Insane Speed and Power: The B-1 Lancer Story

Insane Speed and Power: The B-1 Lancer Story


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@michaelmcdonald3057 - 09.01.2024 16:44

Imagine the billions spent on developing these killing machines that were almost never used being spent on poverty, education and health around the world, Maybe in some alternate universe, but certainly not in the one we occupy.

@mickyday2008 - 09.01.2024 15:28

My favourite supersonic bomber. As good looking as Concorde. They base these at RAF Fairford from time to time. Awesome

@ursus9104 - 09.01.2024 14:14

Beautiful aircrafts fly excellent!

@CrystallineFoxCF - 09.01.2024 13:57

As lovely as an aircraft as the B-1 is, I just don't think really think it's going to have a place in the modern battlefield, it's expansive, both to fly and maintain, and flying low to avoid radar just, doesn't work anymore because technology to counter such attack approaches has existed for a while. Between the F-35 and the new F-15EX, we have the capabilities to get what the B-1 did, done at a much cheaper price generally. But I'm not military expert, I could very well be wrong, and hope I am, that bomber is the most intimidating and beautiful jet I've ever seen, and I'd love for it to stick around for a while longer.

@austindenotter19 - 09.01.2024 12:33

Need to get rid if so mane animations

@joeis18 - 09.01.2024 11:47

It's a very cool aircraft. Probably the greatest most capable non-stealth bomber ever made. But I just don't get it. Like, anything that can kill the B-52 will kill the B-1B, so it does the same job for more money. Anything that the B-52 can't do will go to the B-2.

@cosmoray9750 - 09.01.2024 09:53

" B-1 Bomber Crashes at Ellsworth; Crew Ejects Safely "

@cleverusername6233 - 09.01.2024 09:07

Too much shitty video game graphics.

@tcharmon74 - 09.01.2024 08:46

You are wrong with ALOT of your information..

@thesaneparty4079 - 09.01.2024 06:24

I was driving back from Colorado to Dallas somewhere in the panhandle of Texas by myself on a stretch of road so flat I could see for miles ahead and behind. I saw a black dot on the horizon in front of me and in a few seconds I realized it was a black B-1 coming straight at me so low it shook my SUV when it went over. I knew exactly what it was as I was an air-force brat and built a model of one as a kid. It scared the shit out of me, and I'm sure a pilot was getting a kick out of it. I have no idea to this day why one would be out there.
edit- I see in the comments that Dyess Airforce Base is in the region with B1s. I would have been well northwest of Abilene about 10 years ago, so that solves the mystery. Why they were strafing civilians on a desolate highway is a different question.

@marcusfountain1694 - 09.01.2024 06:08

Yeah, I used to fear the bone,that was until the bort # s got low enough to count almost on 2 hands,I no longer fear ,cause it ain't enough of them,heck I have a Revell 1/48 B-1A nos in the box bought at Kadena AB in 1982 in my basement now ,I'm thinking about donating it to Wright Patt.

@daleshelden8394 - 09.01.2024 05:59

There was no second gulf war just to let you know!

@jon82987 - 09.01.2024 05:45

Can we talk about the fact that they wanted to make a B-1R? The “BONER” if you will, and it would have f-22 engines.

@craig4867 - 09.01.2024 05:29

TU-160M is brand new and it makes the B-1B look like a dinosaur 🦕 which it is!

@coolhand6669 - 09.01.2024 05:11

the North American B1B bomber is incredible for a bomber. I've been very lucky in my travels I used to hunt areas out by the high speed test area when April morning I was out hunting rabbits and all sudden the ground started to shake I turned around coming straight at me was a b1b right behind it was an F-111 on its tail all of a sudden they decided that they were going to dogfight literally dog flight right above me for the next 45 minutes it was like winning the lottery I watched two plants they weren't very small planes do maneuvers that just were incredible and we're talking very close to the ground too it was an e ticket ride. I was fishing in the Sierra Nevada mountains a few years later when the ground starts shaking again and yes I turned around there wasn't just one but three b1b bombers that were flying over my area very impressive I've seen them fly other areas also. By the chance my dad used to work for North American Aviation and he did all of the defensive electronic systems for that aircraft and also the xb70 the vigilante and a few other aircraft

@scottallberry6713 - 09.01.2024 04:59

Biggest piece of junk I ever worked around in the af.

@floydrandol2731 - 09.01.2024 04:37

Red Bullshavic!

@farmcat9873 - 09.01.2024 04:20

Imagine how much fuel that would be to fly that many sorties in enduring freedom the amount of cash in fuel alone would be more than rocstars and famous movie actors make and that's just one fight against them. Thats crazy I can barely pay my bills and they spend more than I will ever make on file for this jet and never mind the cost of JDAAMS wtf must be fricken nice take my taxes every week just to use for fuel and weapons but guess that's the price of freedom or what America government calls freedom but yet the border is crawling with illegal immigrants that the US government has the slightest clue about so all these jets arent going to mean crap cause Biden has let ALL the terrorist in already and its far to late. Such a trash prez in the 2020 to 2024 years but they just keep taking my money and its gonna be gone to waste.

@farmcat9873 - 09.01.2024 04:09

Bull$h!T russian officals check the plane for nuclear capable loads it looks like Russia has it on there planes wtf why doesn't America have them back on there? F@CK the treaty Russia signed off their treaty and now they don't give AF about any treaty about nuclear capabilities for a jet.

@dannygiuliany7301 - 09.01.2024 03:24

Thankyou president Reagan.

@rayvarnson8976 - 09.01.2024 03:24

When Trump is reelected he should bring it back.

@seven.8228 - 09.01.2024 03:20

A toy compared to the TU160

@dennisreed7181 - 09.01.2024 03:19

I enjoyed watching the B1Bs flying around Dyess AFB during my TDYs there in 1985 & 1986.

@hwoods01 - 09.01.2024 03:14

We only keep this thing around to save the Carter/Democrat legacy.

@amg_leafy5431 - 09.01.2024 02:24

B-1R aka the boner

@tonygarcia-fd4sg - 09.01.2024 01:47


@mrnoedahl - 09.01.2024 01:17

The bone is fast, but sucks a huge amount of fuel using the afterburners.

@b.thomas8926 - 09.01.2024 01:16

Considering the lack of compliance on the Nuclear treaties around the world, I suggest they rearm her for nuclear strike missions.

@Scott11078 - 09.01.2024 01:07

Growing up in Southern California I went to a ton of airshows in the '80's and '90s, tons of bases back then and tons of shows. Living in El-Toro my alarm clock was a bunch of F-18's and others turning up in the morning.

The all around best airshow had to be the one Miramar put on the year Top Gun hit the theater's. The airshow with the biggest surprise had to be one March did. At this point a demo was going on but no one was up so everyone was like wtf!? Then the announcer tells us it was a surprise display it was a B-1. I don't remember where they took off from but it was something like halfway across the country, they were coming to do the demo then flying all the way back home and all on internal fuel.

It was goddamn awesome when they made thier entrance, a low level high speed run. They did a few vertical maneuvers, a few max rate turns and they were on thier way home. It was VERY short but made a HUGE impression. Later in the show was another surprise, one of the first public displays of the F-117 THAT was a short demo, flew over turned and flew back out. It was definitely cool getting to see that but I would have rather had the Bone come back. I do remember thinking "How and why in the hell would they want to make the F404 LOUDER.😂

HOWEVER there were two airshows I had a front row seat at that had surprises VERY hard to top. The first was the F-18 crash and the second was the F-86 crash both at MCAS El-Toro.

@AtlasShrugged123 - 09.01.2024 00:45

A B1-R! We could call it the "BONER".

@pfyearwood1 - 09.01.2024 00:39

I like that B-1R. You would have pilots lining up to get a B*neR..

@Apoc_Bone_Daddy - 09.01.2024 00:33

One of my top favorite bombers

@Sullixio - 09.01.2024 00:20

It’s crazy how this technology is already dated, our exponential technology development as humans is about to surpass our comprehension with AI.

@alevans51 - 08.01.2024 23:49

Fly it to Putin's house.

@bravedirtyhawk5912 - 08.01.2024 23:47

One thing that’s not often talked about with the B-1 is its maneuverability. The last Air Show I attended many years ago a pilot was doing maneuvers with the B-1 that I only ever thought possible with a Fighter … everybody left the air show talking about it.

@bholdr----0 - 08.01.2024 22:55

'The Bone' was used in a Tom Clancy novel: 'Executive Decisions, (after the quality started to decline from his 'Cardinal of the Kremlin' peak, imho).

The premise was that India joined an Iran-China anti-U.S. conspiracy, and set their fleet between US ships out of Diego Garcia and the Persian Gulf to keep the US out...

So, the U.S. (led by Jack Ryan, of course) sent some B-1Bs on a supersonic flyover, causing all kinds damage from their legendary sonic booms, out of nowhere due to their stealth and low altitude... the Indians, of course, backed down. ('Murica!?)

Other than that just being a fun story- I wonder if massive sonic booms could cause signifigant damage to ships, etc? Once, supposedly, an F-16, during Gulf War 2, used a sonic boom to dissuade Iraqi ground units from shooting at other US assets...

Is any of this a thing, even potentially? It sounds cool. Have sonic booms ever been a part of any offensive doctrine?

@tyme2fly2 - 08.01.2024 22:17

Love the B1!!!! Wish they would do something with XB Valkerie again.

@colbywood1785 - 08.01.2024 21:46

My favorite part is the updated model was called the B-1 Regional. Leave it to the Air Force to name the fastest bomber in our fleet the boner

@Martinroot - 08.01.2024 21:39

What about the Tu-160?
The bomber that would leave the B-1 in the dust.

@thatgut2375 - 08.01.2024 20:43

My grandpa was inspector for the B1-B project and it was the first plane I ever got to see get the supersonic skirt at an air show at Edwards Air Force Base. The Bone still remains my favorite plane to date, and it's so amazing to watch fly

@douglaseuritt3919 - 08.01.2024 20:39

We live in the Black Hills and these are overhead often due to our proximity to Ellsworth. They are LOUD.

Still one of the most aesthetically pleasing aviation designs of all time.

@leeoswald9799 - 08.01.2024 20:07

Just another billion dollars of taxpayers' money goes to building something we don't even need. Russia and China won't defeat us--we will bankrupt ourselves with our bloated defense budget. Defense companies hire retired high ranking military officers to bribe their active colleagues to buy this crap. It just goes to show how morally corrupt the military is. Where are the real patriots who put country before their own profit?

@miniadventureswithmark3309 - 08.01.2024 19:27

I’ve always said she’s the most beautiful bird to fly.

@DamplyDoo - 08.01.2024 18:30

And now the usa only has 44 left right?

@GordonFalt - 08.01.2024 18:25

Fear the BoneR

@BirbFR - 08.01.2024 17:21

you sound EXACTLY like Eddie from the boys

@knine8154 - 08.01.2024 16:33

It's an insanely expensive fail that is falling apart already

@occamrazor5180 - 08.01.2024 16:18

Mike Tyson - everybody has a plan till he gets punched in the face

@daknytt8466 - 08.01.2024 14:53

Never trust a plane that falls from the skies without being disturbed by anything, at least the F-35's excuse is birds on the runway😅
