Ian McEwan's Advice for Aspiring Writers

Ian McEwan's Advice for Aspiring Writers


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2msvalkyrie - 16.04.2023 19:33

The epitome of the middle class navel gazer . A complete
petit bourgeois brain who has Zero experience of Real life .

Meenakshi - 14.04.2023 16:01

This was such a great episode

appidydafoo - 12.11.2022 15:13

Step 1) Pan the audio to the hard right channel

Tito Uno Undici
Tito Uno Undici - 21.09.2022 22:13

Looking for a ghost writer? Here I am. Low prices.

The Buddy Show Worldwide in Pattaya, Thailand
The Buddy Show Worldwide in Pattaya, Thailand - 18.06.2022 03:14

Jesus, pompous twattery.

Serge Frechette
Serge Frechette - 17.06.2022 04:38

Enjoyed this insight. I love to read and write.

figo - 26.05.2022 14:40

I disagree with almost everything he said

Narimane Mouaici
Narimane Mouaici - 24.04.2022 01:08

I agree with you, but still, undergraduates should be encouraged to write. if good writing comes along with experience, ( experiencing bein a writer,) then the more they write and the earlier they start is better,. they will build certain skills that would be useful, later on, if after some years of life- experience they decide they want to deepen their involvement in writing fiction or non-fiction. I am saying this a woman who loves reading and someone who has just started on the road to writing. and English isn't even my native language, so I regret not having adequate courses in writing . but again, may be it's a good thing that I didn't something I would have to unlearn to be the type of writer that I truly want to be! I am still deep in doubt about my ability to achieve this objective though. for now I just know that sometimes I've got ideas that demand to be made into words and be laid in paper or a digital word processor. I am trusting the process. and I find a excellent example in the writer: Ian McEwan, because, finally someone admits that writers don't always find writing and creating new worlds and original plots easy all the time. this actually, encourages me to go down this road if I had more realistic expectations. so thank you Mr McEwan and those who. posted this video. thanks😊

MrPicklerwoof - 21.04.2022 15:24

To be honest, I find this rather vague and uninspiring advice from Ian on this occasion. It seems to be a rather snobbish, traditional mindset. I've read too many published books which have very tidy prose but weak ideas - where the author has perhaps studied a bit too much in their life and has neglected the raw creativity needed to truly excite a reader.

I've read some self-published books that had some ropey prose but were immeasurably better books than some of the published ones I've read from established authors.

Basically: Don't read too much into advice from established authors. Carve your own path.

Lyle Wyant
Lyle Wyant - 27.02.2022 15:27

A chapter in a writer's handbook that I have, "First you are a sponge"

Oskar winters
Oskar winters - 18.01.2022 12:15

Saying you need to read to be a good writer is like saying you need to be a tourist to be cultured, or watch football to be a footballer.
Reality isn't so easy. instead you need to live in a country to be culturally exposed to it, you need to play the game of football to improve and you need to write and edit to enter the word of writing.
Stare at an illustration for hours if you so choose but it won't make you an illustrator. You won't truly understand the use of colour or line work until you try yourself it's a different experience.

Oskar winters
Oskar winters - 18.01.2022 12:06

my friend is doing a PhD in writing .........and she can't write. She has dyslexia but so do I.
I'm not sure why no one has told her she has the writing level of an 11 year old.

Lucia Toman
Lucia Toman - 24.09.2021 00:57

This is excellent advice. Makes me wonder about the apparent general underestimating of literature and writing as an art form. One wouldn’t necessarily foster the delusions that they might compose a wonderful sonata without having first learned to play the piano, practiced and studied famous composers’ work. And yet with literary ambitions, some of us seem to lack the necessary humility.

Jason C.
Jason C. - 26.07.2021 19:34

And just who the blue blazes is this McEwan chap, anyway? I've never read him.

Lord Bunbury
Lord Bunbury - 04.04.2021 02:15

I never understood this. Aspiring writers? You either write or you don’t.

simian shakenspere
simian shakenspere - 15.02.2021 20:14


filmneek - 06.02.2021 10:56

Imagine being in the middle of a writing undergrad degree and watching this lol

RALPH 770 - 11.01.2021 15:08

Hear, hear!

Simple Man Complex World
Simple Man Complex World - 12.09.2020 23:37

Undergrads shouldn’t be writing yet? How very elitist of him.

alf1910 - 25.08.2020 00:43

I like what he’s saying about undergraduate programs. A professor told us, in a poetry writing class, to get ourselves (our work) out there now, even if we don’t have much experience. I’m not sure where I stand with myself as a person who likes to write, but I always didn’t really agree with that statement. I want to learn, I want to read, and see the connections before I just throw my writing out in the open. I don’t care if I publish (if I ever publish my writing) later in life. I think time and experience is more important.

Archange Camilien
Archange Camilien - 14.08.2020 15:25

I have to say, I found this advice fairly surprising (I watched this video some time ago)...I mean...not that writers have to read, but that people are supposed to be influenced by writers they haven't read...how can they be?...

Krishna Bhatt
Krishna Bhatt - 18.02.2020 17:15

this is what he has not been able to show in his work. seems he loves the sound of words coming out of his mouth.

Abu (ATC)
Abu (ATC) - 26.12.2019 04:01

I searched up 'spongebob writers give advice' and this came up... I didn't even realize he wasn't a spongebob writer, I was just confused on why he wasn't talking about how to write comedy (writers from seasons 1-3 btw) lol, I am an idiot

ײַꜝ - 30.07.2019 19:57

How many of the greatest writers in history were "undergraduates?"
And since when "to be a novelist" is to do only what "intelectuals" enjoy?
That chick that wrote 50 Shades of Crap IS a writer, we like it or not, right?
I wonder how many PhD's she's got...

K August
K August - 10.07.2019 07:26

Had a student tell me that she wanted to be a writer but she hated to read...


Viv Veene
Viv Veene - 01.03.2019 08:46

"Writers need to Read"-I need to work on this better, "Writers are cut off from Cities, Countryside and Original places"
I find if I go for a walk, a drive to the country or even just sitting down in the park or in the mall and watching how people communicate, their body language and all the other things happening around me, gives me so much energy as to what I could really write about.

DMRZ - 19.11.2018 00:37

I find his explanation to be "by the book" ish you know! If he were to visit a Tibetan temple that's been lost to the world the past 800 years, i imagine he'd try to correct their vernacular because it doesn't conform to Cambridge's portrayal of an 800 year old Tibetan munk and his dialect. Yeesh, loosen Daddy Warbucks

Martin Egede Colberg
Martin Egede Colberg - 07.10.2018 10:30

English professors with a little bohemian edge. That alone was worth the listen ;-)

Nicholas James
Nicholas James - 28.07.2018 04:35

Just sit at your desk and fail. Do it again. Fail. Soon, you will have learnt the power of persistence, amid you're ego, frail and quivering. Persistence, edits out the failure, and a handful of words, may take shape...Success begins...

richu verma
richu verma - 10.07.2018 20:39

I personally believe if you read someone for particular thing then somewhere you lose your original thought.

mannies Reaction channel
mannies Reaction channel - 13.06.2018 01:43

The best way to become a good writer is practice, practice and more practice....

mannies Reaction channel
mannies Reaction channel - 13.06.2018 01:41

You have to intrgue your reader's, captivate the audience....

A Connel
A Connel - 09.05.2018 07:31

Writers are born not made......

A Connel
A Connel - 09.05.2018 07:31


Theresa Yelek
Theresa Yelek - 02.04.2018 05:59


Kaela Creighton
Kaela Creighton - 21.03.2018 02:47

I cannot save my other novels. I will try to improve, but I'm not good at delivery. I think my ideas are okay, but my method of craft is lacking. Plus, I have no passion anymore, can't pretend to be other people.

Anon B
Anon B - 10.03.2018 05:08

I've always found his work to be barely readable. :/

Diana Moldoveanu
Diana Moldoveanu - 14.02.2018 00:13

Hm, I would not agree with suggestions about ''when'' to write. That is not a choice. The person has to write when he or she has to write. And they need discussions about the writing process right then and there, whether they are 7 or 27...It's really not a choice.

Matthew - 14.10.2017 06:39

Sooooooooooo BORING!!!!!!

Emily steele_x
Emily steele_x - 30.09.2017 18:26

I really don't like this man

SINARAHUA PANAIFO - 16.09.2017 09:08


Eduardo Passeto
Eduardo Passeto - 02.08.2017 22:49

Please, put voice on the two channels!

Christopher Lancaster
Christopher Lancaster - 20.05.2017 00:37


yiru zhan
yiru zhan - 25.03.2017 03:12

I am an engineering student about to graduate this summer and this video and many of the comments below made me tear up. This is the first time in my life I find myself with the courage to pursue a dream and any word of encouragement right now touches my soul. Thank you so much you have no idea.

Ella Marie
Ella Marie - 07.12.2016 22:53

how was this advice for Aspiring writers. he was mostly talking about programs. This has nothing to do with Ian, ITS the TITLE OF THIS THAT WAS DECEIVING???? great respect for his work

DTWrites1 - 04.12.2016 19:04

Get that first rough draft down without editing as you get the story into words

TheRealRuskie - 10.11.2016 15:21

My right ear enjoyed this very much.

sandy morton
sandy morton - 18.07.2016 11:12

If you don't understand what you are reading, then reading is wasted. A writing course will outline what you are reading in the case that you have missed critical aspects. Every new book offers me new insight, as I am searching for it.

Reverend George
Reverend George - 15.07.2016 01:35

No amount of training will make a writer. You can either write or you can't, and if you can you have to.

R D JAZZBOY - 28.04.2016 22:14

I've read Ian McEwan, and the implied, but unstated message here, is that writers have to have lived a life; interacting with folks who are not necessarily literary. It's also obvious, that anyone who imagines they can write a novel without having read extensively, is probably delusional.
