DOOM Eternal Ancient Gods 2 - Mission 2 - 100% Walkthrough - All Codex, Upgrades, & Extra Lives

DOOM Eternal Ancient Gods 2 - Mission 2 - 100% Walkthrough - All Codex, Upgrades, & Extra Lives


3 года назад

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@triphox8313 - 25.01.2024 11:40

the enemy spam in this level is stupid

@shegocrazy - 06.01.2024 12:57

Took me a few tries to get past that last battle.

@shaunwinner2973 - 07.09.2023 19:14

Wow also in the archville battle here. I didn’t watch where he’s spawn and I tried to kill him. But he must of spawned a shit ton of enemies because once he came up I went for him and it took a second I faced ten times more enemies. After has to waste two bfg ammo to stay alive

@shaunwinner2973 - 07.09.2023 18:38

Yeah I’m definitely not seeing any easier fights. Mine are way harder every time on the same difficulties. Plus it’s like as you play they get harder and smarter like they know what you’re doing. I’m like every time I se him fight on the same lv it’s easier I cannot see why. Literally the one he said is an easy battle I had a bunch of dead/hell nights and a doom hunter on top of what he had. Even with the previously battle with the hardest ever gore nest. He had less and the spirit one was a regular dead night lol. and I had two archvilles, two demon hunters, on top of the blood makers and my marauder was possessed took me hours to beat it!

@MadMax75th - 03.03.2023 14:43

great usual

@rickylahey142 - 18.12.2022 00:36

...where's the part with all the Cacodemons, Pain Elementals, Dread Knights, Hell Barons, and then the Tyrant?

@Goofball_Sack - 10.08.2022 21:13

Well, thats my favourite level because of the esthetic

@azzythechristianfurry - 30.05.2022 07:02

BEST guide on the internet.

@jeffhames7316 - 15.04.2022 23:35

Great video Maka! I’ve been watching/following all your doom eternal guides. I think that last fight in this level is the hardest one yet. I had to do it 10x, maybe more.

@invisiblesun6595 - 05.01.2022 08:53

All those organic tendrils now resemble tree vines. You can even see grass and a few mushrooms growing on them. I'm guessing that's what Earth converted them to after the invasion was stopped by the Slayer.

@patrickmulhern865 - 17.12.2021 08:15

Man I am playing this now and having a very different experience on some of these “easier” battles with what types of enemies spawn and how many. Maybe they buffed it since you made this? The battle at the 15 minute mark for example I had way more big enemies toward the end

@Bozzerhollow - 16.10.2021 04:12

Me sees the curse proder shoots him with the super shotgun and then glory kill him easy

@makito106 - 05.09.2021 00:09

Mission 2 complete

@petertroubleyn973 - 30.04.2021 21:17

Thnx for the vidio's,
It helpt me a lot!

@hellbillyjr - 20.04.2021 07:21

Since TAG 1 wouldn't give me credit for replayed missions on Nightmare (you're whole save file has to be on Nightmare for the milestone) i thought I'd just run TAG 2 on Nightmare first go. I mean, everyone said it was "easy".

So I just spent about 6 hours over 2 days beating the second part of the Escalation in this mission. That was a rough one, Maka.

@tornado796 - 14.04.2021 22:23

Al amect ivegna

@nachotraseira34 - 05.04.2021 02:26

The portal to go Immortus is very similar to the core of "Event Horizon" movie.

@adamfrazer5150 - 04.04.2021 08:04

Sidebar - unlike virtually every other game with a rocket launcher, Doom's is both unique and (to my ears at least) soooooo satisfying to hear 😈

@joeytolley8733 - 29.03.2021 08:59

Ok maka91. I have followed you through everything but I’m stuck on this one. Any pointers would be appreciated. Been dealing with this last fight for 4 weeks now. And just so you know I think you are the man! Please help! 😢😢

@00001sarthak - 26.03.2021 21:29

Arch-vile is giving me a headache in the end fight!

@tanmayfadnis5440 - 20.03.2021 08:47

Thanks, man :)

@user-pb1yn7ni2e - 20.03.2021 05:03

You know you don't HAVE to use the plasma rifle to take of the armor of the armored baron.
You can be patient and shoot of his regenerating weak-point, even the game mentions this.

@awesauce1 - 20.03.2021 03:43

Do you think you could make a separate video of you doing the second escalation encounter? I’m somewhat new to doom eternal and I used your guides for completion as well as the slayer gates in both the main campaign and the first dlc just to see if they were easy or hard for my skill level. I felt like your opinion helped me in advance to know if I should take a slayer gate seriously or act like it’s a walk in the park. And I’m a fan of customization so getting these slayer skins is an extra thing I want to do. You don’t have to and I completely understand if you don’t want to make a 5-6 minute video on a small encounter, but I feel like it would help some people like me who are not as skilled as some other pro doom eternal players.

@jackfrith1348 - 20.03.2021 02:14


@dio3789 - 20.03.2021 01:12

Thank you for doing this always Maka

@constastar1660 - 20.03.2021 00:54

So wanna say thx for teaching me how to beat marauders easely

@lox4943 - 20.03.2021 00:30

This is the most important post you will ever read.

Every one of us has sinned against God. We’ve lied, we’ve stolen, we’ve sinned sexually, and we’ve taken His name in vain; which makes us liars, thieves, fornicators and blasphemers.. Yet this is only four of our many transgressions.

The problem is, we can never ‘outweigh’ our sin with good works because God is perfect in Holiness, meaning his standard is beyond our reach. He is also perfect in Justice, meaning, he will bring EVERY sin to light. The punishment for our sin is death, and Hell; a place of Eternal Fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Fortunately God is also perfect in Love, so 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ left his throne in heaven and came to this earth. While here, he lived a perfectly righteous life, only to take the punishment that We deserved; Our sinless creator became Our sin, and endured a gruesome death on a cross for our sake.
Right before he died, he said ‘it is finished’.. meaning, the debt for our sins has been paid in full. And on the third day, he defeated death and rose from the grave. So now, we can go free from the wrath of God’s judgement not by earning it, but rather, as a free gift of grace..

Except gifts can be either accepted or rejected. So this is what you must do in response;

Humbly admit to God that you have sinned against him, and through gratitude in the sacrifice of his son, repent (turn away) from your old way of life. Then, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, your savior, and the ruler of your life from this moment forward (Romans 10:9).

Do these things, and you will be saved.

If you do so sincerely, God will grant you a new heart which no longer finds comfort in sin, but instead desires to read and obey his word. He will also grant you Eternal life in his presence; The greatest pleasure on earth doesn’t even come close to what God is preparing for believers in the afterlife .

You’ve been informed; Now the choice is yours. What you do with this information will determine where you spend ETERNITY, meaning, this is the single most critical decision you will EVER make; And all of us here, whether believer or atheist, know deep down that every last word here is true.

Jesus Christ awaits YOU this very moment. Don’t even think about sleeping tonight until you surrender your life to him, because your tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.. And as it is written (Hebrews 9 : 27) ;

‘It is appointed unto man ONCE to die, but after this, THE JUDGMENT’ .

All glory, honor and praise to Lord Jesus Christ.

@chesron456 - 20.03.2021 00:21

Thanks man, just finished your previous video 5 minutes ago. This game is dope but it could be a lot better if they implemented 80% less platforming!

Keep up the good work!

@constastar1660 - 20.03.2021 00:15

THANKS for this

@alexmiller6271 - 20.03.2021 00:15

