The Wallfacers | Three Body Problem Series

The Wallfacers | Three Body Problem Series

Quinn's Ideas

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@dforrest3122 - 02.02.2024 09:19

Daniel Forrest, I am your Wallbr… 🔫

@crypton7951 - 28.01.2024 05:56

The Mental Seal aka the Vaccine.

@russelldouglas8746 - 27.01.2024 21:25

Manuel Rey Diaz did nothing wrong. The ban on escapism meant that only mutually assured destruction, and scorched Earth policies have any effect on the technologically superior enemy.

Sun Tzu wrote "Seize that which your enemy loves," but seizing implies the ability to hold that which your enemy loves. If you cannot hold the thing, you must destroy, or threaten to destroy, it.

@Graystaff - 26.01.2024 15:55

They didn’t know deception? Maybe the earth should have sent Captain Peter Quincy Taggert and the rest of the NSA Protector to handle the task!

@Tristyn_Waterman - 23.01.2024 17:16

The one thing that got me, with Rey Diaz and Tyler, but Tyler especially, was why did they stop? Like after their plans were deduced by the wallbreakers, why admit they were figured out and give up? Like Tyler could have just played it off or whatever, and still have 400 years to either integrate plan A's failure into a new plan, or scrap it and come up with a completely new plan B. The whole point of the wallfacers was to make it impossible to understand the true plan. Like just lie and say "no that's not the plan" and keep going forward with it, but actually shift into using the original plan as a misleading facade

@the_journeyman_project - 21.01.2024 23:45

Hey algorithm, please notice this guy!

@edbouhl3100 - 19.01.2024 05:58

Makes me wonder what a Wallfacer project to stop global warming would look like. Probably with a small organization like the ETO as the Wallfacers and (who?) as Wallbreakers. ‘Who’ can’t be the UN - no cohesion.

@TheGavrael - 18.01.2024 02:14

I read the trilogy, but I don't recall ever reading an explanation as to why the Wallbreakers didn't just assassinate the Wallfacers. Especially early on before any plan could really be developed, and most especially Luo Ji.

@shelbyroderfeld5943 - 17.01.2024 07:17

That's the most terrifying truth, the fate of the human race is in the hands of a few individuals at any give time. Knowing that and the evil that a twisted human mind can cause!

@AmityvilleFan - 15.01.2024 16:07

Let's see what these space-jew are up to.

@loushia16 - 13.01.2024 06:52

Earth: We need a plan to defeat the Trisolarans and win.
Wallfacers: How about losing?

@colonagray2454 - 12.01.2024 19:02

Oh shoot i didn't know there was a third book! Hell yeah i know what im reading next!

@yuyuan7204 - 12.01.2024 11:10

In fact, there are many things discussed in this book, including the Cultural Revolution in China in the first book - and some scenes in the subsequent two books actually resemble the Cultural Revolution. But I find that many Western readers just think of the Cultural Revolution as "ugly China" and don't think deeply about it.

The British neuroscientist failed because he had too much power, and Taylor failed because he did not have enough power... In fact, when we say that Tyler should have succeeded, have we considered the wishes of those who were sacrificed by him? What is more important, the victory of humanity or the morality of humanity?

China has long been contemplating the pros and cons of totalitarianism, and in many cases, totalitarianism may not necessarily be a bad thing. Dictatorship is similar. The ultimate failure of Luo Ji in "The Three-Body Problem" is because not only did the Trisolarans live under his deterrence, but Earthlings also lived under the same threat. Earthlings resented Luo Ji's dictatorship and ultimately stripped him of his position as the Swordholder.

Regarding the Cultural Revolution in China, as depicted in the first book of "The Three-Body Problem," how do you view it? The Cultural Revolution was not sparked by Western media to tarnish China with “communism.” It began with the aim of overthrowing those who exploited the people, but eventually morphed into a situation where anyone who was better off than others was targeted.

A similar scenario occurred when humanity, dissatisfied with Luo Ji’s "dictatorship," replaced the Swordholder, who should have been decisive and ruthless, with Cheng Xin, who they saw as a representation of "truth, goodness, and beauty." However, in reality, Cheng Xin not only lacked deterrence against her own people but also lost it against the Trisolarans.

During the COVID-19 pandemic in the previous years, the most popular phrase in China was "Humanity does not thank Luo Ji."

It is known that the medical conditions in the United States are better than in China, and its land area is about the same as China, but its population is much less (indicating a much lower population density). However, in these years, due to the pandemic, over a million people died in the United States, while in China, less than a hundred thousand died during the initial outbreak, and thereafter there were hardly any significant changes.

A large number of Chinese people's lives were saved due to the government's mandatory policies. But many people crazily attacked the Chinese government, believing that the government restricted the freedom of citizens...

"Humanity does not thank Luo Ji..."

@nin1ten1do - 11.01.2024 21:08

nice scifi.. nice idead... but hwta is enemy lay in diferent corners?? is chap to say it and hard to solve it..

@LogosAdventist7Day - 11.01.2024 06:56

My plan is a mix of them. Threaten the planet with its own destruction using hytrogen weapons if the triselars reach earth. Their whole point of coming here is to inhabit earth so the threat of earths self destruction may be a smart card to play. Because they do not know deception, they would think we are dead serious. I would enhance the idea by using "the seal" to start a organization where people actually believe the earth will be sacrificed. I would put these persons in communication with the triselarians to futher the deception, and expose these persons to secret bluff plans that show what we are prepared to do, these can be leaked to the triselarians. I would make it like humanity is going mad. I would also start fake movements calling for our own destruction immediately, like a death cult. So there would be a war between the sucide when they come vs suicide now groups. I think this bluff dycotomy would over whelm the aliens who do not understand deception. With my free hand i would further develop the escapist plan as a safeguard for the future where humanity is expected to be a multi planet species. These persons could also be the same ones who really believe humanity will end itself. Maybe as time progresses we can reach a deal where we are allowed to relocate freely using triselar technology. Believe it or not i actually came up with the outline of the plan as a kind of game when I heard humanity had to come up with a plan, i wanted to see what i would do. Funny enough the plan that works in the book operates under similar principles. 😂 But it would be some intense 5th generation psycological warfear. I would also make it out like its a last ditch plan only to be used when the aliens approach and we have nothing left, so we have nothing to lose, would be my ploy to the masses on earth, and to satisfy their fears, funny enough this could play to the believability of the plan. This would probably futher the escapist cause, but thats also part of the plan, it pushes the plan futher into deterance and then escapism, if push comes to shove. The differnce is that we have the death of our species in our hands for a extended period, and because the aliens are desperate to have a new home, the threat of its destruction would have some serious pull...and they do not know deception lol. 400 years of psychology warfear and faints, would be too much.

@theMedicatedCitizen - 11.01.2024 06:24

Your intro music gets me very much into the sci-fi mood

@gregorykavivya875 - 10.01.2024 19:57

Thank you greatly Quinn.

@carltimms3994 - 06.01.2024 20:40

Amazing summary of such a densely packed but incredibly thought-provoking plotline in Dark Forest. Having recenly read Death's End my mind was so full of wonderment and huge ideas I'd almost forgotten how incredible Lui's plotting and rationale of this Wallfacer era was. Just mind-bendingly good stuff.

@domagojgreguric6957 - 03.01.2024 13:23

Actually all wallfacer plans were pretty awesome. And Luo Ji basically copied the most brutal plan, Rey Diaz's plan, slightly altering it with his spell and ofc the dark forest theory, but still keeping the basic plan, a mutually assured destruction (not by a direct strike to trisolaris, but its gonna die by 3 suns anyway, and the fleet will arrive to an annihilated Solar system).

Tyler had an amazing double-betrayal plan while Hines couldnt do much better as for the escapism plan with his false mental seal.

I always wondered why Trisolaris appointed only 1 person per wallfacer as wallbreakers, and left Lou Ji alone. Would be funny to see someone overthink of ways why this man is buying a 300 million dollar old casket of wine 😂

@misteratoz - 01.01.2024 23:17

Man... You're inspiring me to read

@stasisfoil7540 - 29.12.2023 06:01

Got to read these, the dimension strike, the Sophon etc, the ideas here seem astounding.

@godofzombi - 18.12.2023 23:45

wouldn't the ones that destroyed 187j3X1 be able to trace the "spell" back to it's source?

@dazdillinger5800 - 14.12.2023 11:58

I listen to your videos late at night in the dark before bed and they genuinely terrify me. I’m reminded that we are on a huge rock surrounded by enormous black space

@peoplez129 - 14.12.2023 07:34

Diaz's plan was pretty foolish, because the Trisolarans definitely had the technology to at least stop Mercury from plunging into the sun. It would be a process that takes a very long time for Mercury to do that, and in the meantime the Trisolarans could just detonate their own stuff on Mercury to alter its course. I'd say even the teardrops themselves have the capability to tow Mercury, since they can just tunnel down to the core and push with constant force. It might be a slow process, but it could still work.

@samuelmccarter4659 - 12.12.2023 19:30

Dumb, we'd all be "wall facers" in our own right. We would go absolutely 40k on these aliens lol

@nebakaben - 08.12.2023 02:01

This is both illuminating analysis and sci-fi storytelling - love it 😄

@Karamazov9 - 07.12.2023 10:07

The goal of civilization is not to expand, that’s just capitalism

@VoidData - 04.12.2023 07:48

If you're reading this it's not too late. Write that book.

@ElmoRitter - 02.12.2023 19:15

I read this series cuz of your videos. So good. The second half of the final book is unforgettable.

@jacqqulen9106 - 02.12.2023 10:42

I don't remember reading this in dark forest

@Melody_Raventress - 28.11.2023 08:38

Hi Quinn,
Found your channel thru' your
Dune videos (IFL Dune!), but I just had to compliment you, this is a great Channel!

@UCUCUC27 - 27.11.2023 21:49

i got this book on your recomendation so far im enjoying it i am particularly enjoying the unique perspective of the secret organisation of earthlings who have abandoned humans hope of solving there own problems

@joshuawhinery208 - 27.11.2023 10:27

Yo, your channel is fucking awesome! Glad I stumbled across ya!

@jackieanderson9408 - 26.11.2023 21:34

Cool 😎

@drewskiwest5284 - 23.11.2023 17:42

i thought that the invading species had technology that caused human's perception of all laws of physics that governed our mathematical constants and things we could and could not do.
due to the sheer size of their ship, their ship and its technology was SO advanced, that it legitimately fabricated the human's perception of reality, physics, math, understanding of the universe and it caused 1 or 2 or more global wars out of utter fear of their arrival in 400 years.
i want these books so bad but i don't have enough money...
same about the book with the Shriker entity (given its name based off the bird on earth that would take its prey and impale it on these types of trees in africa that had spikes on its limbs)
i'm trying so hard to think of it, let me try google:
OH RIGHT the Hyperion Cantos. I want that collection of books + these 3 books.
Mainly because the Dark Forest Theory, at least in my mind, solves the Fermi Paradox. When you compare it to Earth on a microcosm vs the galactic macrocosm; Finite resources is the root of all human conquest and expansion and search for MORE. When one civilization meets another the first time, it's almost NEVER "good" and always ends with the civilization with better technology wiping out most if not ALL of the more primitive civilization and then potential subjugation, elimination, enslavement, or removal of their presence on land. All in the land of resources and dominance in power.
So if we just expand that into an exponential scale to the UNIVERSE, a more intelligent species that needs the same resources humans do, then alerting a higher civilization to our location, which we've been doing for quite a while now, eventually a space-faring civilization that's capable of long distance travel and conquest would immediately scout and then invade.
I believe this might be why world governments haven't said MORE on UFO's (or rather the renaming of them to UAPs) in more detail other than "We only know that they are not man-made and not from Earth." Beyond that they claim to not know more, when in reality, it could very easily be known that a highly advanced civilization IS indeed coming its way here and that's why we have advanced in technology at such a RAPID pace. I'm talking RAPID. Compare it to the past 4000 years of humans on Earth waging war amongst one another to now being almost solely black budget pouring into space projects of both defense and offense and the search for a planet suitable for human existence elsewhere.
It's reality but sounds just like that Cixin trilogy... what if that civilization was behind the "WOW Signal" and here on Earth, the general public was told it's simply a supernova. Death of a star or birth of a star instead of it being an intelligible signal saying, "Hey, we see you and we are coming."
It could explain why physics have mathematical constants and universal constants such as the "universal speed limit" not being able to be broken, yet this other civilization can do it.
I also have another theory that Earth may just be an extremely rare planet with its extremely rare moon, and placement just far enough from its host star to allow life to exist.
Yet science has come to the conclusion in recent years that Earth spends MORE time in "Ice Ages" than it does in warmer more livable climates that allows for mammal growth and the human form. Furthermore, this planet being so small compared to the other galaxies with planets in the "Goldilocks zone" and all the "right 'settings' allowing life" as humans understand it, would have serious implications for why they should have never sent signals that included the human DNA, biology, where to find the planet, and a whole lot more details.
Basically a blue print on how to skip an invasion risking casualties and just sending something that would wipe humanity out that would not damage the entire world or ecosystem paving way for their entrance and ultimately new ownership of Earth.
After all, data suggests we've had hard resets on Earth by mother nature's constants multiple times in the past and each time humanity or some form of it gets to a point of technology, it hard resets again. That's where I believe the expression "there's nothing new under the sun."
For all we know, humans could have invaded and adapted to this planet from a different one as a lot of theories suggest humans are a species with SEVERE amnesia.
There's a whole lot more i'd like to discuss but I'm getting interference in my mind and it's annoying...

@poorlyproducedcontent2230 - 21.11.2023 19:41

I crave your longer videos

@ShivamGupta-sr9zf - 21.11.2023 16:25

Your narration of this book makes this video even more exciting.

@karatecowboy5339 - 21.11.2023 15:11

I sleep to Quinn audio. I’m a borderline insomniac. Thank you

@f-u-nkyf-u-ntime - 19.11.2023 20:44

The difference between liu Ji and Rey Diaz was a matter of subtlety. What Ji's plan lacked in crudeness it made up for in potential destruction. It was another insight. Basically, the same plan could be viewed in a completely different way just because the circumstances and the leadership changed. It's a stark revelation of hypocrisy.

@ShivamGupta-sr9zf - 19.11.2023 02:33

Now, I regret not reading the book first.

@drunkwritersroom1695 - 18.11.2023 04:53

Got to put the Bell on, missed so many of your uploads. Just watched your podcast. Dope vibes 👌

@mfd8346 - 17.11.2023 07:28

Not knowing deception is such a stupid weakness. even insects and animals use it

@SlippinJimmy4Life - 17.11.2023 04:14

Cosmic horror is the best horror ❤

@windrunner9158 - 16.11.2023 07:08

mic a little too louf

@windrunner9158 - 16.11.2023 07:02


@HeliRy - 16.11.2023 05:38

I’ve just started watching the 2016 Three Body series… and what a story! Having watched a few of your videos on the books, I have the gist of what’s going on. I think. Maybe.
Probably not 😂
But still it is a great story. And even just 4 episodes in and without anything “scary” happening… the implications hinted at so far are absolutely horrifying.

@andy7666 - 15.11.2023 17:34

Why did they not just go fully automated? I think the book explains why but its still dumb. Kids..

@joking_oregon1 - 15.11.2023 14:12

Can't believe im only just seeing this now ive been watching your videos on this series for months and ive been anticipating this one

@evilnet1 - 15.11.2023 01:54

Luo Ji is quite an interesting character. An ordinary man who knew too much and held the power to eradicate an entire civilization.
