less of a Bruce Lee and more of Beerdy is a liar channel which is actually even better. Now if Beerdy ever commented on goldenbell that would be a rivalry. But Beerdy would never confront the lies he has put out there. There are journals of his workouts that he logged himself. Im not sure but im pretty sure he didn't train 6-14 hours a day. He wouldn't have time for real life. Lol. I think bruce did a little bit of steroids to get ripped and shredded for the movies.

@marijanstojanoski3328 - 01.09.2023 17:32

no one knows how Bruce Lee have trained 100% and you can't just lift weights you must run you must train your punches and kicks when i was training i was lifting weights 1 hour a day sometimes hour and a half 4 km running and 2 to 3 hours punching and kicking before my eyes operation now i can't lift weights and i can't kick and punch hard because i will fucked up my eyes and lost my eye sight

@toddr2422 - 01.09.2023 05:11

The more I hear from Beerdy, the more I think he is full of shit. He tried to say that Bolo could have beat up Bruce , now he claiming Bruce was on steroids?? I think Beerdy is a fucking idiot

@user-lj3ly4tw4d - 30.08.2023 16:31


@ivanracine431 - 30.08.2023 15:13

You no what you’re talking about bud great job

@ivanracine431 - 30.08.2023 15:10

Birdy full of shit nobody train 14 hrs come train 40 minutes in the gym with weights you would not survived Bruce train but not 12 hrs straight

@marvinhills6870 - 25.08.2023 04:08

Dude.... I trained 2 hours a day fir 4 days a week. And that was my routine for years while I did martial arts. I was ripped from head to toe and I actually ate what the heck I wanted. 2 hours one day and a day of rest. That was all I needed... it worked for me

@Francisco-xq3ix - 16.08.2023 02:09

Very informative. I was especially surprised about how Kobe Bryant trained like Bruce Lee, makes sense. This video just makes me want to get up and start moving lol I appreciate this. Thanks

@RoscoPColetraneIII - 12.08.2023 07:22

Sir, was he using medical corticosteroids (they relieve pain, like nerve pain, but do not promote muscle mass or strength), or was he using anabolic steroids (the “illegal” steroids that build muscle)?

@uexkeru - 09.08.2023 19:53

The reality of Bruce Lee's routines is that you could actually do more than him if you don't restrict your calories like you're trying to maintain a ripped physique or stay at the same size all the time. Up to a point, more calories and sleep = more recovery = more results.

@tigerfist1126 - 09.08.2023 08:49

The drugs that was treating Bruce Lee's back which was the cause of Bruce Lee's death . I believe Bruce Lee killed himself to become the best and he wasn't letting his injuries stop him . Over time the drugs were taken a toll on Bruce Health and caused his death - Dr. Michael Hunter. MD .

@donaldhysa4836 - 04.08.2023 10:52

I bet Bruce Lee could easily do german volume training if he wanted to. But he relied on chi not muscle mass. Namaste!

@drumgk - 30.07.2023 20:33

Beerdy is a massive twat waffle! Bruce Lee worked out 2 hours a day.

@ryulee458 - 16.07.2023 21:28

I think Bruce Lee overtrained his body and mind and that's what gave in in the end.

@shadscott469 - 16.07.2023 08:11

Thank you for making this video. Beerdy needs to be called out on his lies.

@micnorton9487 - 16.07.2023 07:39

I would feel lucky to be one quarter as proficient as Bruce,, after THREE years... That would still make me twice as good as Absolute Monster Steven Segle so I'd be happy...

@AnythingGoals - 15.07.2023 05:10

Where in Asia are u?

@johncarroll772 - 14.07.2023 21:31

There is a photo of Bruce jumping holding dumbells, l would assume he would also do a circuit of plyometrics.

@KaliberThomas-cq7ft - 14.07.2023 00:46

The work would be hard to be work out like the dragon

@MsgtMelton - 10.07.2023 03:25

I stop viewing any video that includes “and this happened”!

@TrueGamer4Life - 06.07.2023 16:35

Great voice and amazing videos !

@ogunoni8470 - 20.06.2023 23:03

😂i never knew that creatinine was in chicken you learn something new every day lol wow

@CarstenBachmeyerHealth - 19.06.2023 10:32

nobody knows exactly how bruce trained...

@amosdodson4022 - 19.06.2023 00:20

All you need is your body, resistant bands, Punching bog and yoga mat. You could even go with any weight. Explosive power training is great. I have this smaller yellow resistance band that looks like figure 8 and you put it behind your back and shadows boxing with this resistance and calisthenics and your punching with becomes so much quicker

@adrianlee3635 - 18.06.2023 15:26

I find it funny that you are standing behind a paper black brick background, that is wavering like the wind...can't you find a solid brick wall to do this production?

@tigrecito48 - 18.06.2023 13:48

i spent one summer, about 3 months just walking and eating spinach salads with tuna fish... and eating rice and beans also... i drank nothing but cider... i lost weight and felt pretty healthy... so i proved you can lose weight with minimal exercise (walking every day 2-3 km) but also i proved that you dont get fat from alcohol and it doesnt dehydrate you - else i would have died right?) it was weak cider.. im not saying u can drink whiskey and nothing else... low alcohol beer or cider still gives you water. i ate twice a day... enough to fill me up.. i was never hungry... and i drank one big bottle of cider with each meal..

@ricksigales3833 - 18.06.2023 00:01

Clearly you got some kind of beef with beerdy . There needs to be a dual with the both of you ...😅
