GMOD VR: Exploring gm_Boreas (Something Beneath the Ice)

GMOD VR: Exploring gm_Boreas (Something Beneath the Ice)

The Librarian

2 года назад

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@tyfan1000 - 01.11.2022 23:31

I always play this while hiding from the obunga

@fens4755 - 02.11.2022 02:32

For some reason my brain always connected this to rp_Asheville and I never knew why I would guess mostly because more people should be they aren't

@CombineUnit106 - 27.11.2022 05:58

Everybody gangsta until he makes the kratos meme off that mountain

@Tripack_ - 01.12.2022 18:35

I found the wierd giant ball magnetic and it has mssing textures stalagtites

@TheDiloEmpire - 13.12.2022 09:02

The entertainment and fun of gm_boreas is matched by the fear and paranoia induced by the isolation and dark corridors

@KcTries - 27.12.2022 10:51

All was quiet that night in Calais Radar Station, machinery monitoring the skies while a snow storm raged outside. You and your buddy Grigori are playing war next to the portable electric heater you were issued, some rations and no-flame heaters ready for the boring night you foresaw. And, boring it was until you suddenly saw your shadow projected on the wall in front of you by an intense beam of light. Grigori shields his eyes, squinting as the warm air exiting his nose, redirected by his tightly wrapped scarf fogs up his glasses "-the hell?" He says as you turn around, protecting yourself the same. A single intense light pierced the darkness, fighting its way through the rushing snow and shining directly on you and your buddy. And just as soon as it lit up, it went out, leaving you partially blind for a few moments as you stood up, hobbling your way across the station to the radio. You pick up the frosted over microphone, check the frequency through the fogged glass, then hold the button down, calling "Vladimir? This is Calais, Did you see that?" Releasing the button, and listening for a response. You check the volume knob before static comes over the transceiver, and you're able to make out your colleagues voice "Go for Vlad" he said "See what? I can't see anything on nights like this." He simply said. You roll your eyes and hold the button down again "The searchlight on the control tower just lit up and blinded me. Tell whatever monkey is manning that thing to cut it out" You wait for a few moments before static comes over the old speakers once again. You hear another voice in the background before Vlad says "Thats what I thought..." His voice becomes louder and more clear "Comrade, its too cold for anyone to be on that tower right now. Plus, we don't have a shipment coming in for another week. Has the cold driven you crazy? Or is it that old hound you're staying with that did it?" You glance back at Grigori, looking just as confused as you are. Just then, another voice comes over the net "This is Anton, I saw the light from the radio station" He simply says, causing the net to go silent for a few seconds. You transmit "Maybe it was a signal, someone could be in trouble" and Vladimir responds "Alright, Ill send a couple guys down there to check it out."

This is bullsh*t, you thought to yourself trudging through the deep snow, fighting the wind as you made your way down the length of the runway. You and the guard you were posted with both carried flashlights and rifles as you approached the aircraft control tower. Your boss had told you two to go check it out... something about a light turning on when it wasnt supposed to. You didnt care. You were woken up from your sleep to go into this awful weather just to check out a light while those radar guys get to stay all nice and toasty in their little box on the hill... Whatever... you thought as you approached the tower, slinging your rifle and approaching the ladder. Your flashlight scans the surrounding area while your buddy has stayed back, aiming his up at the tower itself. You look back at him, barely able to make out his silhouette through the dark as he shrugs. You grab the rungs and being climbing, eventually coming to the catwalk outside of the tower. The only light you saw was from the inside of the radar station, and from within the towers glass, a little red light on top of the radio signifying it was powered. You sigh, grabbing your shoulder mounted radio and talking into it "Theres nothing here..." you say over it as you step up to the searchlight mounted on the railing... thats strange. The whole thing was radiantly warm, like it had been on for awhile. No snow gathered on top of it as all that did melted and slid off. You grabbed the handle and flicked the switch a couple times... but no result. You could hear buzzing but no light. Strange. You pulled it back, to look into the lens... it was liquid, the glass partially melted and dripping onto the snow far below. Baffled, you let go of the light, and try the door on the side of the tower... frozen shut. You lean over the railing and call out for your partner, seeing that his light was no longer illuminating the tower... No response through the dark wind. You clamber your way down the ladder, and into the snow, searching around with your light, calling out his name as loud as you could when suddenly, the world around you was lit up, you spun around, rifle at the ready... and you realize that very light you had just held, hot to the touch and beginning to melt away, nonfunctional, and broken was shining down on you right now.

@mike6916 - 01.01.2023 21:21

I don't blame you for pulling out a car, actually, it's exactly what I would do
All these roads in these huge maps are just begging to be driven on with any vehicle

@arctic_fox1173 - 10.01.2023 00:36

Physics said, “imma ruin this mans life”

@OutbackCatgirl - 14.01.2023 17:00

Imagine exploring this in the lidar gamemode

@varahunter68 - 23.01.2023 18:39

oh great, i wish i never knew about "the dome" thing

@MADPYROtf2 - 05.02.2023 22:00

My pc kept cradhing when i joined.
But this looks so freaking good

@hunterwatson547 - 06.02.2023 23:57

i have made this map a true shooter game by adding black mesa zombies with no headcrab i call it the dark virus

@samuelbaldwin2877 - 04.04.2023 22:15

I found this map with my big brother and we didn’t find the underground part until we were about to get off after like an hour to go find another map. I will say this map has the perfect elevation change and places to hide for tank battles 😂

@sandermur5613 - 24.04.2023 18:46

i can imagine that this map (even when in the bunker/underground base) is cold as hell, especially with the tunnels that some unknown organisms could've made when getting out of the base causing heat to be lost to the outside, and it was also fun attempting to navigate the base with my friend.

@O4bit_ - 07.06.2023 00:38

I just found a edit of gm_boreas it gm_ijm_boreas its and edit of the map where you can Launch one of the Nuclear Missiles and it kills everything on the map. In the room what you called some kind of lair there is a button that fires a powerful laser beam that ofcourse kills you and outside the entrance of the underground facility the is a border checkpoint. I think theres more edits but this one is pretty nice you should check it out!

@Liquid_Kam1kaz3 - 11.06.2023 13:17

I downloaded this map as I liked doing manhunts and running from nextbots but I never knew the bunker was there, I was running from a friend when I got in the elevator and found the train, we stopped the manhunt and just started exploring

@foerdie - 13.06.2023 09:59

Such an interesting map but I couldn’t explore it myself cause I’m playing gmod on a low end laptop

@Lamrett - 14.06.2023 15:52

Yet another case of our Librarian looking at a non-military space rocket in a civilian facility and labelling it as a nuclear missile...

@woosaaa3486 - 27.06.2023 06:46

Anyone else get the first few seconds of a video cut off after ads? Usually just like the first few words that I need to drag back for but still annoying.

@Nullrock - 05.07.2023 21:55

Love your videos, keep up the good work. librarian.

@cl1ckbait142 - 07.07.2023 23:15

I didn’t realize this is the same guy who made the haunted Minecraft videos but also he keeps saying he can’t believe this is a Gmod map I’m saying I can’t believe it’s vr compatible also top 5 fav gm maps

@omicromn2212 - 12.07.2023 02:35

Distance is a Horror Driving game, and it does have primitive VR.

@somdudewillson - 27.07.2023 06:15

I find it's interesting that whenever you find a rocket or launch silo, your mind immediately goes to "nuclear ICBM" instead of "launch vehicle for satellites". This is, after all, still operating with the ancestry of half-life, a series with several scientific rockets in recessed launch silos.

@daylin8173 - 04.08.2023 21:49

"ill be with you every step of the way"
-jester from crayola 3d castle creator

@party4lifedude - 12.09.2023 07:28

A lot of your ideas for games are things that I've always thought about and wanted. Like a really atmospheric VR driving horror game.

@collinprovost3451 - 18.09.2023 09:25

Me and my friend made some kinda lore to this map so this base area was constructed after the soviet government found the sphere in Siberia and they built a research facility around it and a while after studying it one day everyone had gone off to do other things leaving the sphere unattended and the sphere is a magnet for beings made of flesh and something inside split it open just long enough for it to escape and the sphere forced itself back together as this thing went through the facility causing a silent kill streak and one day afterwards two guys see this thing straggling another girl and they told some other people and they eventually lured it into a room and froze it and after that everyone just left it and after the USSR collapsed no one gave it another thought as the incident was coverd up and now that thing sits in wait for someone anyone to set it free from its icey prison and all the deaths were coverd up as well they couldn'teven find the bodies (and the monster in question is an all black humanoid with slightly elongated limbs no eyes a mouth fulled with white teeth and another thing the way this thing kills it wraps it's mouth around the head of the victim and sucks their organs out leaving a black hold in the face and then hides the bodies)

@i3ertram530 - 15.10.2023 00:20

Someone made a more interact-able version called IJM-Boreas, not quite worth a new video but just really cool imo

@user-di2qb1gj2y - 24.10.2023 21:07

Far Cry 4 VR Mod

@seykai - 15.01.2024 22:01

Your commentary is absolutely excellent!!

@ShadowOfYourFriend - 22.01.2024 07:36

I played this map a lot but never knew about any secrets just thinking it was a normal fun map I don’t have it downloaded anymore because I had to uninstall all of my mods so that I can finally have better frame rate and find the stuff I actually care about I remember making a save with combines In buildings and then a bunch of rebels however now that I think about it… it doesn’t make sense for there to be buildings and watch towers all with habitable environments and no people is really weird considering your basically just in a snow forest in a very cold part of the world..

@jenniffermiller6205 - 26.04.2024 00:36

This would be voices of the void in Russia tbh

@heyaple - 14.05.2024 16:25

I thought of of this map as a advanced lab where the rockets were to catch signs of extraterrestrials.

@kidthatsbadatmakingvideos - 25.05.2024 02:59

very underrated content

@SwagDog099 - 30.05.2024 03:54

I found an edit of the map where you can actually launche the missile, its kinda cool, its called gm_ijm_boreas

@TheRealTheLights - 14.06.2024 11:19

this map is good but not scary at all for me... that MAY be from me playing with my friends while obunga is chasing after us but...

@jflintgaming6832 - 03.07.2024 10:22

"It followed us"

Those who know

@metalstaup - 08.07.2024 21:20

what if you no clipped into the sphere?
